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One stupid motherfucker
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
Charactwr art made with avatar maker app
Name: Tiago Ezra Monterrosa
Age: 28
Height: 5'10
Weight: 154lbs
Eye color: light blue
Hair color: black
Skin color: medium/lighter tan.

Tiago was born in portageul though his parents moved him back to the us before he was 7. While being mostly American and mixed, his 40% or so of Portuguese genes come through fairly strong, despite him having light skin. Fluent in Portuguese and spanish- he is a good to for all the wealthy people of the area seeking a private doctor. Tiago is a really good person, always trying to do right by others. He rarely turns people down even if they have money where his clinic is pretty much supported by his more affluent customers. He is friendly and welcoming, and works tirelessly to put nothing but his best effort in.

When it comes to people close to him, Tiago allows them to call him Ti or Ezra, though it is rare people get close enough to him. Tiago spends most of his time working- his house only a few streets down from the clinic. He is dedicated and precise- but doesn't take any bullshit. He is strong minded, and has no filter at times, speaking as he feels he sees the situation.


The afternoon had begun to melt away into night, the sky ablaze with streaks of pinks and oranges that set that base for the sunset. Things had been relatively quiet for Tiago, and the other doctor and nurses had gone home for the night except for Dores. She was an older lady, with a medium set and no nonsense attitude. She wasn't the cheesiest, but Tiago preferred her to the others for the fact that working with her was smooth. He barely needed to tell her what to do and she was always at the ready.

"Are you going to get some sleep tonight Dr. Monterrosa? It's quiet and I could easily handle what little we have. " Dores voice was casual but he could pick up on her motherly worry. She was worried that he was always up a night. He could have sworn that this was his grandmother if he didn't know better. He had thought about it before, she was more than likely lonely. Both of them had no Portuguese family in the area, if any at all. There was a sense of familiarity of working with someone who shared your culture, a quiet shared understanding.

"Não se preocupe tanto comigo, você sabe que eu durmo durante os dias em que o Dr. Madigan está aqui." He shook off her concern, reminding her that he often slept when the other Doctor was in during the day. "Plus then I would miss your pretty face the whole time- what a shame that would be!" He grinned and teased at her, finally getting a laugh. She seemed to take that answer well enough, and turned down the hallways to make her rounds on there current two inpatients. He wasn't the largest clinic but with 20 open beds, 8 of those being private rooms, he was able to get quite a few people in and out. Sometimes it was small slow stuff, sometimes he would get emergencies or even be called to them.
He could small surgeries legally, though he had more knowledge than he was a allowed to use and most of his affluent customers like to use him that way rather than go to the hospital and cause a fuss.

Heading back to his small office, he pulled his lunch box out from the fridge. It was the best time to eat, especially since it was quiet. It seemed like if he didn't stop and think about it, he would go far too long without a meal and he knew it wasn't great for him. He was just invested in his work, which in his line if someone wasn't invested who knows the catastrophic outcome it could have. Half heartedly shoving his food into the microwave and setting the timer, he stared blankly as the container did several circular laps before coming to a rest woth a sharp DING! The food smelled good, but Tiago didn't feel hungry and after several forced bites he just ended up picking at it and pushing it around in the container.

He continued for a few minutes lost in thought before he could his mother's voice reprimanding him from the back of his mind about playing with food. Sighing heavily, he put the lid on the container, and pushed it towards a corner of his desk where it would be out of the way. While everything was settled it was also the best time to what he had to say was easily the worst part of the job; the heaps and heaps of strenuous and very particular paperwork.


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Lin Chu was simply just an interesting character in general, he was born in Beijing, China until his parents moved to the United States, for reasons he could hardly remember, he's always been sort of aloof as a child and had an obvious disconnect with other people, his age or otherwise. Upon high school, he started to become increasingly manic, for indescribable reasons, no one really understood why and was frequently overlooked by his parents. He moved out by seventeen and dropped out of school, accidentally-on-purpose radiating a Mad Hatter vibe that radiated off of him whenever out in public. He took a job in art commissioning about the only thing that really kept him sane. He's been in-and-out of mental institutions, and was frequently under suspicion of the police due to stalkish and violent behavior he frequently portrayed... including a few disappearances that left the authorities questioning, but lacked any direct evidence to Lin directly, though suspicious constantly rises from Lin's provoked attacks upon other people simply teasing him, having never hesitated to knock them out... and leave them there. He'd by lying if he hasn't gotten his shit rocked before, but that doesn't seem to have stopped him at any given point.

Faceclaim edited by me, using several different editing websites, (Pixlr, Adobe, & Canva) very rushed, I'm well aware.

Lin stared off for a brief moment, pen in hand. What was I doing...? He questioned himself, running his fingers through his hair, the strands falling out far too easily, mayhaps due to the several bleaching and dying of it. It was currently green, but fading into an ugly yellow. His fingers twitched slightly as if he were anxious or... paranoid. His fingers stopped at the root as he looked around once more. Where am I again?... He came out here for a reason, though it seemed he had forgotten, in the middle of the streets... searching for something... "what was it?..." he asked aloud, to not get answer as expected, but he found it humorous, laughing to himself softly, his eyes glinting in the dim light of the night sky though there lacked a man behind his gaze, almost dead.

"Anyway!" He said a bit too loudly, to nothing but the evening sky, a bat rested in his right hand as he held his pen, clinking it a few times. "Pen... bat..." he sucked his teeth, trying to put it together, he spun the beat idly, moving defty through the air as he pocketed the pen. "Following someone... probably," he muttered to himself, tapping the metal bat against the concrete. "Ooh! Or finding someone!" he said a bit too gleefully, running his hand through his hair once more, gripping it lightly before releasing it once more. How fun! He beamed silently. The man's morals seemingly gone for the time being as he took a short step forward and carrying out down the sidewalk, the bat resting on his shoulder as he hummed softly, his top hat beginning to fall but he made no motive to try and fix it, it was beyond him at the point, he had an obvious objective, and silly distractions weren't worth his time.

Though despite having a goal in mind, he wandered the empty street for quite some time the occasion person passing by but he didn't do anything, just flashed them a bright smile before idly skipping along. No of the people he passed were worth following, was all he would think about. How boring... He groaned, spinning the bat one more time in his finger. I could just knock someone out and take them with me... but where's the fun?! He facepalmed, his sharp nails digging into the flesh of his face, though not drawing blood but leaving welts in their wakes. Had I been here before? He questioned as he looked around, having not been out much the past months, it was impossible to tell where he was and the veil of darkness that fell over the city offered no guidance. "How annoying," he groaned as he rolled his stiff neck and shoulders seeking some relief. He slowly fixed his vest before stuffing his hands into the pocket, the bat falling with a clatter to the ground of the sidewalk, and Lin falling with it. No regards to how high he was falling from or the fact it was pure concrete he was falling to. His head hitting the ground with an audible crack. "Ah, fuck..." he muttered softly, hardly registering the pain.

His hand sipped from his pocket and gingerly touched the back of his head, "probably bleeding out on a sidewalk," he muttered to himself, pursuing his lips in thought, not bothering to get up or even move, the occasional person glancing at him, muttering something or just seeming confused, but made not effort to help him. Not like he ever wanted anyone to help him anyhow. Not very fond of people touching him in the first place. "What an uneventful evening," he moped with a heavy sigh.
Tiago wasn't sure how much time had passed, but after what seemed like an eternity he finally pulled himself to his feet. The sun had gone down and the street lamps were in in full force- giving the town quiet glow that almost made it seem alive. Maybe it was time to take a break. He could hear Dores in the hallway, completing her nightly workload dutifully. She rarely stopped to get distracted, except for to talk to Tiago every now and then.

Pushing the chair back away from the desk and getting to his feet, he ran his hands through his raven colored hair. He felt awfully anxious tonight, though he didn't have the slightest as to why. Was it boredom? He shook his head. It didn't really matter what it was, it was getting in the way of his work. How frustrating. Deciding he simply needed a change of pace, he grabbed his wallet and made his way out of the building and down the street to the 24 hour convenience store. Neon signs and hazy street lights lit the way like something out of a movie. The world was relatively quiet, the noise of cars and muffled people reaching his ears.

Taking a deep breath in, he paused and turned his head up, pausing to star at the sky. The stars shone across the sky, millions of tiny balls of fire that seemed to get swallowed by the nights darkness. There was a hushed silence that seemed to follow, the wind softly blowing the locks of his hair into his face. The moment was shattered quickly, the moment filled with the laughter of some young teens that walked past giggling about something or another. Sighing he continued on his way, greeted by the door chime as he entered the store.

"Welcome to Eazy stock convenience. If you need anything just let me know. " A monotone and half hearted voice met him, and he turned his eyes to find a young woman, no more than 20 looking at him like he was the most inconvenient thing in this store for her. He nodded his head in acknowledgment, not wanting to really say anything back. He was funny like that. His eyes scanned the shelves as he browsed aimlessly- he didn't come here with anything in mind. He wasn't hungry still, and his mind flashed back to the container of food that still awaited him on his desk. Maybe a drink then. He turned his attention to the coolers, bottled drinks of every color, shape and size that sat stocked nestly behind the glass doors. Looking up and down he decided on some small glass sodas, and while he wasn't a fan of soda, he did like the ones made with cane sugar. Deciding that they would be a good treat, he grabbed 4 of them for him and Dores. Grabbing 2 in each hand he made his way to the front, placed them on the table and waited as the cashier gave him an exasperated sigh and rang him up. "Have a good night." The line seemed so forced and insincere, he wondered how the girl had managed to keep her job.

Without another word, he grabbed the bag of the sodas, holding it tightly so as not to swing the fragile drinks around on the way home. Last thing he needed was to break them and make a mess. He crossed the street and made his way back onto the sidewalk, softly mumbling to himself about the day as he made his way back to the office. His attention was drawn by the figure of something on the side walk only a minute or so from the clinic. His blue eyes scanned the situation, taking in what he had come to realize was a person laying on the sidewalk. He heard the male say something about an uneventful evening. He couldn't help but chuckle.

"So that must mean laying on the sidewalk is normal for you?" He asked eyes narrowed as he knelt down next to the other male. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust but once they did he could noticed a darker spot on the pavement by the males head. Instinctively he reached out, his hand touching a now cooling liquid. No doubted blood. "We should probably address the wound on your head. " he said matter of factly, noting the other guy was still conscious and alert. That was a good start. But what had happened? The other male didn't seem to bothered by it.
Lin lay sprawled on the concrete, seemingly content to let the world spin around him. His vacant gaze caught a figure approaching, and he burst into a grin that was a tad too bright, a spark of wild enthusiasm lighting up his eyes. With a suddenness that defied gravity, he sprang to his feet in one fluid motion, swaying precariously like a reed in the wind, yet somehow never toppling.

"Hiya!" he chirped, his voice infused with a manic glee. He snatched up a bat lying nearby, twirling it with a flourish as if it were a part of some intricate performance. "It's no problem," he declared, with a nonchalant wave of his hand. One finger brushed through his disheveled hair, grazing a fresh wound. "Oh, would you look at that," he mused, examining the crimson stain on his fingertip with a detached curiosity before wiping it away. "I can't say I noticed," he laughed, his eyes a kaleidoscope of untamed energy.

"I don’t usually make it a habit to lie on sidewalks," Lin added, as if to reassure the universe of his unconventional ways. His hands found their way to his hips, and he squinted into the distance, thoughts meandering as if untethered from the moment. For a brief, surreal heartbeat, he seemed to forget the other man's presence, mumbling to himself as if unraveling the mysteries of the universe. "Curious..." he murmured, a hand cradling his chin, his expression a mask of enigmatic contemplation.

"Anywho," Lin finally announced, stretching the word into an elongated drawl, a melody of distraction. He hummed a tuneless song, contemplating his choices with a mind that danced on the edge of chaos. 'Should I knock him out? he wondered, spinning the bat absentmindedly. No, I don’t even know him! Perhaps stalk him first,' he mused, squinting at the stranger before dismissing the thought with a shake of his head. He erupted into a fit of hysterical laughter, his head thrown back, lungs grasping for air in the aftermath.

The city wind tousled his hair, whispering secrets against his skin. Despite the shadows under his eyes, Lin radiated an energy so frenetic it defied reason. How could someone so ostensibly exhausted possess such vitality? Even he wasn't sure; it was a curiosity he relished. Days blurred in a continuous haze, each indistinct from the last, yet it all seemed to suit him just fine. "But pleasure meeting you!" Lin exclaimed, thrusting out a hand before retracting it with a fleeting expression of doubt. "It's not every day you find someone lounging on the sidewalk, but let me tell you, it's quite pleasant! Especially in the chill of the evening," he beamed, spinning with a childlike exuberance. "You should try it sometime!" he suggested, eyes alight with an untamed joy. To an observer, Lin might appear to be under the influence—his behavior an erratic tapestry of impulses. But in truth, this was Lin in his rawest form: a whirlwind of whimsy and madness, a soul untouched by convention, dancing to a tune only he could hear.
Tiago was surprised when other jumped up, teetering for a second before regaining his balance and making a move to collect a bat nearby while cheerfully greeting him. He hadn't noticed the gash on his head? Well some people were like that & he didn't seem to be injured in a way that was affecting him. The other male seemed to detatch for a minute, humming something to himself and seemingly lost in his thoughts. Tiago stood back up and cocked his head at the other. He didn't seem to be on anything, just different. Strange for sure- that was confirmed by the others sudden outburst of laughter.

"Tiago." He introduced himself, not even have time to shake the others hand before it was pulled back. "I think I'll pass." He chuckled at the others energy. He wished he could have energy like that. "I'm heading back to the clinic. I can take care of your head if you want. I'm a licensed doctor, by the way. " He said to the other, adding the last part once he realized inviting the other back anywhere at this time of night was fairly sketchy. Though on second thought, the other seemed to not mind the norms of society so maybe not. His phone buzzed and for a minute his attention was drawn away the intriguing stranger. It was a message from Dores, asking if he was okay. He had been gone longer than normal, and it was just about time for Dores to go home as well. Thr night had dragged by awfully slowly, but was finally beginning to wrap up. Dr. Madigan would in for his shift, and Tiago would be able to go home and take a hot shower and catch some sleep.

His attention was quickly back on the other. His cut was small and would do well with just a bandage and some cleaning. He wondered what had happened but didn't want to pester the other about business that really wasn't his. He thought quickly, and pulled one of the sugar cane cokes out, holding the chilled glass bottle our for the other to take.

"Not sure if you like cokes or not, but they are the good sugar cane ones. " He said, taking the other in as he held out the bottle. He was about the same height as Tiago, with olive green eyes. He could see the exhaustion in the other and wo Derek the last time he had gotten a good rest. His dark green hair was beginning to fade out to a yellow, and Tiago could tell the other male was a scrapper. He could tell he had been in his fair share of fights from the way he carried himself. Should I be worried about this guy? He hoped not, it was a little to late to not be involved with him.
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Lin gleaned momentarily at the name, "oh, what a lovey name!" He exclaimed, "goodness, my name is Lin!" he said offering a peace sign with a soft chuckle, his eyes looking up and down Tiago's appearance, noting it down mentally, "You work at a clinic! Oh, what an interesting job! I could never spend the time to learn such long and boring practices," he hummed softly, his hands resting at his hips before one tapped his chin in a mock sense of thought, "You must deal with a lot of bodies!" He said with a bit too much joy behind his tone, a momentary glint flashing over his eyes though it could have been the car passing. "Humans are interesting, but being around too many of them..." he rolled his eyes, "it's exhausting."

Lin glanced at the road for a moment watching a car passed, the bright light flashing over their forms before leaving them in the dim lights once more, the noise of the city seemed duller here in comparison to other parts, only the occasional car and passing and disappearing once more, or a person passing by chattering idly with another, it was peaceful. Or peaceful in the sense of a city that was, there wasn't never true peace in places like these, but marginal silence was always something to take in before the cacophony of the evening. 'Oh! That's why I'm here!' He recalled suddenly, 'Air!'

Lin blinked a few times, his expression unreadable for the longest moment before it broke and he beamed once more, a smile across his cheeks, "Well!" he continued, "it's not all that bad, I don't think," he gingerly touched the spit skin, "free healthcare!" he said suddenly, "I'l go then..." he decided spontaneously as he tossed the bat into the air and catching it with the other before grabbing the sugar cane coke, "ooh..." he said as he looked at the bottle closely, "interesting. I don't drink soda very often, but thank you kindly!" He beamed, flicking his hair from his eyes, "lead the way!"

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