I Want to Remember [Inactive]

Hearing about his wife made the girl sad, she frowned before speaking quietly. "I'm sorry to here about that." She let the silence hang in the air before she outright accepted his offer for books. It would have been rude to move on so quickly from a subject so painful.

"If you don't mind, I would really appreciate that. Anything is better than Jane right now." She shook her head and chuckled to herself. The scar on her face twinged with pain and she jerked her hand to the spot. It was embarrassing to have such a large scar on her face, and she hoped Bastion didn't pay it too much attention. This was just something she'd have to live with, though, it was a scar.
Bastion watched as...the girl seemed to keep hiding her scar. He didn't notice it before but he did now. It wasn't exactly an ugly scar, the stitches made it look far worse than it truly was. As much as her hid the scar, he didn't think she would be able truly hide it forever.

"I know where I can get a few books tomorrow, I'll bring them with for you. Is there anything else you need?"

He didn't think she would need anything considering she was well taken care of here in the clinic. Of course she couldn't remember the things that she liked, she won't be able to ask for these things either. It brought a memory to him once again of all the things that he use to do for his wife. Her hobbies, her wishes, even her random wants.

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"Thank you, Bastion." The girl smiled wide, grateful he was being so kind to her, even though the pair hardly knew each other. At his offer, she had to once again think. What did she like? It was a strange thing to have to ask herself the simple pleasures or things that made her happy, but she honestly didn't know.

Embarrassing, I forgot what I like.

"I can't say if I need anything else." She shrugged. "I think I once enjoyed reading, but it's only a guess. Lots of people like reading, so I thought it would be safe to assume I did, too. But, I really don't know."

I don't know anything.

She looked sadly again at her own hands, her black hair fell around her face. Desperately she wanted to remember something besides the pain she'd awoken with. It wasn't fair, she told herself, but she knew there was a saying about life. That life wasn't fair. Her memories were gone, if not clouded by her own brain.
Despite the girl looking down and looking sad, Bastion couldn't help but give a smile. As tough as thibgs looked jow, he was certain she would be able to get through it one way or the other.

"Isn't that a good sign? You don't remember what you like but you remember what others like? That's good, isn't it?"

Je didn't know if that woukd make a difference or cheer her up a little but he woukd try and see what he coukd fo to bring a smile to her face. He was certain that when she smiled out if joy, there woukd be no other woman that could match her beauty. First he woukd have to get to smile of course.

Maybe she did like reading, maybe it was her favourite hobby. If it was not, he woukd get everythibg he could together. Something was bound to jog her memory. If he could find that one thing, Bastion would that he had actually done something for her.

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"Yeah, maybe that is a good thing." The girl smiled a little, in reaction to his kind words. After thinking for a moment she laughed and then smiled wider. "Yeah, I can remember something."

This was the first thing she really remembered. Luckily, she could speak, and walk, and there were a few facts that slipped through despite the difficulty to hold on to what she knew.

"Bastion, what do you like?" She asked, maybe if he talked about something, she would remember if it was fun or not. The thing was, she just didn't know what was interesting and what was not.
Bastion gave a soft smile to the girl. Whst was he supposed to tell her? Everything he had liked had died in thst car accident. Everything he had lived for disappeared in that one quick moment. Though he had lived alone for a good while now.

"I like...silence." Bastion replied. "When I stand...stood before on my boat, I enjoyed the mornings. Just to watch the sun rise over the water and bring the colour to the world. I liked listening to the waves. I do enjoy some reading but it's not sonethibg I do a lot. I like animals. They are good friends when they trust you. I think, yeah, that's it really. That's me."

To Bastion's ears, he sounded pathetic. No friends, no family, no life. From where he stood, he would gladly switch places with the girl. There was one thing he didn't want to remember, everything he coukd loose, as kong as he could just forgot that one thing, but in sone way, he had forgotten, the reakisation struck from nowhere.

As he sat by the eide of the bed, he looked at the girl with the mask hanging around yer neck, the scar on the of her face, the way her eyes looked lost, like a blind man that coukd see for the first time and diecovered an entire new life. When he looked at her, his wife was not in his mind, he didn't think about the past or what had happened. She helped him forget, he just had to keep looking at her snd he did so, staring at those eyes that seemed to have secrets no one would know because even she doesn't remember.

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Bastion shared his interests, although it wasn't much, the girl was happy he had shared with her. Silence could be respectable, peaceful really, especially against these waves he mentioned. The lake, or an ocean, it brought a quiet smile to the girl's face. Maybe she had once enjoyed the same thing, but now it sounded peaceful and well wanted.

"Thank you, for telling me I mean." She nodded her head once, and shyly tucked her hair behind her ear before realizing she was trying to quit that habit. "That sounds lovely, the morning. I can't see it in here very well, the windows don't have a great view."

Just outside the window was a view of another building just nearby. It blocked anything else, and gave her no hints as to where she might have been. There were so many things she just didn't know. Where she was being one of them, she'd thought she heard a name, but it quickly escaped her mind just as suddenly it had been mentioned.

"I would love to be able to go back outside, but, I'm stuck in here." She shrugged and smiled, not too upset by the thought. It was for her health after all. "I have to say, I'm really happy you came to visit. Thank, Bastion." Then the girl smiled wide, truly appreciative of his efforts to go out of the way to see the girl.
it was not everyday Bastion would see a smile like that, a smile that was infectious and made him smile as well. If anything, he found it impossible to understand just way she would have to go through something like this, how could she ever have done anything that would deserve for her treated to be like this.

Maybe there was something more he could do that woukd make her smike a bit more, maybe she would like a joke. The only jokes he did know though were of fishermen, he didn't know if she would find them funny, they were in general rather vulgar. A few moments of thought and a joke came to him, one he felt rather certain would at least bring a smile to her lips. As he opened his mouth, the door opened behind him and a nurse stepped into the white room.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are over now. Miss jane needs to bath and see Doctor Lorenz." The nurse infotmed in a fairly pleasant and friendly tone.

Bastion was a little taken back by the sudden end of the visit, he had not even been visiting that long.

"Can I come by tomorrow?" Bastion asked, looking to both the nurse and the girl in her hospital gown.

He had a plan for tomorrow, he hoped it would work, he hoped it would bring a smike to her lips.

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"Already?" The girl was startled by the sudden appearance of the nurse. No time had passed at all, and already Bastion had to leave. She didn't want him to go. He was her first visitor, and he was nice, making her smile where others couldn't.

"I'm sorry Miss Jane, rules are rules. The Doctor would also like a word with you." The nurse said sweetly, but the girl had learned that she really didn't care for anyone here. Her outer appearance hid her slight annoyance behind a mask of kindness.

She could only watch as Bastion was forced to leave, the nurse again feigning a smile to escort him back to the desk. The girl waved to him and then blurted out, nearly forgetting to answer his question. "Of course you can come back, don't forget those books either. I don't want to be called Jane." Then she smiled, hoping he had at least half as good a time as she had. The smile on her lips didn't fade, not for a while, even as she was bathed, and redressed with the help of a nurse. A hint of joy lingered on her cheeks in a pale blush.

Now, it was only to see what the Doctor needed. Hopefully, it would be good.
The outside of the small hospital Ron had the smell of cleaning agents, a smell bBastion had forgotten while he had visited... Her. There was still a lot of time on the day left,leaving him a little concerned that he would not have anything to do for the rest of the day.

He would visit every store that held a book in their inventory, something that might be able to help the girl. Before leaving the room, even though he didn't truly have a have chance to give the girl a proper goodbye, he took a quick look at the visiting times. Nine in the morning was not to early nor took large,he would make sure to be here on time the following day and do all he could to make the girl have a good times.

There was no other option but to leave the hospital and go hunting for a book, maybe a couple of books if he could find a few good ones. Walking back along the line he's had followed to reach the wards, Bastion made his way back to the front desk where the girl sat reading through a magazine since there's was nothing else to do in the clinic.

"Sir!" The girl called when movement made her look up from her light reading. "I have the return from the back. "

Bastion didn't know of any return from any bank but he's walked over to the deal anyway.

"Do you have a card Sir?" The girl asked with a friendly smile.

"I have one. " Bastion nodded and took the cats from his thin wallet.

It was only recently that he had been able to have a bank account that allowed him m to invest hours money. Not that he had any money to invest. A fisherman didn't make that much money, he barely had enough to make it through each month. Now with his boat gone, he doesn't have a single method of making any money.

The girl took Bastion's cats and went back to her computer, typing in details and running through the pixie before she swiped the card through the machine. Just as before,it Took only a few moments for everything to be done and handed the card back to Bastion.

"How is she doing?" The girl asked.

"She looks well. " Bastion admitted, thinking of the scar on net fave that in someway odd way suited het.

"Well we all hope she makes a full recovery. " The girl smiled.

Bastion nodded hours Thank you before he left the clinic, making his way towards the neatest store that had a selection of books. Before he went for the store, he's speed by a Gresley and went through the moron to seejust how much money he did have in his account. When he hat punched in the numbers, he was a little surprised by what he saw. He knew he had a bit of money in his account, he didn't every imagine he would have over fifty thousands in his account.

It must be from the clinic. He had given them a huge sum, more money than he had ever seen in his life. Having this much in his account was belond what was possible. Still, it was good to know he had money to spend for books for the girl. With a small smile on his lips, Bastion headed for the style, his mind thinking of everything he would be able to do for the girl. The boat tall was to find out who het patents were. For now, he could relax a little and take things peacefully.

Being not in a rush wad not something he had been able to do most of his life. Since he had been fifteen he had worked, Don ny what he could to make his dreams come true. Now he's could make sure that maybe he could a little bit make the girl's dreams come true.

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