Hybrid Body Rearrangement Question


New Member
Hey, do you guys figure that if you used Hybrid Body Rearrangement to morph your genitals, you could spawn beastmen without overt bestiality? I've got an NPC Lunar in a game who's trying to give birth to a beastman army by going around and throwing huge parties to get everybody drunk and stoned enough not to notice a goat having sex with their women, but this could be a much more subtle way of going about it.
Why no?.. can't see any reason again it myself.. if someone wants to use up the limited points hybrid body has on that, then fair enough. I'd maybe cost it as a 2 point worth myself.. pooossibly 4.. but unsure
I can't see any reason why not, other than the uber-squick factor that fills this whole element of Lunar 'culture'. Seriously. And people say they're not Anathema.
Because Hybrid Body Rearrangement allows for picking mutations for your warform. Warform doesn't let you make beastmen, you have to be in either human or animal forms. You want to breed an army of Beastmen, go have sex with animals.
Oh yeah....my bad, was thinking Perfect Hybrid Interaction. Still, you can't impregnate yourself in human form while counting as an animal or vis versa so it's still a no. Best way to do it is going to be get yourself a farm. It'll be faster too.
FluffySquirrel said:
Why no?.. can't see any reason again it myself.. if someone wants to use up the limited points hybrid body has on that, then fair enough. I'd maybe cost it as a 2 point worth myself.. pooossibly 4.. but unsure
http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... 8p._135.29

You might want to check out the errata on Hybrid Body - even though I think the new version is broken as hell. Technically HBR is no longer limited (at all, which is silly).
For what it's worth, I wasn't aware of that errata, and wasn't even planning on using Hybrid Body Rearrangement for anything else. I just noticed the character fit the requirements for the Knack while putting together his Knack/Charm lists, and thought about applying it to this purpose.

As for just getting himself a farm... maybe if he lived in Halta. At least with a transformed Lunar and a human woman both parties are sapient, so the Lunar can rationalize it a bit more easily. Breeding a beastman army with actual animals admits exactly what's going on in a way the character in question isn't willing to deal with.

And on the squickiness of beastmen, yeah, it's pretty perverse, but at least the Lunars themselves recognize that. It took a few centuries in the Wyld for the whole thing to get started, and even "today" the largest armies of beastmen belong to the more, ah, "questionably sane" Stewards.
Considering you suggested getting everyone at your parties drunk and stoned enough not to notice their women are having sex with animals, I did not quite get the impression he had any morals regarding sex to start with. Juts sayin'. >_>
He was suggesting just getting his women so stoned and/or drunk that they don't notice he's hung like a goat, not that they were having sex with a goat.
...get everybody drunk and stoned enough not to notice a goat having sex with their women...
No, he was pretty clear. They are so drunk they don't notice they are getting impregnated by a goat. Which unless they are Cynus women, is pretty messed up from a moral stand point.

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