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Fantasy I Was Fine Until You

(She’s going to be so disappointed in Him. I feel like Antonio might get fed up and decide he can’t be trusted and try to arrange a marriage for him after all so he stops picking the worst possible people to date)

He looked at Caleb mournfully as she took away his drink but his limbs were too heavy to even attempt a rescue, besides they were trapped by his head. Oh yeah, he’d spoken to her about this before, he vaguely remembered that through the haze that was currently his mind and he was frowning slightly as he tried to recall what he’d told her but he couldn’t really remember so he just nodded. Yes it was about the same girl, It was almost always about the same girl. He had some troubles with Gavin but they felt pretty small at the moment when compared to Caroline.

Caleb was professing her support for him and it made his distress well up inside him. She was only saying that because she didn't know the full story, he couldn’t be sure that she would support him if she knew, he wanted her to but she didn’t even begin to understand what she was dealing with here. Lance would like to know if she’d be on his side though and so he couldn’t stop his mouth when it started moving of its own accord “even if it’s treason?” He asked, bristling pre-emptively for her reaction but also angry with himself for ever letting that be something he had to worry about. “incluso si me he estado follando a la princesa” he muttered under his breath and Buried his face in his crossed arms to try and calm himself down and just hide from the world.

He felt like crying and he felt sick and he was angry, frustrated at the situation he’d gotten himself into and at the future that was to come, if he even lived to see it. He was a boiling pot of emotions, even with the Numbness from the alcohol but the liquor had slowed his thoughts down enough that he didn’t fully remember or realise what he’d said to Caleb, the implications of his words and the protential danger he wa putting himself in. Hopefully Caleb didn’t freak out too much and have him arrested because he wasn’t in much state to fight her off. He was too wrapped up in his despair and self-aimed anger to Focus on his words, not entirely sure he’d even said them out loud in the first place. Still a better choice than Caroline had made when she was drunk and had told Gaheris.
(Lmao, He's gonna be looking for Lance a girl, And then Lance is just gonna be like. "To late! I went ahead and got married! " And its too the assassin girl. And honestly? Atleast she's a better option then all of Lance's other exes. )

Caleb frowned at Lance as he mentioned treason, Seriously, What had he done? Maybe he was just being a bit dramatic? But then he kept talking, And Caleb's Spanish wasn't the best. So she didn't react at first. Frowning, Perhaps she had misheard him? Except no... His reaction made it clear that she had heard him right. It was something that made her freeze. Soon enough questioning. "Lance... What did you just say? " She asked, Hoping for some clarification. For him to correct himself. For her to be wrong.

This was dangerous, Caleb sat a bit straighter. Scanning around. The dining room was empty. But this was not a good place to have this conversation. Whatever Caleb's feelings about the matter. She pushed them down. Forced herself to be calm. Any passing servant could overhear them and that was dangerous. So, Caleb then was rising to her feet. Soon placing her hand on Lance's arm to try and pull him up to his feet as well. Though, He was fairly drunk so he might have a bit of trouble. Caleb then was encouraging. "C'mon Lance, Lets... Not talk about this here. Lets go to one of the bedrooms. " It would provide more privacy.

Lance seemed rather drunk, Hopefully Caleb wouldn't have to drag him. Oh, She was so hoping she had misunderstood him. Her spanish was rusty and he'd been fairly quiet. Yeah, That was it! Maybe he ment things metaphorically. That the girl was like a princess. Not that she was a princess? Yeah, That was it. Caleb just needed to remain calm, And then Lance could explain things better. Clear up all the confusion. Though... Maybe Caleb might need to wait until he was a bit more sober to get a clear answer out of him.
(Antonio will be glad he got married but not that approving of the choice and none of his children would have been in wedlock as he’d have married the assassin after the baby was born as well. And if he catches wind of the situation he has with Gavin after she forgives him again then that’s going to be ill received)

Normally whatever Lance said in Spanish was easily swept under the rug, most of the knights didn’t know it so he was relatively safe in what he said. In this case however the word princess wasn’t much different in Spanish so it was easy enough for Caleb to make out what he was talking about, if not all the specifics of his words. Caleb was hoping for clarification but the way she was reacting, the way Lance had spoken and was clearly feeling meant that she likely knew what Lance had meant, that she knew it was fruitless to try and think he was talking about anything else.

He just gave her a doleful look as she spoke, not repeating his words but getting up as she pulled at him. Caleb was not the tallest and what with being pregnant she’d probably lost some muscles mass, still she was buffer than most women would be except perhaps milkmaids so hopefully she’d be able to support some of the weight Lance was leaning on her as they stumbled towards a bedroom. It was late so most of the house should be asleep and a bedroom should mean they were undisturbed, hopefully no one saw them enter together as it might spark up some more rumours about them sleeping together.

Once in the safety of a bedroom, Lance tumbled onto the bed, groaning at his misfortune and going to throw an arm over his eyes. His head hurt and he’d been quite happy in the dining room but now a bed was making him feel a bit sleepy, but also a bit sick. “I don’t want to die” he complained. “I want to see my baby grow up. My babies” he hiccuped a little at the emotion overtaking him. He couldn’t leave Galahad alone, it was going to be torture not being able to hold Caroline’s baby whenever he wanted. Why was life so cruel to him? “Promise me you won’t let Galahad forget me, that you’ll let him know I loved him” he insisted, uncovering his face and looking towards Caleb in distress. If he Was going to be arrested and killed then he didn’t want his family to think That he’d wanted to move on from them, that he hadn’t loved them. “Tell Caroline too” Oh, had he ever even told her himself? He wasn’t sure, he couldn’t remember. He should’ve told her when he’d had the chance, he shouldn’t have ever stopped, he should’ve whispered it in her ear every night and never have let her go.

(I feel like Lance will always love Caroline to some degree and right now obviously he’s feeling all emotional and he’s struggling to get over her, he still really loves her and it hurts but he also feels terrible that he feels that way when he’s dating Gavin, like if he’s thinking about Caroline he feels guilty because of Gavin and like he’s betraying her and if he‘s thinking about Gavin then he feels guilty because of Caroline)
(Poor Antonio's going to struggle so much. How do you think he'll act towards Gavin's kid with Lance? Like, of course I imagine he'll be wary of Gavin. but this would be his grandkid.
Yeah, I agree. I don't really think either him or Caroline will ever be able to properly move on. I like to imagine they do eventually manage to get together. As I just think that would just be very sweet. )

Caleb couldn't help but be glad when Lance didn't resist her. Soon enough the man was up on his feet, Even if he was leaning rather heavily against her. Such causing a soft grunt to come from her. But she managed. Guiding him along and soon the two were reaching a empty room. Pushing it open, Caleb might have taken Lance to his own room. But she figured Galahad would be asleep in there and she didn't want to disturb the boy. Still, She might have to go and check on him after. Caleb then helped Lance towards the bed. Closing the door behind them. She couldn't help but be a bit glad when he flopped onto the bed. No longer having to hold up most of his weight.

Lance was then talking, And Caroline frowned. Sitting down on the bed next to him. Listening as he rambled. Her fears were soon confirmed as Lance said Caroline's name. Caroline, Rumors had already been whispered around the castle and Caleb had heard word of the princess's pregnancy. It was something that made her freeze up, But Caroline didn't shout. No matter how much she wanted to. Lance was drunk and close to tears. It would do little use now.

Caleb then told Lance. Voice gentle. "Lance, You aren't going to die. Its... I... " What did she even say? This entire situation was bad, Really bad. But... Caleb had no plans of letting this information get out. Lance was her friend, Her brother in arms. And thus she found herself saying. "Lance... I've got you're back. Whatever happens, We are a team. Okay? " She promised. Oh, This was so dangerous. Once Lance sobered up, Caleb so was going to tell him what a idiot he was. Though she was sure he knew. Of all the women he could have had a affair with, He had to choose the princess?
(He doesn’t hate Gavin, just doesn’t trust her and thinks she’s crazy. I think he’ll be happy to spend time with his grandkid but still wary around Gavin, it’s probably always going to be a bit awkward between them but I don’t imagine he’ll ever say anything to his grandkid about it, not wanting to ruin their imagine of Gavin.

Yeah that’d be cute. Although his life is a mess now, it’s going to work out quite well for him later with how many women he has in his life, although that is a lot of women to keep happy. Someone’s going to have to draw up a rota for him)

Caleb was going to give him a right shouting at tomorrow but most of what she said would be things he’d already thought. Would it make her more or less worried if he told her that Arthur knew. She was not going to be reassured when she found out that Gaheris knew but it might explain some things to her such as Gaheris being made a knight. In the meantime she was trying to reassure Lance, that was sweet of her to have her back when she really should turn him in and have him arrested. Agravain would’ve hauled him in and because of that this was a secret she was going to have to keep from her husband.

”I’m not going to die?” He sounded vaguely surprised. “I….huh, I get to see my babies” It‘d be nice to keep on living, to get to see Galahad grow up and his new child. Why wasn’t she turning him in? She was a knight, she should, it was her duty to protect the kingdom and he had put it in danger. How much trouble would Lance have to make for her to turn him in? Surely camaraderie could only stretch so far. For the moment though it seemed that Lance was safe from capital punishment.

”you’re a good friend” Lance murmured, looking back up at the ceiling before squeezing his eyes shut. ”we’re a team” he echoed, maybe now some of his other behaviour would make sense to Caleb. He’d been freaked out at the letter, not fully focused in the spar, over the last few days he’d just been jumpier, distracted, hold onto Galahad just a little bit tighter. He was glad for Caleb, her words had soothed him a little, permeating his fuzzy brain but the call of the bed he was on was proving a bit too strong and he was quickly falling asleep. Caleb would have to wait for the morning to properly berate him, that would go nicely with his inevitable hangover.
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(I can imagine things being rather awkward between Gavin and Antonio. Lmao, I dunno why, I just have in my head this image of them all having a family dinner together. And it just being super awkward.
The real question is if Lance is going to be able to repair his relationship with his daughter with Caroline! Like, I could imagine her being extremely hurt by it all. I think Galahad would also be rather upset. But I think he'd eventually forgive Lance. )

Lance seemed a bit surprised by Caleb. Likely expected Caleb to go straight to the king with this. It was treason after all, Caleb had always expressed a strong loyalty to the king. But... her loyalty to Lance was stronger. Get to see his babies. Caleb hoped to make sure he got to see Galahad grow up. But... The other one? Caleb was not so certain Lance would get to be apart of that childs life. The closer he was to them... Well, The more likely it was the secret would get out. But Caleb didn't not say that. Instead, She simply gave Lance a small nod. Watching as he settled down and soon enough was falling asleep. The alcohol no doubt leaving him exhausted. Caleb stayed there for a moment before standing up. Gently pulling the blanket over him before beginning to leave the room.

This news... It was a lot. But Caleb then shook her head. Moving away from the room. Though, She paused as she began to pass Lance's own bedroom. She'd left Lance elsewhere, As she had figured it best not to risk Galahad seeing Lance in such a state. The boy was probably still asleep, But... Would be upset when he realized Lance wasn't there? Caleb wasn't sure, But still, She decided to peek into Lance's room just to check on the lad.

She was surprised to see he was awake. Sitting up in bed. Thumb in his mouth and eyes sleepy. Finally Caleb fully pushed open the door. And well, She had learned a few words of sign language from Lance. So, She was soon asking. "Why awake? " She wasn't that skilled at it, But Galahad luckily seemed to understand her. Blinking up at her. Before answering. "Wait Daddy, Want Daddy. " Well, That explained it. Caleb figured he must have woke up and realized Lance wasn't there. Likely was waiting for him to return. That caused Caleb to sigh. Finally moving to sit on the bed. She then replied. "Daddy is away. Go to bed. I'm here. " She was willing to keep the boy company threw the night. Hopefully no one would whisper anything if she spent the night in Lance's room. Galahad's nose wrinkled for a moment. Hesitating. But eventually he nodded. Laying back down to go to sleep as Caleb tried to get comfortable next to him. Though she doubted she'd get much sleep herself. Lance's news was a lot to take in after all.

(Shall we timeskip to morning? )
(That’s a funny idea. I can see Lance maybe being the only one talking to fill the silence. They need a bigger family dinner really because Agravain doesnt mind Antonio and Antonio doesn’t mind the others. if they had an even more extended family dinner than two of Lance’s children at least would be there since technically he’s going to have two children of royal lineage.

It’ll be difficult for him to talk to her since he’s ran away but I think he’ll send his daughters letters in the meantime and he‘ll want to connect with her, he wanted to be a larger part of her life but he just couldn’t be.

Also, Galahad is cute wanting to wait for his dad to get back! I’ll skip to the next morning with Lance and we can jump over to Galehaut and that afterwards)

Lance woke with a pounding headache in an unfamiliar room. That didn’t particularly alarm him, he’d had several morning like this in the past but that had been before he’d gotten Galahad. Even with all that drinking, his body had insisted he get up early same as always. Lance untucked himself and swung his feet off the bed, the room spinning only slightly and got to his feet. It was a good thing he hadn’t kept drinking, on account of Caleb taking the bottle away, because he’d probably still be drunk if that had been the case. Okay, step one: where was he? Step two: why? Well, he remembered Ruth having a go at him and then he remembered drinking so that was the why which lead to the where, he was still at a Caleb’s just not in his regular room, he probably hadn’t wanted to wake Galahad back up. But, it was the morning so that meant he had to check on his son, get him ready for the day and get him fed. Wow it was a lot easier being a parent without a hangover.

Lance left the room and once in the hallway navigated to his own room, if not the quickest although he was starting to feel better already. Soon enough he was outside a familiar door and he was pushing it open, hoping that Galahad hadn’t noticed his absence and was still sound asleep. What he hadn’t expected to see was Caleb laying next to his son. He froze in the threshold, the site of Caleb sparking something in his mind, memories of yesterday coming flooding back and an intense sense of shame and alarm washing over him. She knew. She knew. She had to know. She was going to kill him. It was one thing Ruth knowing about Gavin but that was small fry in comparison and Lance got the sudden urge to back away, close the door and pretend he hadn’t seen her, avoid Caleb for the rest of the day, maybe the rest of his life. He couldn’t do that though and he ran his tongue across his teeth in nerves before shutting the door gently behind him and moving further into the room.

It‘d break Lance’s heart a little if he knew that Galahad had been waiting for him, had missed him, that he hadn’t been there for his son when he wanted him, but Caleb had more important things to discuss with him. Lance had to make sure she wouldn’t tell anyone and the fact that he wasn’t already in chains was encouraging but not necessarily a definitive answer. They needed to talk but Lance did not want to be the first to broach the subject, what if he was wrong and she didn’t know? But she had to! Lance’s shoulders were tense but he spoke up anyway, deciding to start with something simpler. “Morning. Sleep well?” Would she at least let him say goodbye to Galahad before he was arrested? Lance leaned against the desk, facing the bed, feeling it was a good idea to have some support, his fingers gripping the wood tightly, knuckle white in his stress.
(lmao, I could imagine Galahad and the other kids all chit chatting together in a corner, And Lance just chugging alcohol as he notices how similar Caroline's daughter looks to the others. Silently praying to himself no one notices. Meanwhile Antonio is sending him death glares across the room.
Oh, It'll be sad him trying to get in touch. I could see him staying in Silas's kingdom for protection during that time. And just constantly hoping he'll get a letter in reply. And one never comes.
Sounds like a plan! )

Caleb had eventually managed to get a bit of sleep. Not much but some. Galahad peacefully slept next to her. Eventually morning had come. And well, Caleb was naturally a bit of a early riser. Thus she had began to stir, Sadly that was not the case for Galahad. So, Caleb had decided to stay where she was. It was fine, It provided Caleb time to think and try to... Process everything that had been said yesterday. Which was a lot. A part of her hoped it wasn't true, That it was just drunk ramblings that had no truth to them. But alas, She knew that wasn't the case. It seemed she wa not to be able to spend the entire morning thinking it over. For, Caleb heard the sound of the door opening. Knew who it was before she even looked. Lance. He always tended to wake early and no doubt was returning to his sons side.

Turning her gaze towards him. Galahad luckily was in a deep sleep and Caleb was able to sit up without waking him. Watching as Lance grew closer and deciding to let him break the silence. He seemed hesitant, Worried. Good, He should be worried! But it seemed he was not to be the one to broach the subject of last night. Instead was simply greeting her. Seemed she'd have to bring it up. Caleb managed to keep a surprisingly calm expression as she spoke up. "Lance.... Did you get the princess pregnant? " She allowed things to go quiet for a moment. But didn't wait long for him to reply. Her expression turning to one of frustration as she picked up her pillow and hurled it at him.

Caleb then was rising out of bed. Careful not to wake Galahad as she hissed. "Do you have any idea how bad this is? Of course you do, And you did it anyway. You dumb*ss! " She though was soon pinching the bridge of her nose. Squeezing her eyes shut, Oh, this was so bad. But Caleb then was saying. "Alright, Alright, This'll be okay. It probably won't be obvious its yours. As long as no one else finds out we'll be okay. " She then was pointing at Lance. Narrowing her eyes. As she snapped. "You are banned from drinking, If I catch you anywhere near even a drop of alcohol I will kick your *ss. Do you understand me? " If he had told her such a dangerous secret while drinking... Well, Caleb did not trust he wouldn't tell anyone else while drunk. What if it hadn't been her that had come downstairs? Caleb figured if it had been Gaheris he'd have already told the king by now!
(Yeah he’s going to be stressed constantly. I imagine the daughter will look more like Caroline than any one else though so he can get away with it a bit but Antonio is going to find out because he saw Lance as a baby.
Aww, he’ll be so upset that she doesn’t write back. Maybe Silas will be able to invite his niece over and Lance can see his daughter! He’s got to get pardoned somehow though but not quite sure how.)

Lance waited for the peace to break, it was like the quiet before the storm, when no man’s land was bare but troops were waiting to vault out of the trenches. Him and Caleb weren’t on opposing sides though, she wasn't his enemy here luckily. He winced at the question, at how easily she said it, those words that he’d only been able to think but not actually voice, they fell so easily from her lips and he gripped the desk a little tighter, waiting for the shouting to start. Caleb didn’t shout exactly though, they couldn’t let others hear although it’s not like voices would wake Galahad at least.

The pillow being chucked at him was fair enough and he could’ve caught it but he let it hit him. All things considered Caleb was being very reasonable but Lance winced again she talked about other people not knowing, yeah, about that…. “You know I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad you Can’t use a sword right now” he joked weakly before clearing his throat, knowing that might get him hit but he was feeling uncomfortable and had hoped to clear some of the tension in his body. He released the desk and spoke again “I know it was stupid, god I know. It was only meant to be a one time thing and then it…wasn’t. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and she clearly felt the same” which was not an excuse at all to have an affair with a married princess. Maybe he should explain the full relationship to Caleb so she had an idea of what had happened.

”and uh…you're not the only one who knows” he admitted. “But I wasn't the one to tell!” As if that made it better, it just meant that Caroline was out of their control. “Arthur knows” Which might need some explanation, over whether he was angry or accepting. Caleb did know about Arthur fooling around with Ethan and Kay so knew that at least he liked men, whether she’d also assumed he liked only men or also women was unknown but obviously Lance also knew about Arthur, they just didn’t know each other knew. “And gaheris” he said which was dangerous, oh so dangerous. “Arthur promised to make him a knight so he wouldn’t talk” he explained. ” but I know it’s dangerous, he might ask for more in the future. I don’t think he’s made the connection yet between me and her pregnancy but who knows when he will” Oh, he was feeling stressed out and it was sort of a relief that Caleb knew, that he didn’t have to hide from her but he did not want to find too much fury in her eyes.
(Hmm... I can't remember super well, Weren't we thinking about doing something where Mordred basically tries to unseat Arthur from the throne? Then Arthur's sibling betrays Mordred hoping for a power grab? Maybe during all this Lance returns and rescues Arthur? This feat being brave enough, That Arthur is able to use it as a excuse to pardon him of his crimes? Telling the nobles that he'd redeemed himself by saving Arthur? )

Lance actually had the gal to stand there and make a joke. His words causing Caleb's eyes to narrow. Briefly she considered swinging a punch at him. Maybe knock some sense into him, But she stayed her hand. Settling for simply glaring at Lance. He spoke as if he thought if it had only been one time then it would have been fine. Which no, It would not. But him getting with the princess multiple times? That did make it worse. Once could have been a mistake. Maybe he'd been drunk or something? But multiple times! Caleb then found herself snapping angrily. "Even one time is too much! What the hell Lance? She's married to Arthur, YOUR FRIEND! " She snapped. Even if she hadn't been a princess. She was Arthur's wife!

Except Lance made things so much worse as he kept talking. Caleb couldn't help but find herself going a bit pale. Arthur knew? That was bad, Caleb knew the man fancied men a bit. So maybe his lack of interest in his wife and made him not care too much about the affair. But with her pregnancy? Would that make him react? Arthur often was sweet, Cared for Lance. So maybe he'd keep quiet. But it was such a risky thing. Then Lance confessed that Gaheris knew. What? How? How was Lance's head still attached! Except he was then explaining things and that made sense.

Gaheris might not have connected the pregnancy, But he would eventually. Would that make him speak up? Or would he simply ask for more to keep quiet? How much would he ask for. Arthur must have been willing to help keep him quiet but how far would his desire to help go? Caleb then murmured. "Lance.. You.. " He was in so much danger. And well, There was a certain look of fear in Caleb's eyes. Fear for him. Though she quickly tried to mask it. Instead shaking her head. Telling him. "You... You need to make a escape plan. If things get out. Figure out where to go. " Easier said then done, But as long as Lance kept his head down he should be safe. Wouldn't be the first time he'd changed his name. Caleb then shook her head. "If things get out, Don't worry about packing anything. Just get yourself and Galahad out. I... Figure out a drop off point I can leave some of your things for you to collect at. " Caleb could drop some of his things off at the border of the kingdom for him to collect. But... Caleb hoped things never got that far.
(Yeah I thought we said Mordred would unseat Arthur but then Arthur’s new sibling steps in to unseat Mordred and Arthur And Mordred have to work together to get the throne back. I can see Lance helping with Arthur to get his throne back Proving his loyalty to the kingdom despite the threat to his life)

Caleb was making some very good points but she hadn’t been there! Caroline got no romantic love from Arthur, was it such a crime that she’d wanted some? Well yes actually and Lance decided that maybe he shouldn’t tell Caleb the full story because she’d want to hit him even more, that he’d slept with Caroline before even Arthur had. In his defence she hadn’t been married at the time! Okay that so didn’t make it better. Wow he was in so much trouble and hearing someone else talk about it only cemented that in his mind. He’d been in fantasy land for a lot of the affair, it hadn’t quite felt real, the pregnancy had obviously been a shock but Caleb’s reaction made him think he should be even more stressed out than he already was.

Caleb didn’t hide her look of fear quick enough and Lance flexed his fingers in agitation. She was making it sound like he had to leave now, go and be safe, but his whole life was here. Sure he’d travelled before, moved his life and settled down somewhere new but he’d been following his dad, still a kid really and now he had a kid of his own to think about and he didn’t want to leave his friends. He didn’t want to die either though. Caleb was stressing him out so much. “I was sort of hoping you’d make me feel better about the whole situation” he admitted, eyes a bit wide and going through steps to keep his breathing calm. He was going to be okay, no one else would find out.

”I…I’ll make a plan” he promised. “I hope it never comes to that but you’re right, I should be prepared” He moved towards the bed to check on his son better. “You know it’s sort of funny actually, I was thinking I’d quite like another kid“ He didn’t think Caleb would find it funny though and he glanced at her. “I….thanks for not arresting me, I owe you” Big time, but what could Lance really do to relay her saving his life like this? “you see what I meant now though? We can’t be together, obviously, but I do love her.“ Caleb probably thought he was an idiot or that maybe he didn’t actually know what love was, how could he love the princess, it’s not like they’d gone on dates or anything. “And I never really got any sort of closure and it was hard enough trying to move on before this news but now I know about the pregnancy? It hurts even more, makes me think about what life could’ve been like in another world. And she must be terrified, and I can’t even be there for her but I trust that Arthur will have her back” He'd seen how encouraging Arthur had been, he might be upset about the pregnancy a bit but he wouldn’t forsake Caroline for it. “That’s what the letter was about” he admitted although she probably could’ve guessed by now. “I hardly believed it and then I couldn’t not believe it and it was all so overwhelming, it still is, and I get you’re mad, that you think I’m the stupidest man there is, but I’m actually glad that I don’t have to live with the news by myself. I think it might’ve killed before Alexander got The chance to“
(Lance rescuing them will be fun! I wonder whats going to happen with the other knights? Like I imagine those who don't fall in line quickly will get arrested or be forced to run. It'll be interesting to see which ones side with Mordred vs Arthur vs Arthurs brother.)

Lance seemed to have been hoping for some sort of comfort from Caleb, That wasn't something she could really give him. This... Was just to much, Too dangerous. Lance had to realize that. He atleast was agreeing to make a plan. To be ready to escape should he need it. Caleb thus was nodding at his words. They'd figure something out. Find a way to make sure he stayed safe. Caleb's expression softened when he thanked her. Saying gently. "Lance, You're my friend and I love you. If I can I.. I'll always be here for you. " This was risky, If anyone found out that Caleb knew and was happying Lance keep this quiet? Well, She could get in trouble too. Luckily Caleb did not plan to allow this news to spread anymore.

Caleb went quiet and let Lance talk. Explain himself somewhat. And well... It was hard not to feel sympathy for him. He was a romantic idiot. Lance might have loved Caroline, But he was foolish. Being with her for even a short time put both of them in danger. Surely he had known that, Yet he was still willing to put them both at risk. But... Caleb kept her mouth shut on that. It wouldn't fix anything and Lance obviously seemed to feel terrible already.

Caleb let out a long sigh, Before saying softly. "Lance... Right now, I think the best thing you can do is... Distance yourself. When Caroline comes back, You cannot get back with her. And I know thats going to be hard as hell. But thats the best way all of you can live safe lives. " Caleb wasn't certain Lance would be able to do that. Surely he'd want to be apart of the new babies life... But by doing that, He'd put that child in danger. So Caleb considered things for a moment before saying. "I think you should see about getting stationed somewhere else. Somewhere other then the castle. I... Its going to be harder for you if you stay there. " He didn't have to go far. But seeing Caroline and his kid every day? Yeah... Caleb did not think that would be good for him. Caleb then shook her head, Saying. "Tell Antonio that you don't feel comfortable staying so near the castle, That Gavin being there makes you nervous. I'm sure he won't hesitate to assign you somewhere else. " Gavin being there could provide a decent excuse for him wanting to be elsewhere! Oh, Caleb bringing up Gavin might not help Lance's mood!
(Yeah, I feel A lot would stay with Arthur as they’ve known him the longest but more aggressive ones might favour the brother and Agravain will be on Mordred’s side. It’s just going to be a mess for the kingdom to be so divided. Maybe when Lance comes back to help he might have to bring reinforcements from Silas’ kingdom. Or maybe Arthur will think about running away to join Silas himself but he’ll probably have too much of a sense of duty to his kingdom to actually do that)

Aww she loved him, that made him feel a bit better, that she was going to help. Maybe it was slightly problematic for the kingdom that the knights were more loyal to each other than the kingdom but right now that wasn’t Lance’s problem. Right now they needed to keep it contained and Caleb was coming up with a plan, not one he exactly wanted to hear though. He couldn’t go back to Caroline, he knew that, as much as he hated it, as much as he knew she would be calling to him if not physically doing so herself. He’d be drawn to her like a moth to a flame and he’d want to see the baby, of course he would but distance would mean it was harder to Make comparisons, that no one saw him acting weird or emotional around Caroline and the baby.

Stationed elsewhere? Lance had just thought about staying out of their path but literally moving and going elsewhere? He really didn’t want to do that. He’d missed Galahad’s early years, it was going to be torture to miss the next child’s ones as well. Oh, use Gavin as an excuse. That had him feeling guilty and he considered coming clean to Caleb about that as well but she was angry enough with him as it was and he didn’t want to stress her out anymore, he was lucky she hadn’t popped a blood vessel already or gone into labour with the surprise of it. If and when he told Caleb about Gavin he’d do it more diplomatically than this had been revealed.

”you’re so eager to get rid of me” he muttered but he did understand her concern. “I don’t have to do thst yet though, they won’t be back for a while, I’ll talk to my father once they’ve returned” he promised. In the meantime he’d want to be near the castle so he could see Gavin, and his father and Elaine. If he did go, would Gavin follow? It depended on how well and serious their relationship had become he guessed but they’d already agreed to meet up with their children, that felt like a big step. Still, Gavin was still being watched, Alexander might not let her go if he did have to leave. Also, he’d want to see Caroline and the baby before he left, it’d be tough but he couldn’t leave without seeing them at all, surely Caleb knew that? “You know, you make a good strategist” he commented. “I guess someone in this house has to have some brains” because it clearly wasn’t him and he wouldn’t have said it was Agravain or Gaheris. “Oh, my father is so going to think I’m acting suspiciously“ he muttered, even if he used Gavin as an excuse but that didn’t mean he’d refuse the transfer of stations. “If he finds out he’s going to kill me but it feels horrible to not tell him he’s going to have another grandchild. Maybe I should just swear off women, I’m clearly too irresistible and my …. Too strong” he made a gesture too his lower half. Two children out of wedlock, as far as they knew, well maybe it wasn’t so much strength as volume, he’d been with a lot of women after all. “Ugh, that’s not possible though, I need to do what you said and try to get over her” that had been Caleb’s recommendation and he did feel better around Gavin, she made him forget about Caroline, or at least push her to the back of his mind. “Without making any more kids” he added which he figured should be easy enough with Gavin considering she wasn’t comfortable with that sort of stuff. See it was a perfect idea actually, all the sneaking around was a good substitute for what he’d been doing with Caroline, it was still risky but the stakes weren’t as high and they could potentially be together if things worked out well. Yeah, this was a good idea actually. And at the mention of kids he couldn’t help but glance at Caleb’s stomach, she had enough to stress about with her baby due, she shouldn’t have to worry about him. “Once you have the kid, I’ll let you try and beat me up for all this hassle I’m causing you” he promised, try being the key word, it’d do her good to actually punch him for being an idiot.

(I have this image of Caleb’s stress over Lance and Caroline causing Her to go into labour, I think that’d be quite funny but I don’t know what you’ve got planned. Agravain will really want to be there for when she goes into labour, he’s been anticipating it and is looking forward to the baby. Gaheris is going to go a bit sour again, maybe not towards Ruth but he can’t avoid the baby as much since it‘ll be crying and stuff so he‘s going to be mean to Caleb more but at least she’ll be able to fight him now, and that means he’ll probably spend more time with Gareth who I would’ve thought he’d have started abusing by now, or just starting?)
(Everything will certainly get rather chaotic! I like the idea of them getting aid from Silas. Like, I feel like they all will sort of be forced to take temporary shelter in his kingdom.
Oh gosh, I just got this image in my head of Lance freeing Arthur from a cell or something. Them beginning to slip away. Just as Arthur's brother betrays Mordred, And like Mordred is heavily injured or knocked out or something. And like, It would be safer for them to leave. Mordred has caused so much pain for them already. But Arthur just isn't able to leave him and rescues him as well.

Honestly, I kinda had a similar idea, It would be rather funny. I can imagine Lance sitting there trying to comfort her, And then Agravain kicking open the door and just shoving him out the way.
Oof, I can imagine Gaheris getting super bitter have the baby is born. Do you think the baby should be a boy or a girl? I don't really have a preference. )

Caleb raised her eyebrow at Lance's little comment. It wasn't her being eager to get rid of him, More eager to keep him safe. But he seemed atleast willing to see about stationing himself somewhere else. Which was a relief. Though his next words did cause a small expression of amusement to come from her. Scoffing. "You have brains, You just dont use them I think. " Her tone a bit teasing. Really, She knew Lance could be smart! He could be a clever man. Just when it came to women he seemed to turn off his brain entirely.

Caleb frowned at his next words. It would be dangerous letting Antonio know. But... Antonio was unlikely to rat out his son. No, He'd keep it quiet surely. Caleb rolled her eyes at his next words. Before telling Lance. "He... Might be able to figure it out himself. That might be worse then if you were the one to tell him. " Sure, He might never find out. But he might be able to guess. Antonio worked at the castle. Would be near the heir. Might be able to pick up the resemblances of the child to Lance. If Lance told him, Well... Atleast he might get some points for honesty from his father? Yeah no, He might just be grounded for forever. Caleb then told Lance. "Lance, I don't think you'd be able to keep yourself away from women for very long. Maybe just avoid... Oh I dunno... Sleeping with them though? " He could still date, He just didn't need to get in bed with them! Okay. That might be difficult for Lance to do. But he could try.

Caleb listened to Lance complain. Hey, Atleast he was going to let her try and beat him up. That was some bright news out of all of this. But Caleb couldn't help the headache coming. Muttering. "Don't worry, I'll be certain to give you a good thrashing. " Really, She'd be glad when she could finally get back to sparring. Atleast then she could get rid of some of this frustration. Caleb then was moving towards Lance's side. Going to sit down on the bed next to him. But well, Almost as soon as she sat down she found herself wincing. A cramp, Such wasn't that uncommon lately, Part of the reason she struggled to sleep. But this felt a bit stronger then usual.
(Ooh yeah, Arthur can’t leave him, even after all the pain he likes to believe the best in people and he’s still his son!

I dunno, I think if it’s a boy then they haven’t got to worry about whether they’re going to name it Gwyn or not but if it is a girl I think they shouldn’t name her that because Caleb and Agravain should realise how much trouble it’s going to cause with Gaheris but it could be her middle name. If it is a girl then that’s one more girl they can train up to be a knight but also we have a lot of planned girls…. if it is a girl though I think Melody would be a cute name, I don’t know if you have any ideas for names? Grant for a boy?)

Oh it was nice that she was admitting Lance could be smart but he could be a bit of a sucker for a pretty face, he wouldn’t deny that, and Caroline wasn’t even a redhead! He needed someone else to reign him in though, maybe he should run all future love interests past Caleb first so she can approve or deny them, And give him a sharp poke when he thinks about pursuing women he shouldn’t. But he was with Gavin for the moment and that wouldn’t get her approval, nor would some of his other love interests, not all but some at least would get a frown of disapproval.

Oh, Lance hadn’t thought about that, about the reckoning his father would bring when he found out about the child without Lance telling him. Lance would like to think that his own father wouldn’t report him to the king but this was a serious matter and he already thought Lance was irresponsible. Still, surely he wouldn’t take away Lance from Galahad like that? Yeah he should get stationed somewhere else because he did not want to be around his father when he found out. Lance was a grown man but he didn’t think that’d stop his father from grounding him and all other manner of punishments. Caleb was at least recognising his difficulty in keeping away from women and he was embarassed enough by his situation to blush about her comment on him sleeping with women.

”you’ll try” Lance replied, still cocky enough to tease her back, it was more familiar ground, made him feel a bit more comfortable. Even wrapped up in his distress he noticed her pain and he frowned, looking towards her. “You feeling okay” he asked worriedly. Sure they’d been concerned with his predicament but he’d seen Caleb with some of her pains, she didn’t normally react so much. “Is it the baby? Do you want me to get Agravain?” He was a bit overbearing as of late but he knew far more about this pregnancy and baby stuff than either of them. It was his turn to be the concerned friend now.
(Hmm... Well, I mean, Gwyn could be a boys name, So nothing stopping them from naming a son Gwyn. But I kinda like the idea of it being the kids middle name. Melody is also a pretty name, And I like Grant as well. Hmm.. How about this kid be a boy named Grant?
Also just gonna say, I dunno who it would be. Maybe Lance's daughter? But I like the idea of one of the girls in the future being named Penelope, I dunno why. )

Oh, Lance might need to hide from the hell Antonio would no doubt unleash when he found out what Lance had been up to. It would surely be chaos. But for the moment Lance was safe. Lance's worry for himself soon was turning to worry for Caleb it seemed. Causing her to wave her hand a bit dismissively. "I'm fine. " She began, But Lance was offering to fetch Agravain which... Well, Caleb wasn't sure if she was eager for. She loved her husband. But he worried a bit too much. Except, He knew far more about such things then either of them. It had taken Caleb ages to even realize she was pregnant! And that wasn't until she was told what was going on. So it probably was for the best to fetch him. Caleb was about to dismiss Lance's worries more. Try and claim things were fine. When she realized something.

Water breaking- That was something that had been mentioned to her a few times to watch out for. And well, when Caleb felt a certain dampness between her legs as she sat there. Things clicked. She'd also heard mention not to panic, But that was quickly thrown out the window as Caleb stared at Lance. Maybe looking a bit bewildered. She then said. "I uh- I uh... Could you go get Agravain? " Yeah, Lance might be able to pick up the panic in her voice.

A part of her hoped she was wrong, That this wasn't what she thought it was. She'd wanted the kid out of her for ages. But the process of getting it out of her? That bit was not as exciting, She knew many women didn't survive having kids. That it was extremely painful, That it wasn't something she could just punch to deal with. And okay, Maybe her breathing was quickening and she was starting to hyperventilate in her sudden panic. She'd already been on edge enough from dealing with Lance! Couldn't she get a little break before this?
(Yeah sounds good, Grant Gwyn?

Penvelope? Huh. I’ve not really thought much besides what his last daughter is going to be called - Valencia. She could be called Penny for short I suppose. The only other girls planned are Arthurs other daughter or more of Caleb’s kids. So if it was Lances itd have to be either Carolines or Gavin’s daughter.)

Caleb’s reassurance soon turned into a request for her husband. alh something was definitely wrong. Lance could sense and hear her panic, his own eyes going wide and he looked at her in worry before standing up. He glanced down at her stomach and….was that water? The panic in Lance kicked up a notch and he nodded quickly, moving to The door, except he couldn’t just leave Caleb! She was clealry stressed out and Agravain hated him being around Caleb but the one thing that he’d hate more was him leaving Caleb alone whilst she went in labour!

”okay, just breathe, I’m going to Get him” Agravain better be in his room and not off doing errands! He was a knight too so he could be awake but as long as he hadn’t wandered off. Lance dashed outside the door, he didn’t want to have to hunt doen Agravain so he managed to flag down a servant and asked them to send for Agravain, urgently, and just for good measure Melodias too. Both men would know better what to do and maybe Lance should research this a bit more! But to be fair he was a bit more focused on learning how To take care of a young child.

Lance ducked back into the room and went to Caleb’s side, “everything’s going to be fine, just breathe, Agravain and your dad will be here soon” Maybe he should’ve asked for a medic but for someone to fetch a medic might take a while. Lance offered Caleb his hand, he did know that labour could hurt and if she needed a hand to squeeze then she could squeeze his. “Hey, this is good” he insisted with a smile althiugh it was laced in worry. “You’ve been complaining for ages About being pregnant. This time next month you’ll be back In the training yard with a sword in your hand” he imagined she’d have to rest for a little while but she’d also be eager to get back to sparring. Galahad might be woken up by all the sudden commotion now.

Luckily it didn’t take long for a servant to find Agravain, he was still in their room. He’d let Caleb go earlier, he knew she struggled to sleep and he didn’t want to annoy her too much but he had been a bit concerned when she hadn’t reappeared by the morning, now a servant was asking him to come quickly because the baby was coming. He jumped into action, still in the loose shirt and trousers he’d been sleeping in and raced to Lance’s room. He was not going to leave Caleb alone in this, he would not miss the birth of his first child. He burst into Lance’s room, rushed to Caleb’s side and rather harshly shoved the other man out of the way so he could take Lance’s place at her side. Lance went stumbling a bit but he could understand and he hovered nearby nervously. “how are you feeling? How’s it going?” He asked. Was she far into the contractions? Could they move her to get comfortable or was she going to give birth here? Lance might want to move rooms after this, also Caleb might want Lance to leave, she was hardly the most confident in showing her body since she tried to hide the fact she was a woman, she might not appreciate him being around when another Person was coming out of her, then again he mind was likely more on giving birth than Lance. “breathe, when your contractions are close together you have to push okay” Agravain explained. “you should get comfortable first though” The pain meant that comfort wouldn’t do a lot but best to be in a reasonable position to give birth.
(Maybe Lance's daughter with Gavin could be called Penelope? Penny is a cute nickname.
Oh, Should we go ahead and switch to maybe Galehaut and Silas? Or maybe do a time skip to after the baby arrives? )

Lance was soon enough setting off to go and get Agravain, Or well, To get a servant to go get him. By now, all this moving around had woken little Galahad. Who sleepily sat up. Rubbing his eyes and looking rather confused as he watched his father disappear out the door. Luckily Lance was soon enough returning, And Galahad was smart enough to be able to tell from everyones expression that something was wrong. So he stayed quiet. Caleb was certainly glad to see Lance return. Though the man looked just as bewildered as her. And well, Caleb was frightened. Lance was soon enough trying to lighten the mood and Caleb did her best to try and settle her breathing. Murmuring. "That excited for me to kick your *ss? " She questioned. Voice a bit shakey despite the confident words.

It was then Agravain was arriving, And Caleb couldn't help but find herself somewhat relieved. Caleb loved Lance sure, But Agravain was perhaps a bit more knowledgeable when it came to this. Still, Agravain was a bit... Rough with Lance. Something that Caleb might have chided him about in a different situation. But she had a bit more pressing things to focus on at the moment. Little Galahad did look a bit started when that happened. Hopping off the bed and hurrying over to his father. No doubt hoping to make sure he was okay.

Caleb soon was focused on her husband. Saying. "I-I'm okay, Its not to bad yet. " She was ensuring. Just in time, As the door was suddenly bursting open again. It hadn't taken long for Melodias to be informed and he of course had hurried over. Walking in, And well, He had forced his expression to remain calm. Catching the last bit of the conversation. He thus asked softly. "Do you think you can walk? It might be more comfortable to be in your own room for this? " Caleb was soon enough giving a nod, And Melodias was about to move to help her up. When he realized that Lance was still sort of hovering and looking well... Bewildered. So, He spared a moment to glance towards him. Encouraging. "Lance, Why don't you head downstairs? You can keep your boy calm and then direct the medic to our room when he gets here? " It might help giving Lance a job to focus on.
(Let’s go Galehaut and Silas then we can switch back to after the baby is born if you want.
aww she’ll be little Lady Penelope because I’m sure her and Gavin should have a title)

Lance was mightily glad when the cavalry arrived. He could deal with a lot of things, had helped patch up injured men, been fine rescuing Ruth from that bear trap but he didn’t have to deal with a lot of pregnant women and he didn’t think his skill set lay in helping a mother give birth. No, he was much better at trying to keep things in a person like blood and guts. Hey, at least he wasn’t queasy! He was glad for the opportunity to escape though, he didn’t want to get in their way or make Caleb feel uncomfortable so he nodded. “You’ll be fine Caleb” he reassured his friend as he made his way to the door. “You’re one Of the strongest knights I know” If anyone could get through this it was her. Lance scooped up Galahad and got out of their hair as Agravain went to help guide Caleb to their room.


Galehaut, also being a knight, was a fairly early riser, although he wasn’t as battle keen as some others and being a noble he was quite used to lazing about as well. He had to get up though so that he could fetch Arthur from the brothel. The thought still made him chuckle and shake his head. He’d have to see it to believe it but he guessed he would. Arthur was just going to love seeing Galehaut this morning but would he have been that much more thrilled at seeing Silas? Actually silly question, Silas almost always made Arthur perk up.

He lay there for a few moments, not overly keen to leave his warm bed before he rolled out and set about cleaning up the clothes on the floor first into a neater pile. He reached out a hand and shook Silas’ foot teasingly to wake him up if he hadn’t already. Galehaut had been far gentler with Silas last night compared to how Arthur had fared. Maybe the prince would have a few hickeys but nothing too sore and no serious damage. Galehaut could do passion without pain that much was clear. “Where’s this brothel?” He asked Silas before moving to his drawers to pick out some fresh clothes although for the moment he remained unashamedly naked, much like Silas might. The two were a bit of a sun and moon pairing though with Galehaut’s skin more tan than Silas’ could ever dream to be and his hair a contrasting brown.

”You sure you don’t want to tag along?” He asked and it was unclear if that was a trick question. Silas was trying to keep his distance from Arthur, not be involved in every minute of his life now, but maybe it’d do Silas good to see Arthur fresh from another lover? Might hurt though. He then tilted his head curiously “are you going to keep this night from Arthur?” He didn’t know if Silas felt it better to keep his business to himself, especially considering Galehaut had also slept with Arthur. Would Silas lie? Would he admit it? Or would he just avoid it and hope it never came up? Whatever the case, Galehaut was willing to go with whatever story Silas wanted it seemed.
Unlike Galehaut and the other knights, Silas was not so keen to wake up early. Only stirring a bit from the feeling of Galehaut getting out of the bed. Though he didn't open his eyes. Content to just bury his face into his pillow. Alas, It seemed Galehaut had plans to wake up Silas. He did need directions after all! Silas thus groggily opened one eye. Stifling a yawn as he sat up. Things with Galehaut had actually been rather nice. Though he did have a hickey on his neck which was a tad annoying as it was in a rather obvious position. But other then that, It had been nice. Silas lazily stretched on the bed before saying. "Mmhmm... Remember where you first met me? The bar me and Arthur were drinking at? Yeah, Its about two blocks east from there. " He should hopefully be able to find it well enough.

Silas paused at the next question. Glancing away in thought for a moment before sitting up. Saying. "Its probably best if I stay here. " He told, Him tagging along would be a bad start for his keeping his distance from Arthur! Hopefully Galehaut would make sure he returned in one piece! He paused at the next question, Before finally shrugging. Saying. "I had told him yesterday I was interested in asking if you'd like some fun. So I hardly mind if he knows or not. " Silas had never been shy. Arthur had already been aware somewhat of Silas's plan. So Silas hardly felt like hiding things from him.

Silas then figured he perhaps should get up and return to his room. His cheetah was probably worried about him- Actually, No the animal likely was still asleep and probably hadn't even noticed he was gone. But he still felt he should go check on the cat. So he stood up. Going to where Galehaut had set his clothes. Beginning to get dressed as he glanced towards Galehaut. Snickering. "Arthur was right, You are pretty good. " And he totally wasn't saying that just to give Galehaut more fuel to tease Arthur with. No... He'd never do that. Soon musing. "Perhaps we could do this again some day. " It might be nice to have some fun every now and then. THough Galehaut might not be up for that.
Silas did wake luckily so Galehaut at least knew when he was going. He wasn’t sure if he was pleased or not with Silas answer, good for him that he was sticking to what he’d said about keeping his distance from Arthur but he didn’t believe for one second that it would actually last. Again he’d seen the two look at each other, the dam would break some time and he was convinced the two would get together but he simply nodded in acknowledgment, fishing out some fresh clothing and starting to get dressed. He arched an eyebrow at the fact that Silas had already told Arthur, he did so wonder about the conversations between the two princes and joe and why they talked about such things but at least it meant he didn’t have to hide things, that Was a good thing considering the hickey on Silas’ neck.

He grinned at the compliment, how sweet of Silas to say! “Perhaps” he agreed, he’d be up for another night with Silas. “How can I turn you down after such a stellar review?“ he teased, smoothing down his clothes once fully dressed. “Maybe next time you’ll actually be thinking about me, huh” he suggested. Their conversation beforehand had been entirely Arthur based and now Silas was still talking about him, granted that Galehaut had brought him up but if he hadn’t then he was sure Silas would’ve, maybe Silas had been focused on Galehaut a bit but he was sure a portion of Silas’ mind had likely Still been stuck on Arthur, even with what they’d been doing, maybe because of what they’d been doing.

”I better be going” Galehaut said, he’d want to catch Arthur before he left so he moved to Silas’ side and went to grab his arm and pull him In for a quick, deep kiss. “Let that tide you over until next time” he insisted before going to let Silas go and leave his room, he went to set out for town and track down Arthur. He didn’t want the other knights to notice he was missing and it was best to get him back before breakfast so Rayner didn’t throw a hissy fit either. He just had to find him and bring him back, Arthur might be A bit embarrassed and chagrined but as long as he was in one piece that was what he really cared about.
Silas snickered slightly at Galehaut's words. Though Galehaut's next words did cause him to glance away. A slight blush on his face. But he still promised. "I'll do my best. " He ensured. Not thinking about Arthur was easier said then done. It felt like the man was often on his mind. It seemed Galehaut could not stay for much longer. But he left with a kiss. Something that took Silas a bit by surprise. But he was soon returning it. Hand moving to the others cheek. But alas the kiss did not last long. And Silas grinned. "Try not to miss me too much. " He said teasingly. Before he bid the man farewell. Watching him go, Before he set about finishing getting dressed.

He figured it would not take too long for Galehaut to drag Arthur back. Though that caused a certain amount of anxiety to fill his chest. He was going to be trying to keep his distance. Though... How might be a bit more difficult. He might need to make up a excuse. Explain he was busy. Busy doing what? Silas bit his lip in thought as he exited Galehaut's room. Making his way to his own as to get cleaned up. Whatever he did, It would need to be something that Arthur wouldn't be able to tag along for. Studies maybe?

Sighing, Silas was soon enough reaching his room. His cheetah merely flicking her ear at his arrival and Silas spared a moment to approach and pet the animal. Before then setting about getting cleaned up. He needed a bath, Then to get dressed. And well, As he worked on tidying up a idea finally came to mind. He could claim he was going to spend the day with Leo. Say he wanted to spend some time with the man while he was in town, And that he figured it might be a little awkward if Arthur tagged along. Yeah, That should be a good excuse that would cause no problems whatsoever.
Silas couldn’t completely avoid Arthur, they were bound to see each other at meal times and just because Gakehaur had suggested he put some distance between them it didn’t mean that he never had to see Arthur. Would Silas go overboard and try to quit Arthur cold turkey? That might hurt the other man’s feelings. The suggestion of using Leo though was good! Not. Whilst Arthur had seemed to ma age to reign in his jealousy somewhat, aided by the lack of excessive alcohol when it’d come up recently, he wouldn’t be overly fond to hear about Leo and Silas going off. He wouldn’t begrudge them some alone time but Silas would definitely be implying things there even if he didn’t mean to which might make Arthur even more keen to seek his own amusement elsewhere.

Galehaut chuckled, he figured he’d get on fine without Silas, and he left. He managed to make it into town easily enough, then it was just tracking down the brothel. He followed the instructions and soon enough came across the building, stepping inside. It was quiet in the morning, calm, not many people likely visited at this hour and the workers seemed a little shocked to see him, huddled around a small table drinking some tea. He held up a hand before they started to get up and try to tend to him. “I’m just here to pick up a friend“ he explained although that’s not how he’d usually describe Arthur. That seemed to relieve most of the workers and they relaxed back into their seats except the only man there, the same one that Arthur had seen the night before. Galehaut Was a foreigner, that was obvious, as obvious as it was Arthur was one so it made sense that Galehaut was here to pick him up. “The nervous one with the curls?” He asked, moving over to Galehaut. So Arthur hadn’t told them his name which made sense he supposed and he nodded because of course that was Arthur. “I’ll go get him” the man offered and disappeared upstairs to find the prince.

It didn’t take long before Arthur was dragged down the stairs, still seeming a bit dazed, a redhead clinging to his arm and guiding him after the man. She looked very well put together which was….curious for someone in her profession who had had such little warning to get downstairs and seemed sleepy herself, almost as if she’d fallen asleep that neat which did make some sense when he considered it was Arthur that had been with her, but still he figured that if he was going to go to a brothel that Arthur might be a bit more…fierce. It didn’t even look like he’d touched her. The girl covered her mouth for a small yawn before going to press a kiss to the corner of Arthur’s mouth and tapped his chest encouragingly “come again” She insisted in a sultry tone and with a smile too devious for her Sweet face which made Arthur go an astonishing colour. Galehaut figured if Arthur had been able to open his mouth, all that would’ve come out would’ve been a splutter.

Galehaut then took control of the poor prince and guided him out into the fresh morning air. “Wow, I didn’t realise you were that much in denial” Galehaut murmured as they walked, breaking the awkward silence. Arthur’s blush hadnt died down, wasn’t likely to whilst he was around Galehaut and Galehaut had known where he’d been and what he’d done, although one thing Galehaut didn’t know about was the vial of aphrodisiac in his pocket he’d bought off of the lady. “Why’d you pick a woman? It’s a brothel, you’re meant to service yourself how you like” Galehaut said and Arthur frowned, not liking his words but helpless in stopping his own response: “ I didn’t knew if this would get out. I don’t want To ruin my reputation for one night with a man I don’t know” Galehaut found that interesting, would Arthur be willing if it was a man he did know? And what about Caroline’s reputation, if he was happy with a woman why not just sleep with his own wife? “Or is it because the one man there looked too familiar and you couldn’t take it?” Galehaut asked, he’d seen the similarities to Silas, had the idea made Arthur nervous? Maybe Galehaut had been wrong about his estimate and Arthur would never cave simply because he’d bottle it when trying to come onto Silas. Arthur tensed, his cheeks burning at the implication: “no, I wanted a woman” Arthur insisted causing Galehaut to laugh. “Oh Arthur, that’s not a sentence you’ve ever as sincerely said but sure, I hope you had fun and now you can go tell your wife where you’ve been and why you can get it off with another woman but not her“ A harsh edge coated Galehaut’s tone and the rest of the walk back was in silence, only receiving a nod of goodbye once he’d been dropped off at his and Caroline’s bedroom door.

Would she still be asleep? He sort of hoped so, would give him a chance to clean up a bit and stash away his vial. At least he didn’t smell like he’d been dunked in alcohol, no just like another woman and bedroom romance although he was hoping the smell wasn’t that strong. Arthur was feeling ashamed and embarassed, it had been a shock to see Galehaut and not a welcome one, he was a bit hurt that Silas would even send him, would let him know about this private thing but Silas had always been more open about these sorts of things, might not have seen it as a big deal, and Arthur had been too afraid to ask if Silas had spent the night with Galehaut, not sure if he would’ve got a truthful answer and not sure he wanted one. He’d rather ask Silas himself but that was still embarrassing. He sighed and pushed open his door, figuring a bath would be nice right about now.

(I really want Arthur to go on a quest or do some sparring because I think he’s going to have PTSD. He’ll have flashbacks to killing Loth and that’ll hamper his ability to fight which is going to be dangerous and if they’re on A quest then Gawain might have to step in to save him then ask what on earth has gotten into them and maybe they can have a bit of a heart to heart then, even if it doesn’t fix him)
(Ooh, I really like that. I could see Gawain describing his own feelings when he first killed someone. But then also describing how cruel Loth was, How he was a bad guy. And that in the end he would have hurt, Or even killed more people if he hadn't done what he did. )

Sadly, Arthur was not going to get so lucky that Caroline would be asleep. Arthur's absence had been noticed last night. Caroline would be lying if she said she hadn't waited some time for him to return. Though perhaps she shouldn't have bothered, While Arthur had been spending more time in there room as of late. Such was common for him to spend nights elsewhere. A thought that always make Caroline's chest feel tight. Eventually she had gotten some sleep. Only to wake up to find Arthur still not there. So, She had tried to rid herself of any hurt feelings. Told herself this was normal, She just needed to get used to it. Arthur had things to do other then keep her company.

But, There was one thing that helped cheer her up, Her new lizard friend. She had taken him from his cage, And decided to let him run around the room. Sitting nearby and idly admiring the creature. Its colors had seemed to become a bit brighter over the last few days, Which Caroline guessed was a good sigh. She was so lost in thought, That she couldn't help but find herself surprised by the sound of the door opening. Jumping a bit.

Glancing towards the door, She paused at the sight of him. Frowning for a moment, Perhaps it was just her. But he looked a bit ruffled. Caroline kept such to herself though. Standing up, She went to scoop up little Lenny as she greeted. "I... Morning Arthur. " Unable to help the slight awkward feeling that came over her. She then took a moment to walk over. Aiming to give him a small kiss on the cheek. And well... Was that the smell of perfume? Still, She said nothing. Tried to push any thoughts away. Before stumbling. "I-I uh... " Should she ask him if he'd had a good night? That might make things more uncomfortable. So instead she then said. "You um.. Should probably take a bath, Then we can go get breakfast. " She explained.
(Yeah they can bond! Arthur still won’t feel great but he’ll feel better knowing someone is there to support him and he can talk to someone)

Arthur was not lucky when it came to Caroline Usually. She was awake which he guessed was fo be expected, she was normally up because of her pregnancy. Was she upset with him? Sometimes he found it hard to tell, she always seemed upset to be honest which made him sad himself but maybe now wasn’t the time to breach that. Things were at least a little uncomfortable and he nodded, ducking back out to call for a servant to draw him a bath before going back in. “Morning Caroline, Morning Lenny” he added with a nod to the lizard. Seeing Caroline with him was encouraging and he was glad she was enjoying her present.

”did you sleep well?” He asked whilst he waited for the bath water. He felt bad having left her last night without any warning And this morning was a bit awkward considering where he’d been and that there was a clear gap between them. “I’m sorry for not coming back last night” he apologised. “I hope you didn’t wait up for me” would she lie and say she hadn’t? “I’ll try and leave a not if it happens again” it was the least he could do. He offered her smile “is Lenny settling in alright? He seems more colourful than before” he commented with a look at the little guy.

He didn’t have to wait long as the servant was soon bringing him the bath water and he moved towards the bathroom. “I’ll be quick and then we can go eat” he promised. “Maybe don’t bring Lenny though,” he joked with a smile, her father might not be happy about that and he disappeared into the bathroom. He was right that it didn’t take him long and he was soon fresh and damp, the smell of perfume washed off And was sorting through his clothes for something to wear, towel wrapped around his waist. Unlike Silas he didn’t have a hickey or anything so maybe Caroline could brush off the signs, but she tended to be full of doubt so maybe not. She could always talk to her husband though, yeah communication was not their strong suit. Arthur did decide to speak again though and he thought that considering the atmosphere was already a bit awkward he might as well dive into it. He turned to his wife, still undressed but at least covered up by the towel and tilted his head at her. “do you ever get..urges?” He asked, not entirely sure how to phrase it or how to broach the subject but he had been thinking about it for some time, had happened upon the thought when he’d Been planning to set her up with Bryce. She was human, it made sane that she might have some hormonal urges and what with the pregnancy he imagined that might add to them. “I know we’re not exactly…smitten with each other but we can still find each other attractive” or well, she could he supposed, he knew she was pretty but it didn’t do anything for him except remind him of Silas which was…helpful he guessed if a bit weird and maybe gross and creepy. “And I know we’re not trying for a baby anymore but that doesn’t mean we have to turn to celibacy” Arthur certainly hadn’t but Caroline had seemed hesitant to have another affair, he wanted to do what he could for her. “If you ever want to be intimate, you only have to say” he said.
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