I wish to be the cactus girl.


Hugs time!

I'm considering making a god-blooded based off this picture, but I'm unsure what mutations to give her, and what precisely her backstory is.

Things I've been considering for mutations:

  • Poxes: Claws (short spines on hands), Leaves (Increased soak, don't need clothes), Longevity (Some cactus live a long time), Night Eyes (Deserts are very active at night)
  • Afflictions: Talons/Tusks (Does... the same thing as claws? :? ) Supernatural Quickness (Cactuar reference!)
  • Blights: Quills (Cactus spines) Healing Factor (plantlike body)

Ideas for Backstory:

  • Woman falls in love with cactus/desert god and goes to him, is impregnated and suffers death by childbirth. Cactus daughter struggles to survive alone without the attentions of her divine father, and eventually is adopted by a passing exalt or immaculate Monk who is there to fight her dad.
  • Cactus god is mad with power and uses his powers to manipulate the desert to get travelers lost and guide them to him, then offers them guidance and water in exchange with one of them sleeping with him, cactus-chan being born from one of those dalliances.

Suggestions? ideas or bits of lore I've missed?


Meh, I would have made her a Lunar with a Cactus Totem (mmm, needs Essence 4...)

Actually, she could be a beast-man produced by a Lunar mating with a cactus, no need to use a cactus God.

There are charms for that on the GotMH:Luna.

The Lunar may be working on a project to breed humans to live in the harshest Southern environments.

Then you'd need an excuse of why the Lunar didn't produce more than one.

This would make her a Last of Her Kind however. And also a First. oO
I like it. Both the initial idea and Xarvh's suggestions make for a fun and solid character. Although I think Xarvh's could go very interesting places...

Do you already have a game to play her in?

As a complete aside, my first thought on seeing this thread was of Cactacae rather than Cactuar...
If you check MoEP: Lunars, there's an updated version of Tusks that actually does something better than Claws. I can tell you what precisely it is at some point, but maybe not today- I have to go and drink BEER with FRIENDS due to UNIVERSITIES.
xarvh said:

Meh, I would have made her a Lunar with a Cactus Totem (mmm, needs Essence 4...)
The most a starting character could have would be essence 3...

Actually, she could be a beast-man produced by a Lunar mating with a cactus, no need to use a cactus God.
There are charms for that on the GotMH:Luna.

The Lunar may be working on a project to breed humans to live in the harshest Southern environments.
I fear and do not understand the Lunars book and have been hesitant to use it beforehand. However, I've bolded the part about this process this made me go :shock:

Then you'd need an excuse of why the Lunar didn't produce more than one.
... Because they have enough dots in Intelligence to not want to have sex with a cactus more than once?

This would make her a Last of Her Kind however. And also a First. oO
Might come off as a little bit special-snowflake syndrome. Why in particular is it important that no other cactusmen are created?

Grey said:
I like it. Both the initial idea and Xarvh's suggestions make for a fun and solid character. Although I think Xarvh's could go very interesting places...
Do you already have a game to play her in?
No, but I like making characters for fun sometimes.

As a complete aside, my first thought on seeing this thread was of Cactacae rather than Cactuar...
What's a cactacae?
Crasical said:
The most a starting character could have would be essence 3...
My whole point exactly.

Crasical said:
I fear and do not understand the Lunars book and have been hesitant to use it beforehand. However, I've bolded the part about this process this made me go :shock:
You don't have to understand how it is done unless you want the father's charsheet.

Just know that it is possible and a lot less painful than you think.

Crasical said:
Might come off as a little bit special-snowflake syndrome. Why in particular is it important that no other cactusmen are created?
It is not.

Crasical said:
What's a cactacae?
Are you perchance an engineer?
I am so running a New Crobuzon or NC expy game one of these days. Whenever you buggers display interest, anyway.

Anyway, back to the topic - This has given me an idea for a game, Crasical. If you'd like to play that character - I'm thinking of a misfit collection of created individuals, either by Lunar fuckery or Solar Craft Genesis. More details will come as I think of them.

Also, Perdid Street Station is awesome, and the never sleep again only applies if you are particularly prone to nightmares. A friend of mine like to describe the novel as 'Hammered together from nightmares and left-wing fapfiction.'
Grey said:
I am so running a New Crobuzon or NC expy game one of these days. Whenever you buggers display interest, anyway.

Anyway, back to the topic - This has given me an idea for a game, Crasical. If you'd like to play that character - I'm thinking of a misfit collection of created individuals, either by Lunar fuckery or Solar Craft Genesis. More details will come as I think of them.
I can be cactus? :D

I still need page numbers for being a beastman but count me interested if you do run such a game

Also, Perdid Street Station is awesome, and the never sleep again only applies if you are particularly prone to nightmares. A friend of mine like to describe the novel as 'Hammered together from nightmares and left-wing fapfiction.'
Crasical said:
Anyway, back to the topic - This has given me an idea for a game, Crasical. If you'd like to play that character - I'm thinking of a misfit collection of created individuals, either by Lunar fuckery or Solar Craft Genesis. More details will come as I think of them.
I can be cactus? :D

I still need page numbers for being a beastman but count me interested if you do run such a game
Beastmen are just half castes with mutations that represent their beastliness.

So scroll of heroes, 106.

And the books are much better than they sound.(though I can't find any copies in my local library)
Khantalas said:
Crasical said:
The most a starting character could have would be essence 3...
Not with Flaws it isn't!
..... *starts looking at Flaws and Negative Mutations*

EDIT: I think I prefer her as a beast-man rather than a full exalt.


Climate Sensitive (Cactus), Unlucky, Wanted (By lunars who want to study her as a rare plant-totem), Beacon of power (Essence 4 at exaltation!?), Unskilled (Exalted strong, but has been on the run and hasn't had time to train) Child (cactus loli, though this strikes me as a bad idea),

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