[IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 1: The Milk Run [Soot and Starlight ]

Kimbia Mbio

Kimbia stands up hurriedly as Chejop sweeps past, folding her hands in front of her and bowing to him; she has to tilt her head awkwardly to avoid looking like she's pointing her horns at him. She keeps that pose until he leaves, ears flattened back in unease against her head. Once he's gone she sighs, and moves on into the next room. She bows to Ayesha, but in a more relaxed fashion, perhaps being more comfortable with an elder of her own Caste.

"Kimbia Mbio, Chosen of Mercury, reporting as requested."

Matsuko gets up and heads to the other room.

When these two are actually working together on something, it has to be big. Sure hope we're ready for this.

She keeps her flower in her hands, holding it vertical almost as if she were in a funeral procession.

While Chejop Kejack ignored the independents on his way out, Kanako gave him a bow showing the proper amount of respect due a Sidereal Elder - no more, no less. Courtesy does go both ways, after all. After the Bronze Faction leader left, Kanako sasheyed into the office with all the grace and dignity expected of the Cerulean Lute's employees.

Once inside, he addressed Ayesha with the respect due a royal princess. Bowing deeply, Kanako took her outstreched hand and gave it a delicate kiss. "Ayesha, you look lovely today. Like the others, I have been assigned to the Convention on Essence Wielders. I relish the opportunity of working with you."
Ayesha Ura smiles as you enter the room, openly laughing at Kanako's greeting. Her laugh is warm and friendly. She's a beautiful black woman, looking to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She is simply dressed in a long flowing robe, its saffron colour bringing out her honey-coloured eyes.

"Why so formal? Welcome to my office." Ayesha makes seems genuinely pleased for you all to be here, but there's a faint strain showing around the eyes. She makes no indication of favouritism based on your known factional leanings.

"You have been transferred to this Convention because our purview has expanded, and so too must our manpower. You are all recently Exalted, and come highly recommended. I hope you find your time with this Convention rewarding. We have much to do."

Walking around her desk, she stops, and faces away from you, watching the Heavenly City out the large airy windows.

"As you know, the Solar Exalted have returned. Our senior operatives are currently working on this issue. The resurgence of the most powerful essence wielders in Creation is something we must naturally keep tabs on. However, we cannot neglect our other tasks, and that's where you come in. You'll deal with the run-of-the-mill work of the convention for the time being. Fate disturbances, over-zealous sorcerors, disturbances from outside fate, and the like. In time you'll work your way up to dealing with Exalted matters. Our... estranged cousins (and here she glances back at Kimbia for a moment) of the Silver Pact are becoming active in Creation again. That they're willing to risk something of that nature when the Bronze Star leads the Hunt suggests something momentous is coming. The Terrestrial Exalted near total war, and the essence conflagrations of 10,000 exalted warring on one another will tear holes in fate we must be ready to fix. And then there are the troubling reports of the Black Suns, though those of you who served with the Convention on Deathlords know enough about those strange monsters."

She turns back to face all of you.

"Your first assignment is nothing so serious, however. It's just a milk run, something to get you into the swing of things. We've been tracking ripples in fate in the city of Crystal. Normally such a signature indicates demonic or fae activity, but this is something else. I want you to go to Crystal and find out the cause. You may handle the cause as you see fit, but don't be afraid to call for backup. I doubt you'll need it, though."

She turns away again, staring out over the city. It's hard to be sure, but you think she's staring at a tower in one of the abandoned quarters.

"You travel to Crystal tomorrow. In the meantime, gather what supplies you need. Do any of you have any questions?"
Kimbia Mbio

You'll deal with the run-of-the-mill work of the convention for the time being...

The gazellewoman slumps forward slightly, her shoulders and arms dropping hopelessly. She visibly holds back a sigh, and draws herself back up again. At mention of going to Crystal, she wraps her arms up around herself, anticipating the cold.

"Well..." as Ayesha asks for questions, Kimbia glances at the other Sidereals next to her, "The usual questions, really... Who is in the area that we need to be careful of? And are we going to have any resources allocated to help us?"

"You mentioned deathknights elder, they tend to affect the Loom the same way the other creatures of darkness do... there is heavy Deathlord intervention in that part of the North. Could be deathknight activity... what should be our course of action should we face abyssal exalts ?

Who is our contact there ?

Also, who's missing ?"says Maygo with a monotone voice.
Ayesha raised a single eyebrow.

"Missing? I'm not sure what you're talking about..."

A flicker in her eyes, they seem to harden slightly as she looks at you. She turns to Kimbia and smiles, seemingly unfazed by her inhuman appearance. The hardness melts away.

"Crystal is quiet at the moment, we've been monitoring the area for about a month now. You shouldn't have to worry about running into anything apart from the entity we want you to find. You shouldn't require many resources for this mission, but you can make any reasonable requests of my secretary, who will be happy to help you ."

She turns back to Maygo.

"We have detected no unusual necrotic essence signatures in Crystal at this time, so we don't believe it is the Abyssal Exalted. However, should you encounter one, do not attempt to engage them. They are powerful beings, and very dangerous. Report their presence, and leave them be. If need be, we will request an assassination team from the Violet Bier. Fight one only in self-defense.

As for your contacts, we run a weaver's shop in the Merchant District of the city. You can contact our agents there. They'll fill you in more fully on the details."

She surveys the rest of the group. "Do any of the rest of you have anything to ask?"

Winking, Kanako affirms the sentiment of his fellow Sidereals, "I can't think of anything else, at the moment."
Kimbia Mbio

"Thank you; I simply wish some aid in crafting my destiny for this assigment," Kimbia says. "I don't think there's anything else."
Kagure Twice-Penitent

Having delivered a polite greeting, Kagure has been silent throughout proceedings.

And perhaps unsurprisingly, remains so. Ever patient, Kagure knows there is nothing he need ask now, and he only hopes his skills will be needed on the mission - already he feels rather superfluous.
"Alright, then." She smiles that brilliant smile again.

"You have your orders. You leave by Celestial Gate tomorrow. Spend today gathering what supplies you need."

The audience is clearly over.
Kimbia Mbio

The younger Journeys bows. "Of course. By your leave, elder."

As they pass through the outer offices, Kimbia turns to the others. "Usual arrangement, countersign each other's destinies?" she asks. "We should plan so that they compliment each other, if we're working together. I can risk a human resplendent if it's needed, but since we're going so far north, I think I might do better as an elkwoman under the Sorceror, or maybe the Guardians." She lifts a hand absently to run a finger along her horns. "What do you think?"

With a playful nod, Kanako took his leave of Ayesha Ura.

While exiting the Elder's office, he answered Kimbia's query with a cheerful grin, "Of course I'll countersign." Framing her with his thumbs and index fingers like a painter sizing up a masterpiece, he continued, "Although, if I read your temperment right, the Messenger would make for a most fabulous Resplencency."

Matsuko bows and exits with the other younger Sidereals.

"We should take what destinies we are comfortable with, since we don't have need of any particular one. I will also co-sign."
Kimbia Mbio

"I do like the messenger," she says, "It's just hard to stop people wondering why I'm being followed around by a talking lion and a thunderbird, or a blood ape, or whatever it is I'll take with me this time. Unless I go for the whole "messenger of the gods" thing. But I have to use mah essence a lot more where I go, so I usually go for the Sorcerer."

She pauses a moment to talk to Ayesha's secretary, inquiring as to whether it might be possible to get a countersignatory for their destiny petitions.

"By the way," she says, turning back to her mission companions, "Who's best with the prayer and the writing? I'm good with the Loom itself, but I have trouble getting the spiders to listen to me."
Terse Cselin

"I'm not great to be honest" Cselin comments cheerfully, "so if nobody has any problems, I'll probably stick with one of the ones I've already got going. I'll be happy to co-sign though".

"I'm not good with destinies, and usually do not use them in the field.

But I'll consent to co-sign for you all in exchange of a co-signature of course."

"I can usually get the spiders attention when I need to. The Lesser Sign of Venus does make it easier." Pausing, he sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "When I remember to invoke it."

"Well, whoever's best..." the Harbinger says, hefting a stack of papers she had left outside. "We'd best get started..."
The Crystal Gate is ready for you in the morning... better get some sleep.


16xp, and the new scene will be up shortly.

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