I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name!

Gilbert picked up his phone and looked as Kirsty sprinted across the street. He could swear he saw tears on the ground but he didn't want to question it. The way she described Mindbreak wasn't what he had expected. She called him an 'interesting person' and a criminal at the same time. He knew there was more to Mindbreak than meets the eye. Now it was time for him to start his own private investigation one that would take him to risky ventures. Perhaps... perhaps what he needed to do was interview people who were at Maplewood High from two years ago. If there were witnesses to the fire then maybe some would know Mindbreak from two years ago. It was a low chance of this working but he had to do it. 

"Alright... I think I know just where to start." He took Kirsty's words to heart about how the internet was just too insecure. If she could simply find him then Mindbreak could easily do it within an instant. This meant he had to be careful about how he would go about searching for people. If Mindbreak caught wind of his investigation, he could very well place people in danger. His options were limited at this point. The internet was too dangerous for investigative use. Was there anything he could use... anything at all that would aid him in his search? Of course there was.

"Hopefully I'm right on the money...," he says as he takes out the notebook he found at the school. He then proceeds to flip through each single page in hopes of finding a clue. Maybe just maybe... If Mindbreak truly was a student from Maplewood High two years ago then was it possible he wrote down names? Sometimes people write down names in their notebook for a plethora of reasons. This one may be just that.

Fargo was enjoying himself inside the oval office. After stabbing Jeb Bush (or whoever is president) he hid the body and replicated them via disguise. He was drinking champagne, not a soul disturbed him. The oval office was buitiful in his eyes.

 A large place, marbel and artifacts everywhere. It was quite the marvel. But his eyes grew weary so he turned to the window and watched the people walk by, tourist taking pictures of this wonderful monument of American power.
Fargo was enjoying himself inside the oval office. After stabbing Jeb Bush (or whoever is president) he hid the body and replicated them via disguise. He was drinking champagne, not a soul disturbed him. The oval office was buitiful in his eyes.

 A large place, marbel and artifacts everywhere. It was quite the marvel. But his eyes grew weary so he turned to the window and watched the people walk by, tourist taking pictures of this wonderful monument of American power.

(You missed my post....and the president is an actual rp character)
Fargo was enjoying himself inside the oval office. After stabbing Jeb Bush (or whoever is president) he hid the body and replicated them via disguise. He was drinking champagne, not a soul disturbed him. The oval office was buitiful in his eyes.

 A large place, marbel and artifacts everywhere. It was quite the marvel. But his eyes grew weary so he turned to the window and watched the people walk by, tourist taking pictures of this wonderful monument of American power.

(Forgot to mention)

He got into the whitehouse via disguising as Vice President (whoever the hell it is) and scheduling a meeting. How he got the disguise.... Knives are nice crude tools.
(You missed my post....and the president is an actual rp character)

(Oh.... Well shit! Why though? That's kinda well wierd as this is not a country building RP. Well then. Also im thinking about what ill do for your post.) 

Fargo was unaware that Jeb was not the president. So in the background, 2 people dead for nothing. But champagne, so it was worth it.
10 minutes ago, GearedPepper said:

Fargo was enjoying himself inside the oval office. After stabbing Jeb Bush (or whoever is president) he hid the body and replicated them via disguise. He was drinking champagne, not a soul disturbed him. The oval office was buitiful in his eyes.

 A large place, marbel and artifacts everywhere. It was quite the marvel. But his eyes grew weary so he turned to the window and watched the people walk by, tourist taking pictures of this wonderful monument of American power.


6 minutes ago, GearedPepper said:

(Oh.... Well shit! Why though? That's kinda well wierd as this is not a country building RP. Well then. Also im thinking about what ill do for your post.) 

Fargo was unaware that Jeb was not the president. So in the background, 2 people dead for nothing. But champagne, so it was worth it.


(ah, well a long time ago before the update, this rp was already made, this is simply a sequel of what happened two years later... you missed out on alot pal, also the fact that we have a ninja for president, and that ninja is a cyborg, which is also from a game called "overwatch".... go figure xD i also control him btw)
(ah, well a long time ago before the update, this rp was already made, this is simply a sequel of what happened two years later... you missed out on alot pal, also the fact that we have a ninja for president, and that ninja is a cyborg, which is also from a game called "overwatch".... go figure xD i also control him btw)

(Welp I'm still having Fargo there so you know. Ja)
(So....can I get Azamel to try and kill Genji?)

(... uhh.... well he is the president, and a character in this rp for a long time. his blade can cut through anything, so azamel'll have problems killing him alone but if he is helped, yeah you can kill him, although USA then needs a replacement cuz trump and hillary all got fingered to death by a blue whale XD)
(... uhh.... well he is the president, and a character in this rp for a long time. his blade can cut through anything, so azamel'll have problems killing him alone but if he is helped, yeah you can kill him, although USA then needs a replacement cuz trump and hillary all got fingered to death by a blue whale XD)

(Kirsty: Trust me that was way more than One finger.)
(... uhh.... well he is the president, and a character in this rp for a long time. his blade can cut through anything, so azamel'll have problems killing him alone but if he is helped, yeah you can kill him, although USA then needs a replacement cuz trump and hillary all got fingered to death by a blue whale XD)

(Azamel for president 2020?)

Jonathan, Avery, and Alex

Alex watched before pulling his sleeves up and beginning his walk into the water towards the rest.  He jolted from the cold but shrugged it off soon enough.  Jonathan meanwhile stayed on the beach with Avery who didn't want to wear soggy clothes all day until nightfall.



The soldier robot made his way to a small house.  He opened the basement door outside and walked down into the darkness.  The darkness was soon replaced with a giant lab with a metal table in the middle.  He placed Rachel on top of the table, looking back for the new guy.  "Keep her calm while I grab the supplies."

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Kara sighs, though tries again. "Is anyone able to hear? I'm here to help you," she says in a louder, more confident voice than before. She backs away from the people who are tied up, still listening for a response, though turns and starts looking around for clues as to what was going on here. Human experimentation was obvious, but why? Kara pulls out a light pink handkerchief from her bag and holds it over her nose and mouth as the stench of the room starts to make her stomach churn. Kara could handle gore, but even she had her limits. @GearedPepper  
Kara sighs, though tries again. "Is anyone able to hear? I'm here to help you," she says in a louder, more confident voice than before. She backs away from the people who are tied up, still listening for a response, though turns and starts looking around for clues as to what was going on here. Human experimentation was obvious, but why? Kara pulls out a light pink handkerchief from her bag and holds it over her nose and mouth as the stench of the room starts to make her stomach churn. Kara could handle gore, but even she had her limits. @GearedPepper  

One man stood up and nodded "I can. Though he blinded me I can hear" he says weakly. He was obviously old.
Following along Henry whistles as the giant lab. "Rent must be a right pain in the arse" while he looks over the equipment. "You got" Henry says with surprising seriousness in his voice. Sitting next to her he keeps telling her that "Everything will be okay" while holding her hand. @Shammy the Shamrock
Gilbert picked up his phone and looked as Kirsty sprinted across the street. He could swear he saw tears on the ground but he didn't want to question it. The way she described Mindbreak wasn't what he had expected. She called him an 'interesting person' and a criminal at the same time. He knew there was more to Mindbreak than meets the eye. Now it was time for him to start his own private investigation one that would take him to risky ventures. Perhaps... perhaps what he needed to do was interview people who were at Maplewood High from two years ago. If there were witnesses to the fire then maybe some would know Mindbreak from two years ago. It was a low chance of this working but he had to do it. 

"Alright... I think I know just where to start." He took Kirsty's words to heart about how the internet was just too insecure. If she could simply find him then Mindbreak could easily do it within an instant. This meant he had to be careful about how he would go about searching for people. If Mindbreak caught wind of his investigation, he could very well place people in danger. His options were limited at this point. The internet was too dangerous for investigative use. Was there anything he could use... anything at all that would aid him in his search? Of course there was.

"Hopefully I'm right on the money...," he says as he takes out the notebook he found at the school. He then proceeds to flip through each single page in hopes of finding a clue. Maybe just maybe... If Mindbreak truly was a student from Maplewood High two years ago then was it possible he wrote down names? Sometimes people write down names in their notebook for a plethora of reasons. This one may be just that.

@JPax (Floods of posts. This is a backup just in case scenario.)


Rachel smiled happily, pointing around the room.  "My friend Ray made all this stuff!  She's smart," she talked about Ray like an imaginary friend.  She got up, walking to the fire extuguisher to reveal a loaf of bread in the case.  "I like to hide food when she's not around.  Ray doesn't like it....or me."  The little girl frowned but had her loaf of bread to nibble and comfort her.
Henry perked up when Rachel woke up. He looked around as she pointed around the room. He followed her as she went over to  the fire extinguisher. He smiled at the loaf of bread.  He then looked down as the young girl said about Ray. "Well I can't see why she does lass you seem very sweet to me" Henry said in a rather serious voice, as he picked up a slice and turned it into a lollipop. Handing it to her he asks "Where is this Ray now?". @Shammy the Shamrock
One man stood up and nodded "I can. Though he blinded me I can hear" he says weakly. He was obviously old.

Kara whirls back around as she hears the man speak up. She approaches him, speaking in a gentle voice. "I can get you all out of here, you just have to trust me. I can take you to a hospital, and you'll be.... well, honestly, I don't know how much of what has been done to you can be fixed, but you'll at least be more comfortable. Can you get the others, assuming they can't hear me, to move?"

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