i am new. HI


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hi my name is Caitlynn or as you can call me Rose i am new to this site so please forgive me if i take to long to answer or don't respond at all.
Welcome, Rose! Mother is pleased with you.

RPN is a great place to roleplay. Take a look at the interest checks to see if there is something you might find fun to join. We do have a few site rules and, if you've not seen them yet, they can be found here: Update - Site Rules Updated | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Please read them and follow them. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a Moderator, a Super Mod or even your Mother. I will always be happy to answer any questions you have. That's what Mother is for.

Join us for unending conversation on Discord too!

Rose rose, Rose red

will I ever see thee wed?

I will marry at thy will sire, at thy will
redrose9419 said:
hi my name is Caitlynn or as you can call me Rose i am new to this site so please forgive me if i take to long to answer or don't respond at all.
Thou art so lucky, Lady Rose to recieve such a hunble welcome. I recieved not such a wonderous welcome. Tis nice to meet you, Your Ladyship!
Oh, Rose, Mother does apologize.

Allow her to sing you the rest of the song, though it is not such a happy one.

Rose rose, rose red

Will I ever see thee wed?

I will marry at thy will sire, at thy will

Rose rose, rose red

Wedding bells on an april morn

Carve my name on moss covered stone, moss covered stone

Rose rose, rose red

funeral bells on a september morn

Rose oh Rose is gone and dead sire, gone and dead

It's a song about King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
Xylin said:
I am Mother. Mother Xylin.
Pleased to meet you! I am TheRose. I am still trying to figure my way around the forms and whatnot. Seems that I am not able to access the site chat which is quiet a shame.
Welcome to RpN, Rose! Everyone here are wonderful people, as you can see above. Have fun!

I see that you have already discovered your RP prefs. What you want to do next is to go to roleplays and look at the different types of genres of RPs. Then you can sift through the different stories that people have posted. If there's one you feel like you'd like to join, ask the ST and see if he or she will let you join. Usually an ST will mark their RPs as closed or open. Sometimes RPs that are closed will re-open at a later date.

You do need to follow both the site rules as well as the ST rules as we will not interfere with an ST in his or her game.

Here too, is an FAQ INFO - RpN FAQ | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
thank you Mother Xylin,

may the stars watch over you and may good fortune always find you

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