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Fandom I am the Prover - A Fate/Grand Order Type Search


evil flower blossoming cutely
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
My Interest Check
20xx, on an Earth alternate to our own, a great calamity shook the world to its core. This was an Earth that shouldn't have existed in the first place, so its encroaching destruction was only natural.
Yet, by a pure stroke of luck, a single mage survived to carry Humanity's future. Desperate for salvation, they summon a Heroic Spirit, and together they strive to restore the human order.

...that's the basic gist of the story I'm looking to write. I've not sorted out many specifics yet, mostly because that sounds like something we should do together. In short, it's an F/GO type storyline, where a single Master-Servant duo struggle to survive through a Singularity/Lostbelt scenario and save their planet. I was thinking that maybe our 'Earth' could be one meant for Pruning, but was somehow isolated and left untouched instead. Now, this deviant Earth is experiencing corruption due to its unstable nature, perhaps resulting in a Lostbelt adjecent outcome. Either way, up for discussion.

I'm fine with playing both roles (Master/Servant). For the main characters, I'd prefer originals. (Though, given the nature of Type-Moon, 'original' is subjective.) I think anything goes for the supporting cast, though.

Please be fluent in English, work with me, write at least once a week or so and enough to warrant an actual reply. Most importantly, please have an interest in Fate and/or Type-Moon strong enough so that it'll carry you through at least a few pages of the RP without getting bored. Alright, that's about it.

Lastly, to prove you have read everything, please write a full-length essay (2000+ words) about why Nero is the superior Saber with proper sources and accreditations. Deliver it by 00:01 tomorrow.

Ehe, just kidding. PM me with whatever entrée you like.

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