• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Hysterical [ CS ]



You are lost
Before you begin
Hello, hello and welcome the character sheet thread. I decide to get this up so people have time to plan and write up their character. I don't plan to start the roleplay for a few weeks, so take your time. Here are some rules to think about when creating your character.
● If you make OP Powers/Characters, I'm going to kick you.
● Detailed and paragraph format - two paragraphs is a minimum requirement.
● Character age minimum is 15, maximum is 60.
● Non-realistic faceclaims only.
● Three characters maximum.
● One power per character
● Be specific in the power type - is if offensive, defensive or healing.
● Powers such as; flight, floating, mind control, physical transformation, or anything technology based will not be allowed.

CS Skeleton & Notes
For those you apart of the previous roleplay; "Crazy9", you have more of choice of making your character a 'mentor' or 'guide' figure for the new characters in this quest. Of course, having been involved with the war between the Kingdom of Svel and Kingdom of Tassara one way or another, your character will have grown, developed and changed in ways. You may re-use your previous character sheets but write about how they changed and all that stuff.

For those of you who are new to the roleplay, you do have the possibility of being a 'mentor' or 'guide' figure - but that may require more writing and more planning. However, generally, post of you may prefer your character to appear as an inexperienced apprentice.

One last thing, all characters should all be living in Svel, for that is where all characters should be gathered.

Basics: Name, Nickname/Alias, Age, Gender, Role, power (if superhuman), Origin (kingdom)
Personal: Personality, likes & dislikes.
Appearance: Faceclaim, Short description
Combat: Strengths, weaknesses, power explanation & techniques, weapons & gear.
History: overview of past.
Other: include other information deemed important. Plans and secrets must be sent to me, the GM

Check || Info (To be edited) || OOC
01: The Knight

-Kass Mortor

Kass Mortor


Thirty-One [31]


Svel Knight

Ice; Object & Surface


▮ Appearance
A narrow jawline, fair skin and short silvery hair. Kass now portrays a hardened and tough exterior - a drastic change from five years prior - once the gentle and graceful soul to be no more.
Kass stands at the height of 6'1. Prior, Kass would have had little muscle, despite how hard it is to believe in his current toned physique.
Though despite being a knight, and having favoured wearing armour prior, Kass if often seen in loose fitting clothes -
of no particular colour or style. He still wears parts of his armour - breastplate and gauntlets mostly.

▮ Combat
〉 Strengths: Appropriate for his role as a knight, Kass excels greatly in sword handling and proves to be very impressive when using on in combat, for his great control. He has been mentored for a few years in sword handling, so it's to be expected that Kass has great skills in using one.
Otherwise, Kass' speed and agility can be a great advantage. Due to his lean frame, he's able to move quite quickly with little effort.
〉 Weaknesses: Though possessive a natural strength, it does not mean Kass is able to deal well in hand-to-hand combat. The Knight does not harbour strength for powerful hits, having a great disadvantage towards in strength.
Kass has slow reflexes, and is almost never able to dodge a quick attack.
〉 Magic ( Glaze ):
Though not exactly helpful in combat, Kass possesses a ice element power. Kass' power in more of an ice layering and coating power. It refers to the way Kass can cover a surface or object with a layer or layers of ice. He has found greater uses in applying his power to surface layering, coating the ground with ice (area limited), ultimately making it slippery and hard walk on - which is great when he's on a chase for a criminal.
Can be easily melted away by a source of heat. The more 'layers' Kass applies, it strengthens the layer of ice, making it harder to crack and longer to melt. To use his ability, he has to be touching the surface or object (with any part of his body; hand, foot, leg, shoulder,ect.)

▮ History
All his life, Kass has had the silver spoon.He has lived a life of luxury and very little to worry about. He was born as the second son to a bard mother, and a baron father. His father was well acquainted with King Rogan, and his mother was a known bard that was relatively popular.
Kass had an easy childhood, getting a high education and being involved with other children of wealthy families.He always found it easy to make friends with the other children, which kept his life one of happiness.And, it was a few of those children that Kass grew up with and became close with. As they became teenagers, they would often visit the local tavern - where Kass' mother was sometimes during the day.
By the time Kass was sixteen, his older brother had joined the Knights, at that point, Kass hadn't thought much of it.But, after his father brought it up, did Kass start considering of becoming a knight as well. And, eventually he did. Out of a sense of not knowing what else to do in life, and wanting to fulfil his father's wishes. He was mentored closely beside his brother.
At eighteen years, Kass discovered his power, after coating a table at the tavern in idea in surprise. Kass has been shocked just as everyone else. Just as the nature of Svel, his family and friends were in awe and quite intrigued. Since then, his father and mother have constantly suggested he practice with his power. His friends are always wanting him to show them anything new he finds out about his power.
Going on his twenties, Kass sadly waved goodbye to some of his friends as the set off to the neighbouring kingdoms. For work, family or business. Kass has never left Svel.

▮ Personality
Once a gentle, hesitant and uncertain young man, Kass has definitely grown and toughed up from prior five years ago. Now a hardened man with constant stoic expression on his face. Neither still soften hearted nor cold and cruel, Kass may still have a tender heart to those he has bonded with, however he has learnt to stern with others.
Growing more so in himself with confidence and finding his own self-worth instead of being the hesitant and self-doubting young man had once been. Kass has developed a deeper understanding on loyalty, a trait that he greatly lacked. However, though he may harbour a more stable sense of loyalty, he will - of course - come to a friend or ally's defence, but he will not fight someone's fight for them.
〉 Quirks: narrows his eyes or looks to the side when in thought, inwardly sighed when troubles.
〉 Likes: Poetry, theatre, books, his horse, getting a job done well, successfully saving someone
〉 Dislikes: Impatience, unfair accusations (to him or another), the smell of blossoms.

▮ Upgrades
〉 Combat: Going from the opposite he was five years prior, Kass has a greater advantage in hand-to-hand combat with his greatly improved physical strength/muscle power.
〉 Power: Application stays the same, however he has quicker activation times, longer counter and a larger area ability. Kass is currently experimenting with his new found ability of using his power on moving objects.

▮ Relationships
〉 Cataleya: tba
〉 Eloris Claremonte: tba
〉 Khalida Daher: tba.
〉 Riyiah: Though despite no longer being around, Kass harbours a deep respect for the trickster who brought him together with the group of superhumans five years ago. As Kass sees it, without Riyiah, he would have never had the chance to meet Eloris and Khalida.


name... lazulia galani eidothee
nicknames... lazu, zu-zu, zzz.. it'll make sense when you read the personality section <.< >.>
age... twenty
birthday... 7th of december
gender... female
power... aquakinesis - water manipulation
origin... kingdom of svel
role... the sleepy water manipulator | apprentice

coded by: lorde

height - 5'7
weight - 115 pounds
hair - white with silver specks
eyes - pale turquoise
fashion - usually goes for dress-type clothing with blue shades, be it light or dark, however likes to keep her body mostly covered [x] [wip, may change image]

in depth appearance—

Lazulia's one most defining feature are her large, round turquoise eyes, which stand out from her overall pale complexion. Her skin has a bit of a tan, but not enough to really notice it, whilst her cheeks are glazed with a faint, permanent blush, which gives her a more youthful look. As for her body type, she is lean, and stands at an average height. She does have strong arms which have gained a bit of muscle, but the rest of her body is quite frail, evident by her narrow shoulders. Lazu's hair is quite long, but she prefers to keep it in a braid most of the time so it doesn't get in the way. When it's too hot, she's kind of forced to also put her bangs into a little ponytail or bun. It looks pretty silly, but she'd rather not look like a sweaty mess.


Lazulia is a couch potato who's not afraid to show it. If there's anything she's truly good at, it's running late and sleeping till the middle of the day. It has become more of a habit, and in turn brought some negative traits Lazu should probably let go off if she wants to become a real "hero". She tends to be very forgetful, sometimes not quite knowing why she even went in a certain direction. Speaking of direction, she's got a terrible sense of it, and it's better to keep the map as far away from her as possible. Also a good idea to keep food away from her, it's a real distraction. If someone believes that they see nothing 'powerful' in her, Lazu gets insecure and defensive, because deep inside, she is really self-critical. The only thing that brings her down is that constant lack of motivation.

Lazu wouldn't be Lazu without positive sides to her as well. She's an extremely sincere, kindhearted girl, it's very difficult to make her frustrated or angry, she almost always forgives "almost". Even in the most stressful situations, she holds a calm look on her face, simply because she is trying to concentrate and be 'in the moment' . She is observant, especially in fighting, her eye takes in every detail and move of her opponent. Other than that, you can trust her with all your secrets, since she'll forget them a couple days later, there's no need to worry about sudden rumors coming out of nowhere. Despite spending most of her days napping or "resting after a hard day of tough work", she's a fan of chatting and talking with anyone and everyone too, thus she isn't completely living under a rock away from human civilization.

likes (5+): iced drinks // her comfy bed // cozy places // ocean breeze // cricket sounds cause she finds it calming tbh
dislikes (5+): people who believe she isn't capable enough of learning or wanting to learn :' (( // hurricanes or any type of stormy weather // bitter foods // insufficient amount of sleep // needing to actually cook by herself
habits/quirks: always loses things in her own room // any time is nap time, falls asleep no matter what environment she's in

magic explanation | water whip: She is able to utilize water when in physical combat, her only skill being the ability to manipulate the water's form in such a way that it basically becomes a whip made of liquid, which can be shot at or bind the opponent. Unfortunately, this is the only magic skill she has learned, and as effective as it could be, there's a long way to go before she truly masters it.
very effective against enemies who possess fire or electrical magic
≫ makes her skillful in long range combat
≫ because of that, she has a potential to have an outstanding aiming and shooting technique
≫ due to Lazu's observant nature, she is good at identifying her opponent's weaknesses
if there is no water source around, her powers are pretty much useless
≫ weak against enemies who possess earth magic
≫ since she is still a beginner, using such an ability exhausts her very quickly
≫ terrible at close range combat
≫ has nothing that could possibly defend her if an enemy attacks from behind or comes close
weaponry: Lazu has a small, but sharp and sturdy throwing axe that her father handed over secretly, without her mother's knowledge. She never really specifically practiced using this axe, but due to her spending quite a bit of time unintentionally honing the skill of throwing with daggers and such, the female automatically has some sort of experience in this area. Furthermore, since she is fairly decent at aiming and hitting targets, it can really come in handy during battle.

The most memorable part of Lazu's life so far has definitely been her childhood, except to others, it may've not sounded all that exciting. Her family was and still is neither rich or poor, being part of the middle class in the kingdom of Svel. For the longest time, Lazulia didn't know of her powers, her parents didn't either, her mother was a medic whilst her father, ironically enough, worked at a weapon store. Lazulia loved her father's shop, as she was intrigued by the vast amounts of items, and even played around with some daggers and throwing knifes whilst her father kept a close watch, thankfully the mother didn't know, otherwise she would definitely call it so "not lady-like". But there were signs all around her that she was different from some of the citizens. As much as she loved hanging around with the neighbourhood children that she befriended like any other person her age, most of her day, Lazu spent her time by lakes or riversides nearby. She would often daydream there, but usually, the peaceful atmosphere would simply lull her to sleep. Lazu's parents would go on searches, only to find her in the usual spots. They had no clue why their daughter behaved in such a way, why spend her time alone near water out of all the things she could be doing?

Wasn't long until Lazulia discovered her powers. It all happened during her teenage years. Sitting by the local river as usual, the female was gently moving her hand under the water, although she soon realized it was getting late, the sun was setting and she needed to be home before it was completely out of sight. As she lifted her hand from the water, she noticed how strangely that same water was acting from beneath. It followed her movement, until she clutched her hand into a fist, making the liquid go back to its normal state. Of course, being young and curious and extremely thrilled about her new discovery, she told her family, who were quite appalled by the news. Their girl, coming from such an ordinary family, being a superhuman? They couldn't believe it until they saw it with their own eyes, how their daughter was practically controlling the water coming out of their very own sink in the bathroom, wrapping it around her arm. Being in total amazement, they pleaded for their daughter to continue improving her abilities, as they could be put to great use in the future.
[wip T^T]

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↠ Eloris Claremonte

↠ El

↠ 29

↠ Female

↠ Head Priestess

↠ Tassara; Currently Lives in Svel

↠ Seer



↠ Maternal
↠ Calm
↠ Patient
↠ Loyal
↠ Servile
↠ Protective

↠ Passive
↠ Aloof
↠ Unsure
↠ Biting
↠ Dry
↠ Submissive

↠ Rose Tea
↠ Rivers
↠ Cool Weather
↠ Early Mornings
↠ Light Rains

↠ Red Meat
↠ Violence
↠ True Silence
↠ Goat Milk
↠ Burlap

↠ Chews on the inside of her mouth.
↠ Brushes her hair, a lot.

↠ Cooking
↠ Seeing the Future
↠ Mediation & Prayer
↠ Aim

↠ Weaponry
↠ Archery
↠ Physical Battle
↠ Blind

↠ Simple Dagger

↠ A Crystal Necklace
↠ Natural Herbs
↠ Teas
↠ Holy Items

↠ Seer

↠ Eloris can see the future. However, she must meditate in order to do so willingly. There are instances in which a vision will come to her, but it is often in the middle of a desperate moment when she is least looking for it. Because of her gift. Before, the Trickster God Riyiah had given her a crystal necklace that she wore around her neck. He charged it daily and it gave her a limited amount of time for sight. After his death, the magic left the crystal, and it shattered, but the goddess of lost love and ice, Irania, healed the crystal, and infused a specific magic into it. Whenever Eloris sent a prayer to Riyiah, the crystal would allow her to see for up to an hour. But she hardly uses it.

↠ Long, Curly, Blonde

↠ Incredibly Light Blue

↠ Pale and flawless.

↠ Curved and Natural

↠ Pristine, Relaxed

↠ Simple, Soft


↠ Eloris was given to the temple at a very young age. Her mother had died giving birth to her, and her father was a poor man who had no means to raise a child, so he gave her to a nearby organization of priestesses. He came to visit her often until she turned twelve. Then he stopped coming, and to this day she doesn't know why. She had always been blind. She couldn't remember a time when she could see, so therefore in her mind, it didn't exist. And really, it hadn't. She would soon come to learn that it was part of her gift after her vivid dreams became a reality. Eloris enjoyed living with the priestesses and found their way of life comforting and relaxing. It wasn't too long before she herself began to live the lifestyle of a priestess. She worked her way up, soon becoming one of the most valuable priestesses, even more so because of her gift of sight.

↠ The faction of priestesses that Eloris grew up with and studied under did not give their allegiance to a specific God. Instead, they worshiped all three, believing that balance was by far the biggest virtue the world could contain. So it was no surprise, that when Eloris heard of deals with the Trickster God, Riyiah, she contacted him. She asked him if he would return her sight to her, and he was able to give her a talisman that he could recharge, giving her just enough sight per day. On one condition. She was to make a pact with him, an unbroken promise, that she would be forever connected to him and she would become his slave and do his bidding. She agreed. thinking there was no harm in working with a God. Riyiah's plan backfired, however, and he came to learn that their pact was merely a connection, and whatever pain Eloris felt, he felt too. In some odd twist of fate, he became more obligated to her than she was to him. Still, Eloris, set on making good on her promise. She traveled with him to find the other superhumans necessary in carrying out his goals and formed many bonds. Eventually, she fell in love with him and was devastated when he died.

After Riyiah's Death
↠ Eloris returned to her duties as a Priestess after Riyiah's death, joining a new order in Svel, as she had quite grown to like it under the circumstances. Her devotion changed to that of Irania, the goddess of ice and of lost love. Eventually, she worked her way up to Head Priestess and was widely revered for her calm head and wise advice. Then, along came Nayashi. Nayashi was also superhuman, a young Monk with a devotion to the God Jul. He had sought out Eloris for her help, so she allowed him to stay with her, and she taught him as much as she could. But one night, Irania had sought her out and told Eloris that Nayashi was attached to something dark, and he was unknowing of it. Irania asked Eloris to protect the boy, so Eloris agreed. Meaning that, when she got the call to travel to meet the King and Queen of Svel, she accompanied Nayashi, despite the fact that she had no interest in continuing the "heroic" way of life.


↠ Eloris Claremonte

↠ El

↠ 29

↠ Female

↠ Head Priestess

↠ Tassara; Currently Lives in Svel

↠ Seer

↠ Maternal
↠ Calm
↠ Patient
↠ Loyal
↠ Servile
↠ Protective

↠ Passive
↠ Aloof
↠ Unsure
↠ Biting
↠ Dry
↠ Submissive

↠ Rose Tea
↠ Rivers
↠ Cool Weather
↠ Early Mornings
↠ Light Rains

↠ Red Meat
↠ Violence
↠ True Silence
↠ Goat Milk
↠ Burlap

↠ Chews on the inside of her mouth.
↠ Brushes her hair, a lot.

↠ Cooking
↠ Simple Illusion Magic
↠ Seeing the Future
↠ Mediation & Prayer
↠ Aim

↠ Weaponry
↠ Archery
↠ Physical Battle
↠ Blind
↠ Hunting

↠ Simple Dagger

↠ A Crystal Necklace
↠ Natural Herbs
↠ Teas
↠ Holy Items

↠ Seer

↠ Eloris can see the future. However, she must meditate in order to do so willingly. There are instances in which a vision will come to her, but it is often in the middle of a desperate moment when she is least looking for it. Because of her gift. Before, the Trickster God Riyiah had given her a crystal necklace that she wore around her neck. He charged it daily and it gave her a limited amount of time for sight. After his death, the magic left the crystal, and it shattered, but the goddess of lost love and ice, Irania, healed the crystal and infused a specific magic into it. Whenever Eloris sent a prayer to Riyiah, the crystal would allow her to see for up to an hour. But she hardly uses it.

↠ Long, Curly, Blonde

↠ Incredibly Light Blue

↠ Pale and flawless.

↠ Curved and Natural

↠ Pristine, Relaxed

↠ Simple, Soft

↠ Eloris was given to the temple at a very young age. Her mother had died giving birth to her, and her father was a poor man who had no means to raise a child, so he gave her to a nearby organization of priestesses. He came to visit her often until she turned twelve. Then he stopped coming, and to this day she doesn't know why. She had always been blind. She couldn't remember a time when she could see, so therefore in her mind, it didn't exist. And really, it hadn't. She would soon come to learn that it was part of her gift after her vivid dreams became a reality. Eloris enjoyed living with the priestesses and found their way of life comforting and relaxing. It wasn't too long before she herself began to live the lifestyle of a priestess. She worked her way up, soon becoming one of the most valuable priestesses, even more so because of her gift of sight.

↠ The faction of priestesses that Eloris grew up with and studied under did not give their allegiance to a specific God. Instead, they worshiped all three, believing that balance was by far the biggest virtue the world could contain. So it was no surprise, that when Eloris heard of deals with the Trickster God, Riyiah, she contacted him. She asked him if he would return her sight to her, and he was able to give her a talisman that he could recharge, giving her just enough sight per day. On one condition. She was to make a pact with him, an unbroken promise, that she would be forever connected to him and she would become his slave and do his bidding. She agreed. thinking there was no harm in working with a God. Riyiah's plan backfired, however, and he came to learn that their pact was merely a connection, and whatever pain Eloris felt, he felt too. In some odd twist of fate, he became more obligated to her than she was to him. Still, Eloris, set on making good on her promise. She traveled with him to find the other superhumans necessary in carrying out his goals and formed many bonds. Eventually, she fell in love with him and was devastated when he died.

After Riyiah's Death
↠ Eloris returned to her duties as a Priestess after Riyiah's death, joining a new order in Svel, as she had quite grown to like it under the circumstances. Her devotion changed to that of Irania, the goddess of ice and of lost love. Eventually, she worked her way up to Head Priestess and was widely revered for her calm head and wise advice. Then, along came Nayashi. Nayashi was also superhuman, a young Monk with a devotion to the God Jul. He had sought out Eloris for her help, so she allowed him to stay with her, and she taught him as much as she could. But one night, Irania had sought her out and told Eloris that Nayashi was attached to something dark, and he was unknowing of it. Irania asked Eloris to protect the boy, so Eloris agreed. Meaning that, when she got the call to travel to meet the King and Queen of Svel, she accompanied Nayashi, despite the fact that she had no interest in continuing the "heroic" way of life.
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↠ Nayashi Zoran

↠ Naya

↠ 19

↠ Male

↠ Monk // Apprentice

↠ Svel

↠ Illusion



↠ Kind
↠ Optimistic
↠ Energetic
↠ Disciplined
↠ Helpful
↠ Curious

↠ Childish
↠ Boisterous
↠ Distracted
↠ Wild
↠ Presumptuous
↠ Impatient

↠ Fire
↠ Pranks
↠ Sunlight
↠ Staying Out Late
↠ Food

↠ Quiet
↠ Fighting
↠ Being Controlled
↠ Staying Still
↠ Moss

↠ Bites His Nails
↠ Crinkled Nose When Thinking

↠ Camping
↠ Hunting
↠ Speaking
↠ Hiding

↠ Being Quiet
↠ Cute Girls
↠ Good Food
↠ Swords

↠ Staff
↠ Bow and Arrows

↠ Gold Cuffs (Unknown Origin)
↠ Holy Items

↠ Illusion/Conjuring

↠ Nayashi can make something happen. Simple enough really. The trick is that whatever happens doesn't actually happen. It's an illusion. Sort of like magic tricks, but don't tell him that, it will get him pouting and whining. He can also conjure up small objects, not larger than a goat. Again, like a magic trick.

↠ Long, Straight, Black

↠ Intense Gold

↠ Dark and Marked with Scars

↠ Toned and Muscular

↠ Disciplined and Rigid

↠ Cool and Comfortable


↠ Nayashi was the son of a villager. A blacksmith to be most particular. He had an older sister, and a younger brother and sister. A mother. And an aunt that lived with them. He was a very happy child, and played with his sibling often. When he reached a certain age, he began to study under his father as an apprentice. He grew very skilled at making weaponry and tools byt the young age of ten. Then, his younger sister grew deathly ill. Nayashi prayed and begged the god Jul to spare his sister's life for at least a few more years, pledging his life to him if the God followed through. Needless to say, his sister soon became better. Nayashi spoke to his parents about becoming a monk, and they were supportive of his decision, so he followed through and became a monk who was devoted to Jul. He wasn't very good, however. He was distracted during his chores and always left things half done. He would forget to pray daily. But he was trying, and Jul hadn't struck him down yet.

↠ Nayashi had a large chunk of time from his life missing from his memories. No one around him knew what happened. He merely knew that he became aware of his surroundings in the midst of a misty forest. He was cold and miserable. He hated the cold. Suddenly, a beautiful woman with hair a stunning shade of blue, her skin pale and covered in what seemed to be ice crystals. She introduced herself as the minor goddess, Irania. And she told him to find the Head Priestess Eloris. Figuring that he should follow the instructions of a goddess, he went to do just that. Eloris took him in and showed him patience, something he was not used to in his order back home, and he was appreciative. Now, he's excited to see what adventures are in store for them.


↠ Nayashi Zoran

↠ Naya

↠ 19

↠ Male

↠ Monk // Apprentice

↠ Svel

↠ Illusion

↠ Kind
↠ Optimistic
↠ Energetic
↠ Disciplined
↠ Helpful
↠ Curious

↠ Childish
↠ Boisterous
↠ Distracted
↠ Wild
↠ Presumptuous
↠ Impatient

↠ Fire
↠ Pranks
↠ Sunlight
↠ Staying Out Late
↠ Food

↠ Quiet
↠ Fighting
↠ Being Controlled
↠ Staying Still
↠ Moss

↠ Bites His Nails
↠ Crinkled Nose When Thinking

↠ Camping
↠ Hunting
↠ Speaking
↠ Hiding

↠ Being Quiet
↠ Cute Girls
↠ Good Food
↠ Swords

↠ Staff
↠ Bow and Arrows

↠ Gold Cuffs (Unknown Origin)
↠ Holy Items

↠ Illusion/Conjuring

↠ Nayashi can make something happen. Simple enough really. The trick is that whatever happens doesn't actually happen. It's an illusion. Sort of like magic tricks, but don't tell him that, it will get him pouting and whining. He can also conjure up small objects, not larger than a goat. Again, like a magic trick.

↠ Long, Straight, Black

↠ Intense Gold

↠ Dark and Marked with Scars

↠ Toned and Muscular

↠ Disciplined and Rigid

↠ Cool and Comfortable
↠ Nayashi was the son of a villager. A blacksmith to be most particular. He had an older sister, and a younger brother and sister. A mother. And an aunt that lived with them. He was a very happy child, and played with his sibling often. When he reached a certain age, he began to study under his father as an apprentice. He grew very skilled at making weaponry and tools byt the young age of ten. Then, his younger sister grew deathly ill. Nayashi prayed and begged the god Jul to spare his sister's life for at least a few more years, pledging his life to him if the God followed through. Needless to say, his sister soon became better. Nayashi spoke to his parents about becoming a monk, and they were supportive of his decision, so he followed through and became a monk who was devoted to Jul. He wasn't very good, however. He was distracted during his chores and always left things half done. He would forget to pray daily. But he was trying, and Jul hadn't struck him down yet.

↠ Nayashi had a large chunk of time from his life missing from his memories. No one around him knew what happened. He merely knew that he became aware of his surroundings in the midst of a misty forest. He was cold and miserable. He hated the cold. Suddenly, a beautiful woman with hair a stunning shade of blue, her skin pale and covered in what seemed to be ice crystals. She introduced herself as the minor goddess, Irania. And she told him to find the Head Priestess Eloris. Figuring that he should follow the instructions of a goddess, he went to do just that. Eloris took him in and showed him patience, something he was not used to in his order back home, and he was appreciative. Now, he's excited to see what adventures are in store for them.
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  • personal info

    “ Oh? What’s a french fry? “

    PERSONALITYiiiAn indisputably intelligent lad who on the other hand seems to constantly flounder about in recurring moments of extreme naivete, Yun is the sort easily placed into the category of “those who’ve probably spent their entire life cooped up in a library.” In a sense, such speculations aren’t too far off from the truth. After all, there’s no way any normal person would ask what a french fry is with such a serious expression.

    A kind-hearted soul regardless, Yun is someone whom many find difficult in staying angry at. His dazed nature may bring about the exasperation of his peers, but at the end of the day, he really means no harm. With patience and a gentle disposition, Yun is one who is easy to converse with and perhaps even befriend in due time. The man even seems to have a near limitless threshold for attacks upon his patience. Not everyone appreciates this trait of his, however, as he tends to treat the more rash and indignant people around him as he would a younger sibling, causing him to seem condescending at times.

    The few times that Yun has displayed a rather dramatic shift in personality seems to be when dealing with disobedient patients and the like. He may be pitifully lacking in what seems like common sense to most, but when it comes to his particular fields of study, his perceptiveness pulls through and there’s no way he’ll allow an injured or ill person to further threaten their wellbeing by frolicking about. Many may see his outbursts as overreactions, but as they say, anger is much scarier when coming from a face that usually smiles.

    LIKESiiibooks/libraries, neat handwriting, things that are small and nimble, marbles and colored glass, lemon ginger tea and various blends of earl grey, mint, anpan

    HOBBIESiiistudying medicinal and poisonous herbs/substances, trying out new foods, cooking, collecting gloves(?)

    DISLIKESiiipapercuts, worms/larvae, slime, maraschino cherries, coffee, others realizing that he's a noble


yunesis van firia

NAMEiiiyunesis van firia
POWERiiiscientific witchery

APPEARANCEiiiLight in step and gentle in mannerisms, Yun’s overall bearing depicts a dazed figure quite unlike the typical van Firia. Though the innocent glimmer of excitement which frequently glazes over his piercing eyes of jade makes him appear almost childish at times, a few steps back reveals a man who’s as dignified as any other noble or scholar at his core.

Like the typical van Firia, Yun boasts a fair height of 5’11” with impeccable placement and care for everything from his spectacles to the very shoes on his feet. Accompanied by a heart-shaped face and fair-skin to match, it isn’t difficult to describe the blond’s appearance as polished if not refined.

As someone rarely touched by frontline action, Yun’s body is anything but battle-hardened. However, a healthy diet and a fair amount of basic physical training has led to his growth as a man with a balanced build and endurance. In short, he’s no warrior, but a single blow won’t be enough to snap him like a twig.

code by Nano Nano

Last edited:
Nano Nano A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight Kazu Kazu

I'll be rebooting this soon, so you guys can rejoin if you want. It's going to be a very casual rp and i intend to keep the group relatively small ( Not counting you, we already have four people ). I'll be making some minor changes, so I'm going to be creating a new thread for this. because i'd feel bad about deleting other peoples' cses here.

So yeah, it's up to you guys, let me know .A.
Nano Nano A Murder Of Corviknight A Murder Of Corviknight Kazu Kazu

I'll be rebooting this soon, so you guys can rejoin if you want. It's going to be a very casual rp and i intend to keep the group relatively small ( Not counting you, we already have four people ). I'll be making some minor changes, so I'm going to be creating a new thread for this. because i'd feel bad about deleting other peoples' cses here.

So yeah, it's up to you guys, let me know .A.
If I shouldn't be posting this here, just say the word, and I'll delete it!

Due to the amount of time that has passed, I'm sorry to say that I've lost interest and that I'm not nearly as familiar with the character concepts that I had been working with. This is also a busy period for me, and I'm barely squeezing in the RPs I'm currently in, so ai'll have to reject! Good luck with the rp tho!!!
If I shouldn't be posting this here, just say the word, and I'll delete it!

Due to the amount of time that has passed, I'm sorry to say that I've lost interest and that I'm not nearly as familiar with the character concepts that I had been working with. This is also a busy period for me, and I'm barely squeezing in the RPs I'm currently in, so ai'll have to reject! Good luck with the rp tho!!!
That's okay, I'm sorry that the rp died before it began x.x
I'd like to roleplay with you again in the future~ Thanks though, good luck on your work and all.

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