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Fantasy Hybrid kingdoms (working title)


The Royal Phoenix
Hello~ Everyone on RPN~! Your neighborhood friendly Royal Phoenix has a new rp coming out~! *crickets chirp in background and coughing*.
Right....I do have a hosted project that I'm remaking to something different. I've realized that having just dragons can damper people's opinions on the rp. So it's getting a different title and the fancy BBC coding that comes with this fabulous site. At the moment, I'm just getting things straightened out with my rp. But without further adu, the synopsis of my rp~:

An ancient war broke out long ago and left scars all over the kingdoms. Ruins lay scattered around all the kingdoms, seven major kingdoms with minor kingdoms within them. Some minor kingdoms are within a few days of some ruins but some capitals of the major kingdoms lay within a few minutes of the ruins. Each kingdom has announced that the ruins will be explored by adventures (either commoners or royalty) to find out what happened in the past. As some say, some things are best left undisturbed.

Well if anyone has any questions, please ask. More details will come as I finish with my college classes for the day
Ok. As I've said up there, details trickle out from me as my day wears on. I will say that this rp is causal but the CS will be more detailed than the rp. Reason being is that I rather like having characters with a strong personality and background to them instead of the one liner CS I've seen in the past (I've done those in the past as well). I'm fairly laid back with posting since people can have block of what to write but no one liners. I hate those.
Ok. As I've said up there, details trickle out from me as my day wears on. I will say that this rp is causal but the CS will be more detailed than the rp. Reason being is that I rather like having characters with a strong personality and background to them instead of the one liner CS I've seen in the past (I've done those in the past as well). I'm fairly laid back with posting since people can have block of what to write but no one liners. I hate those.
OK, so now I'm even more in.

Background can be around 2-4 paragraphs with me usually, so I hope that's enough.

And I never do one liners. One or two paragraphs usually. If I may play out PvE combat, up to 5, I just am best writing those scenes.
With personalities, I like describing how my character is with how he is. Guilty pleasure of mine is taking a personality test to check what personality I have to use for my characters. With backgrounds, the more detail you have the better. I don't skimp on details with my characters' backgrounds. Posting can vary for me since I can be in the mood to think like my character then others it's a struggle to even think of something good to post.

But some details came to me, I do want pass the idea of Guardians around. They were part of the war but no one knows where they are or if they exist. One part of the rp can be trying to find the connection of the guardians to the war and the ruins. How does that sound?
ALRIGHTY Everyone~! I'm out of classes and details will be coming little by little. First off creatures: Any kind of creature you can think is in here, but no immortals or any powers that would involve immortality. People can live a long time but the person will die eventually. Powers that extend life can be accepted if you give me details on how it works. Creatures that you create have to have a history to them along with strengths and weaknesses as well.

Second off is powers: Almost any power under the sun can be used but it has to have limits. If you have no limits on your powers then your character is going to heavily critiqued by me.

Third is roles: I will post what roles the guardians will have but they'll not come up until after the first hurtle is done. People can reserve a spot but only I can yes or no. I will possibly need a co-GM for this but I'll have to see how many people join. Also, you can be royalty but I have npcs royals in place already.

Is everyone ok with this?
I do have more details since I'm on my laptop now.
Posting length: 3-4 min. If you want to put more lines to show how wonderful you are with detail, go right ahead. I'll not stop creativeness/craziness that is your imagination.
CS: I'll post the CS with all the fancy BBC coding and whatnot so everyone can follow or use it as a template for the wacky craziness that is your CS
Availability to post: Once to twice a week at min. If your a chronic rper that likes fast results, you might like this rp and you might not. I'm a fast and slow rper. I can post worth a lot of them but if something causes a problem within my thinking process, I might take a day or two to think of a response.
Rules: I do have rules that I keep near and dear to my heart. They have there own space and you MUST read them to get to rp. There are two passwords (sounds really stringy but it keeps people from just posting a oc without much thought into it) that are to be put into the CS of your character.
Character limits: I'm fairly loose on the amount of characters one can have, but the most one can have (at the moment) is 2-4 characters. Anymore and I'll make them Npcs for the rp.
Size of people expected: 5-8 people or less. The more people we have the more interactions people can have.
But the rp doesn't have to have 5-8 people.
Ideas: I'm open to ideas as long as they don't change the story too much. That said send a pm with your idea if you have one and once the hosted project gets fixed I'll go about with fixing the CS and everything else.
Once more, if anyone has any ideas they would like to pas off to me, be it a minor quirk or something that could involve your character (though I'll think on the character one), tell me about it
If anyone is wondering, this rp takes place in hurdles. Once we clear one hurdle, we move to the next one and it'll be like that till the end (if we can make it that far). But mostly, the rp is driven by replies and a semi set in stone store

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