I can't seem to find a good answer to this

Does anyone have a response to that last idea of mine? About not wasting their EXP and effort Spent?

:shock: Is anyone else really creeped out by the smiley with the huge grin and the the wiggly lip? *shudders*  :cry:
in the bottom of the box for playing heroic mortals it gives you the exaltation boosts (pg 81).  

Any time I've run exaltation in game I've let the pc choose before what caste they want.  Let them spend the attributes points and choose the charms they want and then I gave them back any bonus points spent on awakening their  essence as a mortal.  

I've found that choosing where to put the attributes points gives me a great ST tool for memories from the first age (when ever they use that skill toss in some flavor).  

as for the the actual exaltation in game play.  I've ran it a couple of different ways.  If your up for the extra book keeping I like to track their essence motes spending  when they first use charms (give the feeling to the player that they don't know the limits of the power) that way you can fudge the points they have too (sometimes I like to give them unlimited motes or double motes or no personal motesl)  also  I like to make them glow right of the start so it can draw unwanted attention (mmm, wyld hunt, fun for all)

and yes the big smiley with the wiggling lips is disturbing.
So, you do that just for their Exaltation? I may do that, none of them have ever played before, so, they won't know anything! I'll be like "look at all the neat things you can do!" and make them have full animas, and blow up their surroundings so they think it's all neat.... then, trash their pool, and have the wild hunt show up! That'll teach 'em!

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