Other Idea Creates You a (super?)Power (Quizz)

Should I make more things like this?

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You are killed by the genie
Lmao whoops... That's a first...

"Newtonian Wish" is your ability. For each of your arms any given person can make two wishes of the creation, transformation, information or destruction types. However they can only wish for anything like that that already exists in our real reality and has no magic or otherwise supernatural properties. So they can wish to create a set amount of money, but creating infinite money or creating a magical artifact is impossible. In addition, the ability will have a backlash effect on the wisher. If they wish for something positive, then something inverse and negative will occur to them. If they wish for something negative then something equal will happen to them as well. Further wishes cannot stop this. To grant a wish you place a hand with which you haven't granted a wish yet on someone's forehead. You cannot grant your own wishes or choose not to grant someone's wish if they still have any available wishes.
Ooooh! I like this; the only downside is not having my own wishes haha...
1) What is justice to you?
justice is what people believe is right. But that doesn't mean it is always moral.

2) What is victory to you?
victory is winning/being the best at something. And not being sad about it.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Seeing as I am a hero. I would have some super power. but even without. I would do my best to do two things. I would save the child. then try to save the super hero, succeeding maybe if I sacrifice myself. My last wish is that he captures the criminals and makes them recieve proper punishment.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
cats, because they are cute and fluffy. Without being slobber beasts.

5) What is your favorite color?
blue. The color of the night sky as it fades to black.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
fantasy - nation.

7) Describe your ideal home
one with enough space for everyone . While being able to still be comfy. And places for all my things. Within a good neighborhood, so no one dies or gets robbed.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Strategy. If you know how to take em down. You are more likely to be able to
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
I support people alot, but I tend to want to stab things.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I would reveal it, when I feel it would be most useful. Using it as a trump card

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I would keep quiet, but warn them not to do so again. Because I already have a bad reputation, So it wouldn't affect me as much as him.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1 ) I wish to know the location of all ancient cities
2) I wish humans could discover magic, that was used in ancient times.
3) I wish I wasn't ugly. ( cri )

13) When most afraid you...
I would probably freak out, after trying to stay calm. Ending up destroying everything not nailed down in the area. ( I accidently put multiple holes in the wall ;3; )

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Myself. Because if I can't trust myself, who can?

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
All my pockets. To make sure I don't forget anything.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
animals are cute sorta... plants are useful... they are pretty close in my opinion. except cats are the best.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Depends on who is getting killed/killing.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
super hero, to protect my friends .

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
I am smart, and learn fast.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I am lazy and procrastinate
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
not really, i am a cancer... but if you mean year wise. I am a dragon.
Ohhhhhhhh I fuckin love this okok
Why thank you!

Ohhhhhhhh I fuckin love this okok

1) What is justice to you?
Justice is wrongs turned right in any way. Whether it's as simple as a witty comeback toward some asshole or a rapist being sent to jail for his crimes. But wrongs turned right only is justifiable when the punishment fits the crime. If someone flips the fuck out on someone else for a stupid mistake it's not justice it's just...overkill.

2) What is victory to you?
In a competition sense even like 2nd place is still fine by me I guess?? Idk I don't do much here tbhhh like I'm not very competitive?

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Uhhh fuck man
Probably my family member/friend?
Like I highkey wouldn't be able to live with myself afterward but

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I love cats, domestic or wild doesn't matter to me. They're not crazy needy or annoying like dogs but they don't just act like you don't exist either... Like I can live my life with them around but they'll still sit with me and they have a personality, unlike, say, a tortoise or something like that.
Big cats are different in the sense of it's not really a pet thing I just love their dynamics with each other like they still act like domestic cats in a lot of ways and it's kinda cute??

5) What is your favorite color?
Black bc I'm an edgy emo kid

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Depends on my mood but usually realistic/modern, but fantasy definitely can trump it every now and then, it just depends on the plot

7) Describe your ideal home
To live on my own, three large bedrooms, but with my family I'd say like six large bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, one story. Open windows but thick, blackout curtains in all of them. Finished basement, and an attic storage space. Outside of the house would be pale yellow, with grey designs (like shutters and the door etc) with window boxes of flowers (that would probs die within a week because I forgot about them) Inside walls would be painted a light grey, furniture would be black with yellow accents to match the whole aesthetic of the outside. But it'd still be cozy...? There would be a room devoted to specifc things. Schoolwork stuff if I lived with my family, but music/art if I lived on my own. There'd also be a room specifically for animal related things because I love me some pets....
God I got way too into this, fuck

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
The ability to defend yourself and/or others...even if you can't manage to actually hurt the people/person you're fighting against...you can't exactly do that if you're dead either so?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Is a useless person standing to the side an option bc??
No but honestly I'd probably care for the wounded I guess? Like healing and patching up wounds etc

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Use it but rlly lowkey and only in a seriously desperate situation

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Honestly, knowing myself, my first reaction would be to flip the fuck out on them....but if I let myself think about it enough I wou;dn't tell anyone that it was them. I'd let them know I was pissed as hell but....

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1. I'd wish that my parents owned a million/billion dollar company
2. I'd wish for a way for my parents marriage to be better (or at least for their mental shit to calm the fuck down)
3. I'd wish for a way for me to learn to be less afraid of doing things I'd enjoy / fucking stuff up...

13) When most afraid you...
Hide. Whether it's in a literal sense of like freaking myself out in the middle of the night and hiding under the covers, or in a sense of a friend bringing up an uncomfortable topic I just...hide. Not even read the conversation until they change the subject.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get awkward as hell about it??? Like I'll literally do anything I can to make sure I don't fail tho

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My gut feeling.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
To make sure I haven't left anything important, though I always somehow manage to

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Animals are literally the best thing on this damn planet I want a million of them
Plants are cute as hell even if I'm shit at taking care of them I love how they look. I just wish I could keep them alive.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It's bad don't do it
Unless it's self defense
Then fuck morals don't die

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Probably a superhero and probably because I'd feel like I had to tbh? Not in like a "ugh but I have to" way more in a "I was given special abilities I can't just not use them" kinda way.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
I mean I try to be a good person...and make sure I don't do any harm to others, emotionally or physically?
Maybe just like...idk I'm good at taking care of people I guess?? 5 little siblings does that to you tho

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I'm not confident. Like at all.
Like I psych myself out all the time and convince myself of everything thaat'll go wrong and then I don't do things. Or I convince myself I'll mess things up and then won't do them...

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not really??
Considering I'm a Scorpio and yet I literally have 0 interest in sex and relationships but that's all they ever talk about with them

And that's it okokok
Your power is named "Cat-ouflage", an ability which allows you to camouflage into any set of plants by having plants of the same kind suddenly grow from your body and clothes when you put yourself in a cat-like prowling position among those plants. The ability also accelarates the growth of nearby plants to aid your disguise. So if prowled into a set of low grass, the grass would grow to help cover you up so you don't look like a giant mound in the middle of nowhere and if any was dead it might even return to life. When you get up again, the plants will detach from your body but still be alive for an hour, giving you a chance to plant them.
1) What is justice to you?
justice is what people believe is right. But that doesn't mean it is always moral.

2) What is victory to you?
victory is winning/being the best at something. And not being sad about it.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Seeing as I am a hero. I would have some super power. but even without. I would do my best to do two things. I would save the child. then try to save the super hero, succeeding maybe if I sacrifice myself. My last wish is that he captures the criminals and makes them recieve proper punishment.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
cats, because they are cute and fluffy. Without being slobber beasts.

5) What is your favorite color?
blue. The color of the night sky as it fades to black.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
fantasy - nation.

7) Describe your ideal home
one with enough space for everyone . While being able to still be comfy. And places for all my things. Within a good neighborhood, so no one dies or gets robbed.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Strategy. If you know how to take em down. You are more likely to be able to
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
I support people alot, but I tend to want to stab things.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I would reveal it, when I feel it would be most useful. Using it as a trump card

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I would keep quiet, but warn them not to do so again. Because I already have a bad reputation, So it wouldn't affect me as much as him.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1 ) I wish to know the location of all ancient cities
2) I wish humans could discover magic, that was used in ancient times.
3) I wish I wasn't ugly. ( cri )

13) When most afraid you...
I would probably freak out, after trying to stay calm. Ending up destroying everything not nailed down in the area. ( I accidently put multiple holes in the wall ;3; )

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Myself. Because if I can't trust myself, who can?

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
All my pockets. To make sure I don't forget anything.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
animals are cute sorta... plants are useful... they are pretty close in my opinion. except cats are the best.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Depends on who is getting killed/killing.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
super hero, to protect my friends .

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
I am smart, and learn fast.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I am lazy and procrastinate
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
not really, i am a cancer... but if you mean year wise. I am a dragon.
... I should give ya the powerless treatment for attempting to cheat but I'll be benevolent about it this time. Please try to stick to one answer when one answer is required.

Your ability is "fur-sprout". Whatever you touch with the palm of your hand instantly grows a patch of fluffy fur like that of a cat. However, the effect only takes place if your palm is exposed. So for example if you wear gloves the gloves will become fluffy and furry but you can hold things without them growing fur as well.
Oh hey, this looks super cool!

1) What is justice to you?
The deliverance of what a person deserves. If that’s death, or pain, then so be it.They should have made better decisions.

2) What is victory to you?
Winning. Being the best.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
The family member. Family comes first, and theirs is the death that would emotionally impact me and the ones I love the most.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Cats. They are very tiny, very precious, very fluffy and aren’t too needy.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
A mansion. Super huge, with a pool and a heaps of pools and a movie theatre and a whole room of cats and a homeless shelter in the East Wing.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The strategist. I can boss people around, don’t have to put myself in danger and can take credit if we win.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Keep it secret and become a vigilante. Wait a few years, take my time in building up my reputation. Save the world a couple dozen times, get some friends in high places. Then, reveal my identity to the public to get the recognition I deserve while also making sure my family is kept safe and happy.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
That jerk shouldn’t have lied about about me. Snitches get stitches. I don’t know, maybe if they apologise and we negotiate I could help them eventually rebuild their status.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

13) When most afraid you...
Breathe and distract myself mentally. Do frantic mental maths, or fall back on fictional characters.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Suck up and try to get in their good graces. They could definitely help me in the future.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
How I look.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They’re both necessary, but can either be beautiful and comforting or disgusting and dangerous. Depends on the type, I guess.

19) What is your stance on killing?
If it’s necessary. I’ll kill for food, or to save my life, or to save a family member’s life. If the person really deserves to die, I’m down for it but would prefer that I’m not the one doing the killing. Keep my concience clean.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Superhero, because I would have many more people on my side.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
Uhhh intelligence, I guess. It’s what I’d like others to know about me, if nothing else.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I’m pretty full of myself. Sometimes I misjudge the extent of my own abilities, thinking I’m better than I am. Often I under estimate others.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign
I believe that being told by a large demographic that your personality should fit a certain mold according to your birthdate could have a psychological impact on a person, yes. Also, Sagittarius.
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Oh hey, this looks super cool!
Thanks :)

1) What is justice to you?
The deliverance of what a person deserves. If that’s death, or pain, then so be it.They should have made better decisions.

2) What is victory to you?
Winning. Being the best.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
The family member. Family comes first, and theirs is the death that would emotionally impact me and the ones I love the most.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Cats. They are very tiny, very precious, very fluffy and aren’t too needy.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
A mansion. Super huge, with a pool and a heaps of pools and a movie theatre and a whole room of cats and a homeless shelter in the East Wing.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The strategist. I can boss people around, don’t have to put myself in danger and can take credit if we win.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Keep it secret and become a vigilante. Wait a few years, take my time in building up my reputation. Save the world a couple dozen times, get some friends in high places. Then, reveal my identity to the public to get the recognition I deserve while also making sure my family is kept safe and happy.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
That jerk shouldn’t have lied about about me. Snitches get stitches. I don’t know, maybe if they apologise and we negotiate I could help them eventually rebuild their status.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

13) When most afraid you...
Breathe and distract myself mentally. Do frantic mental maths, or fall back on fictional characters.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Suck up and try to get in their good graces. They could definitely help me in the future.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
How I look.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They’re both necessary, but can either be beautiful and comforting or disgusting and dangerous. Depends on the type, I guess.

19) What is your stance on killing?
If it’s necessary. I’ll kill for food, or to save my life, or to save a family member’s life. If the person really deserves to die, I’m down for it but would prefer that I’m not the one doing the killing. Keep my concience clean.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Superhero, because I would have many more people on my side.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
Uhhh intelligence, I guess. It’s what I’d like others to know about me, if nothing else.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I’m pretty lazy. It’s a complete stereotype, sure, but I’ve never had to do much. Ever. I’m smart and I’ve always just used that to get me out of anything I didn’t want to be in.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign
I believe that being told by a large demographic that your personality should fit a certain mold according to your birthdate could have a psychological impact on a person, yes. Also, Sagittarius.
"Boot-licker Duo" is your ability. Twice per day you can walk up to a stranger (here defined as someone you have no relation or knowledge about beyond their outward appearance to in any way and never communicated to before in any way) and if the first few sentences you speak to them resonate deep within then in a positive manner, such as making them extremely happy on a personal level, deeply proud of themselves or embarassed the way someone may get embarassed after effective flirting, that person will feel an urge to hear you out and follow the first command you give them. You instinctively know whether the effect worked, so that you can give the command or not. That person will attempt to follow that command with joy to the best of their ability, unless they realize the command is fundamentally impossible for them or it is completed. You can set it so they forget that period afterwards or not.
"Boot-licker Duo" is your ability. Twice per day you can walk up to a stranger (here defined as someone you have no relation or knowledge about beyond their outward appearance to in any way and never communicated to before in any way) and if the first few sentences you speak to them resonate deep within then in a positive manner, such as making them extremely happy on a personal level, deeply proud of themselves or embarassed the way someone may get embarassed after effective flirting, that person will feel an urge to hear you out and follow the first command you give them. You instinctively know whether the effect worked, so that you can give the command or not. That person will attempt to follow that command with joy to the best of their ability, unless they realize the command is fundamentally impossible for them or it is completed. You can set it so they forget that period afterwards or not.
Oh my god I love it.

I could do so much...

...the possibilities are endless...

Thanks a heap, and I admire your work here. It’s very creative <3
I wanna try :o


1) What is justice to you?
Justice is like the main dish in a meal, cos you know what they all say: Justice is served.

2) What is victory to you?
One more reason to show off to people.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I would save the child because I like cute little kids. Err, I mean because the kid still has a long life to live.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I like cats because they remind me of myself - lazy and clumsy.

5) What is your favorite color?
Bluish purple or purplish blue. Or indigo.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
My ideal home must be neat, clean and simple-looking.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
A sense of humour. I mean, being serious and stressed out all the time is bad for health, and the last thing you want in battle is to be unhealthy.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The sniper. I just sit in a safe and comfy spot and get free kills.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I use the power. You only live once, so live life to the fullest, which means I use the power as freely as I want. Well, it does benefit the people around me, which means I'm doing good, right?

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I take the blame. I never really cared about how people see me in the first place. But that friend now owes me a free lunch.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
First off, I would like to comment that that genie is a very strict genie. Secondly, I have no wishes. There is nothing that I want. Even if there is, I would like to attain it through my own hard work. So if the genie insists on having a wish, it would be on free food for my family and friends, and maybe even starving people out there.

13) When most afraid you...
Cuddle up into a ball like a tortoise, just kidding. Okay I guess I would just deal with it, or tell myself to calm down, only to make myself more afraid.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get pumped up and ready to kick some ass.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere
D for Definitely D.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
the fact that I am a magical girl just waiting to be awakened one day and destroy all the bad guys. Just kidding, but I trust my friends.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My wallet, my umbrella, my bag, my phone, my outfit and my everything.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They are nice... and nature is cool.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It is bad and we shouldn't do it, unless the victim is someone evil that really makes me angry.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I would become batman, cos he has no actual powers but is still a badass. Besides, powers are overrated. I would become one to kick some evildoers ass.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My main quality is my pride... of my looks. Those who dislike how I look don't know true beauty! Or maybe it's because I don't have any muscles. Hmmm...

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My flaw is being too insensitive. Sometimes I accidentally hurt others when I ramble on and on.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No. My sign is Aries, the one with the cool horns.
I wanna try :o


1) What is justice to you?
Justice is like the main dish in a meal, cos you know what they all say: Justice is served.

2) What is victory to you?
One more reason to show off to people.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I would save the child because I like cute little kids. Err, I mean because the kid still has a long life to live.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I like cats because they remind me of myself - lazy and clumsy.

5) What is your favorite color?
Bluish purple or purplish blue. Or indigo.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
My ideal home must be neat, clean and simple-looking.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
A sense of humour. I mean, being serious and stressed out all the time is bad for health, and the last thing you want in battle is to be unhealthy.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The sniper. I just sit in a safe and comfy spot and get free kills.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I use the power. You only live once, so live life to the fullest, which means I use the power as freely as I want. Well, it does benefit the people around me, which means I'm doing good, right?

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I take the blame. I never really cared about how people see me in the first place. But that friend now owes me a free lunch.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
First off, I would like to comment that that genie is a very strict genie. Secondly, I have no wishes. There is nothing that I want. Even if there is, I would like to attain it through my own hard work. So if the genie insists on having a wish, it would be on free food for my family and friends, and maybe even starving people out there.

13) When most afraid you...
Cuddle up into a ball like a tortoise, just kidding. Okay I guess I would just deal with it, or tell myself to calm down, only to make myself more afraid.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get pumped up and ready to kick some ass.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere
D for Definitely D.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
the fact that I am a magical girl just waiting to be awakened one day and destroy all the bad guys. Just kidding, but I trust my friends.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My wallet, my umbrella, my bag, my phone, my outfit and my everything.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
They are nice... and nature is cool.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It is bad and we shouldn't do it, unless the victim is someone evil that really makes me angry.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I would become batman, cos he has no actual powers but is still a badass. Besides, powers are overrated. I would become one to kick some evildoers ass.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My main quality is my pride... of my looks. Those who dislike how I look don't know true beauty! Or maybe it's because I don't have any muscles. Hmmm...

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My flaw is being too insensitive. Sometimes I accidentally hurt others when I ramble on and on.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No. My sign is Aries, the one with the cool horns.
Your ability is "Friendship is Magic". WIth this power, you can temporarily morph your body and outfit into that of a pink frilly and VERY shiny magical girl. Anyone who witnesses that light in any way will become unable to feel anything but joy for an exponentially increasing amount of time the longer you use the ability. However, they will sink into a deep depression for half that time once the effect is over. Do note that this means that nomatter what happens those people will feel those emotions: If someone was bleeding to death they would still be smiling and laughing unaware of the pain.
Your ability is "Friendship is Magic". WIth this power, you can temporarily morph your body and outfit into that of a pink frilly and VERY shiny magical girl. Anyone who witnesses that light in any way will become unable to feel anything but joy for an exponentially increasing amount of time the longer you use the ability. However, they will sink into a deep depression for half that time once the effect is over. Do note that this means that nomatter what happens those people will feel those emotions: If someone was bleeding to death they would still be smiling and laughing unaware of the pain.

wow nice! :P
Wow, I really love talking about myself.

1) What is justice to you?
Something that ain't gonna dispense itself.

2) What is victory to you?
When I make a pun, and only about two people are moved to threats of violence.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Let's try to go through them one by one:
  • Child -- Children are the future, but since I have no future: Pass.
  • Elderly Person -- They are going to die soon, so what's the point? Pass.
  • War Veteran -- It isn't like society cares about them anyway either, so I won't get much glory from this one. Pass.
  • Fellow Superhero -- Their own plot armour will save them. Pass.
  • Friend / Family / Attractive Potential Romantic Interest -- Fridging them would be a great outlet for my angst and general character development. Pass, with a single manly tear.
  • Priest -- What, so I can have more people knocking on my door, asking if I have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Pass.
Okay, so that leaves the The Three Criminals and The Main Villain. Being able to bring in 3 criminals at once will really boost my crime-fighting stats. Plus, letting the main villain get away allows for at least one more epic sequel where I wallow in self-loathing and whiskey because I have failed The City.

I'm going to go with The Three Criminals.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
The one inside of me. I can't escape myself. (So many times I've tried)

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
The one that doesn't die after 10 seconds... so I guess not realistic?

7) Describe your ideal home
Top floor, skyscraper. Somewhere with easy access to the rooftop, so I can smoke my cigarette as I watch the city below, my eyes brimming with pain and tragic backstory.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Edge. Have enough edge, and you'll be able to cut through anything.

9) What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Team? What team? Not Wildcats. Lone wolf.

If anything, I am The Sixth Ranger -- the slightly suspicious, possibly token evil teammate that lures you into the black hole of the internet, commonly known as TV Tropes.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Head to Exotic Asian Country, where an eccentric, Exotic Asian Old Man reluctantly takes me in as his student. One training montage (and the gruesome death of my mentor) later, I will reach enlightenment. I will know what to do.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Take back the friendship bracelets and the mixtapes. Lock self in room while No Doubt's Don't Speak plays on repeat. Caress life-sized poster of Gabriel Reyes, telling him he is the only one who understands.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
The three things I covet above all:
  1. Attention.
  2. Validation from Social Media.
  3. Coffee.
13) When most afraid you...
You know that annoying, high-strung Type A character in slasher movies? The one you keep wishing would get gutted already because they whine too much?

That's me. When most afraid, I whine, and whine, and whine, and whine. My voice even goes up at least three octaves. Luckily, this means chances are I would be second-to-the-last (or the last one) to die. This is because the only other character who ever gets to the end is Purity Sue. The writers keep me around so my irksomeness could distract the audience from Sue's general lack of a personality.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
... address them as Sensei. Or, if they are attractive, Senpai.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name

D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

What did Gaston ever see in her?!

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Aladdin, because he can show me the world.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If I am dreaming. Since when did I get invited to parties?

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
I like cat videos, but I also like steak. The day I go vegan is the day you can safely assume I'd been abducted, and replaced with an evil clone.

As for plants, I like breathing, so they're OK, I guess.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Hey, if Batman ain't doing it, I ain't doing it.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Ahh. This one is pretty cut and dry. As mentioned before, I will become a generic brooding antihero after the gruesome death of my Exotic Asian Mentor.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
People can never tell when I'm joking and when I'm not. Mostly because my jokes are bad, but also because they just don't get it: I never joke. Never.

The look on Jimmy's face as he lied in a pool of his own blood, crying for his mama. Oh, god. It still haunts me.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I don't brush my teeth often enough.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
To some extent, I guess. I mean, Ted seems like a nice enough guy, but I don't believe him like I would vote for him, you know? Anyway, it's not like I could if I did, being that I come from a desolate wasteland full of filthy commies.
As per usual, Idea puts a lot of work into what she does. I've got some spare time, and I hope you do too. Here goes!

1) What is justice to you?
It isn't exacting, and it isn't subjective. It's doing the right thing for others, at the expense of one's self. When Hector in the Illiad brought himself out to fight the man screaming his name, Achilles, the legendary hero who could never be beaten, Death, Hector gave up everything in the defense of the city, in the defense of his family, in the defense of his honor, and in the defense of his stupid, stupid brother Paris.

It's honor. Honor begets justice, but justice does not always beget honor.

2) What is victory to you?
When there is no enemy to speak of. You see, this can be interpreted many different ways, from utter annihilation, which is in my opinion, a pretty terrible way of doing things, but necessary in some cases. Or, it's making your enemy your friend. It isn't sating a hungry beast until it wakes and wants the flesh of men. It's when that beast accepts you as equals, or when it sees it's own innards can you consider victory over it.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
The child. The child doesn't deserve to die at that age, no matter what. I want to do everything I can to save everyone in there. That's the right thing to do, but in a situation like this, the child isn't even mentally capable of true evil, the type that the criminal inflicted upon it. And even though everyone else may die, and that criminal may escape, I will find that criminal, and there will be no friendship left for him. He will suffer something unheard of.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
My favorite animal...
The humble snake. A winding creature that has no arms or legs to speak of, and yet, is incredibly cunning and deadly at times. Yes, a thing like that isn't honorable at all, not by my standards at the least. But what it is however, is effective. A solitary hunter who is willing to make sacrifices for it's own survival. Though, it doesn't protect the weak, I can still appreciate the beast at work, even if I find it's ambush tactics and poison to be dishonest. It's also just really cool, in my opinion.

5) What is your favorite color?
Black. It's a good color. Surprisingly, I have too many clothes with black on it. I change it up with blue sometimes.

Also, I have Red/Green colorblindness, so having one color that's always the same for everyone is pretty nice.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
You ask questions that are difficult. Methinks Futuristic is my favorite at the moment, but I trawl between that and fantasy as well, only really dabbling in modern when I find something truly interesting. But, Futuristic is my home.

7) Describe your ideal home
Surprisingly, it isn't Futuristic. It's somewhere off in the woods, secluded. A small little place, but with most modern amenities, like WiFi and charging ports and fridges and food that can be ordered and whatnot. However, I have always imagined that it was somewhere otherwise untouched. Quiet. Devoid of people, but within arm's reach of them. Like Alaska. Or Russia's west side, the part with all the mountains and nuclear missile silos.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Honor. Having honor and respect for your opponent is an incredibly important quality to have, as having honor for another honorable opponent is how friends are made, how lives are spared, and how respect is gained. This is also important to foster in your allies. However, with an unhonorable opponent who fights by their own rules, it is important to keep your honor, but not to act stupidly or rashly, lest you allow yourself to be killed in the name of honor. Honor honor honor

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Usually, I find myself with a healing/tank character who can hold their own in teamfights. For example, in Smite (the only real moba I play), I absolutely love Guan Yu. He can dish damage out, he can heal the team a little, and he can take a few hits. It's important for me not to stand in the back and give people healing as some sort of dispenser meant to be destroyed, but instead as a beacon that my allies can rally to for battle.

It's that, or being able to zip in and out of combat, plucking a kill from the other team each swoop, an assassin-like role. It is somewhat unhonorable to do so, but when the gloves are off, being effective against an opponent who has pulled all the stops is much more important than trying to gain their respect. Instead, it is important to achieve victory by their total defeat, and placing a blade between the shoulders is a very effective strategy for a humbling defeat.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Danger to me is nothing in comparison to aiding others in times of need. If this power meant I could help others, or remove those who could hurt for personal gain, then I would use it, without a doubt. I will always choose the safety of others rather than my own.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Why are they my friend? I don't think I would ever allow myself to have one of those friends. But, in a situation like this, retribution will be swift. My reputation would be tarnished, but his physical and mental shape would never be the same. My friends know (Or, I hope they have gotten the idea by now), my extending my hand in friendship means that I would pledge to give my life to them, help them in any capacity I can give. But betraying that, for what? Selfish reasons, I'm sure, blaming me. Betraying that is as good as being dead to me, and when the time comes where they ask for help, I will stomp on their fingers and watch them plummet.

Edgy. Very edgy. I would cut connections from my best friend, and let others know the truth of what they did. I do not tolerate that type of behavior.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Three wishes. It's not going to be anything overtly abstract, because the genie is going to put a silly spin on it. Silly for it, not me.

Wish 1, create twenty thousand one hundred dollar bills. Wish 2, give me the power of farsight, seeing into the future as far as I wish. Wish 3, it'd be nice to have world peace. War is a outdated concept, and should be put to rest with world peace.

13) When most afraid you...
Panic. I hate fire, and I panic whenever it's held close to me. It's rare, because I don't often encounter fire, but it's always met with a primal sort of panic. Always off putting to me, that fire.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
See how much farther it is better than me, then challenge it every day in that area. Improve myself. Become friends with this superior thing. Learn from it, through mistakes or it's guidance. Force myself to learn to be better, and become better. It's what happened with me and most table top games. In fact, during most of my highschool experience, there was one kid who brought in a Magic the Gathering deck that was better than mine. And for three years, he and I fought almost every day. And he won most of the time. By the latter half of the third year, and we were equals. Now, we're the best of friends, and get together over xbox every weekend.

I took my enemy, and made him my friend, a good friend. Now, I guide him in a different tabletop game, Warhammer 40k. It's all a learning experience, really.

15) Beauty....
D) Is overrated

You can meet the most beautiful person, and they can be an equally vile and horrible person. Do you still think them beautiful when all that comes out of their mouth is poison?

It is a disgusting human classification that leads to mistrust and the destruction of otherwise stable relationships. But, as a human, I am held prisoner of those desires. Nobody is perfect.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Nothing. There is nothing in this world that can be trusted, as mistakes and betrayals can come from anywhere.

But I can but my faith in forgiveness. Trust is too... Naive. Forgiveness however, can be given by anybody, wholeheartedly, or not.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If I have my wallet and phone on me. Those are important for events to have.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
This question is very, very, very open ended, so before I go read what other answers were given by other people, I'll give my perceived opinion, as I think that was the goal.

I quite like both, as having those two milling about and rooting themselves into the ground is quite useful for other animals and plants, an ecosystem of sorts. Eating them is necessary, but what's happening now is over-consumption. We need to eat less animals and plants as a whole, and plant more trees. And commit genocide on mosquitoes and ticks, because they're worthless organisms.

After reading, I guess that answer suffices. Kill the mosquitoes and ticks!

19) What is your stance on killing?
A necessary practice for times when reason isn't a viable factor anymore. However, wars solve nothing.

There is very few points to when a battle, or a extended conflict, or a war has ever solved anything. An Idea (Hey, that's you!) doesn't change because a large group of people died. The only reason why a war ends is because an acceptable amount of people have been killed.

To say anything more would borderline on a serious discussion, so I'll keep my opinion to myself. But yes, those mosquitoes and ticks. They deserve to be killed for existing, and to say that is quite very harsh.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I would be a superhero who is willing to take risks to save others. I am willing to get hurt, or killed, but that doesn't mean I am a human shield. I aim to explode in a blast of gore and sheer death when my candle is blown out, and those who inflict that end upon me are going to join me in that wave of suffering.

Hmm... Edgy, again. I'd become a superhero when I see that one's life in peril, and I can act immediately to save them. If I can convince those who do evil to help me, then it's one more ally. If they must be in the way, then so be it. But that one goal will be accomplished, whether it kills me or not. One track mind. Like a train. Trains are great modes of transportation.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
This question is the second tricky question I have come across.

Most probably loyalty. I can do that well enough.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I want to say a temper, or impatience. Or lazyness as well, but I feel that is overdone.

I'll go with temper, as rather than getting white hot with anger, I become a silent monolith. This happens more than I would like. And it seethes too, it keeps bubbling back, reminding me of what to be angry about. And it festers in it's bottle, waiting to build enough pressure to pop the cork that keeps it in.

Nope, that's too edgy. We'll go with, "I'm perfect!"

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not enough to apply it to everything I do, as I feel that people change enough that the zodiac become obsolete. Anywho, I am a Virgo. A lover, at least at one point.
Last edited:
Wow, I really love talking about myself.

1) What is justice to you?
Something that ain't gonna dispense itself.

2) What is victory to you?
When I make a pun, and only about two people are moved to threats of violence.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Let's try to go through them one by one:
  • Child -- Children are the future, but since I have no future: Pass.
  • Elderly Person -- They are going to die soon, so what's the point? Pass.
  • War Veteran -- It isn't like society cares about them anyway either, so I won't get much glory from this one. Pass.
  • Fellow Superhero -- Their own plot armour will save them. Pass.
  • Friend / Family / Attractive Potential Romantic Interest -- Fridging them would be a great outlet for my angst and general character development. Pass, with a single manly tear.
  • Priest -- What, so I can have more people knocking on my door, asking if I have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Pass.
Okay, so that leaves the The Three Criminals and The Main Villain. Being able to bring in 3 criminals at once will really boost my crime-fighting stats. Plus, letting the main villain get away allows for at least one more epic sequel where I wallow in self-loathing and whiskey because I have failed The City.

I'm going to go with The Three Criminals.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
The one inside of me. I can't escape myself. (So many times I've tried)

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
The one that doesn't die after 10 seconds... so I guess not realistic?

7) Describe your ideal home
Top floor, skyscraper. Somewhere with easy access to the rooftop, so I can smoke my cigarette as I watch the city below, my eyes brimming with pain and tragic backstory.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Edge. Have enough edge, and you'll be able to cut through anything.

9) What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Team? What team? Not Wildcats. Lone wolf.

If anything, I am The Sixth Ranger -- the slightly suspicious, possibly token evil teammate that lures you into the black hole of the internet, commonly known as TV Tropes.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Head to Exotic Asian Country, where an eccentric, Exotic Asian Old Man reluctantly takes me in as his student. One training montage (and the gruesome death of my mentor) later, I will reach enlightenment. I will know what to do.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Take back the friendship bracelets and the mixtapes. Lock self in room while No Doubt's Don't Speak plays on repeat. Caress life-sized poster of Gabriel Reyes, telling him he is the only one who understands.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
The three things I covet above all:
  1. Attention.
  2. Validation from Social Media.
  3. Coffee.
13) When most afraid you...
You know that annoying, high-strung Type A character in slasher movies? The one you keep wishing would get gutted already because they whine too much?

That's me. When most afraid, I whine, and whine, and whine, and whine. My voice even goes up at least three octaves. Luckily, this means chances are I would be second-to-the-last (or the last one) to die. This is because the only other character who ever gets to the end is Purity Sue. The writers keep me around so my irksomeness could distract the audience from Sue's general lack of a personality.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
... address them as Sensei. Or, if they are attractive, Senpai.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name

D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

What did Gaston ever see in her?!

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Aladdin, because he can show me the world.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If I am dreaming. Since when did I get invited to parties?

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
I like cat videos, but I also like steak. The day I go vegan is the day you can safely assume I'd been abducted, and replaced with an evil clone.

As for plants, I like breathing, so they're OK, I guess.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Hey, if Batman ain't doing it, I ain't doing it.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Ahh. This one is pretty cut and dry. As mentioned before, I will become a generic brooding antihero after the gruesome death of my Exotic Asian Mentor.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
People can never tell when I'm joking and when I'm not. Mostly because my jokes are bad, but also because they just don't get it: I never joke. Never.

The look on Jimmy's face as he lied in a pool of his own blood, crying for his mama. Oh, god. It still haunts me.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I don't brush my teeth often enough.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
To some extent, I guess. I mean, Ted seems like a nice enough guy, but I don't believe him like I would vote for him, you know? Anyway, it's not like I could if I did, being that I come from a desolate wasteland full of filthy commies.
You were this close to getting the powerless treatment... But I guess you made me laugh a couple times so I'll have mercy. That said it's kinda hard to give you a power suited for you without a single serious answer...

"Plotted Disaster" is your ability. It's a simple ability that allows you to you to backtrack any action which you feel regret for doing while you are still in the process of doing that action. For example, if you jump and only realize there is a cliff in front you while you're still "in jump", above the cliff, the ability will respond to your regret by reverting your action making it never have happened.
As per usual, Idea puts a lot of work into what she does. I've got some spare time, and I hope you do too. Here goes!

1) What is justice to you?
It isn't exacting, and it isn't subjective. It's doing the right thing for others, at the expense of one's self. When Hector in the Illiad brought himself out to fight the man screaming his name, Achilles, the legendary hero who could never be beaten, Death, Hector gave up everything in the defense of the city, in the defense of his family, in the defense of his honor, and in the defense of his stupid, stupid brother Paris.

It's honor. Honor begets justice, but justice does not always beget honor.

2) What is victory to you?
When there is no enemy to speak of. You see, this can be interpreted many different ways, from utter annihilation, which is in my opinion, a pretty terrible way of doing things, but necessary in some cases. Or, it's making your enemy your friend. It isn't sating a hungry beast until it wakes and wants the flesh of men. It's when that beast accepts you as equals, or when it sees it's own innards can you consider victory over it.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
The child. The child doesn't deserve to die at that age, no matter what. I want to do everything I can to save everyone in there. That's the right thing to do, but in a situation like this, the child isn't even mentally capable of true evil, the type that the criminal inflicted upon it. And even though everyone else may die, and that criminal may escape, I will find that criminal, and there will be no friendship left for him. He will suffer something unheard of.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
My favorite animal...
The humble snake. A winding creature that has no arms or legs to speak of, and yet, is incredibly cunning and deadly at times. Yes, a thing like that isn't honorable at all, not by my standards at the least. But what it is however, is effective. A solitary hunter who is willing to make sacrifices for it's own survival. Though, it doesn't protect the weak, I can still appreciate the beast at work, even if I find it's ambush tactics and poison to be dishonest. It's also just really cool, in my opinion.

5) What is your favorite color?
Black. It's a good color. Surprisingly, I have too many clothes with black on it. I change it up with blue sometimes.

Also, I have Red/Green colorblindness, so having one color that's always the same for everyone is pretty nice.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
You ask questions that are difficult. Methinks Futuristic is my favorite at the moment, but I trawl between that and fantasy as well, only really dabbling in modern when I find something truly interesting. But, Futuristic is my home.

7) Describe your ideal home
Surprisingly, it isn't Futuristic. It's somewhere off in the woods, secluded. A small little place, but with most modern amenities, like WiFi and charging ports and fridges and food that can be ordered and whatnot. However, I have always imagined that it was somewhere otherwise untouched. Quiet. Devoid of people, but within arm's reach of them. Like Alaska. Or Russia's west side, the part with all the mountains and nuclear missile silos.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Honor. Having honor and respect for your opponent is an incredibly important quality to have, as having honor for another honorable opponent is how friends are made, how lives are spared, and how respect is gained. This is also important to foster in your allies. However, with an unhonorable opponent who fights by their own rules, it is important to keep your honor, but not to act stupidly or rashly, lest you allow yourself to be killed in the name of honor. Honor honor honor

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Usually, I find myself with a healing/tank character who can hold their own in teamfights. For example, in Smite (the only real moba I play), I absolutely love Guan Yu. He can dish damage out, he can heal the team a little, and he can take a few hits. It's important for me not to stand in the back and give people healing as some sort of dispenser meant to be destroyed, but instead as a beacon that my allies can rally to for battle.

It's that, or being able to zip in and out of combat, plucking a kill from the other team each swoop, an assassin-like role. It is somewhat unhonorable to do so, but when the gloves are off, being effective against an opponent who has pulled all the stops is much more important than trying to gain their respect. Instead, it is important to achieve victory by their total defeat, and placing a blade between the shoulders is a very effective strategy for a humbling defeat.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Danger to me is nothing in comparison to aiding others in times of need. If this power meant I could help others, or remove those who could hurt for personal gain, then I would use it, without a doubt. I will always choose the safety of others rather than my own.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Why are they my friend? I don't think I would ever allow myself to have one of those friends. But, in a situation like this, retribution will be swift. My reputation would be tarnished, but his physical and mental shape would never be the same. My friends know (Or, I hope they have gotten the idea by now), my extending my hand in friendship means that I would pledge to give my life to them, help them in any capacity I can give. But betraying that, for what? Selfish reasons, I'm sure, blaming me. Betraying that is as good as being dead to me, and when the time comes where they ask for help, I will stomp on their fingers and watch them plummet.

Edgy. Very edgy. I would cut connections from my best friend, and let others know the truth of what they did. I do not tolerate that type of behavior.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
Three wishes. It's not going to be anything overtly abstract, because the genie is going to put a silly spin on it. Silly for it, not me.

Wish 1, create twenty thousand one hundred dollar bills. Wish 2, give me the power of farsight, seeing into the future as far as I wish. Wish 3, it'd be nice to have world peace. War is a outdated concept, and should be put to rest with world peace.

13) When most afraid you...
Panic. I hate fire, and I panic whenever it's held close to me. It's rare, because I don't often encounter fire, but it's always met with a primal sort of panic. Always off putting to me, that fire.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
See how much farther it is better than me, then challenge it every day in that area. Improve myself. Become friends with this superior thing. Learn from it, through mistakes or it's guidance. Force myself to learn to be better, and become better. It's what happened with me and most table top games. In fact, during most of my highschool experience, there was one kid who brought in a Magic the Gathering deck that was better than mine. And for three years, he and I fought almost every day. And he won most of the time. By the latter half of the third year, and we were equals. Now, we're the best of friends, and get together over xbox every weekend.

I took my enemy, and made him my friend, a good friend. Now, I guide him in a different tabletop game, Warhammer 40k. It's all a learning experience, really.

15) Beauty....
D) Is overrated

You can meet the most beautiful person, and they can be an equally vile and horrible person. Do you still think them beautiful when all that comes out of their mouth is poison?

It is a disgusting human classification that leads to mistrust and the destruction of otherwise stable relationships. But, as a human, I am held prisoner of those desires. Nobody is perfect.

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Nothing. There is nothing in this world that can be trusted, as mistakes and betrayals can come from anywhere.

But I can but my faith in forgiveness. Trust is too... Naive. Forgiveness however, can be given by anybody, wholeheartedly, or not.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If I have my wallet and phone on me. Those are important for events to have.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
This question is very, very, very open ended, so before I go read what other answers were given by other people, I'll give my perceived opinion, as I think that was the goal.

I quite like both, as having those two milling about and rooting themselves into the ground is quite useful for other animals and plants, an ecosystem of sorts. Eating them is necessary, but what's happening now is over-consumption. We need to eat less animals and plants as a whole, and plant more trees. And commit genocide on mosquitoes and ticks, because they're worthless organisms.

After reading, I guess that answer suffices. Kill the mosquitoes and ticks!

19) What is your stance on killing?
A necessary practice for times when reason isn't a viable factor anymore. However, wars solve nothing.

There is very few points to when a battle, or a extended conflict, or a war has ever solved anything. An Idea (Hey, that's you!) doesn't change because a large group of people died. The only reason why a war ends is because an acceptable amount of people have been killed.

To say anything more would borderline on a serious discussion, so I'll keep my opinion to myself. But yes, those mosquitoes and ticks. They deserve to be killed for existing, and to say that is quite very harsh.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I would be a superhero who is willing to take risks to save others. I am willing to get hurt, or killed, but that doesn't mean I am a human shield. I aim to explode in a blast of gore and sheer death when my candle is blown out, and those who inflict that end upon me are going to join me in that wave of suffering.

Hmm... Edgy, again. I'd become a superhero when I see that one's life in peril, and I can act immediately to save them. If I can convince those who do evil to help me, then it's one more ally. If they must be in the way, then so be it. But that one goal will be accomplished, whether it kills me or not. One track mind. Like a train. Trains are great modes of transportation.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
This question is the second tricky question I have come across.

Most probably loyalty. I can do that well enough.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
I want to say a temper, or impatience. Or lazyness as well, but I feel that is overdone.

I'll go with temper, as rather than getting white hot with anger, I become a silent monolith. This happens more than I would like. And it seethes too, it keeps bubbling back, reminding me of what to be angry about. And it festers in it's bottle, waiting to build enough pressure to pop the cork that keeps it in.

Nope, that's too edgy. We'll go with, "I'm perfect!"

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not enough to apply it to everything I do, as I feel that people change enough that the zodiac become obsolete. Anywho, I am a Virgo. A lover, at least at one point.
Your power is "KBVS: Knightly Balance VR System", an ability which creates a virtual version of one's opponent for both you and anyone you choose or who is in range. The moment your enemy chooses to strike, against you or your virtual self, the virtual selfs will begin acting as the real selves and all strikes against them will be warped into hitting the real thing, while attacks against the real thing will be warped out existence.
You were this close to getting the powerless treatment... But I guess you made me laugh a couple times so I'll have mercy. That said it's kinda hard to give you a power suited for you without a single serious answer...

"Plotted Disaster" is your ability. It's a simple ability that allows you to you to backtrack any action which you feel regret for doing while you are still in the process of doing that action. For example, if you jump and only realize there is a cliff in front you while you're still "in jump", above the cliff, the ability will respond to your regret by reverting your action making it never have happened.

Nani?! It works! It actually works! I was going to post another lame joke when I realised I should probably just conserve what little ounce of dignity I have left. And now here we are!

Wait ...
Thread updated!

I'd also like to make the announcement that I will be making a new one of these, based on my upcoming quest RP. Look foward to it peeps! XD
1) What is justice to you?
-Justice, to me, is just a pretty word for revenge.

2) What is victory to you?
-Victory is when you win, or defeat, someone

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
-Catch the villain, if they have enough resources to do this it would be the better choice.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
-I don't really have one. I think all wild animals are incredible.

5) What is your favorite color?
-Depends on the day, most days its either pastels or bright gem colors.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
-Horror/Dark fantasy

7) Describe your ideal home
-A simple, large, apartment. With high tech electronics and an indoor garden, and books.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
-Heavy hitter

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
-Use it when people wont see me, dont let anyone know i have an ability but help everyone i can.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
-Dont say anything. needless to say we aren't friends anymore.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
-Endless money, or a very, very large amount of money.
-To be brave

13) When most afraid you...

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

15) Beauty....
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
-Myself, knowledge

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
-That i will have a way to leave

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
-They are wonderful and people care too little about them

19) What is your stance on killing?
-Depends on what is happening. killing for sport-bad, killing for food-good, killing to protect-good, it depends. Killing is fine as long as it is for survival

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
-Supervillain, they can do what they want and i wouldnt have to abide by rules if i wanted to change things

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
-Sagittarius/Dragon, and not particularly.
1) What is justice to you?
Justice is reparations. It's in making sure that it is not repeated, and that the people harmed by it feel at ease and safe again.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory is a feeling of satisfaction and a gain. A stalemate can never be a victory. It's only when you achieve your goal that you have a victory.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Close fam and friends door, I don't even hesitate to pretend that people I don't know will ever be above people that have cared for me.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Panda, because it was cute and I asked for it when I was younger. My parents got me a stuffed one of the og build a bear ones (It's looks hella dif) and when you hug it it says I love you. They've got me a new panda every bday since so it's connected to good memories.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
Damn I could go on and on here. But basically one where the whole family is happy. Everyone has their own room and a place for their hobbies and the living room is big enough for the whole family gathering.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Life? Defense? How real we getting here, rpg?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
I like to take up whatever role the team needs. I pick last always.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Use it stealthily in secret for only my fam and close friends

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I take it in stride and deal with it I've had a bad rep before

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
1- Go away
That's it I like working for my stuff

13) When most afraid you...
Escapism, I grab a game or music or go cuddle with family it all depends on what scared me

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Practice I guess? What what does this question mean? If it's confronting a person I treat em like I treat anyone just cause you're more talented in an area doesn't mean anything. If it's overcoming a challenge then yeah I keep at it till it works

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere
A - Things are only beautiful when you decide they are

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Everything in a way, I'd rather trust someone and be burned than never believe in someone

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
That I have my keys, I forget them often

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Animals should be treated with care and respect, never purposely harm a pet or wildlife
Plants - uhhhh food?

19) What is your stance on killing?
Avoid it the best you can? Know how to for self defense.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Supervillain if I had to be, it'd only ever be for my family as I don't want either. Also because my family is safer if i was a villain than if i was a hero.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
I dunno really? Adaptability maybe?

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Same here idk. I'd probably say my own decisive you are or aren't opinion of others. Basically you either are on my good list or my shit list.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Eh sorta. I believe if you believe in it then it's true because you will try to develop those qualities. Aquarius
1) What is justice to you?
-Justice, to me, is just a pretty word for revenge.

2) What is victory to you?
-Victory is when you win, or defeat, someone

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
-Catch the villain, if they have enough resources to do this it would be the better choice.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
-I don't really have one. I think all wild animals are incredible.

5) What is your favorite color?
-Depends on the day, most days its either pastels or bright gem colors.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
-Horror/Dark fantasy

7) Describe your ideal home
-A simple, large, apartment. With high tech electronics and an indoor garden, and books.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
-Heavy hitter

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
-Use it when people wont see me, dont let anyone know i have an ability but help everyone i can.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
-Dont say anything. needless to say we aren't friends anymore.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
-Endless money, or a very, very large amount of money.
-To be brave

13) When most afraid you...

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

15) Beauty....
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
-Myself, knowledge

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
-That i will have a way to leave

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
-They are wonderful and people care too little about them

19) What is your stance on killing?
-Depends on what is happening. killing for sport-bad, killing for food-good, killing to protect-good, it depends. Killing is fine as long as it is for survival

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
-Supervillain, they can do what they want and i wouldnt have to abide by rules if i wanted to change things

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
-Sagittarius/Dragon, and not particularly.
Your power is called "Inner Animal". It gives you the ability to, at the absolute last second of any given day, turn anything you are directly looking at into a group random animals with approximately the same mass. Obviously it does not affect massive things like the sky, the ground or the sun. The power only activates if you will it to in that exact second.

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