"I hate you, but I love you..?" (Fluorescent and Catty)


It was Naomi's birthday and she was definitely not happy to see the name that had appeared on her wrist. Not only were Riley and Naomi complete opposites, but they hated eachother. Well, at least, Naomi hated Riley. She growled at the name and grabbed her bomber jacket, making sure she remembered to wear that today so nobody would look at her wrist and see Riley's name. She got ready and put on the jacket, ruffling her hair and putting in her earbuds to listen to her music while driving to school.

Today was going to be fantastic..
If Riley was honest within himself, which he was, the disappointment that he felt made him want to crawl back under his sheets and sleep for a decade. But not going to school today would make it even worse, it'd make his friends ask questions, got nosy. He stared back at his wrist, willing the letters to twist into a different name. In all fairness, it could be worse, but Naomi and Riley simply didn't mix. She was known for being fiery and blunt, a metalhead who'd probably want nothing to do with him. The feeling was mutual.

Throwing on a long sleeved shirt over his normal tee and jeans to cover the mark, he dragged himself unwillingly to school, his backpack feeling heavier than it ever had. Why did it have to turn out this way?
Naomi slammed her car door shut and slung her bag over her shoulder, hitting some cheerleader in the face with it as she did so. She guessed that the best way to ignore this was by hanging out with her boyfriend, who had yet to find out who he is with. Him and Naomi had planned everyhting out that he was going to get her name and she was going to get his. Naomi then decided that wasn't a good idea because knowing Rich, he'd pull up her sleeve to see the name and their relationship would end right that moment, and that's not what Naomi wanted.

Instead, she just walked to her locker and ignored everyone, hoping nobody would call out happy birthday to her and draw unwanted attention.
Clutching the steering wheel, Riley composed himself with a collection of sharp breaths, quickly pulling on a mask. A knock on the window shot his eyes back open, relived to see it was only his friend, Nate.

"You gonna sit in there all day?" he hollered through the glass, receiving a finger from Riley. Slamming the door behind him, he was quickly joined by his regular group, scruffy jocks and rich kids. Halfway up the stairs, a mess of blonde block his path. Glancing up, irritated, he waited for her to explain herself. "So- uh, my friend, like, thinks you're totally cool," pausing to pluck a strand of hair from where it stuck to her plum red lipstick. "So whattya think?" She said, striking an awkward pose, trying far too hard. Riley however, was not in the mood, and pretended that he hand't heard her at all, pulling out an earbud and faking having had music playing. Normally, he'd go for that kind of thing, but he had too much on his mind to play the casanova.

"Wha-?" He muttered dismissively before pushing his way past, hoping to find Naomi and sort this thing out. However, he failed to find her before it became dangerously close to the first bell, so he resigned to class.
Naomi was interrupted on her walk to class by Rich, who smiled and hugged her tightly. "Happy Birthday, Naoms." He chuckled and grabbed her arm. He was quite surprised not to see his name there. "The f*ck Naomi? That's supposed to say Rich, not Riley!" Rich glared, Naomi glared back. "You didn't need to shout it, Rich.. I wasn't going to tell anyone.." She gritted her teeth and glared right back. "Oh so you thought hiding it would change it? That was supposed to be my name, Pointer!" "F*ck off, Rich!" Naomi pushed Rich away and walked to class with the same look on her face. She wasn't going to let Rich bring her down..
By the time first period was over, he'd received a dozen complaints on the name on his forearm. Disbelief and frustration was a common reaction, especially with girls. Risa, one of exes who never quite got over him, took this particularly hard. "What, Naomi?" She practically screeched in his ear, her nails digging into his skin. "Oh, augh, I'm gonna kill that-" her hands wracked through her hair, her face flushing a deep shade of red.

"It's hardly her fault, love," Riley muttered darkly, the teacher finally getting them to stop with an abrupt yell. Risa took her seat again, the seething expression on her face betraying her motives of revenge. For a moment he worried for Naomi's safety, but then again, she had a reputation for being tough, she could stand up for herself, right?
Naomi sat in her classroom, keeping her eyes down in her notebook like normal, though she wanted to look around so much. She heard so much whispers about her and Rich's fight, and that she had Riley's name on her wrist. She normally didn't let these things bother her, but with everyone in the room talking about it, it was hard to ignore. She impatiently waited for the bell to ring so she could leave and once it did, she ran right into Risa, knowing that her and Riley dated at some point. Naomi smirked and decided to tease the girl. "So, your boyfriend's got another girl's name, huh?"
The rest of the class time was relatively uneventful, though Riley was vaguely aware of whispers being passed about. Unfortunately, as long as it wasn't to his face, there wasn't much he could do about it. Suffering through the last few minutes, he gathered his things and escaped to the hallway, grateful to see a few of his friends waiting outside. "Heard you got yourself a name," Nate said evenly before breaking into a smile. "So, is this Naomi hot?" He whispered, in a his typical fashion. "I don't know, probably?" Riley sighed, joining the stream of kids making their way to their next classes. "I'm worried about being able to get along with her right now," he explained, raising his voice over the chatter.
"Yeah, and her name begins with N and ends with 'I'm going to f*cking kill you.'" Risa said, glaring at Naomi, Naomi patted the girl's head and smiled. "Killing me wouldn't do you any good, honey." She said, chuckling and walking down the hall, she spotted Riley from down the hall and smirked to herself, thinking she might as well use this as some way to ruin his life.
Engrossed in his conversation with his friend, he didn't notice Naomi's approach until she was feet away. Crap. "Dude," he whispered to Nate. "It's her. Don't look." To which Nate responded by swiveling in the most dramatic manner possible, making Riley hiss quietly. Grabbing his friend's sleeve, he decided talking to Naomi today wasn't such a good idea after all, and tried to push in the opposite direction, not getting far in the fray.
"Sup soulmate." Naomi smirked and laughed. "I see you're trying to run away, why's that?" She faked a frown. "Aren't you going to say anything, love?" Naomi added an emphasis on Love, smirking inside of her head. Then, as Rich passed behind her, she felt terrible for what she had said, and wanted to turn around and pull him into a tight hug. "Oh darn, I have an appointment with my girl friends at the tanning salon! I must go!" Naomi chuckled and walked away, checking her watch. It was only 2nd hour but skipping school sounded pretty fun. She grabbed her pretend pass and flashed it to the office as she walked out, glad she didn't have to deal with Riley and his friends for the rest of the day.
Riley blinked indignantly, frowning at Naomi. What did I do to deserve this. Well, other than giving her crap for years. Uh. "Well, have fun skipping, glad to see what a great student you're being!" He yelled after her, clenching his jaw in frustration. Her being his soul mate was not only obviously a mistake, but the worst possible thing. How is this ever going to work out? His friends slapped him of the back sympathetically, ushering him down the hall. "Wow. Sorry dude," Nate muttered, looking a bit shocked.
Naomi sat outside and pondered the thought of why her and Riley were supposed to fall in love. They hated eachother, well, Naomi seemed to hate everyone. She bit her lip and looked around, thinking. Maybe if she dressed like a preppy girl then something would change about this whole thing. Maybe it was a matter of her being a metalhead and him being, well, him. She got up and jogged off to the mall awkwardly walking into aeropostale to look for clothes.
(Holy crap, your signature made me snort out my nose rather painfully and unattractively xD Best thing.)

Between debates and bets made with his friends, Riley gave Naomi some thought. As much as they disliked each other, they didn't have an choice at this point, as he never heard as a match being wrong. Was there a possibility this could actually work? I mean, it has to, she's my soulmate. Oh god, how is this going to work? Throughout the next class, he wrestled with this notion. In the end, he decided it was up to him, and he had to get to know her one way or another. This was his goal, he decided, to try to be nice to her, even get on her good side. However, he knew it'd be a while until they could even converse, as thick as his skin was, Naomi ability to argue wouldn't be easy to adjust to.
( xD I found it on tumblr tbh)

It took a while to find something, but soon, Naomi has found a preppy outfit that was rather trashy, but it was nothing different from anything Risa would wear. She tried it on in the changing rooms and grimaced, trying to pull the shirt up so not all of her chest was showing. If Naomi was going to show off, she'd rather show it off in band merch.

She sighed and bought the outfit, leaving the store and going to hot topic, as much as she hated it there, and looked at the band merch to re-purify herself after buying a skimpy outfit. Naomi also thought she should slowly ease herself into the style of a girly girl, so she bought a plaid and faux leather skirt and a tight tank top, hopefully she'd like that better than the skimpy skirt of her aero outfit.
(Why am I not surprised? xP Oh, and bit of a time skip here, hope you don't mind.)

Finally, after what he deemed as years in last period, the sound of the bell was heavenly. Stuffing his belongings unceremoniously into his bag, he took the fastest route to the exit, managing to maintain average small talk with his friends. After the usual 'see you after school' conversations, he drove his well maintained vehicle home, the sides glistening with the efforts of the fanciest car wash in the area. "3:20," he observed to himself, "I guess I'd have time for a run, I could really use one right now. . ." Pulling into his driveway, he shifted the car into park and snuck to his room, wanting to avoid his parents.

Throwing on a nice pair of sweatpants and an old (by his standards) tee, he left the house at a decent pace. His lungs burned satisfyingly, the air cleansing him of the day's stresses. Lost in thought, he hadn't been aware of leaving his normal route, instead finding himself in a neighborhood he'd never explored before.
Naomi drove home and got out of her car, closing the door and walking to her front door, she turned around to see if anyone was there, because there was always a felon in these parts, and saw someone running. It took her a while to make it out as Riley. "Turn around, the posh palaces are on the other side of town!" She called out, raising an eyebrow at Riley and wondering why he was in her neighborhood. Shit, now he knows were I live..
Of course, by some incredible, unfortunate fate, is just happened to be Naomi's neighborhood. God why? Now she's going to think I'm some crazed out stalker, looking up where she lives and pretending to be on a run. My life is officially over. "Uh, thanks," he called back dumbly before he could think of something better to say. Wait, this is the perfect opportunity to talk to her, why not take it? Slowing to a walk, he approached her, letting the confidence return to his stride. "We need to talk," he demanded, crossing his arms firmly.
"About what?" Naomi asked, tilting her head to the side and letting some of her hair fall into her eyes. That was practically her way of saying, 'I don't have time for you.' In normal cases, she would flick her hair out of her face, but this was Riley and she wanted nothing to do with him. "Because if it's about this then I have nothing more to say to you than nothing's never going to happen."

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