I Need a Partner! I have Ideas and Potential Plotlines!


New Member
I have ideas and rough draft plot lines that we can stick to. I'm completely fine with changing up the plots to accommodate whatever you want to insert into the story. I am looking for multiple 1v1 partners, so if a bunch of people respond and you still want to rp with me go ahead and respond to this thread or in a private message (whatever you prefer).


The Type of Role Player I Am

Hey, I'm searching for a few decent-ish role players. I can be very detailed or extremely basic and that all depends on what you give me! I do enjoy adventure as well as romance, so there should be at least some action. I tend to lean towards supernatural/fantasy, but can enjoy slice of life if someone is willing to put some effort into it. I avoid fandoms for the most part, but if you have a fairly good idea, I might be up to it. I can play multiple characters at once, and I can play both genders fairly well.

The Type of Role Player I Want

I will take anyone! Just don't bunny or god mode with my characters please. If it happens like once or twice, I suck it up, but please try your best at avoiding that.

Some ideas and brief plot lines

Angel x Human
(I would like to be the angel in this one, but I can deal with the human)

(Idea 1)

So an angel falls from the perfect setting of heaven, they are unaware of the imperfections of earth (like pain, changing weather, temptations, etc.) A human finds the angel and is unaware that the angel is an angel because the angel's wings have been stripped from him/her. The angel's memory has been wiped since they fell, and they believe they are a type of human, till their wings grow back. Soon the human who found the angel and the angel learn together about what the angel was and how he/she fell. They travel around avoiding other humans and demons who are hunting down the fallen angel.

(Idea 2)

Guardian angel is intent on fixing the criminal they are assigned to. Granted, the criminal isn't exactly a bad person, they just made some bad choices. Eventually, the guardian angel who has interacted with the human by using many different disguises falls in love with the criminal's softer and more kind side. This story is about change, love, and the twisting of rules.

Demon x Angel
(Not a original concept really, but forbidden love stories are always a fun thing to work with.)

(Idea 1)

The demon falls in love/lust with the angel because of their beauty and grace. Eventually, the angel will return the feelings, and it will all result in the fall of the once pure angel. This is supposed to be a tragedy, where to two cannot end the story together. (Honestly, I'd prefer if one would die at the end.)

(Idea 2)

The angel falls in love with a demon who has the intent to change. Whereas this is impossible for the demon to fully repent, he/she does his/her best to please the higher entity (God). The angel accompanies the demon throughout his/her journey to repent for his/her sins.

Entertainer(rock star, actor, etc.)
(in disguise & preferably an original character)

x Fan/Hater

(Idea 1)

Entertainer that is in disguise runs into a fan/hater. This random person intrigues the entertainer, so they make friends with the fan/hater. If it is a hater, the entertainer will try to get them to like his/her (the entertainer's) true self. If it is a fan, the entertainer will try to get the fan to like his/her personality, not their money, fame, or influence.

Mysterious Traveler x Small Town/Village Person

(Idea 1)

Fairly simple idea. A mysterious traveler enters the town for a while. He/she brings trouble with them. Rumors fill around about him/her, which entices the village/town person to investigate/check out the traveler. They meet and one is intrigued by the other (or it is a mutual interest). Anyway, plans are stopped for the traveler and they are forced to stay in the village/town for a little more.

Demon x Human (or he/she believes they are human)

(Idea 1)

The demon is intrigued by the seemingly innocent human, but when he/she dabbles in dark magic and conjuring, the demon jumps in to haunt the human. Their innocence now tainted, the demon slowly morphs the person, changing them into something darker. The demon fall in love/lust with the human, and starts stealing bits and pieces of the human's soul to morph them into an immortal being, but therefor killing and destroying the human in the process.

Death x Dying Person

(Not my idea

O.o )

Theytookmyname said:
The Grim Reaper goes to collect a soul of a dying person and becomes entranced by the dying person's kindness and innocence. Wanting to either corrupt the pure soul or save it, the Grim Reaper hangs around the dying person on their last few days, and their time is ticking.

I will add some more ideas later!
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I love the look of your ideas, and methinks I fit your criteria! But hey, I'll leave that up to you. I find every idea you've got there pretty nice sounding. Just lemme know if ya want me!

Oh! And I've got roughly 5+ years of RP experience. So I know my way around.
I would love to do the entertainer rp. I can be detailed but it all depends on what I get. Also if you don't mind I would like to be the female, if not that's fine.

Just let me know if you are interested.
Of course! I usually play male anyways. Would you like me to be the entertainer? I'm thinking a country singing star, and hater? 
Whatever works for you!
Hey!~ So, I'm totally down with all of your rules. ^^ I usually write one to two paragraphs per post, and I've been RPing for 7 years now. I was wondering if you did yuri? I'm kind of shit at playing m/f relationships. Just wondering! :D
YukiUchiha said:
I would love to do the entertainer rp. I can be detailed but it all depends on what I get. Also if you don't mind I would like to be the female, if not that's fine. Just let me know if you are interested.
I'm interested! :big grin: Like I said before, I'm practically desperate. If you still want to rp, you can private message me and we can work out any kinks with the plot and make our characters.

Steel said:
I love the look of your ideas, and methinks I fit your criteria! But hey, I'll leave that up to you. I find every idea you've got there pretty nice sounding. Just lemme know if ya want me! Oh! And I've got roughly 5+ years of RP experience. So I know my way around.
Like I said above, I'm desperate for some rp partners, so whatever one you want to do is fine. If you still want to rp, you can private message me and we can change the plots to your liking and create our characters. 

Vega said:
Hey!~ So, I'm totally down with all of your rules. ^^ I usually write one to two paragraphs per post, and I've been RPing for 7 years now. I was wondering if you did yuri? I'm kind of shit at playing m/f relationships. Just wondering! :D
Yikes, yuri :) ... I'm not exactly good at that type of thing, but if you are willing to take my fail at that type of rp, I will be more than willing to try. :cool: Like I said for the others, if you are still interested, you can private message me and we can make a pairing (or choose one above), create a plot, and make our characters
bettsyboy said:
I am very interested in the Demon X Human plot (can you play as the demon?)
Sure, I can play as the demon. I'm assuming you want to be the male character, but we can plan all that through private messages so we don't spam here. You can message me when you want to start planning. :big grin:
If no one's doing it yet would you be interested in the first idea for the angel x demon one? I consider myself a decent role-player, and like you I could write a large detailed amount or very little depending on what I have to work with.
[QUOTE="Hanabusa Aidou]If no one's doing it yet would you be interested in the first idea for the angel x demon one? I consider myself a decent role-player, and like you I could write a large detailed amount or very little depending on what I have to work with.

Of course I'm interested in rp-ing with you in that pairing. I don't mind much about how detailed or not you can be, and I'm open to whatever length you may give me. :big grin: You can send me a private message so we can work out any kinks in plot lines, change what we may need to, clarify, and create our characters.
[QUOTE="Wolves-Rule1]I willing to do a rock star/ fan if you are willing.

Sure, just private message me if you are still interested. We have to sort out a few things before we start.
Ooh, I would definitely play the Mysterious Traveler/Villager one with you! Seems like a lot of fun! Anyway, I also have around 5 years of experience and can write two or more paragraphs- though I'm flexible, and would do whatever you're comfortable with!!
turmoil said:
Ooh, I would definitely play the Mysterious Traveler/Villager one with you! Seems like a lot of fun! Anyway, I also have around 5 years of experience and can write two or more paragraphs- though I'm flexible, and would do whatever you're comfortable with!!
Okay then! :big grin: You can private message me when you want to so we can start planning and stuff.
[QUOTE="Killer1000%]Entertainer(rock star, actor, etc.) (in disguise & preferably an original character) x Fan/Hater (Idea 1) Entertainer that is in disguise runs into a fan/hater. This random person intrigues the entertainer, so they make friends with the fan/hater. If it is a hater, the entertainer will try to get them to like his/her (the entertainer's) true self. If it is a fan, the entertainer will try to get the fan to like his/her personality, not their money, fame, or influence. Mysterious Traveler x Small Town/Village Person (Idea 1) Fairly simple idea. A mysterious traveler enters the town for a while. He/she brings trouble with them. Rumors fill around about him/her, which entices the village/town person to investigate/check out the traveler. They meet and one is intrigued by the other (or it is a mutual interest). Anyway, plans are stopped for the traveler and they are forced to stay in the village/town for a little more.

Those two sound very fun to me. Pm me if you're still looking
Hello ^^ I am interested in many of your ideas. There are two that stand out to me the most:: DemonXAngel and EntertainerXHater. I have roughly 6 or 7 years experience in roleplaying. I can do basic, simple posts or I can do longer, more detailed posts. I am looking to work on my advanced roleplaying (ex: more than one paragraph). If you are interested in roleplaying, message me? :)
The Grim Reaper roleplay sounds interesting. ^^ I'd be more than happy to partake in that story, though I'd prefer playing as a female because I'm terrible at playing males. >.< Sometimes they turn out way more feminine than some of the female characters I play. xD
Hey looking at your ideas and and the type of rper you are, I can tell we have the same style. I'm looking for a good supernatural rp and I have some ideas of my own. PM me and we could talk it over if you want. ^_^
You have a lot of the same ideas I put in my ownrp 1x1s ^.^ I think we would make a great team if you are interested! I shall send you a pm right now. My favorite would be the angel/demon for the fact that I just finished a 1x1 where both characters died at the end and loved it so much I want to make another ;) I can send you a link if you would like so you can see my writing as well.
Hey! I'm quite interested in your ideas. I hope I'm not bothering you, and hope you are not too full. I've RP'ed with a close friends fora about 2 or so more years. I love romance and fantasy together and action. :)

I like your Human X Demon, The Entertainer X Hater, and the Angel X Human. Lemme know if you want to try. Thanks.

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