I would be Cryal...


Wizard of Light Bulb Moments

... or more specifically, Isabel

General Facts

My name would be Isabel L. Fore.

I am currently 16 years old.

Last time I checked (it's been a while, however) I had two XX chromosomes.

I (currently?) reside in the wonderful state of Virginia.


I don't like reading, I don't like writing, I'm not creative, and I dislike interacting with people.

So why did I join a site where you're required to do/be/like all these things?


I want to change.

No, no, (friend. You've got it all wrong. I'm not selling cheap mead. I'm selling good mead for cheap) I don't want to completely change my person to "fit in" or because I'm unhappy with myself. I just got bored.

I figured I'd try something out of my comfort zone.

I'm really into computers. Coding, programming, developing. Oh, and music. I love music. Writing, in specific (I just contradict myself left and right, don't I?).

  • I don't trust people who don't like dogs.

Societies Gender Class

Well, I guess I'm supposed to be full of estrogen and all light and airy, yet emotional. I guess you could call me that.

I'm more into

, and

, but.. we can't ALL be unique, right?
But don't worry, I don't scream "FEMINISM!" every time someone says anything remotely sexist. I can take a joke (and make one too.. I mean look at this post). I just don't think I fall into the "general sex class" defined as female.

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While I generally approve, you may want to moderate your use of the phrase 'axe wound' on here.

We have more delicate teens on the site.

But here's hoping I see you around. You need help, ping me.
Grey said:
While I generally approve, you may want to moderate your use of the phrase 'axe wound' on here.

We have more delicate teens on the site.

But here's hoping I see you around. You need help, ping me.
Ah, sorry. I'm used to a little filter.

I will change that, right away.

EDIT: I seem to have forgotten my manors. Thank you, I will be sure to "ping"(?) you if I ever need any help.
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Sorry, I am colloquially known as the meanest senpai - which is to say, if I see you can do better, I will not hesitate to point it out.

But yeah, tag @Grey in a post, and when you get access to PMs you can use that avenue too. Or any Fellow you like.
Oh, no, I meant manors. I seem to have misplaced my keys...

Correct me if I'm wrong, (and I know you will, senpai) but weren't you the one making ramen noodles?
You'll have to teach me how to do that some day.

My cooking skills seemed to have plateaued at microwaving water..
Welcome to the site, Cryal! ^_^ I love how you formatted your thread, it makes things a ton easier.

So I assume you're a fan of Skyrim? If so, favorite companion (terrible opening question, I know)?
I just about asked what gave it away..

My favorite companion.. hmm..

I'd have to go with Aela.

Minus the fact she's a werewolf, I consider myself to be a lot like her. Free spirited, independent. (I don't need no man.)

Tho I guess the beastblood kind of makes all of them like that.

I don't know. Something about her "personality" (AI.. oops) draws me towards her. I use her as a follower when I don't feel like using modded followers, honestly.
I always use Brelyna, mainly because she's my ingame wife (I love that she only went to the college to escape people's opinion of her), and because her summoning spells are amazing.

Plus she goes terribly with my assassinborn, so naturally I love her.

I haven't gotten into mods, actually (I hardly play Skyrim anymore, once I beat every primary, guild, and Daedric quest it got a bit dull), are there any you recommend?
Brelyna was one when I was playing SGS (Sokco's Guild Starter) simply because I wanted a mage (I was trying to get one person of every class, basically) and she was right there. She has some nostalgic value to me, but other than that she's pretty useless (sorry to insult your wife).

As for mods, it depends on what you want.

I assume you want replay value so mods like

might be what you're looking for. Really anything in this category of the Nexus will enhance replay value (that is the "Quests and Adventures" section).

However there are tons of other mods. Some of my personal favorites are:

I'm playing with 97 mods, however, and listing all of them to you would be insanely unrealistic, so check out the Nexus.

It's the largest collection of Skyrim mods available.
Good lordy loo woman you've got a plethora of things bouncing around in that head o' yours. Not even sure where to start.

But I can take a stab at it. First off, I think it's admirable you're trying something outside your comfort zone to try and broaden your horizons. Most people are content with what they know and not venturing beyond it (myself included at times). I've been writing amateurly for well over 7 years now and I'd be more than happy to help you along your path if you're looking for some experience to draw from. Anything from basics to conjecture, ask and I'll do my best to answer.

Secondly: Yessssss, another Skyrim fan. I don't use mods myself but I've thought up some vivid headcannons of my own characters. More than happy to swap notes if you'd like.
Isabel, welcome!

There are threads here which have nothing to do with roleplaying. Take your pick! The community is filled with various people who are all great; finding others that match a lot of your own description should be absolutely no issue at all.

I forgot you're not familiar with our words yet. I apologize.

Canon is basically any fact or event that has been proven true by the actual text or depiction of the medium of a particular story. Example: Harry Potter marrying Ginny Weasley is cannon because that's what J.K. Rowling wrote in her book.

Headcanon by contrast is any fact or event believed to be true by the fan of the medium. "It's true in my head!" Example: Harry Potter actually admitting he's gay and getting it on with Draco Malfoy is a popular headcanon amongst Harry Potter fans.

Are you taking notes? There will be a quiz later.
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout << "Welcome to RPN, Isabel." << endl;

cout << "You and I seem to have a lot in common." << endl;

cout << "I think it is great that you are trying something out of your comfort zone." << endl;

cout << "If you need anything, make sure you let me know. I am new here, but I have been roleplaying for years." << endl;

cout << "Would you like to roleplay?" << endl;

return 0;

[QUOTE="Makise Kurisu]#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout << "Welcome to RPN, Isabel." << endl;

cout << "You and I seem to have a lot in common." << endl;

cout << "I think it is great that you are trying something out of your comfort zone." << endl;

cout << "If you need anything, make sure you let me know. I am new here, but I have been roleplaying for years." << endl;

cout << "Would you like to roleplay?" << endl;

return 0;


What you did there? I see it.

[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Welcome to the crew, Cryal :) Hope you're enjoying the site thus far!

And thus far I have definitely been enjoying it.
[QUOTE="Makise Kurisu]Well, would you like to roleplay?

Indeed. Now that my Internet problem has been seemingly fixed.. I hope..

[QUOTE="Todd McKenzie]Welcome to RPN, Cyral. You seem to have a lot in common with me. I am excited to see you around.

I'm looking forward to seeing me around as well. How coincidental.
[QUOTE="Makise Kurisu]Would you like to roleplay on a thread, or through PMs?

I don't have a preference. Whatever you want to do.

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