Huuu... *breathe*


New Member
Well, howdy. :)

I used to be SUPER AWESOME at juggling roleplays back when I was starting out, then outta nowhere, I kinda... Chunked them over my shoulder. Now I wanna try and start up again, once I get the confidence to. :Db

Nice to meet'cha.
Aah,a newcomer! Welcome! We have a live feed shoutbox on the main page,should you wish to chat! We're a friendly bunch,and we don't bite...All that hard...
Why hey there Music Shoes. Glad to have you with us. And welcmoe to the site. I hope you enjoy your time here.

You'll get your confidence in no time, my friend and soon you'll be blasting magic, fighting dragons, or whatever your taste is in a rp in no time =D
*Gib slaps Coro* Dude, what's with you and wanting to scare away our new toy- erm... friends, yeah that's it ^^ *Innocent face*

It's nice to meet you Music *tries to be different* >u>

Hope you enjoy your time here.

And Stuff ouo
Hi! 83

I hope you like it here and stick around.

Because I really wanna call you 'Muse' and then I can start calling you 'my Muse' and you can be my muse 8'DD

And I like the band :0
But but... You guys never let me have anything nice D8!!

I just wanted a new playmate 8C

Whateves, man...

Now I have to play with all my OLD toys 8C
*sheepish grin* I'd rather be a toy than meat., fun?

Thankyou, thankyou, it's... Interesting to be here!
Well the others are weird (Not excluding myself) So it will always be interesting and entertaining here. Even without joining an RP, as you just saw. *lawlz*
Shoe will be my child and I will care for him and feed him and I won't make him drink the stuff under the sink like the last 86 children I had 8D Jk jk.
Hmm.. This one is a smart one~ Heh ^^ Nahh I won't make you.. I'll just use threats. I keed. I keed.

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