Character Theory If your characters existed in real life...


Junior Member
If your characters existed in real life...
  1. How would they feel about you?
  2. How would you treat them?
  3. Would you get along with them?
  4. Would you regret creating them?
  5. Would their personalities make it difficult for them to fit in modern society?
  6. What role would they play in the modern society?
  7. Would you show them the stories you wrote about them?

...Those are just a few questions that follow from that one condition in the title, and I found myself wondering about them and was curious if anyone else had already thought about it. Regardless of whether you did or not, what would the answers be?

I know there are many other questions that could be asked, but I don't like making such a vague question without giving some potential directions for people to take. Don't feel limited by them, if you thought of another question that you want to answer, please do list it here. The order is arbitrary too.

Also, seems things have a tendency to escalate into an argument, so I already want to warn that that's not what this topic is for. Feel free to ask about other people's answers, but do it in a friendly way and don't push them. This involves personal stuff too, so it's easy to get...well, personal.

I'm aware of issues here. If your character was made for a realistic modern RP, the fifth and sixth questions have already been answered. The first (partly) assumes they know of their stories and endings, while the seventh assumes they don't, and the second depends on that factor as well. How did they even begin to exist anyway? Did they teleport as soon as their story ended, or were they born in the real world? Et cetera. Don't let the bothersome details drag your imagination down, take the possibilities you prefer. I'm also not asking you to list all of your characters and their answers (but you can do that if you want to, it's not against the rules. Incoming walls, though), an overview is fine.

With the explanation out of the way, I'll do it with a list following my order because otherwise, no point in me organizing it like that in the first place.

  1. Most of my characters have something tragic about them. I really like bad endings too. Would you appreciate the person that decided your fate is "was betrayed by his best friend and shot full of flaming arrows"? Yeah, didn't think so. Pretty sure I wouldn't get much sympathy from them. I do have one in particular that would actually be happy though, as long as his misfortunes made other characters shine.
  2. I wouldn't push them on talking about what I wrote for them, but I'd make sure to let them know they could just speak their mind about it. Another thing I'd absolutely want to let them know is that if I knew actual people were being created and put through what I write/think, I'd probably reconsider my bittersweet preference. But considering I currently don't think that's what is happening, it wouldn't feel honest to apologise to them. Some of them would also know this last part, as explained in the next question.
  3. I take some of my characteristics when I make a character, and then add other stuff that aren't like me or are part of a non-realistic fandom. I think we'd at least be able to relate due to the first part. But then again, one of the possible characteristics include disliking one of their own characteristics, so the characters with said characteristic would probably dislike me, making getting along more difficult. Another characteristic is distrust in beings with higher power, which just might describe me since I had the "power" to create them. Another one is curiosity, which might make them more tolerant despite the parts that aren't like me. There are just too many factors to consider, but I think that about sums them up.
  4. Now that I have to answer that question, I realize how heavy it sounds. I would regret having put them through the bad stuff just due to my whims, but none of them just started existing on accident, and I don't regret any of the creative process involved in their creation. Some of them have the potential to become prominent (real life) villains too, but even then my final answer is no.
  5. Some would really clash with everything else, while others would be more likely to adapt. But since I gave them all some characteristic I consider mine, most would have some extra difficulty.
  6. I see can futures as soldiers, politicians, game designers, shut-ins, athletes, wrestlers, entrepreneurs, eternal rebels, and of course, some more tragic ones.
  7. I would, regardless of what their stories are and how much they already know of it. I don't want the guilty of keeping that a secret. It might be a story to me, but to them that's their history after all. Although if I didn't know them, I'd wait a bit more until I could figure them out first.
And there you have it, it took some thought. Curious as to how it turns out for others.
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that's really interesting, your characters sound more grounded despite having a dark or tragic past. some people get a little carried away with darker, bordering on unrealistic. but you really sound like you understand, and i don't even know your characters so that's a big thumbs-up for you : )

1. they'd probably feel preeeetty weird that i'm basically their GOD. but eventually, i think that'd become a back-of-the-head thought. kinda like when your parents give you "the talk" and you're like "what?? you did what with your huhh?? with mom????" then later on you start thinking about it less and less, and then life goes on. i think the more tragic characters would feel bitter or avoid me. but i think they'd say they understood why i did what i did. they might even go as far as to say that they feel sorry for me. pain is relative, they understand that even though from a third person perspective they have it worse than me. they'll leave it at that, but they have the right to feel however they feel about me.

2. i made them out of the thought of being lonely and wanting someone to relate to. i'd treat them with ice cream and fun times and maybe shopping, after all i always wanted a school friend to do that with : )

3. haha, yes, we'd get along pretty well actually~ we'd be like a big family, a weird grouchy upset family. i mean, they have their own problems still, nothing is going to get rid of that. so it'd probably be pretty unstable relationship between us, but overall i'd treat them well with whatever they're going with.

4. no, never, they're my babes. cradle my babies as they face their emotional crises

5. all my characters would be fine i think. the only one who'd have a problem is the one who is a walking talking anthropomorphic dog, but i'm sure he'll be fine. go to the countryside and live in a cottage, somewhere peaceful and quiet. he'd be fine

6. this one is rather difficult to answer, most are teenagers so i guess it's less of a role and more of what high school stereotype they fall under. the back-of-the-class kid, the party girl, the school athlete girls swoon over. some example of what i mean (not actually my characters just examples) but i do have adult characters, so i suppose scientists, farmers, cashier.

7. sure, as long as it's not spoilers for what's to come. this is a journey for them to embark and them alone, and in the end they'll gain more than what it'll take. if it's like they're backstory, sure why not? it's not like it's anything new, i'm sure they'd be curious what i wrote for notes and that's fine. it's cute if anything :3

this was interesting to write, very good questions beundo.
1. How would they feel about you?
I see a lot here about tragic pasts, but while my characters may tend to have them as well, more often than not they have overcome their pasts and are further working to better themselves despite them. I think this would be my saving grace, as I believe most of my characters would feel upset over their pasts, but grateful for who they'd become because of them. I think that for the most part they'd look to me for advice, or try and help me, but just gonna say, I definitely have some bitter characters that would start out wanting me dead.
They aren't super common, but some of the characters I have created are cruel because of their pasts, or are forced to be something they never wanted to be. These characters may or may not want to see me bleed.

2. How would you treat them?
My characters all kind of become a piece of me, they're my children and even though they're just lines and words I care for them deeply. If they were to come into existence I would desperately want to take care of them, even the ones much older than me, because I care about what happens to them. I have not one character that I wouldn't want to hold onto until they were ready for the world.

3. Would you get along with them?
Yes, yes absolutely, it might be difficult with some, but I would care too much for their well-being not to make my best effort to.

4. Would you regret creating them?
Well... You see, a very small, very obscure fraction of my characters were never meant to be a part of our world. Some of them aren't even just individual characters, and are more like whole species where some individuals get the spotlight... Some wouldn't be able to fit in, and some would have survival instincts that would bring whole cities to their knees ^w^
So yes, I would regret creating some of them, but again I care for all of my characters, so I wouldn't regret that they exist... well, not entirely.

5. Would their personalities make it difficult for them to fit in modern society?
Maybe one or two, but personality wouldn't be the part that made this difficult for most, it would be what they are. Animals, monsters, supervillains, alien lifeforms.
I think a lot of them wouldn't even want to if they could.

6. What role would they play in the modern society?
Soldiers, criminals, teachers, politicians, these dudes could be anything they wanted to be, honestly, though I think more often than not they'd be members of the armed forces (military, police, blah blah blah)

7. Would you show them the stories you wrote about them?
Yes, but only because none of them are finished.
Only one of my characters has an end to his story and even his isn't the end of his life, just the end of an event in it... Where he may or may not have injured and killed a bunch of people but still!
None of their stories complete their lives, and as of yet none of them have died, so I would show them, I wouldn't want to have anything to hide. (Ok except for that one guy who got killed by dinosaurs but he doesnt count because dinosaurs don't exist anymore. Unless a fossil display collapses on top of him he's fine.)
These characters would never have existed if I didn't sit down and at least take some time writing them into existence. They're thriving in my mind, but until I've actually made some tales for them to share with their companions and memories for them to reminisce on, they won't really be living or breathing until I do. I like to think that once they're able to make it all this way over here, in the world their creator resides in, it's no longer the writer's responsibility to inject them with experiences or outline the path before them. From that point on, the characters' stories will write themselves and the road in front of them will expand, steady and unwavering, free of the burdens many writers experience.

My characters are nice, for the most part. Nothing quite tragic or world-shaking has happened with these four... but the lives they live have been quite fulfilling so far. Let's pretend this goes well for them, instead of considering the more realistic things that would happen in this day and age. The best-case scenario, then.
  1. There may be some sort of existential crisis going on with everyone involved, but after some deep conversation, and some sharing of stories, they'll come to accept, and understand what's happened. But now, they're living outside of my mind, and they're more than just some storybook characters now. They'll surely feel some kind of resentment or disappointment at what they've left behind by showing up here, but some of them will be quick to move on and just take the new paths that life and its fucked-up nature has laid out in front of them. They'll all get used to me eventually.
  2. Like long-lost friends? I don't know, but I like to think I'd welcome them with open arms, share some experiences, and just shoot the shit for a while. I suppose I have to guide them through this strange new world they're going to be a part of now, but I'm sure I'll be ready for that if the time ever came.
  3. They've traveled alongside each other for so long they might as well be family at this point. With enough time, I'll be a part of that family. It won't be hard to get along with them at all, and before I know it we'll have seen all the world has to offer, plus a little more. Yeah, I've always been fond of the wide world, and I've always wanted to see it all and do it all. With these four here, I could drop everything and do that right now. My goodness, the sights. Always wondered how some of those places would look if we were looking at them from the clouds, or as close as we wanted.
  4. Given the best-case scenario, no. I never expected them to be here with me in the first place, but if they're here then I'll make the most of it. If they were sitting around me right now, there wouldn't be a single shred of regret in my mind, there's just no way, just...
  5. Ha, that's absurd. Their personalities won't be an obstacle in the slightest, and it'll be the least of your worries either way. It's not personality. Not by a long shot. I think a couple of them will be fine, but if you glanced at the other half you already know this isn't going to be easy.
  6. They'll miss the world they left, that's for certain, but it'll hardly be long before these four carry on what they always enjoyed doing - embarking on the voyage around the world, and endearing themselves to the inhabitants with all the stories they could possibly share. It's strange, novel, and entirely unlike anything they've encountered before, but eventually they'll get used to the world - and we'll get used to them as well.
  7. Yes, most of them. They'd certainly be interested in their world, its stories, and my portrayal of those stories. In addition, one of my characters is an avid sketcher and writer, which adds a whole nother layer to the experience. Now we have two different perspectives on each story, with some impressive artwork so I can truly see this fictional world outside my head. In a way, it's like I could get my visual impressions of the world on paper, without any artistic talent needed on my part. And as long as there's new experiences to be had, there'll be more where that came from.
  1. This first one really depends. Some of my characters would get on with me fine die to having similar personalities to me. Artemis (my pokemon OC) is a wierd case because, well, he's a logical person. Finding out that everything he's ever known is a lie might break him. As for Karry, well, she's not big on people comtrolling others (bad experiences in that area) so she'd probably hate me.
  2. Like normal people.
  3. No, not really. I'm not big into sob stories. I might regret creating Karry a little but I believe that some of her suffering helps shape her into a stronger person.
  4. Jens is a dashing rogue who hates laws so probably not. Karry has a rather, er, old fashioned personality but she could probably do it with enough coaching. Grant and Artemis would probably fit in just fine (though Artemis might have a hard time getting a job).
  5. Jens would probably have no problem getting a job in body guarding or something. Karry might be a secretary maybe? I don't know. Grants still in high school so he'd just keep going there. And Artemis probably will just end up working in retail or something due to being eighteen and having graduated college at 16 (not to mention the colege he graduated from doesn't exist!)
  6. Jens would be thrilled that someone's chronicling his adventures so thats a yes for him. That's a no for Grant as someone chronicling his adventures is actually a major plot point in his story. Thats a no for Artemis as I don't want to break him. And a no for Karry because she doesn't really like people controlling others let alone her.
1. I probably wouldn't even be on either of my character's radars, though if they did notice me, it'd be bad either way, considering one of them is an honor-obsessed warrior and the other is a ruthless space pirate.

2. Well, I'd certainly try to get on their good side considering they're both vastly stronger than I am.

3. Well, hopefully. They don't like dealing with people who they don't get along with.

4. Only one, really, considering the space pirate is just waiting to wipe out all life on Earth so he can sell the planet.

5. Oh certainly. They'd find a way to start a war one way or another

Cinder Block Chris: Soldier or Boxer (Maybe professional wrestler)
Llashot: Real estate speculator

7. Prolly not, considering they'd be horrified if they saw their history put into a story and they don't like dealing with things that scare them peacefully.
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1. They would all love me.
2. I would treat every single one the way they want to be treated. (Maybe have them become my maids)
3. I would get along with all of them expect maybe some of the depressing ones. T.T
4. I would not regret creating any single one of them.
5. Their personalities would sorta given them a hard time to fit into the modern society. Especially since 50% are a little Yandere.
6. Role in a modern society...graphic designers, animators, talented musicians, world renowned soccer players, and famous chefs.
7. Would I show them the stories I wrote about them? Yes. Time to embarrass them.
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1. They would all love me.
2. I would treat every single one the way they want to be treated. (Maybe have them become my maids)
3. I would get along with all of them expect maybe some of the depressing ones. T.T
4. I would not regret creating any single one of them.
5. Their personalities would sorta given them a hard time to fit into the modern society. Especially since 50% are a little Yandere.
6. Role in a modern society...graphic designers, animators, talented musicians, world renowned soccer players, and famous chefs.
7. Would I show them the stories I wrote about them? Yes. Time to embarrass them.
I can see this just being like "Hey, remember the time you-" "Dude! Shut up!"

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