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Fantasy Hysrai Dragon School

Ren gripped Alex’s wrist, “now I’ll explain everything I’m going to do cuz it will feel weird. First, I’m gonna to lend you some of my mana, just enough to kick start your awakening possibly, but also enough for you to utilize the mana to undo your transformation….as for you clothes. Well I can weave some seaweed clothing if you’d like.” He said to him. “Let’s get started…”

Ren started off with a small amount, to also he would barely feel a trickling in his wrist, but eventually he began to ramp it up, the amount of mana increasing. Ren kept an eye on Alex’s core, making sure it didn’t overflow or was underutilized. For Alex it would feel like a torrential current of water going right through him, strong but not overpowering, filling him with an energy to make him feel like he could beat an ox in fight.

“Alright buddy….that should about do it, go ahead and concentrate. Whatever thoughts that came to mind that caused this….transformation. Think the opposite. That should hopefully undo everything.”

Rens ears caught something, he could hear Tellina apologizing to Sylphia, he smiled. “Good,” he said to them, “camaraderie, that’s what I like to see and hear.”

He continued to listen to those around him, Tristan teasing Fletcher about the breakfast incident, this earning a small laugh from the man.

“Looks like I was right about Fletcher being the source,” he projected to Thalassa. The dragon internally laughed. “You enjoy being right too much don’t you?”

“It’s not my fault I’m always right,” he said to her with a knowing smirk. The dragon only rolled her eyes as she nuzzled the side of his head gently. “If you need some of my mana too you only need but ask.” He said to him.

“I know, I’m good though, this is barely tapping into my reserves. He doesn’t need much, anymore and I might incinerate him on accident. But I’ll tell him all that once we’re done. Don’t need him freaking out and turning into a turtle or something.” He said to her. This of course earned another laugh from her.

She looked to everyone, and the other dragons, “why haven’t you spoken to anyone yet anyways?” He asked her.

“I’m shy, but I also don’t feel ready to communicate with them just yet.” She responded.

“You’re a fish without a shoal,” he said to her.

“Give me time my sweet, I’ll eventually warm up to them.” She said to him.
After Ren explained what he was doing, Alex felt the rush of mana through his system. While he knew he had to focus, he could not help but notice the new sense of calm that settled over their group. It actually helped him stop shaking as he focused on reverting to his original form. Slowly but surely, the plate like scales that covered his body receded, much like the more draconic scales that manifested on his left arm earlier that day. Soon as they were all gone, Alex released Ren's wrist, retracting it beneath the cloak as he took the remains of his clothes and fashioned a makeshift loincloth. Once his nethers were covered, Alex poked his head into the hood of the cloak, gripping the edges together in the front to spare everyone in case things got a little breezy.
Alex gave a nervous chuckle at Ren's offer of seaweed clothing. "Uh, thanks Ren, but I think I'll pass this time."
Slowly and carefully, Alex rose to his feet, holding the front of the cloak closed. Alex then cracked his neck before adding. "Thanks for the assist."
An apology was the last thing Sylphia expected especially so soon after what was nearly a raging showdown between not only their dragons but Ren and the boy that now clung to the girls side

" I should really learn their names "

While she listened to the others as their voices joined in to both reassure and welcome her, Neirros eyed Ke'oke'o in a submissive display and lifted his head higher. Raising his spines and fluffing out his wings before slowly bending down to gently brushing his chin against the white dragons forehead, accepting his apology before settling down behind Sylphia who now sat. His head arched over her, looking more at ease and comfortable near his bonded.

After the joke from Tristan broke the tension she felt from the elven boy, his gaze softened ever so slightly as she caught his eyes for a brief moment. Feeling as if she could finally begin to relax her attention drifted around towards Ren, the sea elf, and the boy everyone seemed to always be surrounding. As the transfer of mana occurred Sylphia felt goosebumps run up her arms causing her to jolt. Her hand bumping into the white haired girl which sent a small static shock between them. Quickly pulling away Sylphia whipped back around,

" I am so sorry, did that shock you? The static clings for some reason. I've dealt with it for years "

Feeling as if she was talking too much to someone who's name she didn't even know her mouth snapped back shut and she changed subjects immediately, directing her words now to the sea elf

" Was that magic? I have always found magic fascinating, and you appear to have excellent control of your mana and abilities. Though I have never met a sea elf before. It is sea elf right? Although it could be common for your people to have such control over your abilities. I actually read about how certain species have an inherit talent for certain fields of magic– Ah, I'm sorry, I'm talking too much. I just have never formally met a mage, especially one so skilled. I mean I have been reading about magic for years but it just isn't the same as seeing it you know and I– Oh, sorry... I'll be quiet now "

For a moment the words wouldn't stop coming out, her passion for magic had been locked up for so long. Something she could only dream about one day experiencing, the moment brought out all her selfish desires to question every aspect down to the very nature of his powers. Now she struggled to keep them held back,

" This isn't the time for all that, besides they have classes here I can learn in..... Although that's if I can learn magic like that.... I am only human "
After flashing a grin Fletcher's way Tristan walked towards Ren and Alex. Ryvyne having kept a closer eye on Alex explained things. "Alex's magic surged from emotional distress and as you can see Ren helped Alex reverse the changes he made to himself."

Tristan was about to speak when he noticed Slyphia beat him there, and was talking to Ren in a flood of words with barely a breath between them. "So I was right to peg you for a scholar Sylphia." Tristan spoke out from almost directly behind Slyphia and Neirros separated only by a few feet.

wolfborn4 wolfborn4
“Glad to help… offers still there if you want some clothing,” he said to him as he stood back.

Ren barely had time to recover before turning upon hearing a whole bunch of questions, everytime he opened his mouth to answer Sylphia would move on to another topic. She asked about his mana, his mastery of his abilities, then about his race, and finally about his actual skill. She eventually shut herself down.

He gave a soft laugh followed by a shake of his head. “She’s quite inquisitive,” said Thalassa to him.

“Alrigth so let’s answer that one of a time…yes it was magic. Yes I do have excellent control, yes I am a sea elf, yes it is very common for my people to have mastery of our skill. It ties us to the mother of the ocean. No you’re not talking too much. Thank you, yes I am very skilled and proficient, spent many of my years practicing and honing my craft, and it is indeed a natural innate ability all my people have to control water and commune with the ocean. And no you don’t have to be quiet, you’ve got questions, it’s my duty to answer them. Your gifts will eventually manifest, when they do I’ll help you figure them out and get you started.” He said to her. “Relax, you’re one of us now, welcome to the misfits.” He said teasingly before walking past her, seeing Tristan starting a conversation he headed to the fire and sat down.

“So humble aren’t you,” said Thalassa as she rested her head in his shoulder.

“Hey she asked and I answered. You’ve seen all my memories, you know I’m very good at what I can do…” he said to her.

“Yes…perhaps too good…I wanted to ask about that sailor.”

“We don’t talk about that incident.” He said to her sternly, “it’s best to leave it be for now. Once I’m ready to talk about it then I’ll let you know more.” He added before calming himself down.

“So, anyone know if we can send mail to our family and friends while here?” He asked the group.
Tellina’s glare was sharp enough to cut steel, her icy eyes narrowing at Ren’s dismissive tone. His effortless command over the group grated against her nerves, his arrogance pressing against the edges of her patience. She was the one who had seen the vision, the one chosen by whatever unseen force had set them on this path. Yet still, he ignored her—as if she were merely another piece on his board rather than the one through whom fate had set them on this path.

Ke’oke’o, ever watchful, mirrored her displeasure, his spines ruffling slightly at Neirros’s earlier actions. He had accepted the apology but made no move to extend anything further. Ke’oke’o did not act unless he saw the need, and in this moment, Tellina needed him by her side more than his pride needed to start another fight—if he would not stand with her, then what was his purpose here?

A sudden jolt of energy crackled through Tellina’s body, a sharp zap that made her gasp. Her hand instinctively pressed against the spot. Ke’oke’o growled lowly, sensing the disturbance. Sylphia brushed it off with some casual explanation, but Tellina knew better. Hidden mana energy, subtle but maybe deliberate. And yet again, Sylphia turned away from her, speaking only to Ren, seeking his attention, his approval.

Tellina’s jaw tightened, her fingers curling into her palms. “I’m starting to regret that apology.” she said mentally to Ke’oke’o, the great beast rumbled in agreement. They were the outsiders now, while Sylphia basked in their leader’s favor.

Fletcher, at least, acknowledged her, but his kindness felt like a drop of water in a vast, empty ocean. It wasn’t enough.

A thought flickered in her mind—foolish, impulsive, reckless. She dismissed it almost as quickly as it came, resigning herself to sit in the firelight while the others fawned over Sylphia and her dragon.

But Ke’oke’o, ever in tune with her heart, saw through her restraint.

Are you sure? Tellina murmured, hesitant. Now would be a bad time to fail at yet another thing.

Ke’oke’o merely stretched his wings, his movements casual, his confidence a silent reassurance.

“You coming?” His voice was laced with mischief, a playful challenge wrapped in the quiet certainty that she wouldn’t—couldn’t—say no.

A breath. A choice.

The firelight and hushed conversations faded as Tellina rose to her feet. Three strides carried her to Ke’oke’o’s side, and with a practiced leap, she mounted his back. He didn’t wait—before she could even glance back, Ke’oke’o pivoted, powerful muscles coiling before he launched forward.

The cliffs rushed toward them, the wind tearing at her clothes. And then—freedom.

His wings unfurled, catching the ocean breeze, and together they soared.

The world fell away beneath them. The roaring waves, the jagged cliffs, the dense forest—everything blurred into insignificance. The air was crisp and salty, a cool kiss against her skin. Her heart pounded, not in fear, but in awe. Ke’oke’o adjusted his wings, catching an invisible current, letting it lift them higher before he swept into a wide, graceful arc.

Tellina exhaled, her breath stolen by the sheer wonder of it.

“I don’t know how you ever come down,” she admitted, her voice softer now, lost in the endless sky.

Ke’oke’o let the wind carry them, gliding in slow, effortless circles over the forest. There was no urgency, no destination. Just the two of them, weightless and unbound.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the prophecy, the tensions, the relentless struggle—all of it faded away.

Here, in the sky, there were no sides, no doubts, no burdens. Just the unshakable bond between them, mind and body entwined, two souls soaring as one.

Tellina closed her eyes for a moment, letting herself believe that this was forever.
Fletcher quietly observed the group, letting their voices and laughter fill the space while he stayed on the edges, listening. Sylphia was just as excitable as Ren, matching his energy in a way that almost surprised him. Tristan chipped in here and there, as usual. Even Alex had rejoined them, looking more alive than before. Fletcher briefly considered reclaiming his cloak just to force the guy into wearing that seaweed skirt, but no, not tonight. That would be too cruel, even for him. He exhaled through his nose, shaking off the thought, though the ghost of a smirk lingered. He had bigger concerns.

Like how to make Tristan pay for his little stunt. He’d think of something. He always did.
But his thoughts kept straying to Tellina. She looked frustrated, deep in thought, and it nagged at him in a way he couldn't quite shake. He was going to say something when she stood and took off with Ke. Fletcher glanced at Alara, who huffed and "decided to conveniently take an evening fly" at that time, good. She'd watch over them.
His gaze returned to the group, but his mind lingered on Tellina. He hated seeing her troubled, and worse, not knowing how to fix it. He would wait for her return, but part of him wished he could be with Alara to follow...just to make sure she wasn’t alone with her thoughts for too long. She mattered to him more than he was willing to admit, even to himself.

She probably just needed some time to process the change. Girls were like that; they needed to consider every angle, every position and situation... and when change happened, it was rarely a good thing. A very dangerous thing, if you thought about it. Perhaps she felt replaced? He’d reassure her that wasn’t the case, that everyone here still cared. They were a family. Apparently bound by some future prophesy or something. He’d give her time to process and think. Fresh air was always good for the mind. When she felt better, he’d check in and talk to her... hopefully not missing detention. He could only imagine what’d happen if he ditched.

Ren’s voice cut through the quiet hum of conversation, asking about mailing letters.

Fletcher’s jaw tightened, his hands pressing against his knees. He kept his eyes on the fire, watching how the flames curled and spat embers into the dark. Family. People outside. a brief moment of curiosity filled him: did he still have a family? or was this truly all he had? And if this was all he had...what was he going to do about this current rift? Then the thought of Ren came to him: He had someone out there he cared enough to write to...interesting.

His fingers flexed. His back itched with the memory of old wounds.

"You can," he said finally, his voice even, steady. "But I think it has to be read and approved first, to keep this place a secret." He tore his gaze from the fire and looked at Ren. "There are a lot of bad people out there who would kill for any information on how to get here."

And Fletcher knew exactly what they were capable of. He still felt the bite of the lash, the burn of the blade pressed against his skin when he failed to give them what they wanted. He could still hear the snarling voices in his head, the threats that had long since buried themselves under his ribs. If they ever found out where he was… what he had now… they wouldn’t just come for him. They’d come for all of them.

He glanced around the group, his expression carefully neutral, but when his eyes landed on Sylphia, something in him sharpened.

"So…" He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his posture loose but intentional. His stare locked onto her, not harsh, but unrelenting. "Tell us your story."

The fire flickered between them, throwing long shadows across his face, making his gaze seem darker, more weighted. He didn’t move much, but the way he held himself...still, patient, waiting; made it clear this wasn’t a casual question. His presence spoke louder than his tone. He wasn’t threatening, but he was determined to get answers. He best start at least attempting to learn about her.

"Where are you from?" he continued, voice low but firm. "How’d you get your bonded? How did you end up here?"

The way he watched her wasn’t cold, but it was calculating, like he was taking in every shift of her expression, every hesitation, every choice in her words. His tone had no bite, no accusation, just curiosity wrapped in something heavier. He didn’t expect her to spill everything, not right away. She could choose to leave things out if she wanted. He wouldn’t pry.

"Ah crap." Alex sighed as she just realized that she was female. "Ummm, I'll return the cloak after we return to the dorm, Fletch. I'm currently even less than presentable under here."
Thankfully, the garment didn't cling to her form in any way. Despite the clothing she usually wore often highlighting her feminine form while almost completely covering it.
Carmine snorted in amusement. Talk about delayed reactions.
Excuse me? This has been happening my entire life!
Alex shot back. Of course I'd be so used to it happening I'd forget it does!
Just saying.
Giving the draconic version of shrug, Carmine made her way to her partner's weapons on the ground. I don't see what the problem is personally. Though maybe you should consider bringing extra clothing along if you're so worried about this sort of thing happening.
Alex could only groan as Carmine pointed out the obvious. The dragon was right of course, but she had not thought that she would accidentally destroy her own clothing. Alex turned to Sylphia with a sigh. "Well Sylph, you've already met Alexander Fornow, well I'm Alexandra Fornow. His nocturnal female counterpart."
Alex then turned to the others with an embarrassed blush. "Can someone carry my blades for me? I'd like to keep this cloak closed for as long as possible."
The sudden voice from behind caused Sylphia to jump and quickly look back, seeing it was only Tristan pointing out her passion for the arcane she flushed and giggled nervously. Turning back to Ren to hear the many answers to her many questions. Neirros glanced Tristan's way and stretched out a singular wing, giving a gentle flap he pushed a small amount of sand onto the boy's feet for startling Sylphia. After her questions had all been answered Ren also gave her more reassuring words and before she could ask any more he had wandered off, while a little disappointing she didn't want to pry. As she followed his retreat to the other side of the group Sylphia noticed the white haired girl had a sour look on her face, but before she could analyze why Ke'oke'o led her away and they disappeared into the evening sky.

A feminine voice pulled her attention back around, strangely towards the boy named Alex who she hadn't yet figured out why the rest where always surrounding at odd times. Seeing him now she found out immediately what all the fuss was about,

" Alexander..... Now Alexandra- "

" You're a Polymorph! "

She blurted almost unable to believe what her eyes where seeing,

" I have only read about them in passing, they're exceedingly rare– I didn't even know they still existed! "

Her eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree, a burning fire to once again spill her thoughts and ask a million questions.

" I don't wanna overwhelm him- Er, her... Them? I'm sure there will come a time for questions "

" I don't like the look that one is giving you "

Nerirros had caught Fletcher's eyes, his own glinting in defense of Sylphia. Lowering his head closer to her shoulder he took a deep breath and snorted, eyes never leaving Fletcher. Sylphia glanced at Neirros then followed his attention back to the elven boy, whose voice calm as he sat watching her like a predator ready to strike.

" For someone with such an obvious hate for nobles... He sure does remind me of one, that calculated look trying to find my every flaw and weakness, but I won't be so easily intimidated "

" I've lived in the Capitol all my life, Metopal is where my father's business thrives. He's a merchant. Baron is simply a title, with enough money anyone can call themselves noble. "

Her voice was level, all previous nerves hidden behind a well-crafted mask. One her parents had molded her entire life to make her their perfect heir. A prize for parties regarding wealth and status. A simple conversation was nothing she hadn't handled before, keeping just enough distance between them so that he would only know what she wanted him to know. The right words to disuede any unwanted prying, while Sylphia knew she couldn't erase his distrust. She could at the very least shut down his attempts, unless things took a more drastic turn.

" Once of age I visited the Hatchery as all of you did, Neirros chose me, of course we all know when a bond is formed attending Hysrai is guaranteed. What more can I say? "

Moving to her feet she dusted the loose sand off her dress and legs, Neirros rose to accompany her. Taking a step closer she hardened her tone,

" But if you really must know why I transferred, my former roommates where filth who barely treated me as human. Just as you hate nobles, I am not welcome among them either... I've heard every insult you could ever imagine to call someone like me "

Taking another look at the sky as the stars just began to twinkle Sylphia took a deep breath and sighed,

" Now it's my turn, "

A small smile formed on her lips as she chuckled

" At least tell me your name, I can't keep referring to you as the elven boy. Unless you would rather be called Fire Hazard? "

Her demeanor relaxed once again, while his questions had been pointed she hadn't felt any anger in them except possibly lingering. Sylphia wanted to embrace the budding friendship she had with the rest of the group in hopes they could all get along. Something in the back of her mind told her the prophecy the white haired girl had spoken earlier was only just the tip of the iceberg and they where all meant for much greater things.
Alex backed away, startled by Sylphia's reaction but managing to keep a handle on his emotional state to prevent another mishap. "Umm, yeah. I'm a Polymorph."
Alex extended a hand from between the edges of the cloak and shyly pulled the hood over her head, before quickly retracting her arm and hand back under cover. "And, I'm fairly certain that we're just ridiculously rare. I've never met any others."
Carmine snorted before cautiously making her way to Neirros. Your partner's quite enthusiastic about anything to do with magic, isn't she?
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Tristan looked at the sand that covered his clothes and was about to apologize to Sylphia when she switched gears and excitedly started talking about Alex who had went through her switch. Through that conversation Tristan learned the term that labeled Alex, polymorph.

Then before he could make a second attempt Ryvyne hooked her tail around Tristan's leg and pulled it out from under him. Had he been prepared he might have stayed standing but caught by surprise, Tristan could only prevent himself from hitting his head against the ground as he landed on his back. Tristan pulled himself into a sitting position and sent Ryvyne a half hearted glare. "What was that for!?"

Ryvyne walked up to Tristan and lightly wacked the back of his head with the tip of her tail. "For being an idiot, you don't sneak up on people."

"I wasn-" Ryvyne played back the encounter through her eyes and Tristan immediately stopped. "Ah shit I didn't realize."

"At least now something got through." Ryvyne sighed.

Tristan got up on his feet and picked up all three of Alex's weapons by their scabbards. "There you go Alex. Now I kind of need to apologies to Slyphia real qui-"

Once more Tristan's attempts to say sorry were put on pause as Fletcher pretty much interrogated Slyphia and to his surprise instead of brushing Fletcher off she answered his questions though gave little in the way of details. Then returned with one of her own and a small joke that Tristan knew he was going to pay for.

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