I won't fall for my boss (Sharliery & Me)


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Charlotte Robins slid her finger through her cellphone's screen almost as soon as the alarm went off. She sat up slowly and, with a yawn, ran her fingers through her hair before she got on her feet. It was a good thing that she had always been the morning person type of woman. Silently, she dragged her feet to her bathroom, and with a pleased exhalation welcomed the warm water as it poured down her naked body, relaxing each and every of her muscles as it did so. She took her time in the shower, humming to herself as she scrubbed herself thoroughly and gently. Twenty minutes later, give or take, she stopped the water from running and wrapped herself around her fluffy and comfy white towel.

With that same towel up on her head wrapped around her hair, Charlotte proceeded to put on some make-up, which, to be honest, wasn't much. She softly applied a dark coloured eye shadow and some mascara. Afterwards, she took out her lipgloss and left it there to use it later. Having done that, she unwrapped the towel from around her hair and combed it carefully before drying it. It was until then, that she got dressed with one of her business attires.

Later, while she waited for her coffee to be done, back leaned against the counter, the brunette's teenage sister entered the kitchen. Claire was shorter than her sister, and her hair was much lighter than hers, but the one thing they shared, was their eyes; greyish blue.

"What's for breakfast?" She asked her while she opened the fridge "There's no milk" She accused her.

"I don't know Claire, you've got to prepare yourself something" The brunette declared while closing the fridge "And of course there's no milk. You didn't tell me"

"Well you knew! And mom, always makes breakfast for me in the mornings" Claire defended herself.

"It's a shame I'm not her. Now go and get ready before it gets late"

"That's not fair, Charlotte!"

"Claire, please, you've been complaining ever since you got here last night. It's not my fault mom and dad went on a trip and left you with me. Keep behaving like that, and I'll sent you to stay with out grandparents" To be honest, the young woman didn't remember her little sister to be so ... well such a pain. Of course she liked to have her at her place, but really, she never did anything on her own. She was sixteen for Lord's sake! She should be able to at least cook her own meals.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Don't you try me" She warned her.

Claire looked at her for a few more seconds, defiant. Finally, she grumbled a couple of words beneath her breath before she stormed off. Charlotte sighed before she poured herself some coffee. She had to buy milk. After that unpleasant moment, the young woman finished her beverage, washed it, and went back to her room to brush her teeth and take her lipgloss. With all that morning routine, which was actually more like a ritual, she was ready to go.

"Have a nice day at school, Claire!" She said out loud before leaving, but to no avail, as she didn't get any reply back. Actually, she could've sworn she heard the guest room's door being slammed.

Unfortunately for her, Charlotte didn't live near her workplace. It was a long way to get there. But, good thing was, she was saving up money to buy herself a car. That way, she wouldn't have to take a bus each day to get to work. However, until she could afford the car she wanted, she still had to use that mean of transportation. When she finally reached the company, she let out a relieved sigh and made her way over to the building.

"Good morning, Charlotte"

"Good morning, Alfred" The brunette replied while smiling at the security guard "Has Mr John arrived yet?"

"Not yet"

"Thank you, Alfred. Have a nice day" And with that, she entered the place.

The building was big, nice and spacious. Of course, one couldn't expect less from the company owned by a man such as Grayson John. To be honest, Charlotte would've never dreamed with working there, but there you see, not only she was an employer there, but she worked directly for Mr John himself. While thinking about that, she stepped inside the lift.

(@Sharliery So it's here! :>)
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Grayson had yet to leave his bedroom, let alone his dreams. Though his empire was built on sleepless nights, blood, tears and sweat, it was relaxing that he now had enough people under him to handle 90 percent of his work load and yet he could only swear he spent most of his life behind a desk and at meetings. It was a busy life, but he couldn't lie that he loved to spend his mornings in bed as late as possible, but not without interruption he might add.

He lay in almost nothing but his trousers, in his dark loft he kept every blind remotely closed so his room look like the dead of night at any time of the day. His head was buried under his mounds of white pillow and sheets, his shoulders were the only thing visible.

A small knock briefly woke him. It must have been Isabela, his house helper. "Mr. John, your main office is on line one.."

Grayson stopped himself from groaning. He heard her knock again.

"Mr. John, they are requesting your immediate attention. "

A large hand came down on his pillow raising it from his head he placed it a ways away from his body on his monstrous bed. He lifted his head in the direction of his bed side table, in the darkness of the room he saw the blue light flashing on the first line of his phone. ..that's how much he stayed involved in his work, his office phones and home phones matched completely...If some one was reaching this phone he could only imagine his cell.

"Thank you Idabela, I'll take it in here." Grayson forced himself from his comfortable spot, reaching for his phone as he scooted to the edge of the bed to sit up right. Before he picked up the phone he heard another knock.

"Would you like me to come in and fix your room now or later?"

"Now is fine, come in..." Grayson pulled the covers over his hips to cover the lower part of his body. The elderly woman came into the room greeting him with a smile. He wasn't ashamed of being shirtless, Isabela had been with him since he first started his company, she was almost like a mother, part of the family..and she sure had a way of waking him up. As soon as she walked in she pressed a button to lift the blinds. Grayson felt like a burning vampire. His eyes squinting in pain to the sudden light. He turned his attention to his phone.

Grayson reached for the phone, pressing line one the flashing button turned solid. He combed back his unruly brown hair, his blue eyes were dilated due to the sudden light.

"This is Grayson..." His deep voice answered, assertive and serious. He masked the sleepiness he still felt , he didn't know who could be on the line.

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"Let me guess. It's not your first coffee of the day"

Charlotte flashed her coworker a sort of guilty smile "No. I think I must be addicted to caffeine" She stated in a sigh before taking a sip of her paper coffee cup.

"You think?" The brunette doubted she'd ever be able to hear Alex without that natural sarcasm that accompanied his words.

"I know" Charlotte laughed, correcting herself "By the way, friday night, is it a go?"

"Oh, absolutely. Do you want me to drive you there?"

"I'd love to, but that depends" She sighed.

"Grayson John, huh?" He asked her, brow raised.

"Mhm. If we're done early on friday I'll tell you, okay?"

"Alright. But, really, you can take your time. See? That's why I don't get you, Lottie. If only I was to spend the entire day by his side" He sighed with a dreamy look on his emerald green eyes "Well I wouldn't complain"

"But I bet Christopher would" The young woman commented with a chuckle.

"Haven't you heard, dear? 'Just because you're on a diet, doesn't mean that you can't look at the menu' " He stated with a smirk.

"If you say so. Anyway, see you at lunch?"

"You know where to find me"

"Right" And with that, both of them parted ways.

With her steaming hot black coffee on her hand, she made her way over to her desk. Funny thing was, that it really was located by Grayson's private office. Just by it actually. If you were to go down a hallway, you could reach the two wooden doors that led there, and on the left, before entering, was Charlotte's desk, while on the right there were a few comfy chairs which were used as some sort of waiting room for those who wanted to see him directly on his office.

The young woman's desk was organised and rather simple. There were a few papers piled up at one side, her laptop - which the company provided -, a phone, a digital clock and a small, beautiful wood Japanese doll . Sh set her paper cup down and sat down before she turned on her laptop. She guessed her boss wouldn't be arriving anytime soon yet. So, she leaned back on the leather chair and closed her eyes for a moment. Sadly, she didn't get to relax much, as the phone rang loudly on her ears. Groaning a bit, she pried her eyes open and took a hold of it.

"Grayson John's office" She stated.

"Charlotte? Here's a lady who says she needs to see Mr. John immediately" Marisa, the receptionist downstairs, sounded rather nervous.

Charlotte sighed softly. Not again She thought to herself before pinching the bridge of her nose "Can you tell her he hasn't arrived yet?"

"I already did, but she refuses to believe me. She says her name is Ruby Blackburn"

"Well, tell her she just can't come inside" She argued.

"She insists, Charlotte. I think she's beginning to lose her patience"

"Has she told you why?" Maybe ... Just maybe it was important this time. Business matter.

"No. She says it's a personal matter" Ooor maybe not Charlotte thought.

"Tell Alfred to take her out. But tell him to be careful. Discrete, you know?"

"I ... I think she's about to blow a fuse" Marisa lowered her voice "Really, I think she's about to make a scene" As if to prove that point, Ruby Blackburn's voice could be heard at the other end of the line.

"Ok, ok. I'll call Mr. John. Just try to hold her"

"Hurry up, Charlotte"

She nodded, as if Marisa could see that gesture, and hung up. Having done that, she quickly called the one to blame for that trouble. One would really expect that high-class ladies wouldn't make such a ruckus to enter a billionaire's company. She was obviously mistaken. Isabella, with whom she'd already spoke a few times already, picked up. She told her she needed Mr. John immediately and after a while, she finally, dear god finally! Heard his voice. It wasn't the time to notice that, but he really did have a nice, deep voice ... She shook her head.

"Good morning, Mr. John. This is Charlotte Robins. I'm sorry I woke you up, but this is somewhat of an ... urgent matter" She waited for a moment before she spoke again "Miss Ruby Blackburn is here and she wants to see you. I already told her you weren't here but she really insists" She emphasised the word.
As if her voice was a ray of sun itself, Grayson's mood had flipped into a 360, he leaned into the comfort of his head board, watching Isabela clean up here and there through out the room.

"Charlotte, I've told you time and time again, no need with formalities, call me Grayson. As for Ruby, obviously I'm no where near the office...that woman is quite persistent isn't she?" Grayson sat up from his comfortable position, opening the drawer to his night stand that was piled high with paper work and files, he reached for his phone that sat on top of the pile. His inbox was cluttered with messages from anyone and everyone, appointments set by Charlotte popped in his screen, along with Miss Ruby her self showing every side of her personality she could fit into 500 characters a text.

"Hmm.. well then." He sounded distracted as he skimmed through the messages. He let out a large sigh. "If you are calling me I'm assuming the matter is out of everyone's hands? Please have her wait outside my office... I'll try to get there as soon as I can..." He let out another sigh. "Also looks like we will need to push out this mornings meeting to noon, seeing as it starts in 20 minutes, Have Alex or Gregory stand in for me at the 1130 meeting and schedule everything else after according. Also, I need the dry cleaning from last week picked up before 2, and I think the Mercedes dealership called about having my vehicles serviced please schedule that and I'd like them done before the end of the day.." Grayson's eyes quickly scanned over her day, so much had to be done and it seemed he didn't have enough hours in the day. For weeks in advanced it seemed to pile on more and more. "Charlotte can you also have breakfast sent to my office... possible a Mimosa or two for Ruby..I'm sure she'd like it to calm her down... Please hold any calls and meetings until 12... I'll be there soon..." Grayson knew some of his request were unreasonable. ..but when he hired her, he explained he needed someone more then capable. He has only spent about two weeks with her so far...but for the most part she was more like his partner. His very life revolved on how well she Balanced his life. "Thank you Charlotte, I'll contact you when I'm there."

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" ... Call me Grayson"

"Right, I'm sorry. I forgot" She declared, though it seemed as if he hadn't heard her.

But she really did forget, every time. Because it was more like something he'd be telling her over and over again, but always accompanied with a long list of whatever she was supposed to be doing next. So, she just dismissed that remark every time because she registered it as unimportant. Names were just names ... She didn't get it why did he made such a fuss about it sometimes. However, this time she tried to take mental note of it. That way, he wouldn't be needing to correct her each and every time they spoke.

"I'm afraid so" Charlotte agreed when he commented about that woman's persistence. She seemed more like an stalker to the brunette, but she didn't say it out loud.

When Grayson began with his list of instructions for her, the young woman shifted the phone over to her ear and held it in place with the help of her shoulder. With her hands free, she began taking notes of it on her laptop. It was easier that way, and she didn't want to forget anything by mistake. Quite literally, her job and how well did she do it, depended on how good and efficient could she be in following his orders.

During her first days, she'd be constantly saying a few "Mhm", "Understood", "Yes, sir", throughout his entire 'speech'. Eventually, she noticed she was just interrupting him by doing so. So she stopped wasting her words and his time. As such, she simply nodded to herself each time she typed in something new, and when he was finally done with telling her what to do, it was only until then that she spoke.

"Understood, Mr ... " She shook her head "Grayson"

As soon as the phone call ended. Charlotte's real work for the day started. First, she phoned Marisa, who was starting to have serious problems with Ruby, to let her in. The poor woman sincerely thanked her, before she hung up. Afterwards, she pushed out Grayson's morning meeting to noon before phoning Alex and sending Gregory a mail so as to let them know they'd be standing for him at the other meeting. The former agreed, and the latter confirmed his assistance just a couple of seconds later. She had just finished ordering for his breakfast to be sent to his office, as he had instructed, and now was dealing with a few other things concerning the Mercedes dealership when Ruby Blackburn herself stopped before her desk.

"Give me a minute" She said to the man at the phone before she lowered it "Mr John will be here soon. He told me to ask you to wait for him outside his office, Miss Blackburn"

The woman looked at Charlotte for a few more seconds, as if studying her. Then, she simply made a rather disdainful gesture before turning on her heels and sitting on one of the chairs of the waiting room. Charlotte had to stop herself from frowning, and instead, lifted the phone to her ear again.

"I'm sorry, where were we?"

While she spoke over the phone, she couldn't help it but study that woman herself. She was tall and beautiful, though the huge heels she used made her seem perhaps way too tall, and the thick make-up she was wearing masked her natural beauty. Her dress showed a bit too much, up and down, and it was clear to her that whatever was to be seen up were obviously fake. Sometimes, she really didn't get those women, so beautiful and they did so many unnecessary things that they didn't even need.
Grayson tried his best to get himself ready for the day in ample time. Since most, if not all of his cleaning was done by Isabella, everything in his room from the color of his socks to his million dollar suits were perfectly arranged by color and or season, it wasn't a hassle trying to find what to wear. Polietly directing Isabella to pull him an all black attire for the day, with matching black socks and solid cufflinks, he wrapped his white sheets around his waist, walking towards his master bathroom that was attatched to his bedroom, his eyes were glued to his phone, brows furrowed as he read email after email, reports of losses, reports of fradulengy and on lighter notice, reports of his gain and revenue.

"Mr. Grayson I have already prepared your coffee for you in the kitchen, you've also recieved some mailing I've left it for you on the counter." Isabella's informed him before he entered the bathroom. He looked from his phone and gave her a smile.

"Thank you Isabella. If you're able to pour me a cup to grab on my way out that'd work perfectly."

"Will you be driving today?"

Grayson took a look at his phone once more, reading the time quickly. "Yes, I'll take the E- Class, if you can call down for Valet to have it ready for me."

"I'll be sure they are ready."

"Thank you Isabella."

Without another word Grayson disappeared into the confines of his bathroom. With a large sigh, he knew it was the beginning of a busy day.

Within the half hour, Grayson was out and dressed, adjusting his tie that was snug to his neck, he looked himself over once more infront of his body mirror. His full stature taking up almost the entire frame, his smooth out the creases from his jacket and buttoned the middle, his hair was brushed back and slick, his hand came down to smooth his facial hair that he just trimmed. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he knew his presence was needed.

Grayson pulled his jacket from his freshly made bed, though it wasn't cold yet he knew as the night progressed if he ever made it home it would come in handy. Exiting his room , he walked right into a small hallway, leading to the rest of his luxury penthouse. Stepping into the openess of his livingroom area, he looked out to the window that showered him with the beautiful view of the city skyline shining from the morning sun. He had enough money for a grand house or two, but he saw no need for it, he was barely home as it was and with no one to come home to a larger space would just make him feel depressed. For now he quite enjoyed his quaint place, and the company he entertained here once and a while.

Grayson arrived to his main branch a quarter past 11, as he pulled up to the entrance of the building he was greeted with Valet service, a young man ready to take his vehicle to be parked, by instinct Grayson left his car to him without a second thought. He rushed into the building, knowing he advised Charlotte to push his meeting to noon, he was on a time crunch with his other 'problem', he knew Ruby wouldn't stand to hear it. He had approximetly 20 minutes to deal with her and 20 minutes to read over the presentation at hand. Though he wasn't presenting, he would look as irresposible as he was at the moment if he at least had no knowledge of the issue at hand.

"Good morning Mr. John" Is all he heard continously as he walked through the building, he nodded and smiled polietly, sometimes he'd even say Good morning back, but today, everyone could tell he was in a rush and just accepted his quick reply as he disappeared into the elevator.

As the elevator neared the final floor of his building, he could feel his phone vibrating again. It could be anyone at this point and Grayson already felt stressed. He had no one to blame but himself, sleeping in was a bad habit of his, but In his previous years he'd spent early mornings and sleepless nights to the point of exhaustion. He decided a few years back he'd take more time to rest, but it came at the cost of seeming like an irresponsible employer.

As he entered the glass doors of his main office he noticed Charlotte immediately. At her desk as she typed away, she seemed to be finishing up with a call, it gave him enough time to study the beautiful features of her face. He's always had beautiful assistance in the past, she was much more earthy. Polar opposite of what he was used to. Her make up was natural and light, her eyes were a shade he could never put a name to, being the boss had its perks, he could look as much as he want and not be questioned..

"Good morning, Charlotte. ." He took a moment to stop at her desk. Somehow his day didn't seem so overwhelming when he entered this office. Charlotte had proven herself over the short time to be an important asset to him...now he just had to make sure to keep it professional. He had to admit in the past he'd reached his hand into the cookie jar more than once...and employees turned into...

"Grayson!" Ruby's wining voice called from his right side. She wasted no time in getting his attention, not even waiting for him to step into his office... Grayson gave Charlotte a weary smile.

"Please pull me in 15 minutes, we have to make it to Concentric Corp's presentation..." He spoke softly before turning to Ruby who was babbling away by herself, his smile immediately turned into a frown. Grayson disliked private matters to be displayed... He much rather play the happy roll in public and keep everything behind closed doors, it wasn't really best tactic but it's probably why he was single still. "Miss Blackburn, " He noticed the offended look on her face the he addressed her by her last name. "If you'd refrain from making a fool out of me in my own cooperation, I'd have enough courtesy to speak with you like you wish. Let this be the final time my employee's are disturbed by your manner or I'll personally have you escorted off my premises with an order of restraint. When I met you, I thought I'd met a lady that respected my privacy. .You have yet to show me.." Grayson looked the shocked woman in the eyes, his glare staring into her very soul, his voice didn't crack or miss a beat, after he finished speaking he barely gave her time to react before he was walking past her and hauled open the red wood doors to his office, he immediately smelled the aroma of breakfast, everything smelled exactly like he liked it. When he looked he noticed the trays and the perfect pair of mimosa's. " Shall we..." Grayson stepped to the side of his open door, allowing Ruby entrance to his office.

"And Miss Blackburn, if I were you I'd thank Charlotte on your way out. She's the reason you're still standing on my property. .. she was even courteously enough to bring us breakfast.." Though it was a line, Grayson used it as further leverage to fuel his 'anger', he knew he was in the wrong for completely leading Ruby on...but as a man he'd never admit it...

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For a moment, Charlotte couldn't help it but be surprised by Grayson's response towards Ruby's behaviour. He wasn't particularly mean, nor seemed that ticked off by the fuss she had made on the company's entrance. He was firm, but assertive. Of course, the woman didn't expect that either, which could easily be seen on the offended and hurt look that had settled on her features. Truth to be told, that man really seemed to be experienced in separating his private life from his job. Shame that proved to be a rather difficult task due to the way he lived that life of his, though. If there was one thing the brunette was not particularly fond of, it would be a player. Even if Grayson John seemed to have each and every quality to be one, and 'deserve' it.

When she was addressed, she raised her head almost by reflex. She arched her eyebrow ever so slightly, but didn't comment on Grayson's remark. Even if it was not true at all. To be entirely honest, if it solely depended on her, she'd have not even allowed for the woman to set foot inside the building. She had the right to visit the man she fancied, to ask for his attention and care. But there were means to do that. There was a time and a place and as a woman Charlotte couldn't pity Ruby who didn't seem to understand that. Women had to be much more clever than that when it came down to men, they had to know how to 'woo' them without making a fool out of themselves. Specially when the man in question was someone like her boss.

Her eyes met with Ruby's, and the brunette could almost feel how she seemed to be burning imaginary holes into her very skull. Her hazel gaze was cold and rather resentful. Charlotte was tempted to lower her own stare, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble. However, perhaps she was just too stubborn, or maybe it was her pride the one that stopped her from doing so. As such, she held Ruby's stare in hers without even flinching a bit.

"Thank you" The high-pitched tone of voice gave away the fact that she didn't say those words willingly.

"Don't mention it" Charlotte's voice, on the contrary, was clear and calm.

Ruby diverted her gaze from Charlotte's immediately - as if she rejected the mere sight of her - before she stepped into Grayson's office. Once the door was closed, the young woman allowed for a sigh to escape her lips. Things would have been a lot easier for her if she didn't had to take care of those things too, if her boss was just well ... less him, less handsome and less charming.

Charlotte had had a couple of bosses in the past, but she had to admit she'd never had one like Grayson. She wouldn't be lying either, she did feel attracted to him. Who wouldn't? He was rich, a gentleman, charming, and absolutely gorgeous. However, it was a platonic sort of love, for she knew she'd never get involved with him not only because he was a player - or so he seemed -, but also because he was her boss.

She snapped out of it when her phone buzzed on her pocket. The brunette pulled it out and found a message from Claire.

"What's for dinner tonight?" It said.

Honestly, Charlotte was starting to suspect she was doing it on purpose. She shook her head, and decided not to reply before she got back to work and set an alarm to go off in approximately 10 minutes, for 5 minutes had already gone by since Greyson and Ruby had entered the former's office.
Grayson followed in behind Ruby as soon as she walked into his office, closing the door behind them both, he walked past her in haste to his desk. Ruby placed her hand on her lips dramatically to shield her small gasp.

"Honestly Grayson what has gotten into you! I've called and called and you will not answer my calls or mailings!" Ruby quickly began as she watched him open the trays and lift a fork. He was famished and the smell of food was making his stomach jolt. He knew if he didn't get anything to eat now, in a few minutes he wouldn't eat into well into the afternoon. After a few bites he heard Ruby grunt in frustration. "Are you even listening?!"

Grayson let the fork fall from his hand in sort of a dramatic manner, after wiping with a napkin he let it fall on the tray as well. Before turning to her he sighed. "Yes I heard you Ruby," He tried to keep himself from sounding too annoyed with her, he didn't want to seem rude. "I haven't been answering because I am extremely busy, you knew this when I first met you and yet you pester me every moment I get..." Grayson didn't per say lie, he was usually busy but today he was occupied with his sleep... but he wasn;t going to mention it for the fear of her lashing that against him. He turned to face her sitting on the edge of his desk he help himself up with his arms.

Ruby gave him an exaggerated sigh. "I don't mean to pester you darling..." She made he way to him slowly, a hand rubbing against his chest before she rested it at his tie, her body press against him. "I just missed you so much...you promised we'd go on a trip to the Virgin Islands. .or over sea just the two of us! " She pretended to adjust his tie, batting her eyes lashes at him. "I even set up some things for us to buy at the stores on the strip..but now since you're so busy I'll have to tell them to return it all..." She sounded so disappointed and Grayson knew when she said 'us to buy' it meant Him. He had a separate account for his 'en devours' & we he became wealthy he knew what it meant to pay for company. Not that he was a bad looking man, but the women he snagged knew what he had and knew how to get at least a piece. "And you canceled all of our reservations for dinner...you haven't even stopped at my house..my bed is so lonely and cold with you!" She placed a kiss on his lips and he He took a quick look at the clock past her head for a quick moment. Any moment Charlotte would come to fetch him and for a moment his male brain wanted to push this meeting as well. The way she was rubbing against him made his brain stray from his displeasure and duties onto another topic... He wrapped an arm around her waist, damn his male desire, pulling her closer, he gave her a kiss before reaching into his pockets like a conditioned response. It had been a while since he spent any time with her or anyone for that matter. He figured Ruby felt the same way as she deepened their kiss. Grayson pulled away from her, letting her body go from his grasp as he reached into his wallet. He handed her a black card.

" Buy what you have on hold..." he saw as Rubys face lit up with a smile, she wasted no time to take the card, she didn't even ask what her limit was..Grayson had never made any objection before...As long as she wasn't blowing 100,000 a day.

"Thank you darling! You really do love me!"

The word love made him cringe a little. He hadn't fallen in love with anyone since he started this company years ago, and honestly it left a bad taste in his mouth... He opened his mouth to correct her before he was stopped by a knock at the door. He knew it had to be Charlotte. .. "If I can make it home tonight. .I will give you a call. I don't know what else will be coming up so I don't want to make any promises. Worse comes to worse you can visit the islands with out me.."

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While Charlotte worked diligently on dealing with a few things she hadn't managed to finish the day before, she also tried to do her best in having everything ready for Concentric Corp's presentation. She had already printed the papers she was supposed to hand out to the executives who'd be assisting the meeting and had neatly separated each of them in different folders. Also, she had printed additional information Grayson might need to know and had slid it inside its corresponding folder, along with the presentation she had saved into a tablet in case that he wanted to go over it before the actual meeting. As she kept herself busy with all of that, her phone buzzed again.

Quickly, she pulled out her Nokia, a bit reluctantly at first as she was expecting yet another text from her little sister. However, she soon noticed it was a message from her friend Olive on the WhatsApp group chat them and two other coworkers shared, among them Alex.

"Hey, how are things going with Miss I make a fuss whenever I want because I'm one of the boss's many girlfriends?"

It had been several minutes since that woman had arrived to the building, which meant that every single employee knew about her by now. Charlotte smiled a bit while she replied.

"She and John have locked themselves inside his office"

"Can she be any luckier? Please let me be her"
Olive texted almost immediately.

"I think you meant: Please let us be her" Jeanine added.

Charlotte rolled her eyes at their responses. There it was again. That always seemed to be the kind of reaction Grayson John seemed to cause on women. It was getting a bit ... old. She wouldn't deny she was kind of like that at first, but once she got to spend almost every time with him and his affairs, things had changed.

"I don't think you'd really want that. He seemed pretty angry at her when the two of them stepped inside" Charlotte declared.

For a moment, there was no reply sent. The brunette raised her hands to her head and carefully picked her hair up into a pony tail. A loose strand of brown hair fell back on her face as soon as she was done with tying it up, due to the fact that it was too short to pick it up with the rest of her hair. She simply brushed it off her eyes before she returned her greyish blue stare to her phone.

"An angry Grayson John, huh? Now then, I think I wouldn't mind having a piece of that" Alex stated.

The young woman shook her head at her friend's statement. If it wasn't for those remarks of his, Charlotte would've never suspected him to be gay. In fact, she hadn't even known his sexual orientation until he had introduced her to Christopher, his current boyfriend. Alex wasn't particularly girly, and he wasn't fond of those men who behaved as such. He had told her before that he actually also disliked those men who used very colourful and bright clothes. She believed he used the word 'dandies' to describe them.

Her phone buzzed again, but this time she noticed it was because the 10 minutes had already gone by and her alarm had gone off. She scrambled to her feet, folder and tabled pressed to her chest by one arm. She took a few steps towards the wooden doors, before she raised her hand to knock.

The one who opened the door was Ruby. She had expected to see the woman as she had seen her entering the office, or worse. However, there was only the most satisfied smile to be found on her features, accompanied by a glint of happiness in her hazel eyes. Charlotte didn't know why, but she reminded her of a cat, the smiling Cheshire cat.

"I'll be waiting for your call, darling. After all, it's not the first time you keep me awake all night long"

With that, the woman turned her head to the front, her eyes meeting with Charlotte's. She flashed her a perfectly white smile.

"Bye, Miss Assistant" She declared as the brunette stepped to the side so as to allow the woman to leave.

Charlotte noticed the black card she held in her hand, and then it all made sense. No wonder she was so happy. The young woman's brows furrowed a bit as she lifted her head and her eyes met Grayson's. He was a man she admired, an extremely good business man, but sometimes she felt that respect falling apart bit by bit. How was he different from all those men who thought they could buy a woman? If he really believed that, he was a man to be pitied.

A few seconds later, she finally realised she was staring. While shaking her head a bit, Charlotte's mild frown vanished and she made her way over to Grayson's desk.

"I saved Concentric Corp's presentation into this tablet in case you wanted to look at it prior to the meeting, and I also printed out some additional information you should read before it starts" She wasted no time in handing them out. His and Ruby's relationship was none of her business.
Grayson watched as the women interacted, Ruby's sly grin made her look a bit distasteful and Charlotte stared back as if she could care less about the woman. That made Grayson grin, she was very composed, that much he figured when he first met her. Ruby's small comment about their nights made his face burn a bit in embarrassment, he cleared his throat a little bit as if to tell Ruby that was enough about personal matter and to dismiss herself.. He stood from the ledge of his desk, his hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Bye, Miss Assistant..." Her heard Ruby purr and watched as she flashed his black card, Charlotte's immediate mood change made his shift on his feet. Pulling his hands from his pockets he grabbed the two glasses of the untouched Mimosa, one he took a sip of as he heard the door to his office close, and placed his glass on desk, the other he held for a moment.

"That went well..." Grayson tried to make light of the situation, not wanting to bring up the issue of the credit card...he'd been scolded a few times about his spending, though he made almost half a million a day... she was also in charge of finances .... but from the look on Charlotte's face he could tell she was thinking of what to say, her eyes skimmed his entire face and he suddenly felt a bit nervous, wondering if he had any lipstick on him from Ruby... He cleared his throat again. "It's been an eventful morning already I'd say..."

""I saved Concentric Corp's presentation into this tablet in case you wanted to look at it prior to the meeting, and I also printed out some additional information you should read before it starts" Grayson was shocked that she blatantly ignored his small talk, making her way to him swiftly she extended the tablet to him, ready to an overview, he barely had time to react.

"Very efficient aren't you?" He laughed off his nervousness as he took a hold of the tablet, thanking her and replaced the tablet with the mimosa in his hand. "Have a seat, drink with me, we have a few minutes before the presentation and no need to have all this food go to waste." He smiled at her before he pulled the food cart closer to the leather chair in front of his desk. "Come on, have a seat...no need to be shy..." He took a moment to analyze her. "You're not going to yell at me for giving her the card?" He was amused to see her reaction. "This isn't like you Charlotte, you're usually at my neck with this by now...Are you feeling unwell?" He circled around her to reach his desk, taking a seat at the brown leather chair he placed the tablet on his desk. "But if you must know, it was the only way to get her out of OUR hair for the time being." He smiled wide again as he sat across from Charlotte, raising his glass from his desk and if giving her a toast. "Now let's take a look here..." He looked down to his tablet, swiping through it his mood changed from playful to serious in 0.2 seconds. "Why are they asking for an overseas corporations to manufacture my anesthesia? I have perfectly capable doctors and scientist to do that here, from California to New York, for God's sake I have a doctoral degree, I can do the tests here myself... saving on funds? Are they kidding me, this is to build jobs in America not take away from it... And to requesting testing on who?" He practically flung the tablet behind him. "They must be out of their minds! Every lawsuit known to man will be knocking at my door!" He was laughing to himself, as if it was a bad joke.

Grayson took a moment to continue reading through on how he was requested at an annual conference in Beijing... and a small disclaimer verified; 'No one other then Grayson John is to be a stand in' Oh they were getting so smart... he grumbled before he sighed. "Looks like we're going on a trip, Charlotte...isn't this just exciting..." He tried to hide the sarcasm in his voice, finally placing the tablet down to process the information. His entire life was so quick paced he sometimes didn't know how he would handle it, now with everything he ever wanted he missed the times when he had nothing but time. Studying Charlotte, he took a moment to keep work off his mind, taking in her beauty and simplicity. "Have you ever been to China, Charlotte? It's an eccentric place, beautiful resorts... " He took a moment to study her reaction. "Also, last night I tried to send you a file from my Iphone, but it continued to say your device was unable to support the file, is something wrong with your phone?"

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Only that their relationship was indeed of her business. The moment she had chosen to come and make a fuss at the building's entrance, and the moment she had been given that credit card it had officially became something Charlotte will have to deal with eventually. This man ... She groaned mentally as she handed him out the tablet.

Usually, she'd have said something. She'd have asked for him to keep personal matters and business apart. She'd have scolded him for giving out his credit card to that woman. She knew, just by looking at her, that she'd be spending a lot, and when she said a lot, it was a lot. However, she automatically chose not to say a word, and didn't even try to follow Grayson's small talk. She knew she'd been rather rude, and she was not like that. But it was that woman. Although she seemed composed, she was not completely so. Ruby Blackburn, she didn't want to talk about her. It was her ... no, it was that type of women the ones she just couldn't handle. Find a rich boyfriend and spend all their money ... Where was the sacrifice? Why didn't they work hard to earn their own things? She wasn't envious, she just regarded them as an insult to women in general. That very kind of women repelled her.

Her eyes snapped back to focus when she felt the glass against her skin. Blinking, she lowered her gaze to the mimosa in her hand before it swivelled back to Grayson.

"Come on, have a seat...no need to be shy..." His smile was just as radiant and charming as ever.

Charlotte noticed just how tense she was, and, after thanking her boss, she took a sip of her glass before sitting down. When he spoke to her, her brows raised ever so slightly at his remarks, and she crossed her leg on top of the other before replying.

"Well you already understand the consequences of giving that card to Miss Blackburn, don't you?" She replied, her tone of voice soft and placid "Also, I figured we needed to focus on this task at hand," She signalled at the tablet "first. The 'yelling' can be postponed for later. I'm sure you'll be quite interested in reading that information. Besides ... " Her eyes lowered to the mimosa in her left hand. She shook her glass just a bit, the liquid inside moving a bit from side to side, almost lazily. "I'm afraid I'll be having you working twice as hard to compensate whatever Ruby Blackburn spends, Grayson" As soon as his name rolled off her tongue, her greyish blue stare was back on his, and her face had broke into a smile.

When he went over the info, she grew silent and quietly waited for him to be done with it. She expected his response to some of the proposals. That's why she had considered it important for him to read it beforehand. When he mentioned the trip though, her brows furrowed a bit. Normally, she wouldn't mind. She was aware of the fact that she'd have to go on a business trip with him if she was needed. But Claire ... Couldn't exactly leave her alone, could she? She was wondering what to do when Grayson asked her if she had ever gone to China.

"No, never" She automatically replied. She had left the continent just once. "When will the trip be?" She was soon to ask, though Grayson was asking her a question already.

She pulled out her Nokia Asha 210 without thinking, though she already knew the answer.

"No, there's nothing wrong. But my phone is not really a smartphone" She shook her head. It was cheap and light. But she figured she'd need a different one soon. "So, it does not support those files. I'm sorry, but can you send it to my mail? I'll buy a new one soon" She added.
She always had the right answers, and that's what was starting to appeal to him the most. Her smile as his name rolled off her tongue made him match it, like flirting teen agers, he felt silly. Grayson noticed her change in tone and her furrowed brows when he mentioned the trip. He took a moment to look back down at the tablet. "Mm, We'd have to be on a flight tomorrow morning to make it there in time to settle in and if we're going to have time to enjoy the resort...it'd be good to get all of the work out of the way." Grayson took a moment to compose his thoughts. "If you need to tell your partner. ..let them know I apologies on such short notice.." Grayson was almost fishing for an answer. Was she involved? Married? She didn't wear a ring...

When she mentioned her phone he looked up and almost snorted with laughter. She whipped the phone out as if it were nothing and he couldn't help himself. " I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you, but where did you get that phone? They don't even make those anymore, Charlotte." He laughed a little more. "No wonder you couldn't receive my files..it's prehistoric." Grayson chuckled as he reached into his pocket for his wallet again. He pulled out an Amex card, placing it in front of her. "Please on your lunch today buy yourself a new phone. Anyone you want , and just add your monthly bill in with my rest I got mine. I just ask the phone is adobe, java script and power point capable..it'll be much more efficient for us." Grayson placed his wallet back into his pocket.

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Tomorrow? That was ... very soon. She shifted a bit. However, she couldn't just decline because of her little sister. In that case, Charlotte only had one option left. And there was something certain about it, Claire wasn't going to be happy about it. More fights, more complains. Despite that, her little sister was going to have to live with it. Though, the brunette could try and be as nice as she could be before giving her the news. Even if she was an annoying teenager, Claire was her little sister, and Charlotte remembered to have not been as easy either at her age.

"Tomorrow morning" She repeated, nodding to herself. To what Grayson had said afterwards, Charlotte simply gave him a shrug accompanied with a smile, not saying anything in reply. She wasn't avoiding to do so. It hadn't been a question to begin with and her mind was busy trying to figure some things out for her departure. She had to make a call soon.

When it came down to her phone, Charlotte inevitably frowned at his laughter. Even though he explained that he wasn't laughing at her, she wasn't glad either with his remark. It was not like she could buy the most expensive phone! And either way, her Nokia served its purpose: texting and calling. Though she guessed the phones were used to do a lot more of things now. To be honest, it was not as if she hadn't want to buy an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy or nice smartphones like that. It was just that she saved money for more important things. Up until now, she hadn't had very successful jobs. It was hard to get a really good job nowadays when you didn't have the right contacts. Charlotte had none.

"How rude" She exclaimed while practically hugging her Nokia to herself "I bought it at Best-Buy"

The young woman hesitated for a moment before grabbing the card. The first thing that came to mind was Ruby Blackburn, and she was tempted to say she'd buy the phone on her own. However, she guessed she'd need it soon, and either way she'd pay for it with her payment. She wasn't getting it for free. She grabbed it and nodded. She had finished her mimosa, and so she finally stood up.

"I'll do so. Also, I've got to make an important call with my prehistoric phone. Excuse me, Grayson, enjoy your breakfast" When she mentioned her phone, she tried not to sound sarcastic, but to no avail. However, it was a mild, sort of playful sarcasm. No malice behind it. With that being said, she walked over to the door.
assumption about her having a lover, he did this a lot with people, possibly since long ago, making general assumptions and then he'd gauge their reactions, most women brushed the notion out of his head quickly, making it aware that they were available. When he was younger he was fast in the chase, not that their was much, but now, he slowed down to keeping the few women he frequently spoke to, and even that, he felt more like a financial supporter then anything else.

As he studied Charlotte, he wondered about her personal life. What kind of person she was in a relationship, who was her boyfriend, where did he work? He must not make much... Grayson's ego sometimes got the best of him in his venture with women. He couldn't deny he felt attracted to Charlotte, but he vowed to make this time different then his other secretaries. It was true, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...and his company got the blunt of it when his ex(and former secretary) tried to bring it crashing to the ground. From then he figured it would be best to keep business and pleasure separately.

The mention of Best Buy had sent Grayson into a fit of laughter again. He sat back more comfortably in his chair as he took a deep breath to calm himself down. "My Dear, I didn't know Best Buy even existed let alone your phone." He watched as she hesitated to grab his card, that caught his interest, it was rare for a woman to hesitate in taking his money. That made her a bit more interesting... was she just putting on an act? He smiled once she finally accepted the card. When she dismissed herself he felt a bit offended, was she going to tell her boyfriend she was leaving on a trip? How loyal... What was the sudden feeling that nagged him, jealousy? No, it didn't matter... she'd spend the week with him anyway, if anyone should be jealous it would be her partner..He tried to convince himself.

"Please make it brief..." His voice came out with a hint of jealousy, as he raised his right arm to his face and moved his sleeve swiftly to peak at the Rolex. "We have to be downstairs in 3 minutes...While the presentation is proceeding, please book our flight for the early morning, it's a 14 hour flight and I'd like to make it there in ample time so we can make proper arrangements for the conference...When you book the flight, please have the attendant make the arrangements for where I usually stay. We'll have a nice little vacation on our hands." He smiled before he started to get his paper work together. "Also, please limit Ruby's spending. Call American Express and give them a limit before she robs us blind..." Grayson chuckled slightly, knowing that would make Charlotte a bit happy that she had some control, he would just have to be ready for the on slaughter of phone calls Ruby would be sending.

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Charlotte huffed a bit at Grayson's remark regarding Best Buy, but didn't say anything in response. Funny how could that man say something so arrogant without sounding like it. Like those people who offended you without you even noticing it. She didn't know if she ought to be feeling annoyed or simply dismiss it as unimportant. She decided to go with the last option. People who were filthy rich could turn out to be nasty, but he really wasn't, and so Charlotte saw no need to hold ill-feelings towards him.

"Please make it brief..."

The brunette was already on her way to the door, but something in his voice caused for her to stop and turn her head back at him, brow raised. She had done so without thinking. If she didn't know any better she'd say she had caught jealousy on his voice? She quickly pushed away that thought from her mind. Not only because it was ridiculous per se, but also because it wouldn't make sense on that context. She didn't give that much thought, though, as she was quick to occupy herself by taking mental notes of his instructions. Flight, attendant, Blackburn.

"Got it" Charlotte replied, though she couldn't stop the smile from creeping over her lips at her boss's last instruction. Finally! A little bit of common sense! I just hope that woman hasn't done so already She thought to herself. "Very well then, excuse me"

The young woman slipped out from Grayson's office before she started going over her contact list. Before calling her sister, she had to call someone else first. While she waited for that one person to pick up, she closed her small laptop and pulled it to her. If she was going to take it with her, it was better to have it at hand.

"Hello? This is the Robin's residence" Charlotte smiled to herself as soon as she heard her grandmother's vivacious voice.

"Hi grand-Cordelia, it's me, Charlotte" After all those years it was still difficult for her to call her grandma by her first name. She still didn't get it why she insisted on it.

"Carly, darling! It's been ages since I last listened to your voice" There was a pang of guiltiness on the young woman's chest when she heard her grandmother's reproaching tone.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was kind of busy with the new job and all. I'll make sure and drop by as soon as I can, though. I promise"

"I sure hope so, I think I don't even remember your face anymore" Charlotte laughed, it wasn't like they hadn't seen each other in months! She liked to exaggerate "Anyhow, how are your parents? Everything alright? And Claire?"

"They are all fine. Mom and dad are having the time of their lives. I'm sorry, but I don't have much time to talk. It's Claire I wanted to talk about, she-"

"What happened? Is she sick?" She demanded.

"No, no, she's fine. The thing is I'm going on a business trip tomorrow and I can't just leave her alone in the house" She was a teenager but she couldn't even cook her own meals. No way she was leaving her alone "So, I was wondering if you could take care of her while I'm gone. I know it's all too sudden"

"Nonsense! I'd be delighted to have her here!" Charlotte knew her grandmother's excitement was genuine "I'll ask Alastair to pick her up tomorrow noon"

"Thank you" Charlotte breathed out a sigh of relief before smiling, though she still had to tell her sister, of course "That'd be perfect. I'll pick her up as soon as I'm back. Anyway, I have to go. Love you"

"Love you too, sweetie" Cordelia replied before hanging up.


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