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Commission I draw your character thread

ThatSmellyGoblin said:
None others? This gotta be the only RP site ever where i don't get overwhelmed with requests whenever i do stuff like this.
I'll give you some requests soon :D !
[QUOTE="Unbridled Originality]Yup! That's perfect! Exactly how I envisioned her! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!

Happy to hear that. Hope you like it.

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'll give you some requests soon :D !

Just bring 'em. By the way Wiz, is the offer for a domain for my comic still open? I think i'd be interested now.
ThatSmellyGoblin said:
Happy to hear that. Hope you like it.
Just bring 'em. By the way Wiz, is the offer for a domain for my comic still open? I think i'd be interested now.
If you could find the PM and poke me in it. I need to reread it and see what we were talking about. (I have so many messages in my inbox, I don't know where it is)
ThatSmellyGoblin said:
Happy to hear that. Hope you like it.
Just bring 'em. By the way Wiz, is the offer for a domain for my comic still open? I think i'd be interested now.
Once my new game goes live, I'll ask for some :D !
Nice to see you doing this again.

How about my creepy girls?

You can find their background here...

I also keep my characters in my signature, should you feel like poking about in there.
I got several, chosen from a couple dozen. Had to narrow it down to my favorites. I couldn't expect you to draw 'em all, so take your pick of any that interest you:

Captain Kye Anrai of the Underhanded Venture- Exalted, Solar, Eclipse Caste, a stereotypical westerner, with slightly tanned skin and long purple dreadlocks which match his eyes, he wears finery fit for a captain, particularly an Essence-Silk naval coat in midnight blue, with a stylized dragon of water embroidered in sea green across the back. He is rarely seen without his naval hat, similar to the hat of the stereotypical pirate archetype. The rest of his clothes are also standard for naval officers, including high rising leather boots, loosely fitting pants, and a comfortable white silk shirt. He is usually seen with his orichalcum wavecleaver, Azure Dreams, a sword stylized to look like a crashing tsunami, complete with accents of dark blue jade. He also carries a flame piece, and never leaves his ship without his blue jade chilled flask of alcohol.

Wren Dimitri, Former Space Pirate- BESM- Formerly only known under his codename Wraith, Wren was part of an infamous gang of space pirates, The Eye of the Dragon. He was turned into a biological weapon by them, the process in which turned his long ponytailed hair stark white. His is a tall, wiry man, dressed in a skintight black bodysuit equipped with various stealth technologies, and strapped with many small firearms. He usually covers this with a multi-buckled leather trenchcoat. His right arm is always gloved, as it is technically a mechanical prosthetic.

Cathak Domon, Blessed Isle Patrician- Exalted, Solar, Dawn Caste, quite a flowery man, usually seen in the finest silk kimonos, in blazing red with the insignia of House Cathak, Domon is quite a pretentious man. He bears the elemental marks of his bloodline, despite never having exalted as a Terrestrial, his hair unnaturally bright red,, tied into a flowing tail, while his eyes are a yellowish orange, as if staring into a flickering flame. His sword, a katana made of red Chiaroscuran glass, is razor edged and polished brightly. His figure is somewhat feminine, and he always dresses lightly, preferring speed over pure brawn

Impetuous Grin, Wily Merchant- Exalted, Solar, Twilight Caste, Grin is a man of wealth and taste. His skin is a deep tan from life under the sun at dig sites,Life as a successful Scavenger Lord means he is usually dressed in the finest of silks when out and about, a gold embroidered turban wrapped around his head, with brilliant peacock feathers accenting it, matching a short cloak of feathers he has draped over one shoulder. His silks are usually bright gold and deep cobalt,with an ornamental glass blade at his side, making him a brilliant figure wherever he walks.

When in the field, however, he is usually dressed in durable canvas, and whatever armor he thinks suits the current situation, usually a breastplate or reinforced buff jacket. His ornamental sword is usually replaced with a chopping sword for much more utilitarian uses, although he is more than prepared to defend himself in combat.
Sweet. I'll post a description when I get home. Probably make the result my forum avatar. Now I wish I had used the cowboy were-spider's name for my handle.
Could you draw a sidereal chosen of Endings from my recently concluded campaign? His name is Angel, he is from the east, with jaw-length black hair, purple eyes and pale skin. He revels in field work, but has been forced to spend the last hundred years working in an office, seizing every opportunity to get away. There are two specific moments that I feel would make good pictures, feel free to pick either.

In the first, he's stuck at the office being forced to deal with politics. After days of frustration, he snaps and throws a piano at his annoying underlings. He'd be wearing fancy purple clothes, probably vaguely oriental in style that are completely at odds with his furious expression and violent behavior.

In the second, he's fighting in a snowy mountain pass and covered in blood, about half of which is his. He looks utterly exhausted, but is enjoying himself for the first time in decades. He wears a long, Victorian style black coat over a shining rainbow breastplate. He is using a martial arts power that makes his fingernails glow purple and become razor sharp.

His back story is that he was the husband of a former PC, who frequently assisted the party as an assassin. He would be tasked with tracking down and killing threats to fate. After about twenty years of this with the party, one of the pcs helped him become the head of a major yushan faction against his will. He spent the next hundred and fifty years as an unwilling politician, propelled higher and higher by his wife and association with the party. He is eventually killed by a PC on orders from Saturn, shortly after the second scene I described.
[QUOTE="Lord of Chaos]Could you draw a sidereal chosen of Endings from my recently concluded campaign? His name is Angel, he is from the east, with jaw-length black hair, purple eyes and pale skin. He revels in field work, but has been forced to spend the last hundred years working in an office, seizing every opportunity to get away. There are two specific moments that I feel would make good pictures, feel free to pick either.
In the first, he's stuck at the office being forced to deal with politics. After days of frustration, he snaps and throws a piano at his annoying underlings. He'd be wearing fancy purple clothes, probably vaguely oriental in style that are completely at odds with his furious expression and violent behavior.

In the second, he's fighting in a snowy mountain pass and covered in blood, about half of which is his. He looks utterly exhausted, but is enjoying himself for the first time in decades. He wears a long, Victorian style black coat over a shining rainbow breastplate. He is using a martial arts power that makes his fingernails glow purple and become razor sharp.

His back story is that he was the husband of a former PC, who frequently assisted the party as an assassin. He would be tasked with tracking down and killing threats to fate. After about twenty years of this with the party, one of the pcs helped him become the head of a major yushan faction against his will. He spent the next hundred and fifty years as an unwilling politician, propelled higher and higher by his wife and association with the party. He is eventually killed by a PC on orders from Saturn, shortly after the second scene I described.

My beloved Angel, you will forever rest in my heart as one of the character companions to any of my characters, ever.

Still amused that something as little as taking dots into allies, shaped that campaign for 2ish years of real life :D !
Aguila Gritando, Zenith Caste Solar (modern). A curvy-but-muscular blonde woman with a light tan and brilliant blue eyes. She keeps her hair at shoulder length, and it has a tad bit of waviness to it. She also prefers her aviator jacket and blue jeans. She possesses Orichalcum gauntlets (called Roaring Fire Lion Gauntlets) that show a Lion's face over where her knuckles are. She's a tough biker girl and oozes confidence.
Shining Lotus Sage]Sweet. I'll post a description when I get home. Probably make the result my forum avatar. Now I wish I had used the cowboy were-spider's name for my handle. [/QUOTE] You can change your username here: [URL="http://www.rpdom.com/account/UserNameChange said:
If you get the spare time, I'd love a picture of my most played character: Descending Nimbus, Defiler Caste Infernal.

He's around 5'6" and slim, with dark blue hair worn long enough to obscure his eyes. His eyebrows are the oily black feathers that would be found on a gethin, as are his nails, the hair on his arms and legs and a patch around his ears. His eyes are viridian and gleam when he sees items of value. What muscles he has are slight and not very obvious; more of a runner than a fighter. He prefers robes and cloaks that hide most of his features, tending towards dark reds, blues, purples and greys (occasionally black). He is pale skinned and his teeth are perfectly white.

He comes from a small western island whose noble class amused themselves by throwing commoners and slaves into an arena filled with hungry ghosts. After seeing his younger sister devoured in this fashion, he ran in horror, halting only when a gethin offered him enough power to take his revenge. Now he walks Creation, with little reason to stay on his home island and less to remain in Malfeas.

He often smirks and aims to always know more than his opponent, to always be in control of the situation. He lies as easily as he breathes and only reveals the truth when absolutely necessary.


That may have gotten away from me a bit.
The Dark Wizard]You can change your username here: [URL="http://www.rpdom.com/account/UserNameChange said:
Thanks, but it turns out I lost the write-up I had of him, anyway, and I've delayed long enough to not want the bother of filling it back out. If you could tell me how to wrap the following in a spoilerbox, though, that would be nice. I don't see a button for it, and I don't speak enough javascript to make it a code.

The Shining Lotus Sage wears a simple, though exquisitely tailored, dress suit based loosely on a Realm chef's uniform. The majority of it is bleached immaculately white, bright enough to nearly blind on a sunny day. The flaring sleeves, capped by long cuffs dyed a brilliant azure, sweep dangerously wide, if indeed she is to be working near open flames in the outfit. Similar flaring, and trim, at the far end of her pants legs serves no detectable purpose except to draw the eye upward to where it wraps, skin-tight, around her well-rounded hips. All along the torso, in fact, the uniform clings far too closely for any meaningful utility in cooking. And yet, despite the clear effort by the designer to display the woman's form, nothing seems to have been done to accentuate it. What is revealed--and that is almost everything, as even slender arms appear often in the empty space of her exaggerated sleeves--is somehow rendered sterile by the pristine whiteness of the cloth, the impossible crispness of the seams, and even the attention to detail in every ripple and swell. Though the body within seems sculpted well enough to impress in sackcloth, the overall effect of this stark display is reminiscent of looking at an anatomical model. A seductress would know what to conceal.

Where her outfit reveals too much, though, the face of Shining Lotus Sage teases with how little clarity it truly offers. A high-bridged nose and full lips from one angle may seem respectively aquilline and thin from another, and the shifting of her facial expressions throws precise description into ever worse disarray. Cheekbones that never seem to be at the same height on two consecutive glances are, at least, always pronounced and round, but everything from the precise color of her eyes to the angle of her chin seems impossible to nail down. It's not that she's difficult to comprehend or describe, but rather that every minute variation of perspective works a curiously total adjustment of the balance among the elements of her visage.

Beneath the surface of her cheeks, lips, forehead, and hands, a deep sea-green tinge is clear in any light. Perhaps some watery aspect mark is responsible for her perplexing appearance. Only two other traits remain as certain: she always seems slight of build, fair of face, and exotic in a way that is, of course, impossible to place, and she could be much fairer if her every joint did not faintly bulge and shift as it moved.
Here's one for Alex. It's quite hastily made but whatever.

New to the site and ecstatic to learn someone does pictures like this!

Micheal Embers, Private Eye and Scion of Hel. He's a tall, thin Caucasian twenty-something man with medium length raven black hair that's rarely styled, usually staying messy with his bangs dangling somewhat in his dark sapphire eyes. His skin is sightly pale, making the dark bags under his eyes and his shallow face give off the impression that he's always sick and the permanent scowl that seems to be his default expression doesn't make his appearance any brighter. He has a bit of five-o'clock shadow going along his jaw though it's stubble at best. His primary outfit is a black trench coat and white dress shirt with black dress pants and loafers. He rarely keeps the coat buttoned up, keeping it front open most of the time.

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