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Realistic or Modern i don't really wanna love you

location: dorm, class

The ringing of his alarm didn't wake him up. The sunlight beaming through the window didn't, either. It was a loud thud, one that should have had a yelp or a whimper. One that sounded like a popped joint. He sat up to see his roommate, sprawled on the floor and covered in his own books. His eyes were wide in horror, staring at Luka. "I-I ... I'm so sorry," He pounced on the books and scraped them up into his arms. Luka rolled his eyes and rubbed his face, allowing his body to fall back on the mattress. His roommate - what was his name again? - stood up and scurried out of their dorm. Luka reached for his phone and checked the time. He still had 17 minutes to get to his first class of the day.
Reaching the science hall, Luka pulled the door open. Everyone's eyes raised to him. Was he late? He checked his phone. Shit. Just was 2 minutes late. He gently shut the door and raised his hand to his chest in apology, and sat in the nearest chair, closest to the door. It took a few seconds for the others to look back at the teacher.
Luka was a sight. It wasn't that small a town, but word still got around. He was always a quiet kid. He didn't talk much and got excellent grades. It wasn't until high school that people began to find out he existed. His father made the news as a criminal. He was arrested for multiple counts of blackmailing, evidence tampering, assault, conspiracy, robberies, playing a part in murders ... And only one kid in the whole town had his last name. The anger from his father being caught and unleashing a blight on their name sent him into a trouble-making frenzy. He'd beat up kids who'd talk about his father. He'd wreck the cars of people who drove past the house slowly. Some would even mess with the shop his mother opened in hopes to get money, and he would literally throw them out of the store. God forbid they were a student at his school; they'd get beaten too.
So, yeah, he earned a name for himself. People kinda forgot about his father, and are now just scared of Luka. They don't even know how he got into the college with his record. Some speculate he threatened the board, others say his connections with deep crime got him in ... whatever it was, his academics sure helped. He was tamer now, yet cold and intimidating at best.
anissa | location: house, class | outfit x

All things considered, Anissa didn't have a lot to worry about. She was adopted into a loving family, their fridge was stocked, she never had to want something for long. She was a little spoiled, but she kept her graces, her softness, her heart. Being a cheerleader and being in a sorority didn't change that, despite the attention it garnered.

All in all, Anissa woke each morning happy. Except, maybe not as much anymore. Her first class was in the english hall, but by the time she reached it she was feeling uneasy. Like someone was following her. No one entered the room after her, so she shrugged it off and took her seat. She was sure it was nothing, she'd just been paranoid for no reason lately.

Well, she thought it was for no reason until she found the love letter stuck in her bag. It was the third confession of love she had had in the past two weeks, all from anonymous sources, all making her skin crawl. She didn't know what to do but she was starting to get a little scared.
class, hall
He didn't pay much attention after the first few bullet points of the syllabus. The professor's voice wasn't too boring, but he definitely liked to listen to himself talk. His eyes trailed from a poster with the anatomy of a frog to one with a diagram of the brain. He read the definitions and functions of whichever part or organ he decided to keep his gaze on for more than five minutes and tapped his first two fingers almost silently on his textbook. Students shifted in their seats once the professor began to call roll. Luka's attention finally broke when he realized that the professor was already on last names starting in G. Did Luka not hear his name? Once the professor closed his notebook and sat down at his desk, he announced that class was dismissed. The other students whispered to each other about the short first class. Luka stood and approached the professor, both hands gripping his book.
Luka put his book down on the teacher's desk. "I don't think I heard you say my name. Espocito?"
The teacher sat up straight, taking off his glasses, and cleared his throat. "I asked administrations to take your name off of my class." Luka lowered his brow. "Excuse me, sir?"
"Yes. I've heard your name. You're just going to be a distraction to the rest of my class." He set his glasses down. "P-professor, I don't think that's fair to assume --"
"Didn't you notice the other students when you came in? You disrupted my class just by walking in -- late, may I add."
"I'm sorry, professor, but this is --"
"Thank you, Mr. Espocito."
"But --"
"Thank you."
The professor's eyes were narrowed at Luka. Luka's eyes were wide in disbelief. He closed his slightly open mouth and pursed his lips, tapping the book on the professor's desk two times. He turned and stormed out of the room.
After talking with a counselor who could only fit him in an inconveniently scheduled similar class, he paced the quad of his next class. He muttered under his breath, rubbing his jaw too hard. He nearly ran into a person's backpack. This person, who was almost pressed against the door's window, jumped back to face Luka. He turned around and started to run away, nearly tripping forward in doing so. A paper flew out of his hands and into the air above Luka's hands. The man whipped around with wide eyes and almost leaped to catch the paper, but Luka had it pinched between his fingers. The man fell onto Luka's shoulder and nearly fell on his hands and knees before getting up. In the man's horror, Luka had already opened the page.
"Dear Anissa," Luka read aloud. "You look beautiful today as per usual. I hope my last letter wasn't too forward --" The man pounced to grab the paper from Luka's hands, but Luka held the page from his reach. Smirking, he read on: "I spend most nights, mornings, and afternoons thinking of you. I saw you in the breakfast line today, you ordered a bagel --" He turned to the man: "Dude, this is awful." He glanced back at it before tossing it at the man. "You don't even sign your name. How is she supposed to know who you are?!" The man grabbed the paper like it was a winning lottery ticket found on the street. He turned and sprinted away. Luka raised his arms. "I...I'm sorry?" He yelled after him.
anissa | location: house, class | outfit x

Class seemed to drag by, the words of the note driving her mad. Who had even gotten close enough to get it into her bag? When had she left her bag where anyone could do something like that? Had they been in her house? Not to mention the choice words it had to say. She had thought Tinder was bad, that letter was worse.

She didn't pay much attention in class, the teacher's voice was like nails scratching down a chalkboard. Seeing as she hadn't had a chance to grab coffee that morning she didn't have the energy to try and focus on the words, only the sound. She wanted to claw her ears off. How much longer would this take? Would she be able to change to a different teacher? God she hoped so.

"Anissa Carmichael?" Even a name sounded awful coming out of that voice. Wait, that was her name. Her response was quiet. It was hard to stay nice sometimes.

When the class finally ended, she made her way out slowly, gathering her things and making sure she was the last out the door. "Bye Anissa!" One of her friends who had been seated on the other side of the class called out as he left the room. She waved a little, before heading out the door herself. Out the door and right into someone's shoulder.

"Oh, God, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying much attention."

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