I ain't afraid o' no ghost!


Four Thousand Club
The Protonic Essence Accelerator

Artifact 4

This rough device, blending elements of Autocthonian design with the haphazard availability of materials in Creation, sits in the hand like a crossbow or essence cannon, covered with peculiar mechanical protuberances and tipped with a claw of white jade. When fired, this claw projects on a fine chain of orichalcum to latch onto any ghost or ghost-like creature, material or immaterial though they may be. It fastens onto them harmlessly, but that is only the first step; with additional power, coruscating light surges forward to contort and paralyze their spectral forms, draining them of their own essence and will.

Pressing the trigger launches the claw on its chain; this is a ranged attack made using (Dexterity + Archery), with the following stats: Speed 6, Accuracy +1, Damage N/A, Rate 1, Range 30, Tags: None. If the attack passes DV, it latches on to the target (If it misses, it retracts). If the target is not a ghost, the weapon can be used to pull them, but that's essentially it. If they are a ghost, however, the user can then feed the weapon 3 motes in order to activate the Refractive Antinecrotic Essence Pulse. Aside from the light show, the target ghost is instantly rendered Inactive unless they succeed at a reflexive Willpower roll, difficulty [10 - Ghost's Essence]. So long as the user keeps feeding the Accelerator 3 motes every five ticks, the ghost can do nothing but make that same roll every 5 ticks, and every tick that passes drains 2 motes from their essence pool. Should they run out of essence, a dot of temporary willpower is drained every 2 ticks instead. The flood of essence renders the orichalcum chain rigid, and trapped ghosts can with difficulty be lifted and moved around using (Strength + Athletics).

Every additional Protonic Essence Accelerator powered and attached to the ghost doubles the difficulty of the Willpower roll (after subtracting Essence) and increases mote/willpower drain by a similar ratio. The weapon itself requires no essence to fire, only to power the Pulse; in the hands of a user without their own essence pool (or a user whose own essence is necrotic, and unsuitable), other essence sources can be attached; in particular, a backpack-like device (Artifact 3) exists which is designed specifically for the Accelerator, and can contain up to 9 stored motes granted by any non-necrotic essence channeler.

The Spectral Energy Attraction Trap

Artifact 3

This is a one-foot-wide, four-inch thick disk-shaped box of starmetal and orichalcum, topped with a four-section hatch of banded yellow and black jade, containing a beautifully faceted yasal crystal. When activated by an essence user, the crystal within glows, its light extending into the yellow jade, and a few moments later (during which it may be thrown, chakram-like) it unfolds to cast a wide, funnel-shaped web of brilliant essence in the direction it faces. Any spirit composed of necrotic essence trapped in this field which cannot muster the strength to escape is trapped, and after a few seconds will be drawn down into the yasal crystal, unable to escape.

Activating the Trap requires a reflexive expenditure of 4 motes. After 1 tick, it opens to release a net of essence to a distance of about 20 feet, extending outwards at around 1 foot of diameter for every foot of length (that is, 20 feet wide at its outermost range). Any ghost or similar being inside this area during the 5 ticks it remains open must spend 2 dots of temporary willpower or be caught, rendered Inactive, and eventually be drawn inside and captured upon its closing. A button (hidden behind a plate on the Trap's underside) will release the Trap's occupants.

The amount of beings that can be contained depends on their Essence rating. Each Trap can hold 10 points' worth of ghosts, so it could, for example, hold 5 Essence 2 ghosts. If too much is trapped, the crystal inside the Trap shatters, allowing its victims to escape.
Bwahahahahahaha.... amusing.

It's a good way to get more souls to Autochton!

Althou, I'm surprised that there was no mention of Essence Capacitors in those backpacks, Given that they'd have them, and can be used to power things like this.
I love it. these are perfect for an abyssal soul trader I've been working on.

P.S. Keychain is the best

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