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I Ran Away and Now I'm Here

"YOU RUIN EVERYONE'S LIFE RAYES!" Her mother yelled out to her. "Why can't you just stay in your room?! Until you are old enough or until you die?! Huh?! Why can't you just be a good little child! No wonder your real mother abandoned you!" Rayes looked up at her and threw the keys back at her. "Go home..Now..." Rayes said calmly while tears streamed down her face.
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"Huh...You are pathetic...See ya.." She started walking out of the graveyard as Rayes leaned against the grave of Tess and hugged it. She closed her eyes not wanting to be there.
"I...am responsible for Tess'...death.." She said still leaning on the grave while her back was towards him.
"Tess did have cancer. But she didn't die from it." She sighed. "I remember it like yesterday...she said she had a bucket list and wanted to do a lot of things like try smoking, get matching tattoos with me." She turned her hand showing him the heart on her wrist. "And she wanted to get drunk with me..So we went to our favorite spot by a tree, got a six pack of beer and drank all of it. I was responsible for driving but we got in an accident where I swerved and crashed in a tree..." She stopped speaking.
"Next thing I know is waking up in a hospital bed and Tess' mother slapped me. I deserved it..I should've been there or I should've done something to save her. It should've been me...She's right.." (Referring to her mother) She sighed.
She sighed in disbelief but she didn't want to fight. Everything her step-mother had said has been partially true.
She just kept walking, she tried stopping her tears flow down her face. Her tears were hot on her cold face, she hated her step-mother even though she was right.
As they got to the house, Jessie was walking fast towards Rayes. Rayes was feeling light headed and leaned on Jessie. Jessie whispered something and as Rayes heard, she got off Jessie and started running towards the house.
She ran upstairs and into the room her father was being hospitalized. Her step mother slammed the door after she went in and locked it to make sure no one would follow after Rayes. The heart monitor was going fast. "What did you do to him Rayes?!" Her mother was trying to frame Rayes. Outside the door, it sounded like furniture was being thrown around and the two were shouting at each other.

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