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Fandom [Hwei x Jhin | League of Legends | literate to novella | RP request]


New Member
Hi hi!! since Hwei dropped I've been gradually finding myself more and more obsessed with the JhinHwei ship.

So now I'm looking for RP partners to roleplay with me!! Please make sure to check out the rules below! I'm mostly just looking for something that sticks close to the canon verse, so no extreme AUs etc

Some things to please keep in mind:
.- Please be at least 18!
.- I'd prefer roleplaying [Hwei], but I can also try my hands on [Jhin] :)
.- Genres I'd like to include are: Romance/Angst/Fluff/Slow-Burn, but I'm also open for suggestions that keep the plot interesting and going.
.- Speaking of a plot, I like discussing such together with my RP partner, though I do have some ideas in mind :)
.- PLEASE communicate with me, which reminds me to mention that I love OOC talk as well!
HIIII. this is super late but this is geniunely what made me register to this site. IF U ARE STILL LOOKING IM DEFINITELY AVAILABLE 7/24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which i very much hope you are.
HIIII. this is super late but this is geniunely what made me register to this site. IF U ARE STILL LOOKING IM DEFINITELY AVAILABLE 7/24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which i very much hope you are.
ur super cool please please please
HIIII. this is super late but this is geniunely what made me register to this site. IF U ARE STILL LOOKING IM DEFINITELY AVAILABLE 7/24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which i very much hope you are.
Hello!! Sorry my reply's a bit late, might be different timezones but I also came back from a con and im absolutely tired xD I'm still looking though!!
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