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Multiple Settings Hunting For A Long Term Literate Partner.

Philomena Larouge

An Afrofuturist Affair
Greetings! I am here in search of a partner. About me: I’m a veteran roleplayer though I’ve been out of the game for some time. I got my start on Neopets, graduated to Gaia Online, dabbled on LiveJournal, MSN messenger, Facebook, and email. I find myself with a lot of free time so I’m trying to fill it with a new and fun story.

I've been roleplaying for 10+ years and considered myself advanced literate back in the day and so my writing style is extensive and detailed. I've been out of the game for quite some time so I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. My posts are usually a minimum of three paragraphs. I would hope for something similar from my partner but I’m not going to outright demand a set minimum. Just know if you give me three sentences, I’m going to lose interest very quickly. I like to engage many parts of a character when I’m writing, their personality, their thought process, their observations. I love playing as and against fully fleshed out characters with distinctive personalities and style. I have very few limits or taboos and I’m I like dark themes that are psychologically provocative and don’t shy away from them. I write in 3rd person, I play multiple roles, men and women, Black, Asian, anything, gay, straight, and everything in between. I seek the same open-mindedness/diversity in my partners and hope they’re able to do the same.

I’m going to be really particular about what I what in a partner. I know it’s going to alienate some people but this is only to save us both some time. If you consider yourself a pro or advanced, reach out to me. If you don’t think that designation applies to you, don’t offer your hand. I don’t want you to ‘try your best’. I want someone who knows their best is next level. I’m stressing this because its hard to find someone compatible. I’m finding that I’m writing more than some people I’m ‘experimenting’ with and I'm quickly losing interest after seeing a handful of posts from them. So I have to be particular about this. I’d also prefer someone in their mid-20’s and up, living in the Eastern Standard (GMT-4) time zone but these are not strict requirements.

In my partner I hope to find a skilled writer, someone looking to worldbuild with me and bring a story to life. I like detailed responses that engage the senses. Not interested in someone who uses the same three actions and can't adequately follow the story's actions. I'm hoping for a long term partner who I can swap ideas with. I very much don't want to be the only one controlling the narrative as I'll get bored very quickly. I don’t know if it’s just my bad luck but the last 3 partners I had that I really liked, ended up ghosting me or had some inconvenience come up. I know that’s not something that can be controlled, it just really sucks for me to be drawn in and find someone I like and then be left hanging. I know we all have real life problems to attend to but I hope not to be left for three days or more without any kind of warning or heads up.

I prefer original content over fandom content. My favorite genres in order are:

Science fiction – Along with various punk offshoots: cyberpunk, steampunk, solarpunk, Afropunk/afrofuturism, space operas.
Supernatural – I love a good vampire & werewolf tale as much as the next person but I have a wide range including gods & demigods, the Fae (Seelie/Unseelie Courts), wizards and mages, and more of the like.
Action/Adventure – This could include anything as far as assassins to gang wars.
Dystopia – This could encompass totalitarian governments, various apocalypses, or political intrigue stories.
Time period specific – I love various parts of history. I’m best with Victorian/Georgian/Edwardian England, Roaring 20’s America, ancient Egypt, Golden Age of Piracy, Feudal Japan, Old New York, and anything modern or futuristic.

Okay, I think that’s enough for now. If any of the above intrigues you then reach out and maybe we can build something together. I've included some possible plots down below and a writing sample under that. Any of those can be worked on together but if none intrigue you, we'll try to come up with something else.
Vampire(Supernatural) RP – The setting is modern in a world where vampires have staged a devastating coup and displaced the heads of every major country on Earth. You play {Gabriel}, a young vampire, reluctant heir to his evil father’s throne. Gabriel must forge his path alone through a cruel world, ripe with betrayal and madness, if he ever hopes to stop his father’s tyranny.
*Pre-established characters, existing history, world already built

High Fantasy – [Muse A] is a high ranking official from their nation, sent to broker a trade deal between their nation and that of [Muse B]. The survival of both relies on the mutual cooperation of the other. Loyalties divide and coups are enacted and in the middle of it all Muse A and B have to work for the betterment of their nations if either is to survive the coming conflict. Arranged marriage, political intrigue, and oath breaking abound.
*Open characters, open world, HEAVY worldbuilding needed.

Modern/Drama – [Muse A] is a college professor who seems to have it all. Looks, charm, and a steady reputation at the university. No one knows that [Muse A] – along with an accomplice – are kidnapping young women, former students, and forcing them to stay in a secretive cult. Unknown to the professor, their new student [Muse B} is on the hunt for a missing friend, someone who was last seen in the professor’s presence. [Muse B] must make a target of herself, catching the eye of a pair of devious men to uncover the truth.
*Open characters, open world

Dystopia – In a world divided by class inequality, the upper echelon living in the Golden City enjoy a life of leisure and hedonistic pleasure seeking. They gain their fodder from the lower quarters, the Silver State, Copper Square, and Tin Town, where people are allowed to rent out their skills in a contract with a benefactor from the Golden City. [Muse A] is the ambitious sort, learning all manner of skills to appeal to the upper class. They dream of one day joining their ranks. [Muse B] is disgraced. Having fallen from their lofty position in the Golden City due to a shocking scandal, they have spent their time gathering their resources, hoping to make a bid for their lost position and punish the ones who betrayed them. Muse A & B will come together, for the same purpose , but with wildly different methods and motivations.
*Open characters, open world, need your help in building

High Fantasy – In the City of Sky, the denizens used to worship the Three, a trio of deities who came together to create their world. The Nightlord, The Dark, loves chaos and madness; The Dayfather, The Bright, is a servant of order and law; and the Grey Lady, The Twilight, is the one who gives them balance and peace. After the Gods’ War, The Dayfather slew the Grey Lady and imprisoned the Nightlord, enslaving him for a thousand years. Now, the Grey Lady is back, the Three are revived, and all their children, the godlings are unleashed on the world once again.
*Based on the Inheritance Trilogy, a work by N.K. Jemisin, it definitely helps to have read it but its not an absolute necessity.

Modern/Horror – It’s Purge Night, the annual holiday where all crime is legal for twelve hours. [Muse A] is looking to venture out but not for the sake of murder. They are not looking to satisfy a murderous impulse, but a financial need. With the help of [Muse B], a reluctant friend, the two are out on the most dangerous night of the year, trying to pull off a massive heist that will set them up for the rest of their lives. They only have to avoid the roving packs of gangs who love to play sadistic games, in their quest to have it all.

Supernatural/Horror – [Muse A] is an ancient and powerful demon with many lesser demons in their charge. After they lead a massacre, the demons bring the sole survivor, [Muse B] who is only seven years old at the time. Rather than Murder the child, Muse A brings Muse B under their protection. Years pass. Muse B grows under the tutelage of their demon teacher but never forgets the massacre that landed them there. Muse B is reaching adulthood and needs to find a way to remove Muse A from their life, all while avoiding the watchful eyes of demons that would gladly see B murdered.
She woke up with a throbbing pain in her head and not much else.

The pain was what woke her. She came to consciousness with a disgruntled moan, squinting her eyes against the light streaming through the window. A number of realizations crossed her mind in succession. First, that she was tied to the chair in which she sat. Second, that she did not know where she was. Third, that she did not know who she was. She scanned her mind for the memory of a name but nothing came to her. She tried to remember the previous night’s activities but couldn’t. She had no recollection of who she was or how she’d ended up tied to a chair in…

She glanced around. She was in what looked like an abandoned warehouse. There were car parts and other metal debris strewn about but not much else. She looked down at her lap. She wore burgundy slacks and a white button up blouse. She could see spots of blood dotting her chest. Her arms, thin, brown, and muscled were tied behind her back with what felt like satin ties. To her right, she saw a black leather briefcase. To her left, she saw a pair of black high heels and a cell phone. She focused on the phone. She could either use it to figure out who she was or call someone for help.

She pulled at her restraints, resulting in a blinding flash of pain to strike her briefly. She didn’t let it stop her though. She pulled and shifted until she felt the knots begin to loosen and eventually the ties came undone and she was able to pull her hands free. Her shoulders ached and pins and needles stabbed up and down her arms but she was free. She fell forward onto her knees, grasping desperately for the phone. When she reached out, she saw her hands. A flowery tattoo she didn’t remember getting wound its way around her right wrist and she wore jewelry on both of her ring fingers. She stared at her left hand, at the double bands and jeweled setting and realized she was married. But she could not conjure her partner’s face. Growing in frustration, she snatched up her phone. She pressed the home screen, to no avail, then held down the power button, praying it was merely off and not dead. To her immense relief, the screen flashed on and began to reboot. She released a deep breath.

She took the moment to glance around, listening carefully. It was bright outside so clearly daytime but she heard no one or thing around her. She didn’t know why she was here or what she’d been doing but it could be good if she’d woken up bound and bloody. Her phone was in a wallet case. She flipped it over, spied her ID, and immediately tore it free from its plastic holder. She held it to her eyes to finally got a good look at herself.

The name read: Michelle James. She stared at the picture, hungry for her own image but stopped short. The woman on this ID was Black and though she couldn’t see her own image, she knew that their complexions were several shades different. Michelle James wore a small curly afro while her hair fell over her shoulders in waves. This wasn’t her but then why did she have the woman's ID? Sighing softly, she stood up and took the purse and shoes in hand. She’d comb over the contents of the things on her person but first she had to get somewhere secure. She made her way, limping slightly, to the warehouse door, the waiting morning, and her own mysterious identity to unravel.
I am interested. If we are to do a more detailed reply RolePlay, it will be more or less a single post or two per day, maybe more or less depending on if I am busy or not. I am not particularly fond of Horror or dystopian. Your other plots are quite interesting. Your post was well crafted as well.
I would love to hear back from you soon.
Wow! You are exactly who I think I’ve been looking to RP with! We seem to have similar backgrounds in RPing and tastes as well! I would love to RP with you!
I have very similar taste with you and backgrounds! I've been doing this for quite some time and would like to think that I am a descriptive and literate writer! And it's also been quite some time since I've been on here or anything like this, but I'm getting back into the swing of things.
A RP about Fae would be wonderful if you're interested in thinking of something with me!
PM if so!

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