If you were in a video game, what would the character above you drop when they die?

Swedens flag colours are blue and yellow, explains IKEA, also I lied, It's a Chad flag >:D

an encyclopaedia about all the different kinds of Scandinavian birds.

You're taking advantage of my lack of knowledge of world flags.

You drop a pet Lynx, the official animal of Romania.
you say you don't know facts and yet for some reason casually know the signature animal of Romania


You drop this in an egg
I didn't know it, Google did. The little bird looks a lot different than its mother.

You drop a book of interesting facts about Romania.
I'm not even Romania :(

You drop a teleporting crystal thats sends the user to either The Bahamas or Sweden
I just googled the flag of Chad and Romania. They look the same. You are tricky, tricky. 😛

You drop a blue piece of paper, a yellow piece and a red piece. Put next to each other they look like a flag.
I am very tricky ;)

A tiny Waluigi pet that follows you around and plays tennis
A standard 8x11.5 page of letter paper with the words "avenge me" written in blue 8 crayon.
Hope you like side quests.
A complete collection of the entirety of the marvel franchise in including comic books, toys, merchandise and movies.
A tape recorder with a soundbyte of Cardi B and Megan the Stallion's hit song WAP but instead of WAP they say Waluigi's WAH, and the whole song is sung by Waluigi.
A magical flower: The juice of the flower placed upon a person's eyes makes them fall in love with the next person or creature they see.
A mysterious journal, with all it's pages ripped out. There is one page however towards the back that has a cryptic language that no one can read.

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