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Fantasy Hysterical [ Invite Only ]


You are lost


The start
Greetings reader, if you are reading this, you have either; been personally invited by me, or someone who was invited has recommended you to join the team. This roleplay is a invite only roleplay, as this is a reboot of a previous roleplay that died pretty quickly (for many reasons). For those who were a part of "Crazy9", welcome back to the reboot. To those who were not, welcome and I do hope you'll have fun.

Enter this fantasy medieval quest~!

The plot
It's been five years after Tassara went to war with Svel.

The battle was long, tragic and bloody. King Jonah had failed in his attempts on taking over Svel, instead it was Tassara who fell under Svel's rule. The nine superhumans the trickster god had gathered together, had become the heroes of Svel, for protecting its people from Tassara's raids. They were greatly praised and forever written down in legendary stories, to be told by the old and young for generation.

The only thing that hadn't been defeated, was the unknown god; X. He who betrayed the heavens to meddle in the war. No one knows X's identify, only for a fact that he had indeed killed another god - the ultimate betrayal. And, when the war had ended, X disappeared and has yet to be found.

Now, in the current year, there came a prophecy of X's return and the destruction that could befall everyone and everything. And, almost like a gift or miracle, a new generation of superhumans have appeared alongside the surviving heroes.

The King and Queen of Svel have requested the presence these superhumans at the palace. After the recent disaster in the neighbouring Kingdom of Mear, it is believed that X has made his move.

It's time for the mentors to meet the apprentices as they prepare for their next quest. When and where will X appear next?

Travel, investigate and try not to kill each other on the way.

The rules
● If you make OP Powers/Characters, I'm going to kick you.
● Detailed and paragraph format - two paragraphs is a minimum requirement.
● Character age minimum is 15, maximum is 60.
● Non-realistic faceclaims only.
● Three characters maximum.
● One post minimum per week.
● Stick to the medieval setting, however, there are no other restrictions. Attire, names, ect don't need to be medieval.
● Yes, of course romance is a possibility between characters but don't make it the focus.

The plan
I am hoping to split the roleplay up into different sections, for the sake of character develoement and plot development.
● Part 1 - This section would mostly focus on the 'Legends' (Should anyone from the previous rp re-use their character) meeting the 'new heroes'. Some conflict and blooming friendships between the 'young' and 'old' could be something worthy, as well as the whole mentor and apprentice ideal. The course of this section would be the quest from the Kingdom of Svel to the kingdom of Mear
● Part 2 - This section would focus on establishing a villain of sorts for the characters to encounter whilst in the destroyed kingdom of Mear. The characters may have chance to develop and gain in strength, for at this point,
Mear would be pretty dangerous.
● Part 3 - Perhaps the final section, the usual climax and heroes vs villain(s). Whether they manage to find out where and who 'X' is. At this point, it could become another 'legendary tale where the heroes save Svel just in the nick of time'.

The characters
Certainly I would assume that there will be a variety of characters. But of course there are things to keep in mind when creating your character.
● Any powers revolving around technology is obviously forbidden, because it wouldn't exist in this medieval world.
● For those of you from the previous roleplay, you can totally re-use your character sheets, but you'll have to write out 'how they develop and how they changed as a person'.
● If you cannot think of anything that could stop your character from using their powers, then PM me and we can discuss. I will be OP to leave it with no specified weaknesses.
● The 'heroes' will all be humans, with a power. However, you may play a god, angel or other fantasy characters (vampires and werewolves are not allowed).

The details
I am currently moving the information from the previous roleplay to a new format, as it is definitely not mobile friendly. However, here it is. Please keep in mind that the linked information has not been edited yet to suit to this reboot.

I am merely post this now to find how much interest this will get. It will take some time to get the roleplay started, and I hope you all can be patient.

The players
Tag list below - those who are tagged can recommend other people to join the roleplay.
(Please tell be before tagging them yourself). I will most likely ask you to recommend someone as I would like the group to be of moderate size.

Quark Quark Rustic Rustic deer deer @Starfish OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi Luckz Luckz mxlly mxlly revalia revalia mochuu mochuu Cychotic Cychotic Raven Kade Raven Kade

hmm this seems interesting enough :)! I'm honored I was personally invited love!
Hello dear!

I was tagged but it's not mobile friendly! Thus I cannot read for now.
Thanks for the invite! I'm stalking and lurking.
lurking and stalking is i
stahp stalkin'. xD

Hello dear!

I was tagged but it's not mobile friendly! Thus I cannot read for now.
Sorry Luckz bby. QAQ

hi auka! ❤
as you already know, i'm joining back up!
<3 Welcome back Ruu bby~

Aukanai Aukanai Im not certain how I wound up on the tag-list, but if it was intentional I am interested.
Welcome, welcome. I found that you were a solid rper in Chasing the Sun~
People who I like/liked rping with but wasn't sure if this would bother them. QAQ
I'm so touched that you would send an invite to me! QVQ) Thank you so muchhh!
I'll definitely be joining!
Aukanai Aukanai I mentioned who this is in discord, but I thought I would properly message here so you could see.

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