

King the anime guro

Hello! I'm commonly known as King or Chogan!

I'm a pretty chill guy from the UK.

A great deal of my time is spent drawing, both for commercial use and as a hobby. I also animate and spend a great deal of time playing games, watching shows and reading.

I ironically call people fam and use bad memes. I apologise.

I've roleplayed since I was a youngen' but recently struggled to find suitable RP partners which I suppose is why I joined.

I mostly roleplay OCs in any time frame and setting! I write in a mostly paragraphs, ranging from casual to detailed. I struggle with singular sentence structured roleplay. My only enemy is sometimes I slip up on spellings. I'm not one for pressure, so I never want to make people feel they must rush to reply to my posts. (Or really feel pressured with anything.)

Anyway, enough of my rambling and have a good day!​

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