Anime & Manga If Pokemon were real.....


Would you be a trainer still? Why or why not?

I don't think I could ever be a trainer in real life. I'd feel too bad! I'd probably just have a few Pokemon and take them to contests or maybe just keep them as pets.
*Only reads title*


In all seriousness, probably not xD I'd get, like, a Pichu or something as an adorable little pet, and that's about it.
I would get some as a guardian, pets, or transport (salamence) but battling for money is just insane, and will most likely result in a fast death
There's so many 'it depends' factors that I can't really say for sure. But if life were to be anything like the Anime, then yes, I'd be a trainer. c: I think there are more regulations and mutual understandings that'd prevent death and ensure good sport, course there'd be activists but it's a lifestyle, one that was created mostly for evolution.

Like, it depends on a bunch of factors that depends on how the battles would be. If battles were to the death or posed a large harm to the Pokemon, than probably not. I wouldn't have the heart to do that to them. If battling was mostly harmless and more for fun than anything, then sure I'd probably be a trainer. I'd be more interested in battling than anything else probably.

In any case, I would most definitely have all my dragons. I'd be the dragon lady down the road.
I'd like to think I would.

If it was like the anime or games, probably. It sounds like quite an adventure!

Plus, pokemon are very cute.

Realistically I think I'd end up loosing money and loosing heart. And if pokemon were to be edgy and actually dangerous, I'd probably wuss out, from fear of getting myself hurt.
I'd like training them I think but not sure if I would have the courage to travel so far from home or do actual battles. But like beauty contests or something might be nice. I think trying to catch new ones near my town or something would be fun.
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Get a Gible, train until it's a Garchomp, strap myself to it's back and then find out just how fast I can ride it without tearing my face off.

...I might want to swap the last two around a bit
I'd get a Pokemon that'd be beneficial to keep around. For example, a Blissey or Alakazam. Blissey would be a naturally good caretaker and Alakazam is just wise enough to be the perfect partner to hang around. Maybe I'd pick up a thing or two.
I would like to be a trainer I would treat my pokemon with respect and in battle I wont force it to fight if its hurt or tired I would build a strong bond with it since its not just a pet but a friend as well
I would be a trainer. Despite my usually shy demeanor, I do have a competitive streak and that would probably cause me to aim to be one of the best trainers. However, I'd probably aim to be the best at whatever it is I do, rather than the best in the world. At the end of the day, raising Pokemon would be more about forging bonds than anything else. At least to me.
I'd probably catch a bunch of them, train some so they evolve... I'd mostly use them as companions/a means of travel. We'd see the world together~

(Flying around on an Altaria sounds like the life tbh)

But I probably would train them enough that they can defend us if we ever run into trouble.
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Apparently no one considered becoming a detective with one.
Imagine a Pokemon like Beedrill being real though. I guess that's one main reason why I won't be a Pokemon trainer.

But I'd totally keep Pokemon as companions. Mostly dragon types and ice types. (And Jolteons.)

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