Hunting the monster [ErwinSmith___Vein]

Sylus coughed slightly as the material of his shirt pulled at his neck, he just stood there, he didn't have the energy to fight the other man off, not now, not today. He wasn't worried of course, because he was a vampire, and they weren't scared of anything, hm? But the way Hal had Sylus in his grasp reminded him of his uncle. And how he had held Sylus in the same way, many times.

So the man did what he always did when there was a firm grip on his shirt, bowed his head and waited, waited for that slap, that punch. Or simply to be dropped against the table and spared from a beating. Only with Hal, we couldn't predict what it was to be and that bothered him.
He blinked in surprise, his hand still raised and as the expression on his face shifted. What kind of reaction was that...? The other just turned his head down and away, avoided to look at him when he was about to slam his fist into his face. By some reason, the way the male reacted was frightening to Hal, because it was so human. He had hated these monsters for so long, having one act so much like the people he murdered without reason... Wait. What if he was being mocked? That the vampire knew just how to act to get the human off balance...? Yeah... That was more believable than the other being frightened by him.

Hal brought his hand back and punched the other's face as hard as he could, letting go of his shirt at the same time before grunting angrily, sitting back down by the table. He didn't look at the vampire and lowly muttered curses about him.
A small growl slipped from the slender Vampire's lips, his eyes glowing. As he was punched, he lost his footing and slipped slightly where he stood. It was painless, however it phased him a little, he didn't expect to actually be struck. But there it was.

"I'm sorry for angering you." He said lowly. Pulling away from the other's grasp.

The Vampire regained his authority once again as he turned around and pinned the other male to the floor. His teeth yet again grazing against his neck.

"I'll teach you to hit." He whispered, sinking his fangs in without a second warning, purposely hurting the other.
He snorted in reply as the other male apologized. Was this really the same person? He seemed to be a weakling, nothing more than a guy with big teeth and lots of steam to blow off about how good he was. Hal reached out for the cup and then drank a little from it, about to ignore the other male but then, all of a sudden, the beast was on him. His cup fell out of his hand, spilling coffee over the table and the floor, a floor which he soon collided with as well.

His eyes widened as he heard the other male's words, about to object but the teeth already sunk though his flesh. He gave a groan of pain and surprise, pushing his hands against the other's chest to get him off, squirming under him to try and get free. "Get... Get off!"
He slammed his shoulders back down, sucking hard.

"Mm..." He let out a slight moan, clearly pleasured by the taste of the other mans blood, he shifted slightly so that he was basically lying between Hal's legs, suckling like a puppy does it's mother.

When he was yet again satisfied, he pulled back, but he wasn't quite done. He began to press affectionate kisses to the man's neck. Stroking his hair softly.

"Have you learned not hit me?" He hissed, flicking a forked tongue over the wound and making the two marks heal up...

"Hm?!" He demanded, pressing his lips against his neck once again.
He felt his face flush up, the other male was so close, he was basically lying in him... Pressing him down. Damn! What this guy... Enjoying this? Not only enjoying drinking the blood but... Ugh, that was just wrong! Still... The vampire was surprisingly warm and if his lips hadn't come with the breaking of his skin and sucking off his blood, Hal might not have minded it that much. His squirming and pushing did nothing but to make the monster slam him back down on the ground, biting harder. In the end, he couldn't do anything, his strength leaving him along with the blood.

The sucking turned into kisses, the hunter's body limp and pained, his head light. The vampire seemed to be stroking over his head and without realizing it, he leaned into the touch. The other said something but he had a hard time understanding it at first. "...Never. I... Will do it again..." He mumbled, not about to give in to this... Monster.
Pulling away from his neck, He listened to the spirited man's words but didn't reply. His hand kept

Stroking, feeling the silky locks between his fingers. He'd never really stroked anybody's hair like this before. He liked the feeling of it...

His fingers ran across the flawless skin of Hal's forehead and a little sigh escaped from his lips.

He remained sat on him, still pinning him down so that he was able to run his fingertips the through the newly washed, soft hair. Another, content sigh. He bent down and kissed his neck again, his eyes closing slightly.
...Why was the dumbutt still touching him? Hadn't he gotten enough blood already? Hal shifted, his head moving to the side as his eyes closed, all the colors around him making him feel a little sick. The hand was gentle, moving over his hair, played softly with it. When he felt so ill, those touches actually made him feel a little better, made him feel relaxed and not as pained anymore. He allowed himself to go limp, it wasn't like he could do anything else for the moment.

Then, without a warning, the other's lips were back to his neck and he opened his eyes to find the dark hair falling over his own face and chest. He was so sleepy... His head was dim and the other was being gentle, making his body react in... Such strange ways. He grunted lowly and balled his fist before moving it up and weakly punched the other's head, not able to muster up more power than that. "Don't... Touch me."
He pulled back, smirking slightly at the little punch to his head.

"... Alright, I won't touch you anymore... You've broken me." He said with a faint smile, sliding his hands under Hal's body and lifting him up slowly, kissing and fussing over his hair as he propped him back up in the chair. Slowly sitting down next to him.

"Your blood tastes good." He said, his smirk growing wider. "What blood type actually are you?" He asked gently.
This guy had no idea what it meant not to touch someone. Still... The Hunter seemed to be one of his new favorite things to play with and he himself had admitted that he liked the taste of Hal's blood... He had an idea, thinking that if this was how the monster was... Maybe he could use it. Instead of pulling back and try to fight and scream at the other, he forced himself to move and then sit down on the other's lap, closing his eyes and leaned his head against his shoulder. "...Type O..." He muttered lowly, actually not sure what type he was. "Can you... Stop being so gentle with me... It just makes me want... More." Was he overdoing it? No, he thought he could trust the other male to bee fooled, after all, he didn't seem too complicated.
The vampire was slightly phased at first, but he nodded slightly.

"O... I knew it..." He said lustfully, wrapping his arms around Hal's neck, their gazes locked onto one another's.

"So... You want me to be rougher, or you want me to stop?" He asked, hands gently stroking Hal's hair as he laid a few gentle kisses on his neck, sucking slightly.

"It's your choice..."

He had utterly fallen for it. He had no idea that this was a facade... Ah well, might as well enjoy it whilst he could.
He felt the other's arms lace around his neck and his first thought was to try and squirm out of it, however, he managed to hold it back and only grumbled lowly about it. He looked up a little and found the other male staring at him, he stared back and then realized he should try and smile, encourage a possible relationship between them.

The other's lips returned to his neck and he hated himself for thinking that they felt nice, however, he didn't object or try to push the other away, instead let out a very low sigh. "You can... Keep on being gentle..." He moved his own arms around the other's waist and then rested his chin against his shoulder, mostly so that he didn't have to look into the other male's eyes. He was weak from the other taking his blood so he allowed his eyes to shut.
The taller male shivered slightly when Hal's arms snaked around his waist, he carried on kissing, his lips trailing gently down the the other man's collarbone, leaving a gentle bite on it before running his tongue along the bone, his long nails traced the small of Hal's back and he let out a hot breath against the Males chest.

When the smaller of the two said that he could carry on being gentle, he headed this advice and carried on laying kisses, gentle ones down his shoulder.

"Is that gentle enough?" He said lowly, his hands now on the other Man's hips.
The other had gone from more or less eating him to now kiss and, he supposed, cuddle with him. Once again, he hated his body for reacting the way it did and he silently cursed his tongue for letting out low, pleased sounds at the caring he got. The monster asked if he was gentle enough and he nodded before being able to stop himself. Still, the second after, he realized that his act was becoming his truth and he pulled himself away, putting his hand over the other male's mouth to stop him from kissing him. "No. I mean... Uh, not no just... Take it easy... You just half ate me..." He looked away, a small redness spreading over his cheeks.
He cocked his head to one said when he felt a hand on his lips, his eyes widening slightly.

He nodded softly when Hal explained himself, lips tingling beneath his hand. The vampire touched a finger to the other Man's lips.

"Shh..." He whispered, prying the males hand away from his lips and kissing his forehead.

"Such a handsome little thing." He whispered before pressing their lips together and kissing him softly, winding his arms around his neck. Vampires were all about lust, so that's all there was behind the kiss... No real emotional attachment... Yet.
'Shh'? Had he just... hushed him? What kind of reaction was that? He had hoped that the vampire would let him go back to eating cereals. What he didn't expect was to be hushed and then kissed. The kiss to his forehead wasn't all that unexpected, seeing as the vampire thought he had the right to kiss his neck, shoulder and chest, nothing really made him think that he wouldn't touch his face.

"L...Little? The heck do yo-" He didn't get all that far, instead, his lips were suddenly overtaken by the vampire's. They were soft and rather... Warm despite everything. Hal's eyes widened and his grip around the other male's shoulders changed, now he dug his nails into the shirt, his whole body tensing. His own lips twitched, he wanted to kiss back but at the same time, he didn't. In the end, Hal pushed the other away with as much force as he could muster, wiping his lips off with the back of his hand, an angry expression on his face. It wasn't worth it... So wasn't worth trying to play this man's toy. "Don't freaking do that again... Monster."
He let out a faint cry as he was shoved backwards, hissing as he almost tipped himself off of the chair.

"Do you want me to bite you again?! Because this time. I. Will. Kill. You." He hissed, slamming Hal against the table and slapping him sharply.

"Don't you dare strike me again!" He spat, delivering another sharp slap to his face.

"Do you want me to kill you?!"
He didn't expect such a violent reaction. Thus guy sure was bipolar, he went from being... Almost cute and gentle to flaring up like this. Suddenly, he was looking up at the roof, his eyes wide and his back hurting. Had he been slammed down on the table...? He squirmed but didn't get anywhere and then a hard slap that made his head ring with pain. The human gasped, that hurt more that he thought. His mouth opened and he tried to push the other off himself, but another slap landed on his face and this time, the human bit his tongue, the taste of blood filling his mouth.

"N..No." He managed to reply, still fighting against the other by trying to push him off, get away from him.

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