Other Idea Creates You a (super?)Power (Quizz)

Should I make more things like this?

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1) What is justice to you?

A reasonable evaluation of a person's deeds and then a course of action which punishes or rewards that individual. I think when a punishment is too severe for the crime, it's unjust. It's also important to take people's circumstances into account. Laws should make sense or else they shouldn't be laws. I think fairness is just.

2) What is victory to you?

A hard won achievement.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?

I'd save the room with my family member or friend.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?

Dogs are great. They're loyal and affectionate. Man's best friend.

5) What is your favorite color?


6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?


7) Describe your ideal home

Big and swanky. There's a fireplace in the living room. A huge kitchen. Granite bathrooms. A hidden room full of books.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?


9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?

I think I'd be more of a solo fighter. In a team fight, long-range support.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?

Create a secret identity of course.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?

It would depend on what my friend blamed me for. Was it a crime? I could go either way depending on my friend's reasons and the repercussions of the lie.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

1. My wallet is always full of money.
2. A cure for cancer that's free for everyone.
3. I'd save my last wish in case I need it sometime.

13) When most afraid you...

Avoid the fearful thing or confront it fearfully.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

Try to match them in other ways.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

Hard work.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...

If I have everything I brought with me.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?

I prefer animals but both are good. Mother nature has her moments.

19) What is your stance on killing?

It's not cool, man. Not cool.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?

I'd be a superhero~ And kick to action during natural disasters to save people. I'd be more of an anti-hero because I'd behave based on what I thought was right not the majority.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?

Easy-going and resourceful

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

Too easy-going

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?

Not really. I'm a Sagittarius.
1) What is justice to you?
Preventing those who harm others from doing so again.

2) What is victory to you?
Not having to look back.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I save my family/friend.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?

Pangolins! They're too cute, they protect their young, and I feel the instinctual urge to protect them.

5) What is your favorite color?

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home
A tiny apartment with lots of plants and a balcony. With a big kitchen and a bath tub. Close to my job, my friends, and some tasty restaurants. Reasonable rent.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Love for whatever you're fighting for.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Whatever lets me get in close to what I'm hitting and soak up damage. Probably the tank.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I'd use the power, probably outside as well as in the privacy of my own space. What's the point of having a power if you don't do anything with it?

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I wouldn't tell anyone, but there would definitely be a harsh conversation between the two of us. Prevention, not revenge, is my thing.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
  1. To stay close to my friends forever.
  2. To have the beautiful face and body I want.
  3. To know what happens after death.
13) When most afraid you...
Cry a lot, but still try to deal with it.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Gather my friends.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My learned ability to discern when someone is being deceived or information is being misused.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
Which pocket my keys are in.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
While their lives don't take precedence over the humans that use them for sustenance, fibers, etc., they have to be protected, not only for human use, knowledge, and beauty, but because they're part of the community we involved them in. It's a human obligation to be a good steward to the things that live among us, if not for their own sake, then as valuable resources that make life what it is.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Prioritize rehabilitation and other nonviolent solutions, and you'll minimize the need for it. Not eliminate, but minimize.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
I'd be a superhero, for those who have had their agency taken away by people who have no right to it. That's a purposefully vague sentence.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
Ability to restrain myself.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Being clingy. The inability to let people or things go.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
The stars do not have any more bearing on our choices, fates, or personalities than we allow them to. That said, the description of my sun sign, Taurus, matches me pretty well in a lot of areas, although that may just be because sun sign traits are so generalized that they can apply to anyone.

Thanks for doing this, Idea Idea ! It was fun, and I can't wait to see what power you think represents me!

1) What is justice to you?

A reasonable evaluation of a person's deeds and then a course of action which punishes or rewards that individual. I think when a punishment is too severe for the crime, it's unjust. It's also important to take people's circumstances into account. Laws should make sense or else they shouldn't be laws. I think fairness is just.

2) What is victory to you?

A hard won achievement.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?

I'd save the room with my family member or friend.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?

Dogs are great. They're loyal and affectionate. Man's best friend.

5) What is your favorite color?


6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?


7) Describe your ideal home

Big and swanky. There's a fireplace in the living room. A huge kitchen. Granite bathrooms. A hidden room full of books.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?


9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?

I think I'd be more of a solo fighter. In a team fight, long-range support.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?

Create a secret identity of course.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?

It would depend on what my friend blamed me for. Was it a crime? I could go either way depending on my friend's reasons and the repercussions of the lie.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?

1. My wallet is always full of money.
2. A cure for cancer that's free for everyone.
3. I'd save my last wish in case I need it sometime.

13) When most afraid you...

Avoid the fearful thing or confront it fearfully.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...

Try to match them in other ways.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...

Hard work.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...

If I have everything I brought with me.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?

I prefer animals but both are good. Mother nature has her moments.

19) What is your stance on killing?

It's not cool, man. Not cool.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?

I'd be a superhero~ And kick to action during natural disasters to save people. I'd be more of an anti-hero because I'd behave based on what I thought was right not the majority.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?

Easy-going and resourceful

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?

Too easy-going

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?

Not really. I'm a Sagittarius.
Your Power is "Slime" and it allows you to make your body melt into a slimy susbtance. This susbtance can barely move by itself, most certainly having a hard time handling even gravity (still it is quite mobile in water), but it cannot be physically injured (though it is vulnerable to wild temperatures or being mixed with certain others substances). It can split itself freely, and so long as it is not separated for too long, it won´t loose it´s sentience and thus will be able to rejoin with the original body. If someone injests this susbtance, you can communicate with them even while in that form and you can turn their body into that substance too.
Preventing those who harm others from doing so again.

Not having to look back.

I save my family/friend.


Pangolins! They're too cute, they protect their young, and I feel the instinctual urge to protect them.



A tiny apartment with lots of plants and a balcony. With a big kitchen and a bath tub. Close to my job, my friends, and some tasty restaurants. Reasonable rent.

Love for whatever you're fighting for.

Whatever lets me get in close to what I'm hitting and soak up damage. Probably the tank.

I'd use the power, probably outside as well as in the privacy of my own space. What's the point of having a power if you don't do anything with it?

I wouldn't tell anyone, but there would definitely be a harsh conversation between the two of us. Prevention, not revenge, is my thing.

  1. To stay close to my friends forever.
  2. To have the beautiful face and body I want.
  3. To know what happens after death.

Cry a lot, but still try to deal with it.

Gather my friends.


My learned ability to discern when someone is being deceived or information is being misused.

Which pocket my keys are in.

While their lives don't take precedence over the humans that use them for sustenance, fibers, etc., they have to be protected, not only for human use, knowledge, and beauty, but because they're part of the community we involved them in. It's a human obligation to be a good steward to the things that live among us, if not for their own sake, then as valuable resources that make life what it is.

Prioritize rehabilitation and other nonviolent solutions, and you'll minimize the need for it. Not eliminate, but minimize.

I'd be a superhero, for those who have had their agency taken away by people who have no right to it. That's a purposefully vague sentence.

Ability to restrain myself.

Being clingy. The inability to let people or things go.

The stars do not have any more bearing on our choices, fates, or personalities than we allow them to. That said, the description of my sun sign, Taurus, matches me pretty well in a lot of areas, although that may just be because sun sign traits are so generalized that they can apply to anyone.

Thanks for doing this, Idea Idea ! It was fun, and I can't wait to see what power you think represents me!
Your Power is "Inner Shield" and it´s a power that allows you to sense when someone nearby or someone you care about is in danger, then allows you to immediately teleport to them to them and create an expand your brain waves into an extremely powerful shield that is only limited by your desire to protect. Once any immediate threat is gone your shield vanishes and because your brain went into overload, you will be brain dead by an amount of time that depends on how much your shield had to handle (this can go up for a week, and if more than that, you die instead). While braindead you can move around and survive, but will have pretty much no innitiative and will need to be taken care of for pretty much everything.
Your Power is "Inner Shield" and it´s a power that allows you to sense when someone nearby or someone you care about is in danger, then allows you to immediately teleport to them to them and create an expand your brain waves into an extremely powerful shield that is only limited by your desire to protect. One any immediate threat is gone your shield vanishes and because your brain went into overload, you will be brain dead by an amount of time that depends on how much your shield had to handle (this can go up for a week, and if more than that, you die instead).
That sounds so useful!
Your Power is "Slime" and it allows you to make your body melt into a slimy susbtance. This susbtance can barely move by itself, most certainly having a hard time handling even gravity (still it is quite mobile in water), but it cannot be physically injured (though it is vulnerable to wild temperatures or being mixed with certain others substances). It can split itself freely, and so long as it is not separated for too long, it won´t loose it´s sentience and thus will be able to rejoin with the original body. If someone injests this susbtance, you can communicate with them even while in that form and you can turn their body into that substance too.

Thanks, Idea! You're good at this.

White Masquerade White Masquerade You'll get a kick out of this. My power is slime.
1) What is justice to you?
When the antagonist gets exactly what they deserve, and whoever was wronged is repaid in full.
2) What is victory to you?
When the other side admits defeat, or when the other side is unable to continue.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I'll explain.
Depending on the age of the child, they may not even know what's going on. While it hurts, they may not realize what's going on, and if that's the case, they aren't exactly desperate to be saved.
An elderly person has lived a full life. While they would certainly be saved if there were other options, there aren't any, and so they are not saved.
A war veteran has been through much, but that doesn't mean you leave him there. I'll keep him for now.
The superhero, even if he is a jerk, is (probably) on the right side of the law. In that case, keep him for now as well.
One of my close family members/friends is always on the keep for later list
Three for one, but still. Even if they haven't done a horrible crime, and even though they are still people, there are better people to save. It would be better to save those worth saving than those three.
A priest is another keep for later.
The attractive female is someone I don't have a background for. She may well be a criminal for all I know. Keep for later, too.
So, we have the veteran, a good superhero, a family member/friend, a priest, and an attractive female.
I'm inclined to leave the attractive lady, since she just has too many unknowns. Is she evil? Is she good? If I haven't heard of her, she's not contributing much to society, likely as not. Probably leave.
Veteran has been through much. While in any other circumstance, he'd be one of the first ones out, I'm gonna have to leave him.
Priest, unfortunately, I'm gonna have to leave as well. While, again, I would totally save them otherwise, it's them, my friend for like 10 years, or someone who has been contributing much to society.
Leaving friend or good superhero.
Good superhero it is. He's done enough that I think he would be the one to save.
Sorry friend. I would not be able to look you in the eye when I did it.
Catching the villain is unnecessary; there will be other opportunities.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Penguin. Because everything about them is adorable, but they're obviously hiding something.
5) What is your favorite color?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Realisticish scifi.
7) Describe your ideal home
A seven-story mansion on a plain, surrounded by forest.
Oh, and the entire schpeal is on a floating island in the sky.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Money. Why? You can bribe your way out. You can pay to have henchmen soak blows, or pay to have assassins decimate your opponents. Money can buy you most things; and that allows you to have access to other important things: Equipment, intelligence, hirelings of various skillsets, etc.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Hmm. Probably negotiator doubling as the sniper crossed with support. Basically, talk our way out, but if that doesn't work, hide behind crates and take shots at closish range at opponents. Not strictly a sniper though.
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do? Actually; inform the U.S. government and have them protect me.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do? My best friends wouldn't do that. So, of course, I'll let the truth be known.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
7 Quintillion dollars.

13) When most afraid you...
Lash out aggressively until gaining composure, at which point I esca- strategically regroup and reassess.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Try and overwhelm them in the other areas so that that specific area's advantage is negated.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The Bible.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
The time, if I have everything, and if I've left a couple lights on.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Um. I like them, if that's what you mean. I think they should exist and it sure would suck if they stopped doing so, but they shouldn't take precedence over human life.
19) What is your stance on killing?
Only when it's necessary with regard to defense, the military, justice, etc.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Superhero; right the wrongs in the world. But one of those that kind of hides out, and while the acts done are known and public, I am not.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
When I apply logic to my creativity and sometimes get a balance.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No. Pisces.
1) What is justice to you?
When the antagonist gets exactly what they deserve, and whoever was wronged is repaid in full.
2) What is victory to you?
When the other side admits defeat, or when the other side is unable to continue.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
I'll explain.
Depending on the age of the child, they may not even know what's going on. While it hurts, they may not realize what's going on, and if that's the case, they aren't exactly desperate to be saved.
An elderly person has lived a full life. While they would certainly be saved if there were other options, there aren't any, and so they are not saved.
A war veteran has been through much, but that doesn't mean you leave him there. I'll keep him for now.
The superhero, even if he is a jerk, is (probably) on the right side of the law. In that case, keep him for now as well.
One of my close family members/friends is always on the keep for later list
Three for one, but still. Even if they haven't done a horrible crime, and even though they are still people, there are better people to save. It would be better to save those worth saving than those three.
A priest is another keep for later.
The attractive female is someone I don't have a background for. She may well be a criminal for all I know. Keep for later, too.
So, we have the veteran, a good superhero, a family member/friend, a priest, and an attractive female.
I'm inclined to leave the attractive lady, since she just has too many unknowns. Is she evil? Is she good? If I haven't heard of her, she's not contributing much to society, likely as not. Probably leave.
Veteran has been through much. While in any other circumstance, he'd be one of the first ones out, I'm gonna have to leave him.
Priest, unfortunately, I'm gonna have to leave as well. While, again, I would totally save them otherwise, it's them, my friend for like 10 years, or someone who has been contributing much to society.
Leaving friend or good superhero.
Good superhero it is. He's done enough that I think he would be the one to save.
Sorry friend. I would not be able to look you in the eye when I did it.
Catching the villain is unnecessary; there will be other opportunities.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Penguin. Because everything about them is adorable, but they're obviously hiding something.
5) What is your favorite color?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Realisticish scifi.
7) Describe your ideal home
A seven-story mansion on a plain, surrounded by forest.
Oh, and the entire schpeal is on a floating island in the sky.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Money. Why? You can bribe your way out. You can pay to have henchmen soak blows, or pay to have assassins decimate your opponents. Money can buy you most things; and that allows you to have access to other important things: Equipment, intelligence, hirelings of various skillsets, etc.
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
Hmm. Probably negotiator doubling as the sniper crossed with support. Basically, talk our way out, but if that doesn't work, hide behind crates and take shots at closish range at opponents. Not strictly a sniper though.
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do? Actually; inform the U.S. government and have them protect me.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do? My best friends wouldn't do that. So, of course, I'll let the truth be known.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
7 Quintillion dollars.

13) When most afraid you...
Lash out aggressively until gaining composure, at which point I esca- strategically regroup and reassess.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Try and overwhelm them in the other areas so that that specific area's advantage is negated.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
The Bible.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
The time, if I have everything, and if I've left a couple lights on.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Um. I like them, if that's what you mean. I think they should exist and it sure would suck if they stopped doing so, but they shouldn't take precedence over human life.
19) What is your stance on killing?
Only when it's necessary with regard to defense, the military, justice, etc.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Superhero; right the wrongs in the world. But one of those that kind of hides out, and while the acts done are known and public, I am not.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
When I apply logic to my creativity and sometimes get a balance.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No. Pisces.
Your Power is "Carrier Cape", a power that makes a black cape naturally grow from you neck. This cape is very fragile when it´s insides are exposed to light, but so long as they aren´t, they actually bring a portal to another dimension that resides inside of you. You can thus put anything in this dimension by throwing them into the cave.Beware of bringing enemies into it, though, the dimension is vast but anyone can access anything that is inside it and that includes your innards.

1) What is justice to you?
Justice to me is protecting, taking care of, and looking after the less fortunate - whether in skill, knowledge, possessions, or opportunity. Justice is the freedom to work hard in where you want to excel, and fairly being able to reap the results. Justice is not screwing people over, and should stand against those that do things in ways that are less than honorable.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory to me is overcoming challenge. Difficult challenge. Setting a high bar above yourself and pushing in the ways you need to meet it. The singing growth and experience you feel after getting through a difficult challenge is a high form of victory.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?

I would catch the criminal and torture them. There would be no mercy.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I don't have one. If I had to pick it'd either be snakes or cats. They're both lithe, agile, smooth in form, and pretty. They both have a quiet deadliness about them I like too.

5) What is your favorite color?
Navy Blue.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home.
Small, but comfy and warm. Modern with lots of curves and low lines, but cordial and familial through earthy colors like deep/dark/rich browns.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Vision. You have to have a good head and eye to see how situations can develop. That way, you can understand how and in which ways to move to end up in the position you want.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The magical heavy archer. I don't like being up on the front lines. I like space. I'd rather raze and murder people on the battlefield from a long distance afar.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I'd keep it to myself. I would train with it in private until it's at an unholy level, but if that's not an option, I probably wouldn't use it at all.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I would not tell on my friend, but we wouldn't be friends any longer. Unless they show remorse, I'd make sure they I'd be coming back for revenge.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
  • To continually grant knowledge and understanding off how things in the world work to me and my descendants.
  • To grant the knowledge of what would be best to change or not to me and my descendants.
  • I would keep the 3rd wish.

13) When most afraid you...
Freeze up but try to stoke the courage to fight the fear.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Measure the difference in skill. Decide if I can realistically get to and surpass that level. If not, decide what strengths I can master to be superior to them in another certain area.

15) Beauty....
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My ability to figure things out.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If everything matches, fits, feels comfortable, and is on straight.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
I don't have a stance on them.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It should be given to those committing brutal torture and murder, who show no signs of strong remorse. In most other cases I'm against it, but understands it happens in things like war.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
A superhero definitely. Of justice and equality.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Being passionate and direct. I like to go straight to the problem/focus and address it right then and there.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Also my passion and directness. It can be very incendiary. A lot of the time I forget the level can be too upfront and rub others the wrong way once I start. I've taken to either shutting up on the spot, shortening how I feel, or not getting into things in the first place.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
I kind of believe in the zodiac. I don't do that daily horoscope thing, but the animal itself is right for the most part. I am a Scorpio.

1) What is justice to you?
Justice to me is protecting, taking care of, and looking after the less fortunate - whether in skill, knowledge, possessions, or opportunity. Justice is the freedom to work hard in where you want to excel, and fairly being able to reap the results. Justice is not screwing people over, and should stand against those that do things in ways that are less than honorable.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory to me is overcoming challenge. Difficult challenge. Setting a high bar above yourself and pushing in the ways you need to meet it. The singing growth and experience you feel after getting through a difficult challenge is a high form of victory.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or freinds, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?

I would catch the criminal and torture them. There would be no mercy.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I don't have one. If I had to pick it'd either be snakes or cats. They're both lithe, agile, smooth in form, and pretty. They both have a quiet deadliness about them I like too.

5) What is your favorite color?
Navy Blue.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?

7) Describe your ideal home.
Small, but comfy and warm. Modern with lots of curves and low lines, but cordial and familial through earthy colors like deep/dark/rich browns.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Vision. You have to have a good head and eye to see how situations can develop. That way, you can understand how and in which ways to move to end up in the position you want.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
The magical heavy archer. I don't like being up on the front lines. I like space. I'd rather raze and murder people on the battlefield from a long distance afar.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
I'd keep it to myself. I would train with it in private until it's at an unholy level, but if that's not an option, I probably wouldn't use it at all.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
I would not tell on my friend, but we wouldn't be friends any longer. Unless they show remorse, I'd make sure they I'd be coming back for revenge.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
  • To continually grant knowledge and understanding off how things in the world work to me and my descendants.
  • To grant the knowledge of what would be best to change or not to me and my descendants.
  • I would keep the 3rd wish.

13) When most afraid you...
Freeze up but try to stoke the courage to fight the fear.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Measure the difference in skill. Decide if I can realistically get to and surpass that level. If not, decide what strengths I can master to be superior to them in another certain area.

15) Beauty....
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My ability to figure things out.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
If everything matches, fits, feels comfortable, and is on straight.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
I don't have a stance on them.

19) What is your stance on killing?
It should be given to those committing brutal torture and murder, who show no signs of strong remorse. In most other cases I'm against it, but understands it happens in things like war.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
A superhero definitely. Of justice and equality.

21) What is your main quality, in your opinion?
Being passionate and direct. I like to go straight to the problem/focus and address it right then and there.

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Also my passion and directness. It can be very incendiary. A lot of the time I forget the level can be too upfront and rub others the wrong way once I start. I've taken to either shutting up on the spot, shortening how I feel, or not getting into things in the first place.

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
I kind of believe in the zodiac. I don't do that daily horoscope thing, but the animal itself is right for the most part. I am a Scorpio.
Your power is called "equalizer". After a moment of build up, your entire body opens pores that blows a hot black mist that involves an entire area. The mist is irratating on the skin, eyes, nose and mouth, causing intense pain that triggers primal hostile instincts on anyone that comes in contact with it (including yourself), preventing them from even recognzing friend from foe and just going all out until the irritation is gone.
Your power is called "equalizer". After a moment of build up, your entire body opens pores that blows a hot black mist that involves an entire area. The mist is irratating on the skin, eyes, nose and mouth, causing intense pain that triggers primal hostile instincts on anyone that comes in contact with it (including yourself), preventing them from even recognzing friend from foe and just going all out until the irritation is gone.

Haha. This was definitely odd, but cool. I hope the RP you're spotlighting for does flourish and is a lot of fun. I enjoyed the power you gave. I looked at the others well. Very cool and very creative. You should do more ideas like these. It seemed to interest a lot.
Haha. This was definitely odd, but cool. I hope the RP you're spotlighting for does flourish and is a lot of fun. I enjoyed the power you gave. I looked at the others well. Very cool and very creative. You should do more ideas like these. It seemed to interest a lot.
maybe, maybe. Any suggestions?
1) What is justice to you?
Justice to me is changing, its never quite the same.
2) What is victory to you?
Victory is winning not only the battle today but winning the battles of tomorrow at the same time.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Save the child, we have all lived, some with regrets, some with none. The child has yet to live, or be given a chance.
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I'm called pandaman.... obviously its cats!
5) What is your favorite color?
Blue.... no red.... both?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Post apocalyptic
7) Describe your ideal home
Simple with fast WIFI.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Don't use the power, I can't help anyone if I'm dead, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't use them.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Take it and keep the new secret.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I would wish to never be defeated in combat or battle again. The other three... eh who cares!
13) When most afraid you...
Look for help from others.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Build a superior team that will defeat them with ease.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) is everywhere
D) All of the above

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My abilities to judge and adapt.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
That I have my phone.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Animals are cute, but they taste even better. plants are beautiful but should have a purpose, even if that purpose is to be beautiful.
19) What is your stance on killing?
To be avoided unless there is no other choice.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Villain, I am not to be trusted. I would probably become one because if people don't have something to band against and to hate they will tear each other apart.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My ability to access people and their personalities.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My inability in social situations ( I don't understand social norms)
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, i think its a pisces.
Last edited:
1) What is justice to you?
Justice is the little guy winning in the face of it all. When he gets the support of the community and claims what is rightfully his.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory, a true victory is utterly obliterating the enemy, ensuring they won't come after you again. Whether that's by killing them to death multiple times or by publicly humiliating them, they won't be a pain in the ass to me again.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Not going to question why the criminal has all these guys trapped or why I can only open one door, but I would choose the one I'm closest to. Probably my friend or family member, sorry other peeps, but I gotta stay mentally sane if I wanna catch more crime, and this guy is the key to that.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Dog. I fucking hate dogs, but they're cute in pictures, and the way they curl up to you and sit on your lap is comforting when you've had a long day and they're scared of the thunder outside. They make me feel guilty for letting mine down, and also piss me off.

5) What is your favorite color?
Somewhere between aqua and sapphire, driving by an ocean of this color is something that can only be replicated in person.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Fantasy. Your imagination can go wild with whatever the hell you want.

7) Describe your ideal home
It wouldn't be huge, and it would be warm and homey in the winter, and have lots of fans and aethetically-pleasing blinds for the summer heat. There would be stairs and a room where I could just type away at a keyboard at 3 in the morning and no one would question it.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Calm. You need to stay calm, because if you're jumpy as all hell, you won't make sound decisions and something is going to go wrong. You can be as cowardly as you want, but if you're calm, you'll at least survive.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
That support guy who runs around the battlefield, tossing people equipment and helping them out if they're currently overwhelmed. Basically how I play l4d2.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Well it'd probably depend on the power it was and the circumstances and stuff, but I would probably try to keep it quiet.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Well looks like they ain't my best friend anymore. Unless it was a childhood friend, I'm a sucker for those. Assuming it's just a best friend, fuck them. Not literally, just let them deal with the consequences of their own actions. No power of friendship for me.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I wish for the genie to become a mute. Then I wish for his lamp to display an obvious sign of "free genie". Then I wish for his lamp to be teleported into the mailbox of my worst enemy.

13) When most afraid you...
Start panicking and apologizing/asking for the cooperation of the may-or-may-not-exist-it-depends-on-the-situation higher power.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get nervous. Try to play it cool but know I'm acting like an idiot.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Lord Gaben, for his annual pilgrimage to the towns of good boys and girls with money in their wallets, bringing games of all sorts, for an extrodinarily cheaper price.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My backpack. I don't want to forget my 3ds, or anything else I might need for the game. Maybe a usb bank in case there's no plugs left.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Pretty broad. Overall, I guess animals are interesting and plants are bad-smelling and bad-tasting.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Killing what, who, when, where, why, how? I'll kill the bug on the wall, sure. People? Ehh.. Knowing myself when in the heat of the moment, I probably could.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Supervillain, the responsibility of being a hero is too much, and being a villain means your own schedule, lots of politics to keep in mind, keeping up to current events and just sounds more exciting. You gotta plan a careful heist after all.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
Stubbornness, I guess?

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Procrastination, I guess?

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not really, I'm on the edge of taurus and gemini, there's a special name for being born on the day of transition but I can't remember it right now.
1) What is justice to you?
Justice to me is changing, its never quite the same.
2) What is victory to you?
Victory is winning not only the battle today but winning the battles of tomorrow at the same time.
3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Save the child, we have all lived some with regrets, some with none. THe child has yet to live, or be given a chance.
4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
I'm called pandaman.... obviously its cats!
5) What is your favorite color?
Blue.... no red.... both?
6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Post apocalyptic
7) Describe your ideal home
Simple with fast WIFI.
8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Don't use the power, I can't help anyone if I'm dead, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't use them.
11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Take it and keep the new secret.
12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I would wish to never be defeated in combat or battle again.
13) When most afraid you...
Look for help from others.
14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Build a superior team that will defeat them with ease.
15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) is everywhere
D) All of the above

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
My abilities to judge and adapt.
17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
That I have my phone.
18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Animals are cute, but they taste even better. plants are beautiful but should have a purpose, even if that purpose is to be beautiful.
19) What is your stance on killing?
To be avoided unless there is no other choice.
20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Villian, I am not to be trusted. I would probably become one because if people don't have something to band against and to hate they will tear each other apart.
21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
My ability to access people and their personalities.
22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
My inability in social situations ( I don't understand social norms)
23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
No, i think its a pisces.
Your ability is "horocrux mutation". This ability allows you to insert a virus made from your blood into up to ten animals or plants (humans cannot be affected). The virus will heavily mutate the animal, improving a few select physical traits, while at the same time storing a tenth of your consciousness within it. Each animal is therefore linked to your mind, allowing you to freely control them, but with each that is killed, your mind will be reduced due to it, destroying memories thinking and reaction capacity, etc... If all consciousnesses are destroyed and you have none, you will become a lifeless, mindless husk. But if you die and at least one consciousness is still active, while you will loose any that you had within you, your mind will transmit itself to that animal.
1) What is justice to you?
Justice is the little guy winning in the face of it all. When he gets the support of the community and claims what is rightfully his.

2) What is victory to you?
Victory, a true victory is utterly obliterating the enemy, ensuring they won't come after you again. Whether that's by killing them to death multiple times or by publicly humiliating them, they won't be a pain in the ass to me again.

3) You are a hero. A villain you were fighting has trapped in separate rooms a child, an elderly, a war veteran, a fellow superhero with a good record (but also is a jackass), one of your close family members or friends, three criminals (all criminals in one room), a priest and an attractive person of the sex you´re attracted to. Needless to say, you can only rescue one room or you can save none and catch the criminal (leaving everyone to die). What do you do?
Not going to question why the criminal has all these guys trapped or why I can only open one door, but I would choose the one I'm closest to. Probably my friend or family member, sorry other peeps, but I gotta stay mentally sane if I wanna catch more crime, and this guy is the key to that.

4) What is your favorite animal? Why?
Dog. I fucking hate dogs, but they're cute in pictures, and the way they curl up to you and sit on your lap is comforting when you've had a long day and they're scared of the thunder outside. They make me feel guilty for letting mine down, and also piss me off.

5) What is your favorite color?
Somewhere between aqua and sapphire, driving by an ocean of this color is something that can only be replicated in person.

6) What is your favorite roleplaying genre?
Fantasy. Your imagination can go wild with whatever the hell you want.

7) Describe your ideal home
It wouldn't be huge, and it would be warm and homey in the winter, and have lots of fans and aethetically-pleasing blinds for the summer heat. There would be stairs and a room where I could just type away at a keyboard at 3 in the morning and no one would question it.

8) What is the most important quality to have in battle?
Calm. You need to stay calm, because if you're jumpy as all hell, you won't make sound decisions and something is going to go wrong. You can be as cowardly as you want, but if you're calm, you'll at least survive.

9)What role would you rather have in a teamfight?
That support guy who runs around the battlefield, tossing people equipment and helping them out if they're currently overwhelmed. Basically how I play l4d2.

10) Imagine you wake up one day with a power. If it gets out you have it, it would mean danger to you, but the power may be useful to you or to those around you. What do you do?
Well it'd probably depend on the power it was and the circumstances and stuff, but I would probably try to keep it quiet.

11) Your best friend blamed you for something they did and now your reputation is ruined, however, if the truth gets out your friend will be in far worse conditions. What do you do?
Well looks like they ain't my best friend anymore. Unless it was a childhood friend, I'm a sucker for those. Assuming it's just a best friend, fuck them. Not literally, just let them deal with the consequences of their own actions. No power of friendship for me.

12) A genie offers you three wishes. He explains that any wish-rule-affecting wishes, any direct influence on others wishes or vague reality altering wishes of permanent effect are forbidden and if requested (or if you try to pull a fast one on the genie) instead of your wish being granted you are killed. What are your three wishes?
I wish for the genie to become a mute. Then I wish for his lamp to display an obvious sign of "free genie". Then I wish for his lamp to be teleported into the mailbox of my worst enemy.

13) When most afraid you...
Start panicking and apologizing/asking for the cooperation of the may-or-may-not-exist-it-depends-on-the-situation higher power.

14) When attempting to confront something superior to yourself in a certain area, you...
Get nervous. Try to play it cool but know I'm acting like an idiot.

15) Beauty....
A) Is in the eye of the beholder
B) Comes from within
C) Is your middle name
D) Is overrated
E) is everywhere

16) Above all else, you put your trust in...
Lord Gaben, for his annual pilgrimage to the towns of good boys and girls with money in their wallets, bringing games of all sorts, for an extrodinarily cheaper price.

17) Right before leaving for a party you make sure to check...
My backpack. I don't want to forget my 3ds, or anything else I might need for the game. Maybe a usb bank in case there's no plugs left.

18) What is your stance on animals and plants?
Pretty broad. Overall, I guess animals are interesting and plants are bad-smelling and bad-tasting.

19) What is your stance on killing?
Killing what, who, when, where, why, how? I'll kill the bug on the wall, sure. People? Ehh.. Knowing myself when in the heat of the moment, I probably could.

20) If you were to become a superhero or supervillain which would it be and what would you become one for?
Supervillain, the responsibility of being a hero is too much, and being a villain means your own schedule, lots of politics to keep in mind, keeping up to current events and just sounds more exciting. You gotta plan a careful heist after all.

21) What is your main quality,in your opinion?
Stubbornness, I guess?

22) What is your biggest flaw, in your opinion?
Procrastination, I guess?

23) Do you believe in the zodiac? What is your sign?
Not really, I'm on the edge of taurus and gemini, there's a special name for being born on the day of transition but I can't remember it right now.
Your power is "Un-unbeliebable", and it is a power that allows you to temporarily reverse the ability of anyone you land a punch on. For example, someone with super hearing might suddenly go deaf, someone with fire control would fire going wild near them, someone with a destruction energy beam would find themselves healing those hit, etc...

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