[IC Thread] Act 1, Scene 1: The Milk Run [Soot and Starlight ]


Having all received your reassignment orders to the Convention on Essence Wielders the day previous, you have all arrived at the office antechambers to await your first assignment. From within the office you can hear low voices. For most of you, this is the first time you've met or interacted more than briefly. You've all been left alone here. The silence is... awkward.


Ok, introduce yourselves to each other.
Kimbia Mbio

The gazellewoman is probably both the most comfortable and the most uncomfortable, at the same time. She's worked in the Convention before, and the antechamber is familiar to her; on the other hand, there's these new people...

Just try to ignore any staring... she thinks to herself. And clears her throat. "So... You probably all know me by reputation at this point..."
Terse Cselin

Cselin is perfectly at home in his surroundings, and is currently lounging on a chair, an unmarked book propped in front of his face. What the book contains is a complete mystery, though it's likely something trivial, as every so often a slight giggle escapes him as he reads a particularly amusing passage.

He lowers his book, tugging his shades down slightly to glance at the beastwoman. "Well, if it isn't Miss Mbio" he greets warmly, "a pleasure to see you again". Propping his shades back in place, the oracle gazes around the rest of the group, lingering one one of the Reckoners. "Nice to see you as well Matsuko, but the rest of you folks I'm afraid I don't recall. I'm Terse Cselin, and you all are..."
Sesus Liara

Liara walked in, her trademark scowl on her face, her short boyish hair flowing, bangs in her face. Her starmetal armor glittered in the lights of the Convention. This was a new arena for her to work in, and many of the others around were new faces, as she mostly worked in Creation at various Immaculate Schools. She sat in a chair, holding her hands together, waiting for an elder to speak up.
Maygo, Frozen Flame

His hood resting on his back, the young Maygo slightly bows with his head, his long grey hair follows the nod.

His voice is but a murmur and though he's not the warmest person in heaven he is at least polite.

"My name is Maygo, though you may know me by my other name, Frozen Flame. I come from the Convention on Deathlords."
Kimbia Mbio

"Ahh... Hello, Cselin," Kimbia replied, smiling a little for a moment; the Secrets Caste was familiar to her, and nice. "I didn't recognize you behind the book. I heard you almost blew out a wall making a big new technique a while ago?"
Terse Cselin

"Ah, you heard about that?" Cselin asks nervously. He was hoping no one had found out about that, but considering how loud it was perhaps he shouldn't have bothered. "I've got to say, I didn't expect Solar essence to be so... explosive. Perhaps that's why the Golds are so fixated on their pets; rampant pyromania?"

"But enough about me" he says, flipping off the chair and tucking the book away in his coat in the same motion. "How have you been lately?" he asks, maneuvering her towards his vacated seat. "You look tired. Here, have my seat."

"Oh, and it's good to meet you Frozen Flame".
Kimbia Mbio

"Solar essence, hard to handle?" Her voice dropped a little. "Bronze stars would love that..."

With a soft sigh, she accepted the offer of the chair and sank herself down into the cushions.

"I'm always tired..." she says, leaning back. "I get about thirty reports about Lunars that I didn't ask for crossing mah desk every day, a pile I can't even count about Fair Folk... mah boss in the Convention on War has me update the borders of the Wyld on a big map in his office every twelve hours... and I'm in trouble with a bunch of gardas about taking an ifrit here with me the last time I came back from Creation. Nothing official, but I had to let him go."
Terse Cselin

"Yeesh, and I thought they overworked me" Cselin remarks with a whistle, running one hand through his hair. "Like I said last time, don't be afraid to drop me a line if you need to". Clapping his hands together, he switches to a lighter tone, hoping to distract the harbinger for a moment at least. "But enough bitching about work! You three still haven't introduced yourselves" he proclaims, gesturing towards Sesus, Kagure and Kanako.

"You in particular, my good sir" he says with a wink at Kanako.
Kagure Twice-Penitent

Even before Exaltation a shy man, Kagure waits patiently, arms folded, against a conveniently bare portion of wall for instructions to be given. To call him wary of his fellow Exalts is something of an understatement - Kagure is not the brightest spark, and fairly idealistic. Obedience to superiors conflicts with rampant paranoia in the young Vizier, and his past mistakes only serve to heighten his temerity.

He bows politely to his fellows, introduces himself in humble tones.

Deep down, Kagure still feels he doesn't deserve the power thrust upon him.
Sesus Liara

Liara shrugged. "What's the point, until we have to find out what our assignments are? I think it better not to know names unless I have to defeat you on the field of battle." She sighed, "...but I know you probably won't stop trying. I am Liara, from the House of Sesus. I work with the Immaculate Order."
Terse Cselin

"Nice to meet you Liara, Kagure" Cselin replies cheerfully, though with a brief glare flashed over his shades as Liara mentions her work with the Immaculate Order. A Bronze with an attitude problem is not going to be helpful.

Bowing deeply in a manner reminiscent of a stage actor taking a curtain call, he answered to Cselin's prodding. "I would be Kanako. It is a pleasure to meet everyone."

Rising he surveyed the rest of his companions. With but a glance he noticed Mbio's fatigue and Liara's scowl. He couldn't quite put his finger on why Kagure seemed so tense. "Relax. I suspect whatever we're about to do will be," after pausing for effect, he continued, "great fun."
Maygo, Frozen Flame

"Whatever it is,it's sufficiently important to gather all of us... I hope we will deal with it quickly... I have important studies to come back to."

Maygo stares at Liara...

better not to know names unless I have to defeat you on the field of battle... and they say I'm cold and distant...

"Who signed your transfer order ? mine didn't say anything."
Convention on Oversight. This one's from all the way up.

The murmuring of voices in the office chambers continues. It's hard to tell, but you think there might be an argument going on inside.

Anyone who wants to can make Perception+Awareness rolls to see if they can catch any of it.
Closing his eyes Maygo turned his head towards the chambers.

What in heaven was going on behind those doors...


8x(D10+0): 7 2 6 10 9 6 9 7: 6 suxx.
Terse Cselin

"What have we here" says Cselin in an overly-theatrical way, "I do believe our superiors are having quite the debate. Should we listen in? I don't believe the question even bears asking". And with that Cselin shimmys over to the door, one ear against it.


Perception (3) + Awareness (4) = 7 Dice Pool

Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 5 2 8 8 7 5 6 ] (TN: 7)

With a deep breath, Kanako closes his eyes, focuses, and tilts his head. After a few seconds, he opens them. Pointing his thumb towards the door, "So what has their panties all bunched up? I can't quite make it out."


perception (3) + awareness (0) = 3d (6,4,5) = 0sx

Edit: fixed a thinko.

Matsuko sits quietly, seemingly enamored with the flower she's holding. She is, however, paying a good deal of attention to what's going on. However, having already been introduced, she sees no need to speak up yet.


Perception 4 + Awareness 2

Results for 6 dice: 4 successes [ 9 1 9 9 7 4 ] (TN: 7)
Kimbia Mbio

At mention of the debate going on next door, the Harbinger slid her gaze over the door with curiosity. Her long ears perked up and tilted themselves in that direction.


Perception 3 + Awareness 2, 5 dice. Result: 2 7 2 8 4 (2 successes)
Sesus Liara

Liara sighed, turning her head towards the noises next door. Here we go again...


Sesus Liara rolled the following in his 7 dice:

10, 3, 1, 9, 4, 4, 3

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

Perception (4) + Awareness (3)
The voices stop, and footsteps approach the door. the man who steps out is instantly recognisable to all of you, and all of you, regardless of faction, stand as Chejop Kejak enters the room. He glances around, sparing a brief nod for Liara and a scowl for the gold stars in the room. He ignores the independents.

"Ayesha Ura is ready to see you now. Don't keep her waiting."

He walks out without another word.
Maygo, Frozen Flame

Respectfully bowing before his elder, but not too much, Maygo enters the room and leaves the door open for the others.

Hmm... something's telling me that this is not good...

He respectfully bows before Ayesha:

"Maygo, chosen of Saturn, transfered from the Convention on Deathlords, reporting, madam."
Terse Cselin

Cselin breathes a sigh of relief as Chejop leaves, having quickly dashed away from the door and burried his nose in his book at the first sign of the elder's approach. Holy Sun-mice! Almost got caught eaves-dropping there.

He calms himself quickly and follows after Maygo, giving a similar bow to the elder. "Terse Cselin reporting as ordered, ma'am".
Sesus Liara

She smiled slightly at Chejop, bowing her head politely before standing up and following the others into the room, clasping her hands together and bowing slightly before the elder.

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