Poetry I was a writer once.

Room 202

The sun wanes to golden embers
Over a road that very few remember
A car travels the path long and winding
Over desert hills and sand that's blinding
By and by a sign reads at last
"Rest stop ahead: Mosey's Palace"
The travelers agree--it's getting late
Best save their adventures for a later date
Cruising into town in search of a palace
What they find seems more rugged and callous
A two story building with a wide, peeling face
It couldn't be said it didn't have space
Worn yet pristine in a used sort of way
High end or low: neither could say
Parking the car and grabbing their bags
A long stretch and a sigh as their posture sags
Fatigue weighed heavy as they approached the door
One tug, two, three and a few more
Were they closed? No vacancy? Surely not
How could they fill up such a large plot
Then a click from the door as it opened so slightly
"Must've been stuck." his wife joked lightly
Whatever the case, they were in at last
Into the lobby they moved quite fast
The tile floor was so retro and old
The walls may have once been painted gold
Hard to say in the current state
Well, at least it should be an affordable rate
Approaching the counter, he rings the bell
While they stood and waited, a silence would swell
A couple more dings in rapid succession
But no one showed, making them question
Just what kind of place this establishment was
That the staff would be AWOL without cause
They looked every which way but saw no one
Reasons to stay had just become 'none'
But just then as they were making ready to leave
They spied a key on the counter ready to be received
He picked up the key and studied its tag
A worn piece of leather looking more like a rag
Burned into its face was the number '202'
Clutching the key, he announced to the room
"We'll be staying the night and can pay what is needed.
I tip well for service, so don't think me conceited.
Skip the wake up call, we'll need our rest.
Tonight your bedsprings will be given our test!"
The Gilded Lion

In Mosey's Palace through the door to the right
Is a peculiar wing that should stay out of sight
The rooms here are dangerous if you couldn't tell
Open these doors and you might fall under a spell
But one such woman did not have this warning
She was wandering around about midmorning
Opening the door she was met with a hall
Not unlike the one on the leftside sprawl
But this hall was lit and seemed very inviting
Glitzy and extravagant, it was very exciting
She walked down the hall examining each door
One, two, three, five (there was no four)
"How curious." she said before looking further
She passed many doors without much fervor
Yet one stopped her right there in her tracks
A white door with a gilded lion's head engraved in a plaque
Her pulse raced at the sight of the majestic beast
She murmured, "I'll take a peek in here at least...."
The doorknob turned at her meager touch
(This place doesn't lock its doors much)
Upon entering she finds the room empty
Save for a sign which reads "Can the beast tempt thee?"
On the floor before her was a magnficent rug
Woven in the fibers was a large lion and its young
They were laid out on a background of deepest blue
Her eyes could not move from that magnificent hue
A titillated breath escapes her lips
She crouches down and sits as she smooths her slip
Her hand caresses the rug's silken fibers
The texture intoxicating her worse than an imbiber
She lays down next to the lion's head
As she strokes its mane, she felt heavy as lead
She was quite content to lay there forever
Petting the lion a worthy endeavor
She continued to do so unaware of the sound
A chirping purr could be heard all around
The golden fibers of the lion bulged and grew
As the beast rose from the carpet and the sea of blue
The girl's hand never left the great lion's mane
Unaware of the beast or whether it was tame
But the lion was real as was its hunger
For long had it been in deep, deep slumber
And so if you travel down the right wing
And spy a door with the head of the lion king
Pass it on by for you shall not find
A young damsel therein to wine and dine
Just a lush rug with a gilded lion
Waiting for a passersby to tempt and dine on
Dream of a Dream

I dreamed of you once
Twice, maybe three times
It made me happy
Every time
I expected to one day perhaps
Wake up and see you there
Next to me
With me
We shared so much time together
Intimate time
Close time
So little time in the end
I wished I had more dreams of you
But even more so
I wish
I hoped
I thought perhaps
After so much time together
Maybe you would dream of me
Mother's Eyes

Surrounded by masses of people
Intoxicated with wanting to be
To exist in another's gaze
I lose myself in their futile search
For meaning found in the eyes of the beholder
Inundated by these lost souls
I cannot fathom what quiet is
So many voices crying out with longing
Believing that if they cry the loudest
Someone might notice their
Validate their existence
"I see you therefore you exist"
It's the voice of Mother
Snatching up her miserable infant
Wailing if by some way to reach
Her lofty ears up out of sight and reach
From such billow the smog I am smothered by
Children reaching up to each other
Belching haunted echoing wails
"You will replace Mother in my eyes"
I am not Mother for anyone
I am not a miserable infant
I stamp my foot with insistance
Tell me I am not a child like them
Tell me I do not wail like them
Tell me I am not them
Separate us by kinds: I and them
Tell me I'm better Mother
Notice me Mother
Don't cater to them mother

I have spent the day weighing
Your woefully inadequate soul
Look how the scale tips against you
All you could manage was thus?
You dare think this is acceptable?
Who deluded you?
Who filled your head with thoughts of
Succeeding on half measures?
You cannot even rest on your laurels
When you haven't enough leaves
To weave your honored headdress
This is the fullness of your work?
So many hours have you toiled
And all you could produce was
Failed attempts and "maybe next time"s?
Wishes and hopes that Fate would be so kind
As to offer an undeserving wretch such as you
A second try costs more than the effort you have submitted
Where are you tears?
Where is your sweat?
You have not bled enough to earn
Pity or favor
Try, try again then!
You have yet to notice my hand on the scale
Pulling it deeper
Raising the price higher
Than what you are capable of paying

O Man that fell into a chasm
How long must you fall?
The light retreats overhead
Can you still see it?

I am the fallen
My soul is heavy
I yearn for the darkness
Swallow me now

Can it be you are gone?
Do you reject the light?
Will you never rise?
We beseech you, Arise

I have fallen too far
Your words cannot reach me
This place will swallow me
Cast my memory in darkness

You think the light has a short arm?
Can it not touch you there in your pit?
You think we have not sent an emmisary?
Even now they speak with you

I will not see your emissary
I will not hear your calls to Arise
I descend further into the darkened pit
You chase after me in vain

Reach out your arms
Stretch out your form and see
Are you so far that you cannot be touched?
Even now you stand before the Emissary

Aye...I am not alone
My feet find purchase on solid ground
Lo, not ground, but a massive hand!
It is he on which I stand: the Emissary

O Man that fell into my palm
Your weary soul has awakened me
I feel the weight of it
What manner of tidings burdens you so?

I have lost such that cannot be returned
My soul longed for darkness
Thus I plunged into this abyss
And now speak with thee

Darkness I have indeed
But my gifts do not lie in shadow
The form on which you stand is my power
You have alighted onto the Bound of the world

Form or shadow I care not
Swallow me, O Bound, that I feel not
Erase my visage from before thy face
Cause me to feel no more

It is nothing to swallow Man's bones
I have many of your kin in my mouth
My teeth grind your bones to dust
But you have evaded my maw

If I have missed your teeth
Then I present myself to you now
Swallow me and end my suffering
For my soul cannot bear it

Not so Fallen One
You cannot miss my mouth
Providence set you in my palm
Now I must create a path for you

Long have I slept since the Founding
The world stacked high on my shoulders
I sense it has stagnated and grows no more
Therefore I will send you back

You wish to not feel
Then I will grant you skin of stone
You wish to be buried
Instead you shall bury those that wronged you

The light you fled from now calls
Arise with my blessings
Reshape the world as you will
But know that you will yet rest in my jaws
Sometime, Right?

We meet again
Here we are
Are you?
Here, I mean
Hello in there
How far?
In there, I mean
I thought we were here
(But you aren't)
You're in there again
You're far away
Away again, aren't you?
Almost as if you
Can't help it
(Must be nice)
In there
Wish you'd invite me
So I can see
Sometime, maybe?
Yeah, sometime
Wonder what it's like
(What you're like)
Maybe you'll let me see
Captured Star

Child of starlight, where did they hide you?
Pale splendor wasted on so few
Whited halls kept spotless for who?
Sterile and stifling--you feel it too.
Do not let them drown you, little star
Their take on perfection only goes so far
Can you measure the worth of the sun?
No one can name a price, no, not one.
Born of molten cosmos, you catch fire
They fear your light: their pyre
Catch fire, my star, and burn bright
Ignite your soul and scorch their sight
Even as you burn them, they will be saved
In your radiance the future will be paved

To Reach Beyond

I raise my voice to heaven
Hear me cry with a thousand gails
I believe you are there high up
I see beyond what I am shown
I know there is an immaculate throne
I see a river without end
I feel the shade of divine boughs
I am apart from there
But I see it so vividly
I feel the breath of the sun
A new sun
A sun foreign to me here
I hear the singing of many voices
I feel an unchallenged peace
Pray with me now
Hear my soul cry out in yearning
I am empty, woefully empty
My substance dissolves
I am nothing apart from yon distant land
Send down your chariot
Recover me with your messengers
Send me help for I am weak
Promise me something eternal
I weep for the great chasm between us
But I am strengthened in your light
Reach down to me as I reach up
I am not alone
I am not alone
I was never alone

You were called to endure
By a voice deep inside
Though you deny whence it came
The word yet remains


Night has just begun
The pain only just set in
The cold freshly kissed your skin
Causing the hair to stand on end


Does night not precede the dawn?
Can the pain never be mended?
Does the chill overpower the fire?
Does the Now mean there's no Tomorrow?


The speaker is a liar when it predicts no hope
The voice isn't a friend when he says give up
There's another on your shoulder who bears no halo
Block him out and give him no quarter


You profess to be a stranger
You believe yourself alone
You accept you are an orphan
You call no place home

Endure, my friend

Repeat the encouragement whenever you need
This is for you: I offer this seed
The garden needs tended but it was made for you
Your place exists and has always been true
So while you still draw breath
I wish you to

Notes in the Stall

Framed on the wall
Of a restroom stall
Words I can never share
Trapped, choking my air
This is all I can do
Say them to anyone but you
Pathetic, I know
But it's all I can do so
I'll leave them here
Along with my tears
Spring Will Come

Are the flowers blooming yet?
Did you remember they exist?
Or did you forget?
They yearn for the first spring mist
For now they sleep, quiet and courageous
Expecting the sun to return
To one day awaken in the light, joyful and boisterous
For Spring will not these sleepers spurn
Heat and sun, chill and snow
These things each have their season
Though they can tarry, this I know:
Time keeps passing for a reason
Those in the Stronghold

Crucifixer why do you persecute us?
Here in these halls stained red
You somehow claim to be virtuous
While so many now lie dead
What wrong have we committed?
Why are our lives forfeit?
The grief you bestow goes unremitted
Your steps come like a woeful portent
Around this corner a fresh body hangs
Another of your victims tragically splayed
At the sight I am pierced through with pangs
Am I to be the next one flayed?
Crucifixer, thou art a devil!
Let me escape with my life
Upon the throne I must revel
Save us both this strife
But, lo, even now, I hear the demon's approach
Crucifixer you have come at last!
Upon my birthright you now encroach
You think you've won, but not so fast!
Here I have made a stronghold
Your treachery cannot reach me here!
Toil away, struggle and fold
But I will forever be near
The Wine That Withheld Torment

The slain hangs aloft
His blood runs down
Filling my cup
Drink deep, O drunkard
Imbibe and share in this death
Trembling lips grasp the rim
Channel the wine
Swallow it down
The red runs deep
As do my tears
I was prepared for gall
My lips made ready to scowl
My soul was ready to suffer
This wine must needs be bitter
This body must writhe in displeasure
So the act of drinking itself
Becomes an act of penitence
Tell me then, you who hangs aloft
Why is your wine sweet?
Why do you deprive me
My most just torment?
Call of the Role (Player)

How is it I can hear you?
Your voice calls to me
But muffled and distant
As though speaking in a dream
Like a memory only just beginning to recollect
Who are you?
Where are you?
What do you desire?
I ask the questions
Even as the answers come to me
Did I conjure you?
Or have you reached me from
Some hidden place?
I feel what you feel
And know your desires
Even as you revealed them to me
As if they were my own
More familiar to me than a stranger
It makes me wonder:
Have I discovered some new part of myself?
Guilt in the Eye of the Beholder

Can you close the eye
That ever looks down upon me?
Unblinking and eternal
It witnesses my actions
Both good
And bad
I didn't mean it
I'm sorry​
I'm sorry
I'm sorry​
The eye cannot hear
The profuse apologies I utter
It merely watches
The eye that knows my sin
Recorder of evidence
Container of the record of my faults
Thou cursed eye
Blink that I might breathe freely
The weight of your stare
Bears down on my facade
Crushing my feigned innocence
I weep in the night
And you watch my tears fall
Recording each drop in sequence
What have I done?
In silence I am laid bare
As your stare reflects
And pronounces me guilty
Thoughts of the Smoldering Banner

The melancholy of these walls
Falling amid screams of those
They were meant to protect
I stand on the rampart
The last burning banner
Becoming the ghost of an existence
That was meant to achieve
Some out of reach excellence
To my left and right lay paths
Now forever closed to me
Crumbling out from under
These uncertain feet
That had never once taken
A purposeful step towards
A goal that wasn't impulsively
Plucked from the smoldering aether
Now hovering over this burning city
My hands reach overhead
Forming fists hopeful to grasp onto
That evasive purpose of a brighter life
Fast becoming just another ember
In this oppressive smog
Formed from the spirits of dead wishes
What if, if only
What if, if only
What if, if only
Next time....

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