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Realistic or Modern I'll Fight Knowing Nobody Knows My Name! - Superhero\Villain RP

As Django was out unconscious, Hibiki (AI) would look around the room as he was still functioning. 'Hmm... I better do something about this quickly. I won't last long, but I have to do this.' He would enter into Django's consciousness, and take over his body from there. Then with his strength, he would break free from the rope, and would escape from the building.

'Now then... I won't last long, so I must hurry back. There is one place I can go back to,' and Hibiki (AI) would hurry back to his old apartment. As he did he wondered why Nina would do this in the first place. There was definitely something going on here.

(Another use of the Memory Unit displayed!)
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Once everybody was on the plane and prepared to go Yukari brought the plane into her world, a tear in the sky of Stanfield opened prematurely so that Yukari could see if they were clear. Well the sky must have looked empty to the people of Sanfield, that was until a military plane appeared out of nothing and was prepping to land. Yukari looked over to Adrian and her 4 students "You are in charge now... Go and do me proud." Yukari said before she vanished back to the Shrine.

(Open for Interaction.)


Aidrian simply nodded at Yukari as she left, once he was ready his blue eyes had turned red and he was now ready for battle. Electricity sparked all over his arms and before anyone could say a word he opened the door of the plane and jumped..

That was when Aidrians cyber part kicked in, his jet pack opened up and stabalised his fall only to begin propelling him forward. With a loud yell of berserker rage Aidrian crashed into a building fist first causing as much damage as possible.

(Open for Interaction)
Rhosvyn said:

Once everybody was on the plane and prepared to go Yukari brought the plane into her world, a tear in the sky of Stanfield opened prematurely so that Yukari could see if they were clear. Well the sky must have looked empty to the people of Sanfield, that was until a military plane appeared out of nothing and was prepping to land. Yukari looked over to Adrian and her 4 students "You are in charge now... Go and do me proud." Yukari said before she vanished back to the Shrine.

(Open for Interaction.)


Aidrian simply nodded at Yukari as she left, once he was ready his blue eyes had turned red and he was now ready for battle. Electricity sparked all over his arms and before anyone could say a word he opened the door of the plane and jumped..

That was when Aidrians cyber part kicked in, his jet pack opened up and stabalised his fall only to begin propelling him forward. With a loud yell of berserker rage Aidrian crashed into a building fist first causing as much damage as possible.

(Open for Interaction)
(Eh, Yukari could talk to Nina xD )
YoungX said:
(Another use of the Memory Unit displayed!)
(Do you want a Dr. Starling memory unit? His thoughts are very fucked up but he's physically stronger than Kirsty and also has electrokinesis xD . Also you seem to need open interaction many times, so I can play the Starling mem unit if you want xD )
JPax42 said:
(Do you want a Dr. Starling memory unit? His thoughts are very fucked up but he's physically stronger than Kirsty and also has electrokinesis xD . Also you seem to need open interaction many times, so I can play the Starling mem unit if you want xD )
(Oh that would be fun! xD In any case, to make that Dr. Starling memory unit I'm gonna have to meet up with him first. xD )
Rhosvyn said:
(Where is Nina? I accidentally forgot about that sorry.)
(Well , she took a human to the alley and currently is pointing a gun to his head so Hermony could come out and reveal herself because she's been following Nina. So you could just see them , I guess?)
"Alright then I guess I'll have to wait" Owen said. Turning up the TV to list to the news again, Owen sat back in his chair. Seemed quiet for once. Opening the window, Owen light a cig. "You don't mind do ya?".

saitama then comes out of the supermarket with about over 50 platic bags thats about to break from the sheer heaviness of the items. he walks into the motel and dumps everything there and walks out again
AugustineVampire said:
"So?" I said, still pointing the gun at the innocent guy's head, "are you going to come out?"
@Yappi AHEM
Harmony is a girl -_-

I teleport down to her with my hood flipped down showing I'm a skeleton "sure"
Yappi said:
Harmony is a girl -_-
I teleport down to her with my hood flipped down showing I'm a skeleton "sure"
(I know that , but Nina doesn't. :3)

"Great." I said shooting the guy in his stomach and make him fall, "Now, can you tell me the reason why exactly were you following me?"

If Nina or Harmony were to look up they would see what looked like a large dark red eye staring at them from what looked similar to the depths of space. Yukari did not say a word to maker prescense known however, she was merely watching the two of them.

@AugustineVampire , @Yappi

(Just so you know they likely wouldn't notice if they do t look up.)
YoungX said:
(Oh that would be fun! xD In any case, to make that Dr. Starling memory unit I'm gonna have to meet up with him first. xD )
(Prepare for a fucked up meeting then xD )


"Sure, I don't mind!" Anella's voice was distorted from how fast she was zipping around the kitchen. At one point she even wanted bacon faster, so she concentrated on the bacon. A crackling of electricity and heat could be heard as Anella cooked the bacon with her eyes. "So much for making bacon with 'no charge!'" Anella laughed at her own joke as she almost finished setting up the food.

Anella put the plates on the table, as well as silverware. "Mr. Owen? Do you want to eat over there so you can watch the news?"


@SirGrey (It seems that making bad puns and laughing at their own jokes runs in the family with Anella and Kirsty)

Dr. Starling

Slowmosexual, in his usual superhero attire, was flying around Sanfield. At one point he landed smack in the middle of the city, in front of Hibiki's apartment. He quickly felt his face to make sure his makeup was still on, so he looked fully human except for the eyes. He wasn't a master at landings, so he created a large pothole. In fact, he can't even fly. There he would begin walking around, looking for somewhere to change into the twisted scientist, Doctor Randall Starling.


@YoungX (Open for interaction)
AugustineVampire said:
(I know that , but Nina doesn't. :3)
"Great." I said shooting the guy in his stomach and make him fall, "Now, can you tell me the reason why exactly were you following me?"

It simply goes through my hoodie and out the other end."I saw you drop something, left in a hurry so I figured you were up to something"

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