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Fantasy Husks RP

Asher smiled a bit and nodded "I definitely will, Beautiful" he called as he waved as he turned and began walking back into town, Some time passed and he'd finally made it back into town, looking around for a moment before heading to the alleyway he usually slept in, he sighed to see that his stuff had been taken again, though it wasn't unusual it got rather annoying, he sat down on the cold brick path and leaned against a concrete wall, staring up at the stars through the buildings as he ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head, grinning to himself about what just happened.
Everett was walking down the sidewalk, shivering. The weather had gotten significantly colder, and the clothes he had on didn't help at all.
(what he wore)

His stomach rumbled suddenly. He wrapped his arms around it, sighing. He was unaware he was walking by Asher. @Bea
Everett gasped in fear as Asher grabbed his sleeve. "U-um, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I d-didn't h-have a-anywhere e-else t-to g-go s-so..." He said quietly, still shivering from the cold. @Bea
Everett was walking down the sidewalk, shivering. The weather had gotten significantly colder, and the clothes he had on didn't help at all.
(what he wore)

His stomach rumbled suddenly. He wrapped his arms around it, sighing. He was unaware he was walking by Asher.

Asher looked up to see a boy, who seemed to be pretty young walking past him and he could hear his stomach growling, he frowned a bit before speaking up "Ey kid, What're you doing out so late?" he asked as he reached out to grab the kids sleeve "The streets are dangerous at night" he warned with a genuinely concerned face

Everett gasped in fear as Asher grabbed his sleeve. "U-um, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I d-didn't h-have a-anywhere e-else t-to g-go s-so..." He said quietly, still shivering from the cold.

Asher held in a laugh at his stuttering "There's no need to be afraid of me" he said softly with a small smile before letting go of his sleeve "How old are you, kid?" he asked curiously as he cocked his head while he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and popped it in his mouth while he waited for his answer, digging around his pockets for a lighter, completely forgetting he can use fire

"I-I'm f-fifteen." Everett said to Asher, still feeling a little nervous.

Asher nodded and sighed "Where do you live kid? Shouldn't be out here this late" he said as he let go of his sleeve and figured this boy couldn't cause too much trouble if he knew he was a magi, he snapped his fingers and a flame lit above his thumb which he used to light his cigarette and he inhaled a large puff of smoke before blowing it away from the boy

Everett looked at the fire that was above Asher's thumb before replying. "U-um w-well I-I j-just l-live o-on t-the s-streets. I-I d-don't r-really h-have a-anywhere e-else t-to g-go." He replied, his stomach growling.

Asher frowned poor kid, he's way too young to be out here he thought before removing the cigarette from his mouth "Well you're welcome to stay with me if you want" he said with a shrug before placing the cigarette back in his mouth and continued inhaling it

"O-ok." Everett said, his breaths coming out in little clouds of air as he shivered.

Asher grinned a bit and grabbed the kid, pulling him into his lap easily and wrapped his arms around him tightly, focusing his energy into emanating heat from his skin to warm the kid up "Being a magi has its perks" he said under his breath

Everett relaxed due to the warmth he suddenly felt. "T-thank y-you." He said quietly, yet still hoping Asher heard him. His stomach was still growling though.

Asher sighed heavily and nodded "No problem kid" he said kindly as he ruffled the kids hair "I"m Asher, by the way" he said as he kept his grip on the boy

"M-my n-name i-is E-Everett." He said, his stomach growling louder now. He looked down, a little embaressed by it.

Asher nodded "Everett." he repeated and sighed as he heard the kids stomach growl continuously "How long's it been since you've eaten?" he asked

Everett thought about it for a second. "U-um, I-I'm n-not r-really s-sure."

Asher nodded again and pulled a small pouch of coins out of his pocket and held it infront of the boy "Go buy yourself something to eat" he said kindly with a small smile "And stop being so nervous, Should be obvious by now I'm not trying to mug you" he added sarcastically

"Ok." Everett said, still rather quiet. He went to a little cafe place nearby. He got a soup and a sandwich and ate it fairly quickly before exiting and walking back in Asher's direction.

Asher was standing near the entrance to the alley with his arms crossed as he waited for the boy to return, he peeked his head around the corner and smiled a bit "Was it good?" he asked

"Yeah, it was really good." Everett said quietly, smiling back at Asher.

Asher smiled "I'm glad" he said before leaning forward and standing up "So, what shall we do the rest of the night?" He asked

"Um, I'm not sure." "What do you wanna do?" Everett asked Asher.

Asher shrugged and began trying to think of something a kid could do

Everett yawned a little while looking up at Asher.

Asher finally gave up and looked down at him "Are you tired or would you like to go on a walk?" he asked as he reached out and pat the boy's head

"Um, I think I wanna go on a walk if that's ok." Everett said to Asher.

Asher nodded "Well lets go then" he said as he began walking past the boy and glanced at him with a small, kind smile "You're a good kid, y'know that?" he asked

"Really? Thanks." Everett said with a wide smile. No one had told him that before so he was very happy to hear it.

Asher nodded and put his arm around the boy's shoulders to keep him warm as they walked "Well I don't really know you, but you haven't tried to rob me yet, so that definitely scores you some points" he praised

Everett smiled, both at Asher and at the fact that he felt warm again. "Don't worry, I won't rob you."

Asher glanced over at his smile and smiled himself "Well that's a new sight" he teased and poked his nose "You should smile more, bet the girls'd love you" he teased more


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