I found this on /tg/, I think this is the place to post it.

Glories? There are better stories than wars.

I can tell you of the work of ten thousand mortals who believed in an untruth and made it true. I can tell you of the hearts given to gods in their blind, beautiful devotion. I can talk of the songs that children sing, of plays and romances, of the dreams, and the wonderful crafts that we made with love. Of the many small glories, compared to the one great work.

I can talk all day.

But these stories all have something in common; they are not for those with power or immortality.

Perhaps that was the problem. Perhaps we let those with power over us rule over us. Perhaps we let shiny toys and great cities blind us. Perhaps we let the epics overshadow the fables.

Perhaps the solution is to never let those with power hold power over mortals.


Seriously; let's be wandering wuxia heroes.
"I accept my purpose, you deny it. I hold, with me, the objective meaning of your life and the truth about your position within the world. You cannot accept that position because it is far humbler than you can bear. You cannot understand the idea that humanity would be better off as hunters in the great jungle, as tribes in service to the saurians, than they are today. Because you think that is beneath you."

"But, you know what? Even though everything you stand for is abhorrent to me, I'm not going to fight you. I'm going to start fixing the world, right now, by myself. And I'm going to hope you go and do the same. Because even if we're not fixing it in the same damn direction, we'll both be fixing it instead of killing each other over what the finished product should look like."

"Who knows? Maybe we'll get something done."


Unless their nature is specifically related to understanding other's viewpoints, particularly Cecelyne and Szorenzy that were (those two being the major mediators).

EDIT: You know what? Maybe that's it. Maybe the solution to Exalted is if people stop trying to fix everything and be wandering wuxia heroes.
My dear fellows, obviously letting Gaia take care of everything would resolve both your ideologies. We would have a primordial in charge, and she would encourage those beneath her to strive and become better than they are. She has a place in her plan for all Exalted (except Abyssals, of course!) as well as mortals, and can create new Dragon King souls to populate their race. Although, once the gods agree to keep out of the way, she can just start giving the Terrestrial Exaltation to any human. What's more, she can make the world really live again.

Isn't that what's best?
Jukashi said:
My dear fellows, obviously letting Gaia take care of everything would resolve both your ideologies. We would have a primordial in charge, and she would encourage those beneath her to strive and become better than they are. She has a place in her plan for all Exalted (except Abyssals, of course!) as well as mortals, and can create new Dragon King souls to populate their race. Although, once the gods agree to keep out of the way, she can just start giving the Terrestrial Exaltation to any human. What's more, she can make the world really live again.
Isn't that what's best?
Don't the Yozis and Neverborn super hate Gaia? And Autobot's not especially crazy about her.
I think they superhate her less than they do the gods and Exalted. Like, they'd kill them but leave her alive as some sort of primordial slave-maid-girl.

If I recall correctly, there's a bit in Glories of the Most High that says some of the other primordials had the hots for her.
Glories of the Most High: Luna speaks of Cytherea creating Luna, primarily, so that she would draw Gaia back to Creation, that Cytherea might "partake of her sister's love." Something about Gaia draws all the girls to her.
So the big question is: are the Yozi's capable of feeling both hate and sexual attraction towards someone? I reckon the answer is yes...
I'm sorry, my ideological rage was diverted there for a moment by an image of Gaia in a maid outfit.

Aaaaaaand further diverted by an image of the Kukla in that same outfit

Also: OF COURSE the Yozi are capable of having sexual attraction to people. The Yozi invented the world, which means they invented sex. And they invented sex to be good. They are alien cosmic monsters, but I see them as disturbingly human in a lot of ways.

Edit: More specifically, Adorjan invented Love, Gaia invented Sex, and the Ebon Dragon invented the idea that sex should be Unequal.
And see, my train of thought just exploded due to the image of a Gaia/Luna/Cytherea threesome. Is everything in Exalted tied into sex in some way?
It's based on anime, so YES.

And the Abyssal was sitting back watching the argument thinking that at least he could lose his curse and be truly free to repair the world.

Yet the bloodshed did not happen and now he is disappointed, leaving out of boredom and looking to the new dawn as a sign that there may still be hope left in Creation to bring it to greater heights than even he can remember.

All we have to do is force the Primordials into a new oath made by freed Exalts that they will remove the curses laid upon Creation, the Exaltations and any being in heaven and earth and lay no other upon anyone on the face of creation, in Yu-Shan, the realms of death, hell or any other and to never bother this Creation, Autochthon or Gaia again in such a manner as to remake or destroy any part of it or them without the unanimous consent of their separate rulers and they will be allowed to go free.
All we have to do is force the Primordials into a new oath made by freed Exalts that they will remove the curses laid upon Creation' date=' the Exaltations and any being in heaven and earth and lay no other upon anyone on the face of creation, in Yu-Shan, the realms of death, hell or any other and to never bother this Creation, Autochthon or Gaia again in such a manner as to remake or destroy any part of it or them without the unanimous consent of their separate rulers and they will be allowed to go free.[/quote']
Only five or six problems with that. Here are some highlights:

1) The Primordials didn't lay the curse, the Neverborn did. Those are the dead ones. The fucking insane ones. The ones who'd spit in your face if you tried to pull that shit on them.

Because what the hell else are you going to do to them?

2) The Yozi surrendered pretty completely, but I imagine that at least a few of them would rather death than face a surrender that complete. Because that would be the death of their hope, which is the only thing they have left.
Thanqol said:
EDIT: You know what? Maybe that's it. Maybe the solution to Exalted is if people stop trying to fix everything and be wandering wuxia heroes.
Well, let's see:

- Rejects Mandate of Heaven

- The Mandate of Heaven was put forth by the gods

- In openly, and by choice rejecting the Mandate of Heaven, the Exalted would be rebelling against the gods

- Because the gods cannot remove free will, there is very little they can do about this except maybe try to eradicate them (which probably won't get that far)

- The Great Curse is quite specific in its wording, that the Exalted would betray the gods as the Primordials were betrayed.

The question is... Does this particular form of rebellion and betrayal qualify?
Re: I found this on /tg/, I think this is the place to post

Fabricati said:
- The Great Curse is quite specific in its wording, that the Exalted would betray the gods as the Primordials were betrayed.
Where on earth did anything say anything like that? Let alone that specifically?

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