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Fantasy Hybrid kingdoms (working title)

Ok. It's going to be a while before the rp is ready so once everything is done, I'll post again to see if everyone is still interested
I'm pretty interested if there's still room.
I don't do giant posts, but I do everything to put as much as I can in them! (No one-liners, that's for sure!)
O.O I didn't think this would get so much attention. I normally have very few people joining my rps but meh, I'm happy with it. If anyone needs anymore details please ask. I'll ask as best I can
Alright~! The issue is resolved and I'll try to do the fancy BBC code for ya guys but in the meantime, I'll need to see who is still interested. It sounds redundant but it helps me with who is still ready to go
Ok, Fancy BBC coding is headed your way guys but if you guys want to see the hp. I'll give a link here soon. Might be under a different title though, bare in mind about it.
XD Its ok. If anything else, its not detailed at all. More causal than anything but some people like BBC code in their CS. If you don't want the fancy BBC code, I could pose another CS without the bells and whistles.

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