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I have a specific plot in mind that I REALLY want to do(Don't bother with reply counts :))

Aspy Ink

Three Thousand Club
So, this is a plot I desperately have been wanting to do since my roleplay partner quit over a year ago. They're the only one's I've done this with so I'd like to try with someone else :) Here it is :

There are six kids who have all been taken from their homes. They were thrown into a place known as the Institute. They are tested and tortured by these scientists who mixed them with an animal, which they can shift in to. They all have a special power that they were given as well, but for testing reasons only. These six teenagers all live together in one cell where they are kept unless needed for testing. Tonight though, is the night they'll make a run for it. One of the kids eavesdropped and overheard that the guards were all going to a party one night, and tonight was the night. Will they get away? Or be brought back to their worst nightmares?

I would prefer to play the submissive characters, and really am best at playing girls but this plot requires someone who can play both genders. In the old roleplay, there were two of the teenagers who were already a couple, two guys who would eventually become a couple, and two girls that could become a couple or could become a couple with two other characters who would be brought in later in the rp. I know this may not seem like a good roleplay because I am clinging too much to the same parts

I am willing to change some things though if I have to. But I also need am active partner who can respond usually at least 3-4 times a day. I'm really nice ans don't bite! :) I can give a link to the old roleplay if you wish to read over it and get a better idea. It's on a different site called chickensmoothie, I've roleplayed there many times. Just message me if you would like the link to the original rp I am basing this off of :)
Oh man, I did one of these animal DNA roleplays once. I turned into an octopus with psionic abilities. Nobody ever suspects the octopus; you just figure it's coming to give you four hugs at once, and then all of a sudden it has its tentacles encircling your head and there's a snapping beak in your face. Good times. Anyway, I'm not super down for this particular genre at the moment, but I wish you luck in finding someone all the same. :3
I'm interested in giving this a shot! I'd like to talk to you about a few things first though (not changing anything, just some questions I have), so can I PM you to talk about it?
i am interrested in your idea, i play more impulsive and hatefull character but loyal toward is friends
I'm interested in this plot, can you shoot me a PM, I'm a little busy right now, so I'll reply later.
I would love to do this roleplay with you! I'm an adaptive roleplay-role-playing-forum can play all types of personality of you'd like! I'd love to have ya inbox me so we could get started on the 6 animals and what powers they'd have. :D I can just imagine one being a rat and the other a cat and them constantly bickering

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