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Total Video Game Nerd
I have a bunch of characters I wanna use, so I’m gonna put ‘em here and see who's interested. Before I go about listing characters, I’ll set down some expectations.

First off, my characters are furries. If that’s not your thing, you’re free to walk away now. Your characters can be whatever race or species you want, no limits there. Post length varies with context. If there’s a slow scene, the little details are a nice touch as long as it moves things along and gives me something to work with. If there’s action or dialog, short posts are fine. Try not to ghost on me. If you lose interest or know you’ll be unavailable for a while, let me know.

I drew this myself, though I did have help making it digital.
This is Shuffle. She was created from different mismatched body parts. She’s quick and agile, and she can inject a very potent venom with her fangs. In addition, by consuming blood, she can mutate and adopt traits from other creatures. She’s rather bright and cheerful and enjoys making friends. She acts on her instincts more than logic, so she often comes across as wild.

Her origin can vary based on setting. The default is a medieval setting in which she’s created by necromancy inside the ruins of a cursed island.
She can also fit into a sci-fi setting, in which she’s created in a lab.

I made her design myself, but this image is a commission drawn by someone else.
Lily Steele is the daughter of the founder of a massive company spanning multiple industries. She inherited the company after her father’s death, though she had to go on interplanetary adventure in order to actually earn that inheritance. Now, she spends her time as an adventurer, traveling between galaxies to find whatever adventures she can. There are others in the company who help with managing, and they contact her whenever there’s something that needs her direct attention. Her equipment consists of a lightweight, lightly armor bodysuit, equipped a personal shield generator that absorbs most damage coming her way. Her right gauntlet contains a compact sword hilt that can deploy directly into her grasp and generate a blade of energy. She prefers to fight at range though, using a hi-tech rifle with various versatile modes. Her rifle can also break down into a pistol form when necessary. She’s accompanied by a small combat drone which boosts her armor’s shield and provides support fire. When her rifle breaks down to a pistol, the spare parts are incorporated into the drone to boost its firepower.

I drew this one myself.
Tisis is a spirit of vengeance. When a small village was ransacked and all the villagers were slaughtered, she was summoned into existence to avenge them. Her appearance is symbolic of lost innocence. Despite having the appearance and stature of a child, she’s a very capable fighter, able to wield any bladed weapon with expert skill. She also possesses dark magic, allowing her to summon her own weapons at will and perform a short range blink warp, among other things. While she’s not entirely immortal, being a spirit allows her a limited ability to cheat death. Upon suffering a mortal blow, she gains a surge of power and heals all wounds before going into a battle frenzy, during which her strength and magic powers are multiplied. This frenzy lasts for up to an hour or until all her enemies are dead. Afterwards, she passes out and remains unconscious for 24 hours to recover.

I designed this one, but the image here is a commission from another artist.
Rosamund comes from a small northern village. Her village was destroyed, and in the chaos she lost her arm. She’s the only survivor of the event because she was found by a skilled mechanic who gave her a new arm. Her growth was also stunted, so she only stands at about four feet tall, despite being a grown woman. Due to being betrayed more than once in her life, she’s very slow to trust new people, but she cherishes her friends more than anything and will protect them with everything she has. She insists on people using her full name; only her friends may use nicknames.
Her weapon of choice is her large mechanical hand. The hand and her arm are magitech, a blend of magic and science. The enchanted gems embedded on them draw on her life force to stay powered. Normal movement doesn’t drain her any more than a regular arm would, but she put more power into them to add extra effects. She can’t do this too much as it would be dangerous though. Even without the extra effects, she can hit incredibly hard, especially for someone of her size. And hits from her biological limbs can pack a decent punch as well. The oversized hand can be detached and controlled remotely; she has a normal-sized hand underneath it.

I did not draw or design this one, I just found the image online.
A young girl with no name who was the subject of secret experiments. The purpose of the experiments is unknown, but the results are the multiple tentacles sprouting from her back. She cannot consciously control the tentacles, but they respond to her thoughts and emotions. She escaped from the lab where she was confined when the testing and experimenting got to be too much for her, and the tentacles responded by lashing out, killing all the people responsible for her fear and pain.

I drew this one myself.
Peppermint is a skunk with unusual fur colors. She’s also a ninja, with a talent for both stealth and combat. She’s very conscious about her natural odor and does her best to avoid using that particular form of self defense. She also spends a good bit of her money on products to counter the scent, resulting in her smelling of peppermint instead. With her bright colors and smelling of peppermint, many people wonder how she ever manages to stay hidden, but the fact that she does is a testament to her skills.
In combat, she wields a kusarigama, a hand scythe with a weight attached by a long chain.

I drew this one myself.
Selene is a witch living in a modern day setting. Having made a deal with the underworld, she has access to powerful magic eternal youth. In exchange, her soul will be collected by the underworld when (or if) she eventually dies. She wields a pair of custom made, enchanted revolvers. Instead of using physical ammunition, her revolvers fire bursts of magic. When the chambers are empty, the guns produce rapid fire, relatively weak shots. By “reloading,” Selene can fill the chambers with magic for more powerful shots that are slower and produce more recoil but often have special effects. Of course, she can only load six shots into each revolver at a time.
She also has a hellhound familiar who is soul bound to a motorcycle. He can switch freely between hellhound and motorcycle forms and can only be summoned by Selene.

Drew these myself.
Tanis is a blind lamia/naga living in a swamp. She spends most days basking on a particular branch that hangs over the water in a patch of sunlight. She’s able to detect heat sources around her and uses that to hunt when she gets hungry. She mostly eats small animals that inhabit the swamps, but she has eaten people before. She’s not hostile though and is actually quite friendly. She gets lonely in the swamps by herself, so she tries to make friends anytime someone passes through. If they insist on being hostile, however, then she will eat them. Well accustomed to the swamps, she can move through the water with ease, keeping track of her prey by sending their body heat. When defending herself, she’ll hide beneath the water before ambushing her enemy, wrapping around them to either crush them or drag them underwater to drown them.

Drew this one myself.
Chloe is a vampire and a bard. Rather than carry an instrument, she channels her bardic magic through her voice, singing vocalizations in place of playing an instrument. She is very fond of music and does her best to learn any instrument she finds. She's also a dancer and a mage, using her dances to channel her arcane magic, which she can do simultaneously with her vocalized bardic magic. While her strength is in magic, her physical strength is still considered "inhuman," due to the active nature of her dances along with being a vampire. She's quite charismatic and does not actively seek conflict. She's very open about being a vampire and does not try to keep it secret. She'll only feed on someone if they agree to let her. If necessary, she'll feed on wild animals, if no one is willing to let her feed.

Since she's immortal, she can show up in any setting. Medieval, modern, or sci-fi. Her power and talent will scale according to the time period. She was turned in a medieval era, and as she continues improving her song and dance and learning new types of music, she will continue to grow stronger.

Drawn by me.
Alodia is a kitsune with a deep connection to wealth and prosperity. Once worshiped as a goddess by a village, she's now been forgotten and her power has faded. When your character, a traveling merchant, happens to pass by what's left of her shrine, she decides to tag along, hoping to regain her power.

Drawn by me.
Kanon & Adelynn.png
Kanon, known as The Red Knight, was a samurai with no master, far from her homeland searching for someone to serve. She met Adelynn, who would one day be known as The Trash Princess, and was touched by her kindness. Pledging her loyalty to Adelynn, Kanon vowed to make a kingdom for her to rule. Adelynn goes along with it to please her new friend and because she has nothing to lose by going on this adventure. The story with these two involves them on their quest to build a kingdom, most likely recruiting the help of your character in some way.

Drew this one myself.
In a top secret weapons lab, experiments are being made using mutagens to create biological weapons. This is the first success, code name: Alpha. Her tough scales are bullet proof, making her immune to all ballistic weaponry, though electricity still hurts, and prolonged exposure to low temperature can prove lethal. Standing at around eight feet tall, she's fast and powerful, able to close the distance between her and her target with blinding speed and deliver a blow to send them flying. Though she can't speak, she's able to communicate telepathically once she's formed a link with someone. Alpha herself doesn't seem to bear any ill will to anyone and simply seeks to find her own way, though it doesn't take much to convince her to fight.

As far as story goes, I imagine the best starter would be your character infiltrating the lab for whatever reason, and freeing Alpha in the chaos. Alpha would probably be their target anyway, since she's the first and only successful experiment.

If you’re interested or have some story ideas, let me know.
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I'm interested. I like creativity in another I would roleplay with, as I would use of what there is from myself. I will generally manage to respond about every other day, with a thread in this forum. Tisis is one I can see role-playing with, or Shuffle.
I'm interested. I like creativity in another I would roleplay with, as I would use of what there is from myself. I will generally manage to respond about every other day, with a thread in this forum. Tisis is one I can see role-playing with, or Shuffle.
Cool, shoot me a DM and we can talk out some details.
Hello how are you doing?
I love your characters and their unique design ✨😍 💜 💕
Some of them are very beautiful and id love to meet them ❤️ 💕 💗 💖
I am a novella advanced lit rper and I am always doing world building always building up my own characters and setting. I always work on making more and more characters and getting lots of art for them so I can fully understand 😌 ☺️ 😊 🙌

I am a novella advanced lit rper. I wont ask you to write a book but I'd ask you write a minimum of three paragraphs. So long as you can do this id love to talk more and meet your characters ✨💛 💕 ❤️
Hello how are you doing?
I love your characters and their unique design ✨😍 💜 💕
Some of them are very beautiful and id love to meet them ❤️ 💕 💗 💖
I am a novella advanced lit rper and I am always doing world building always building up my own characters and setting. I always work on making more and more characters and getting lots of art for them so I can fully understand 😌 ☺️ 😊 🙌

I am a novella advanced lit rper. I wont ask you to write a book but I'd ask you write a minimum of three paragraphs. So long as you can do this id love to talk more and meet your characters ✨💛 💕 ❤️
My post length varies as necessary for the scene. If I need to describe a scene, yeah, I can get a pretty long post out. But if there's a fight or a conversation and it's a lot of back and forth between our characters, I find it's more practical to have a shorter post, that way they can better react to each other and it keeps the pacing.
My post length varies as necessary for the scene. If I need to describe a scene, yeah, I can get a pretty long post out. But if there's a fight or a conversation and it's a lot of back and forth between our characters, I find it's more practical to have a shorter post, that way they can better react to each other and it keeps the pacing.
I am sorry I am a novella advanced lit rper.
I don't do script rping

Three paragraphs is the minimum I'm willing to accept. I can write a page with my eyes . I'll tailor as much as I can to my rpers such as by reducing my standard to 3 paragraphs minimum but I can't do script rping

If you insist and must do script rping well that's unfortunate but I am not a script rper so I'd say i appreciate you and thank you foe your time 😊 😉 ☺️

But this is such a small trivial matter I hope writing three paragraphs minimum won't be any trouble 😀😃😃
I am sorry I am a novella advanced lit rper.
I don't do script rping

Three paragraphs is the minimum I'm willing to accept. I can write a page with my eyes . I'll tailor as much as I can to my rpers such as by reducing my standard to 3 paragraphs minimum but I can't do script rping

If you insist and must do script rping well that's unfortunate but I am not a script rper so I'd say i appreciate you and thank you foe your time 😊 😉 ☺️

But this is such a small trivial matter I hope writing three paragraphs minimum won't be any trouble 😀😃😃
Yeah, I don’t think I’d be able to manage that. I’d have to really try hard to fill it out and I don’t feel like it would be any relevant details. It’s just not how my writing flows.

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