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Fantasy Hybrids


"Oh, the little fox has got his tail in a twist." Fisa smirks.
"And you managed to trick a wolf into falling in love with you in a single fucking day!" He growled loudly, his fur sticking up. His tail was lashing from side to side. You couldn't really tell if he was jealous or just plain old annoyed. Either way, he didn't seem to be in the best of moods.
"Trick?" Fisa shrugs. "If you say so. I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in that relationship. if anything, HE tricked ME."
Xillia just giggled a little, nervously.

"N-No, I don't usually see these two..." She said, looking at the two Hybrids. "This is the only thing keeping me from running straight into that Forest..." She muttered to herself. She hated fights, especially when they were just about insulting each other.

Revnoir frowned.

"Yeah, of course! Mrs. PMS tricked you into falling in love with something that


I'm going to believe that." He spat, his fur bristling with hostility. He was seriously picking a fight.
"Yes, I agree. These two actually made me forget that I was supposed to go in the forest. I should be going now though."
"What is up with you today? You're even more bitchy than usual." Fisa turned to Xillia. "Oh, you still want to go in? I can take you, if you want me to."
Revnoir gave Fisa another hostile glare then looked at Xillia as well. "I'd rather you didn't turn her into a filthy feline like yourself. Besides, it would be best if someone who actually

lived somewhere decent

took her into the forest. Even your own kind doesn't like you, that should say something about you." He spoke to Fisa but looked at Xillia.

Xillia was a bit confused about what was going on, so just clung to Iris. "I don't know what's going ooooon..!" She said quietly.
"Don't look at me, I just met these people..." She whispered back. "Maybe we should walk away while they're arguing?"
"Or maybe somebody who has spent a lot of their time wandering, and who knows the woods well should take her in. That way if the need arises to hide, the person knows exactly where to go."
"It doesn't matter, we both know I'm more capable of protecting someone let alone teaching them about the Forest or finding them a place to stay for the time being."
Iris kept walking, looking around at her surroundings. Dammit, where was I supposed to go again?
"You? Protect someone? Don't make me laugh." Fisa sneered. "You're too tiny to do anything else besides bitch."
"I don't have to be a fox to protect someone, you know..!" He grumbled, already self-conscious about his size
"I can help..."

Kano walked up to all of them smirking cockily. He held potions and enchanted masks. They were copies of the ones he used to infiltrate the forest before.

"I have my ways... Also... Stop fighting you two tsunderes..."
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Iris looked around.

Dammit seriously? Where was I going? She sighed. And this is why I don't stop to talk to hybrids... Or other humans...
"So... Was that a yes or a no... If you two won't answer, I'll take her into the forest, like you said yes..."

Kano smiled slightly. He wanted to go inside the forest one more time. He waited patiently for the answer.

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