The Living Script
HarmonyNickTonCutter said:"Yeah.Some of them are really insane,while other are good.And the Olds Gods want to destroy this city.Haven't you heard about the news?" Certainly,Nick was a little worried about this guys.Knowing that he is riding outside in this crazy town.
Ben was looking at Harmony with weird eyes "Don't play that game with me.I'm here to excuse my past comportment."
Duality simply look deeply into Kantos eyes "And you cannot defeat me too.Why don't you let me go see my olds friends?" she could have definitely teleport out but she was curious about this new guys,Kantos never exist in her timeline.
"I don't know... I don't remember anything. All I remember is being in this large place, then this bald guy got Me out. I.... somehow got away and now I'm here. I had to stab a mugger. I expected to feel remorse but I didn't.i didn't feel anythint, not even happiness."