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Huntex (Closed)

"You are the most important thing in the world to Sam. That's why I needed to get you here." He walked forward and raised her chin with a finger, smirking into her face. 
TJ glared at him regaining her courage, she moved her head back and bit his finger as hard as she could
TJ squeaked when he slapped her face flinging to the side. She shook her head lightly, her face stinging
"Let her go." A menacing voice sounded from the door, raw hatred evident in the tone. Sam stood there, brandishing his pistol- aiming it right at his fathers head. 
TJ smiled at the sight of Sam then winced terrified

Sams dad turned smirking then walked to TJ pulling a knife out and putting it on her throat making her coil up terrified feeling the cold blade on her neck "Shoot then dear son" he said mockingly
"No, you sent me away for so long Sam, do you know what it was like, to rot" As he spoke he ran a hand down TJs cheek from still behind her, when he got to the end he smacked her cheek making her squeak. TJ stared at Sam pleadingly
"Shoot at me, and hit your girl, or have me kill her with just a prick" he pressed the knife making TJ wince "I don't think your dumb enough to do that" 
His dad quickly moved and grabbed the gun weighing it in his hands. Then smiled wickedly at Sam "That wasn't what I taught you either Sammy" he turned and shot TJ in the stomach

TJ screamed in pain, the impact throwing her in the chair back breaking the chair and the back of it stabbed into her back, TJ tried to move but her hands and legs where still tied 
His dad being much stronger, and more agile kicked Sam off and pointed the gun at TJ "I'll finsih her, now stop!" He growled "You will go and get me 10,000 dollars, then a car and way out of here, and if you don't hurry, she will be dead before you get back" 
TJ panted trying to go to grab her stomach but couldnt hence being tied up

Tjs mom knocked on the door of their apartment "Hello? Kids?"
(Would you play His Dad??) 

Tjs mom walked inside "guys?" She said seeing the soup and feeling how warm it was

"Sir you don't have 10,000, you just have 3,000, and half of that has to go to the college you went to" the teller said
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