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I guess I'm looking for an RP partner?

I like italics. Don't judge me. They're just so slanted and it's cool.

Anyway, I would consider myself... a decent RPer? A little bit on the over-exaggerating side, but I'm improving. You tend to if you spend most of your current life RPing, to be honest. Anyway, I am passionate about RP, and I love having as many characters under my control as possible, though some fall behind and eventually dissapear into obscurity. It's sad, I know... ;~;

I'm known by many names, on different sites, and apps of course. This is my first time stepping foot on this forum, so I am not exactly too sure of what to expect. These names are Apple, Davin, Fyre, Mia, and Program. It's a weird variety of names, but not too hard to get used to. At least I think so, at least.

What I'm looking for in an RPer is someone I know won't judge me on if I go over the top sometimes, or do something questionable. I'd also like them to have good grammar, because I'm just that type of person, sadly for some. It's tolerable, but gets very irritating, because I guess I don't understand that people might not have the spelling knowledge I have, or the joys of autocorrect. Not really. It sucks. Autocorrect is just plain bad.

Oh, they also have to be kind and friendly, and accepting of people. I don't want to deal with people who can't be friendly towards others.

Oh, and I don't care what I RP about, so long as it's interesting, and so long as it's not anything that isn't original. No anime themes. No video game themes. None of that. K?

Is this good? I'm not sure. Wait, I'm writing small... Cool! *Squeaky voice* HELLO!
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I would be interested in role-playing with you. You seem like an interesting person. A few questions before we begin would give me a good idea about you. First, when you say over-exaggerated, what do you mean? Could you give me an example? Next, could you give me an example of doing something questionable? And finally, what are your ideals about romance and other sub-plot themes? Honestly I don't mind much what you answer, but I would just like to know. You seem to have the right things, a respect for grammar, interest in the right people, and good mindset on what's reasonable, so naturally I am quite interested. I have not been on in quite a while so my profile does not yield accurate results of my skill. One final question I have is, what is your paragraph minimum. 

Thanks for your consideration, I appreciate your time.


In the aspect of RP, any sub-theme I most likely will go along with with open arms, and I don't have a specific request for how they work. I tend to just let my mind carry me through, and it's worked in life thus far.

Questionable is what one would expect. Taboo; Out of the social norm. Basically, doing something that in reality would make someone think I've overstepped the line in life. I tend to do this, and over the top is like doing something that to some degree doesn't fit within the current flow of the RP.

Paragraph Minimum, I guess one. And this would be when I'm getting tired or have just woken up, for the simple reason the energy is not within me and I'm not fully awake, but even then I still like to RP.
I think all of these objects are fine. Would you like to role-play? If so, how would you like to communicate? Email, PM, RP Nation?

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