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I Bring the Plots, You Bring the Mojo

Lady Sabine

Howdy y'all. I've got some free time for the forseeable future, so I'm rebooting this thread with a few new plots and junk.

Anyway, I figure I'll go ahead and tell you what deal-breakers might get in the way of our little arrangement right off the bat.

I don't have pictures for most of my characters and I'm not a huge fan of making character sheets; you can make them if you want, but as far as I'm concerned there isn't any replacement for a good old fashioned paragraph. If this is is a dealbreaker I can change, but anything short...

I'm hesitant to define this as strictly casual or detailed. As long as there's more than one line and it moves the story along, I'll probably be happy. I'm really more focused on the skill you show in interactions and storymaking than I am in the quality of the writing or, heaven forbid, the word count. If you're new to RPing just let me know and I'll be happy to help you hone some skills and hand out a few pointers.

If you can't reply more than three days per week, I will most likely lose interest. If I, for some reason, have gone two days without replying and find myself busy on the third as well, I'll give you a heads-up. Hopefully won't happen often.

Now that's over with, I'll get to the meat of the issue.

The plot I'm really craving revolves around a few major themes, noticeably class-based conflict, ethics, and an unlikely friendship/relationship.

In a dystopic city (probably steampunk, but the time period is very flexible) poverty is rampant. The slums are overflowing, starving, and suffering from plague. In the middle of it all is the gang known as Smoke, who take on a Robin Hood -esque role, redistributing food and medicine to the destitute, most of it taken from the pockets of the wealthy. Due to their charity efforts, the moment the City Watch starts to move in, the orphans and beggars and street children give them ample warning, while the citizens of the slums gladly hide them, slipping like smoke between the fingers of the frustrated guards.

At some point in all of this, the leader of Smoke (my character) and an up-and-coming officer among the Watch meet each other and discover that they were best friends as children. Though neither one entirely trusts the other, for old time's sake they decide to give each other a chance. An agreement is struck: if she will give him information about other gangs and crimes, he will keep the Watch off of her organization's scent. It works beautifully, with his high arrest record and uncanny "luck" in finding major criminals quickly earning him promotions while Smoke blossoms, growing quickly and becoming more ambitious.

Obviously this cannot continue indefinitely. The direction it takes is up for us to decide; this is just the starting point. As for the officer, in spite of my use of masculine pronouns, you'll also be choosing his/her gender, and whether you would like their relationship to be platonic or something more.

Not actually too interested in this one anymore, but if you have your heart set you can probably talk me into it.

Similar to Pocohontas/Avatar/a dozen other things, your character is an outsider of some sort that becomes involved in Orc affairs. My character is a young Shaman who speaks up on his behalf, and gets assigned with teaching him their culture- if she cannot teach him their way of life, he will have to be killed to protect their traditions.

Again, I'm using "he" loosely. He can be a she, if you prefer. As for the type of outsider, that's largely your choice. An Elf would be interesting. Humans, Dwarves, Drow, Shapeshifters... I'll honestly be alright with almost anything. Warrior, priest, ranger, scholar, scientist... seriously. This is a very vague idea for right now. If you bring a cool character, this could be awesome.

Another semi-steampunk idea (maybe more along the lines of WWI/WWII tech?) revolves around a fantasy world inhabited by winged people. They have, historically, been hunted by giant wolf-bat creatures and had to live in fear of dark shadows from above. Now things are different: they have guns and zeppelins and airplanes, and they're planning a grand counterattack.

My character is a tailgunner and one of the finest flyers in the armed services, yours a pilot with one crippled wing. They're going on this campaign as bombers, ready to blow the breeding grounds of their perennial enemy to kingdom Come. Their relationship in the mean time, though, is a bit strained. They grind at each others' nerves, arguing almost nonstop. Will this get in the way of working together up in the sky, where it really matters? This one I would really like to be romantic, at some point.

For centuries, Elves have ruled the world. Their command of magic has allowed them to subdue the "lesser" races, which they have enslaved and put to work, performing the menial labor that lets their civilization thrive. The Elves are a short and slight people, delicate and all but defenseless save for their magic... this ends badly for them when their slaves discover a way to create magical wards, allowing them to rise up and strike off their shackles.

Unable to believe what is happening, the Elven Empire issues no evacuation order and conceals the magnitude of the problem. The Imperial Academy, home to the nation's elite, is taken in a matter of minutes. My character, heiress to one of the most powerful families in the Empire, suddenly finds the tables turned and her personal slave now her master. This role-reversal could in in a lot of ways, so bring an interesting character since this will definitely be driven off of their interactions.

Ancient Rome-esque setting, but with some mild fantasy. Our characters are both temple slaves; mine is an oracle, yours a gladiator, both highly respected and considered blessed by the gods. And both are abjectly unhappy with their situations. Together, they're going to foment a rebellion that will turn the caste system on its head and break the chains of every slave in the nation. How exactly they get there, though, is somewhat more problematic. Again, you can pick your character's gender, species, and whether or not this ought to have a romance angle. This is probably the vaguest plot of all, so please have some ideas for how you want this to go- I don't want to make this one entirely on my own!

I also have a half dozen ideas rattling around for an arranged marriage. Tell me what you're looking for and we can work something out.
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Hey, your plots sound pretty interesting! I'm particularly interested in either the Dystopian City or the Rome-esque one, though since the Dystopian one is the most developed one I'm good for that one. You can PM me if you want, though be aware I'm about to go to a family thing and won't be able to get back to you for a few hours. Bad timing on my part, you know?
I'm seriously interested in the Pocahontas plot! If you'd like, I can shoot you a PM if you're not too busy! Or you me? It doesn't matter :)
Hello, ma'am.

I'm interested mostly in the dystopian city and the Pocahontas - themed one slightly less.

PM me if interested.
Hey, if your still looking for partners I'd be interested in the first three of your plots, although I think my favourite would be the first one!
[QUOTE="Lady Sabine]I think the second one would me my first choice, if you're down. ^^
Still looking~

Yeah sounds good! PM me the details?
Love the Winged People, Rome-Esque, and Elven plots. Any of which you prefer I can do. Just send me a pm if you are interested in doing any of them with myself.

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