idiotic lunar's question


New Member
O.k. so I got a nightmare about this the other day. its possible, for a lunar with the emerald grasshoper thinguie to take the heart's blood of a tenia, and the travel the creation wide within a person? there's charms that can make its host a puppet, with sharing of the senses and controling its host. it is feasible, or just a idiotic lunar's idea?
You could take it's form, but you couldn't learn it's charms. That's unless I'm misguessing what a tenia is (really tiny symbiote/parasite of some sort?)
Probably; it'd be a bit icky, though.

I'm sure somewhere there's a Chimera who's just like the symbioties from spiderman.
Try and picture the ritual hunt for a tapeworm and the dedication ceremony to Luna for that one.
That's pretty much the same for any insect form. At least with a tapeworm there's a chance you get to rip someything else open to find one.

I'm totally gonna do this with my Lunar character now. It's exactly the kinda thing he'd get a kick out of.
Be hard though. Makes me imagine a Lunar with a clipboard and a list walking up to people and asking the if they have the symptoms of having a tapeworm. "No... no... no... you do? Great!" Then he disembowels them.
Why not just get the demon-munching knack and turn yourelf into a stomach bottle bug? Makes for much better bragging rights at the next meeting.
I'm not essence 4 yet. That simple. That knack is the first thing I'll be getting though, for sure.
I dunno, tapeworm just doesn't seem... well, manly enough. The other Lunars would be all "You went and hunted down a tapeworm so you can turn into it? Ha ha, weak." And then they'll beat you up and throw your lunch in the river.

Hunt down a heartseeker wasp or something.
They'll be laughing out the other side of their faces when I steal their lunch...

Would you say it'd be a Strength + Medicine roll to turn back to normal and, in doing so, burst messily from their innards?
This deal just gets better and better and better.

It's like gas form gangrel all over again.
Why Strength + Medicine? If you're just changing back into a person, I don't see Medicine having anything to do with it. The character is just changing back. Now, Strength + Resistance might be applicable......

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