I Solemnly Swear || A Hogwarts Roleplay.

Yes thank you, the ice has finally melted off the roads so I was back to work today. Molding little minds, and by molding little minds I mean singing nursery rhymes all day and playing on the floor (I teach one year olds yall). Haha.
Also check this out.

Awww!! I remember when I used to volunteer at a daycare. They had me with the kids younger than four so it was so heart warming! Once in a while I used to take care of the four year olds and higher and OMG where they a trip! A good one actually. They loved me since I was nice to them and the teacher was strict =P

Good times...Good times.
Is this still open to join? I'm a bit new to rp nation, but not rping in general and I'd love to be in a more detail-oriented Harry Potter roleplay.
@NessieAlways I use to work as as an assistant teacher/floater(person who goes to whatever room they are needed in) in the preschool age, three year olds were my fav, four year olds are just too sassy, lol. I was the firm but fun teacher. I just got promoted to a lead teacher and the one year old room was all that was available, but i do love those sweet baby smiles even when boogers are oozing out of their noses, haha
Little Lozy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6496-nessiealways/ said:
@NessieAlways[/URL] I use to work as as an assistant teacher/floater(person who goes to whatever room they are needed in) in the preschool age, three year olds were my fav, four year olds are just too sassy, lol. I was the firm but fun teacher. I just got promoted to a lead teacher and the one year old room was all that was available, but i do love those sweet baby smiles even when boogers are oozing out of their noses, haha
Yeah the thing I loved about the four year olds was that as soon as I walked into the daycare, they would come running yelling "Ms. Vanessa! Ms. Vanessa!" and hug my legs. It was adorable! Out of the little kids there was one that was my favorite. I used to leave during nap time and this one little girl would notice when I left and start crying. It broke my heart, but she was so excited when I came back the next day. And the babies, Oh don't even get me started! They were a bundle of joy!
Sorry, sorry, sorry - really, truly sorry, guys. I thought I'd be free over the weekend, but as it happened, it turned out I wasn't. I'm pretty sure you can all guess why (Hint: seven letters, starts with a 'C', ends with stress, tears, and miser-E).

I'll finish my post by tonight. No matter how shitty and half-done it turns out, I swear to Eggsy from the movie Kingsman's adorably punchable face that I will finish it and get this magic party train outta the station.

Also, to anyone and everyone who still wishes to join even after the roleplay starts, you all are welcome to join us. This roleplay will always and forever be accepting new students into the mix, so just put up a CS, wait to be accepted, and jump on in. :>
@NessieAlways I have a one and a half year old myself, so no of the kids compare, but i have to admit when i go into the infant room a get baby fever, lol.

Hey, are we going to have the Triwizard Torment?
I'm eager for the role play to start. There are so many interesting characters I've read, and I'm excited to see them all in play.
A question before we start: Do you guys want to begin with your characters boarding the Hogwarts Express, or would you prefer to start somewhere in the beginning/middle of the schoolyear?

I have two different posts outlined already depending on what you guys choose.
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I'm up for whatever! Both seem equally interesting to me. On one hand we can roleplay out the excitement and travel towards a new year at Hogwarts, or we can jump right into it and roleplay out how it's been going so far for the characters.
Either boarding or just after they get off the Hogwarts express. Thats what id like. But doesnt really matter which way :)
The beginning / middle of the school yesr, definitely. I've already seen a few HP roleplays die because people lingered on the part with the train for too long and people lost interest.
@Shrew, yeah i know what you mean me too. Maybe we are in the great hall or headed to our dorms on the first day, or its the second day of school wake up in Hogwarts...
I have intro posts for both my characters that involves them on the train...but if we do start already at Hogwarts that's fine too!

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It's fun to start on a train when you have someone to interact with... but with so many people already being at the school seems like a better idea. I'm good either way, though- both seem like they'd be equally fun to write :)
Quick question. My character already lives in Scotland, how would that affect her boarding the Express, or do you think it would be the same.

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