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Fantasy Hunter's Moon: The Sin & Sentence [IC] [CLOSED]

The hunter continued down the path with his sword drawn, held in one hand as they stepped into the palace. He felt nothing as he observed the dilapidated ruins of what was once a far grander civilization than what is now. Hudson's reservations with demons told him that wherever they resided was destined to become wicked or vile, as it was simply their nature. There was no waste here, simply terrible beasts wreaking havoc as they tend to do.

Hudson kept near the front of the group, traversing down into the crypt without worry as the twinkling flames of his maces provided soft lighting. Not enveloped in complete blackness, he could somewhat look ahead for oncoming threats. And a threat did come, a disruptive noise alerted a hulking demon, forcing him to act quickly.

The hunter spread his stance, pulling on his chain tether about his waist as several meters of linked steel rings spun upwards and around his person. Plenty of length to give, its end was anchored to the hilt of his blade while his left hand deftly worked the jangling line of chains to bring the weapon to bear. The flail burned brighter, Hudson spinning it to build centrifugal force as he grit his teeth to stare at their assailant and stay on target.

"Get back!" he spat, whipping one of Velin's Tears at great speeds toward the demon.
No guns? That's a bit of a problem since Loque isn't carrying much else on the side of weapons other than her rifle. She quickly rummages through her jacket looking for anything she can use until she pricks her hand by accident on this spiky baton like thing that’s been dangling on her belt. It’s a thing she borrowed from one of her servants, she remembers he called it a ‘trench club’ or something. Supposedly, in the hands of the toughest Escarian soldiers, they could make mince meat out of anyone that was unfortunate enough to be struck by them.

Loque is no soldier, so she’d have to switch things up a bit to make things even. She waits until one of the others strikes first, and attempts to clobber the demon from behind when it’s too busy engaging one of the others.
Everything in the town has been so mind-nubbingly boring. The hollows weren't worth the effort to kill, nor did they taste good. He had mostly tuned out the events around him, not particularly interested in what everyone else was doing, but listened enough to follow along.

The demon attacking snapped him back into full attention. A smile creeped on his face as he cracked his knuckles. The others were already attacking the demon, but he wasn't gonna let them have all the fun. He took a swing at the demon, intending to shatter its jaw with his massive fist.
Senya stared at the demon fallen architecture. The Palace was much more larger than the Estate at Valencia, though it was left in ruins for who knows how long. All she knew was that Taranoch won and is currently ruling this very Abyss.

They eventually found themselves in a crypt, several of what you expected to see in these places. Then an enemy approached. It was a demon wielding a very massive axe. Senya followed everyone's example and got closer to the demon, shield up and sword ready to swing. The Warden made her first attack after others did the same thing.
Having been one of the last to enter the crypt, Anya wasn't so frightened when the demon appeared. In fact, it felt long overdue at this point. Despite this, her heart began to race as the battle began, and she relied on survival instincts. Rather than charging it straight on, she ducked into the nearly perfect darkness of the new room, hunched even lower- unnaturally so, her hands nearly dragging on the floor, as her bright yellow eyes now appeared as the only evidence of her presence. When she finally launched herself at the demon, she came from behind, still wielding her sword but at the same time half-shifted into her wolf form. "Kill! KILL!" she growled.
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Gödrun sprung into action, passing Riberta on her right. She held her shield up and her flamberge in a stabbing motion. The flames that engulfed the sword seemed to grow in intensity, sending embers and sparks flying as she charged the demon. She aimed to stab in squarely in the chest.
The Cathedral of Sheol - The Crypt (Lower Levels) - TURN 1
The Crypt Watcher (Stone-Flesh Demon - Type 1, 10 HP)
Inari = 7. Does 1 DMG to The Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 9.

Takato = 5. Does 2 DMG (Butoo Style) to The Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 7.
Hudson = 8 + 1 (9, Velin's Tears.) Does 2 DMG (Velin's Tears) to The Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 5.
Loque = 2. Missed The Crypt Watcher.
Henderson = 8. Does 1 DMG to The Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 4.
Senya = 5. Does 1 DMG to the Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 3.

Anya = 10. CH Roll = 2. Does 2 DMG to The Crypt Watcher. The Crypt Watcher HP = 1. Rolls for Execution = 7, 2. Execution Successful. The Crypt Watcher is dead.

As the demon stumbled backwards, his back bouncing against a stone pillar holding up the ceiling above them, Inari rushed in from the side. She came in low, swinging and slicing the demon across his midsection with a horizontal slash. The blade screeched across the demon's stone flesh, but it apparently still hurt the demon a bit as it seemed to wince. He didn't have time to react as Takato moved in and dropped low before shoving his palm upward into the creature's torso as he faced him. The impact created rather deep and widespread cracks in its stone flesh, also knocking the wind out of the creature.

Then, in came Hudson's flail-like maces. A pair of them smacked into the creature, sending him stumbling a bit more from the impacts. Loque went to strike the creature from behind, but narrowly avoided being hit by Hudson's maces. As the creature turned to swing its massive axe at Loque, Henderson's fist collided with its face. The punch knocked the creature to the floor, where it stayed only for a brief moment before being stabbed by Senya in the side. It yelped in pain, before climbing to its feet once more. Just in time to be skewered by Anya's own weapon. The blade pierced through a soft spot on the creature's back, forcing its way through before bursting from the creature's chest. She then released the sword as the creature fell to its knees, before grabbing the demon's axe off the floor, and planting the blade of the battle axe into the top of the creature's head. Killing it instantly.

Twice more she repeated her action, yanking the axe out just to replant it into its skull. As if she were trying to split a block of wood. Upon the third impact, the creature's head split apart, and it fell over. Blood spurted out, spreading across the floor of the crypt.

Vincent glanced over to Gödrun after a moment, and raised an eyebrow as the woman had paused her attack after Anya had killed the creature. "Guess you can smite the next one." he said, before looking to the others. "Lets keep going. There's likely more up ahead, so keep your guard up."
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Inari quickly spun around in one fluid motion after her initial strike, prepared to move back in, but that proved unnecessary - the beast was already beset on by several other members of the inquiry. The entire scene reminded her of a few assassinations over the years. An officer, or noble, strolling about only to be rushed by several unseen or disguised assailants. Each needed to only stab their target once before they were left dead, pierced by a dozen blades. The demon was dead the moment they arrived.

There was little for her blade to drink, but the fight was sufficient for it. For the moment, at least. Its flesh had been like stone and that had surprised her, figuring it to have been more illusion or outer appearance.

Anya had delivered a delightful killing blow, and the kitsune woman smiled even wider.

"Ahaha... that the good kind of passion to see!" She remarked with a laugh, offering a thumbs up in a gesture that mimicked Senya's occasional gesturing. She rather liked doing that. Hopefully there would be some fleshy creatures ahead - killing stone didn't have the same joyous feeling.
Hudson yanked his sword back in a quick motion to bring the chained mace to his position. It soared through the air briefly before he caught the length in his grasp and slowly worked to wrapping it about his waist once again. Once complete he nodded to Vincent, already fixated on moving on as Inari spouted her nonsense.

The grisly death Anya had given the demon was enough to remind him of the sort of people he was down here with. Monsters and murderers of all kinds, so hellbent on loosing their mad bloodlust or 'passion'. These creatures they would fight do not need to be excessively mutilated in blind rage or elation. It was one of the only things separating them from being like those monsters. The hunter did not look at Anya or anyone else as he forged on.
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Takato swiftly maneuvered away from the demon just as he had approached it, maintaining his posture from a close distance as Hudson followed him up. While he kept himself at the ready, it was clear that the others would, in their succession, finish off the threat.

The brutality shown in Anya's execution caused his expression to shift into one of a forlorn nature, but there wasn't much that could be done to prevent it - not that anyone seemed too displeased about it. Takato relaxed his posture slightly, able still to return to it if need be, as he looked over to the others - Hudson moving on as he seemed to do regularly after Vincent spoke. There wasn't much reason for Takato not to do the same, and so, moved on as he ignored Inari's words.
The swiftness at how all of them attacked this creature all at once amuses Loque a bit as she stares at it's bloody and torn apart body, a little surprised at the fact it never even had a chance to strike back before getting slaughtered. Less amusing however was how Hudson came this close to sending her right into a world of hurt with his maces; she gestures angrily at him because of his lack of situational awareness. Nevertheless, Loque isn't one to let a good dead body go to waste, so she kneels down, lifts one of its limbs, pops her mask open, and takes a nice hefty bite out of it before rising back to her feet. She also contemplates taking with her the demon's battleaxe. It's definitely a step up from her trench club, and should they remain quiet, she'll need it.

"Anya, will you allow me to use that?" she asks her.
Having killed the demon in brutal fashion, and having struck it twice more than was necessary, Anya finally straightened up a bit and revealed her wolf-like appearance to the group. While not fully transformed, she appeared utterly monstrous and let out an unintelligible word before baring her teeth, or perhaps grinning, at her bloody handiwork. She dropped the axe at Loque's feet and stepped up to the body, yanking loose her short sword and basking in Inari's praise. Beneath her greatcoat, her tail was wagging.
Riberta watched Anya and Inari for a few moments, letting her claymore rest on her shoulder again, before shaking her head and following after the others. Once Loque had procured the large black demonic axe, the group proceeded on through the crypt. The crypt was a mostly long, horizontal room, with barely any light to speak of. They managed to avoid bumping into or tripping over coffins and caskets, and also avoided walking through large cobwebs that hadn't already been removed by the demon that they had slaughtered. It seemed that there had been hollows here as well, but they had been dispatched by the demon. Their corpses were scattered about, beheaded or sliced in half by the large axe Loque was now carrying.

Soon, around a corner near the stairs to the next level of the crypt, they saw a light. There was sound too, but at the moment it was talking. A pair of demons were up ahead, sitting around a small fire and munching on what appeared to be the meat of some sort of creature. More meat was on a metal rod, sitting over the fire in front of them. The stairs near them were clear, leading upward towards the next level. Perhaps they could sneak by them and just keep going up to the main floor of the cathedral?

Vincent turned to the others, and went to say something, but his eyes went wide when he witnessed Riberta throw something at one of the demons. She had found a skull, and pitched it at the back of one of the demons' head. It collided, shattering and forcing a yelp out of the short pinkish demon. Both popped up, snatching up their weapons and dropping their food onto the cold stone floor. Vincent sighed and rolled his eyes, before speaking. "You know the drill. Melee only." he said, turning his attention back to the demons.
Senya was one of the first to take the fight to them. She raised her shield up and sword to the demon Riberta threw a skull at. The Red Warden got up close, making a horizontal swipe.
"Riberta, no-" whispers Loque. Too late. Well, at least she can try this new axe out. Senya picked a target already, so Loque picks the other and charges at them swinging.
Hudson shot Riberta a look as the demons were quickly alerted of their presence, his patience wouldn't last if this was to be their strategy going forward. Quickly he moved ahead of the others, pulling on his chain to unfurl one of Velin's Tears yet again. This time he spun the weapon at an even faster rate, the flame caught within a burning circle of shimmering light that he cast out into the darkness. It sails past Loque, barely missing her before the long chain curves from the angle the hunter threw it at. He was attempting to ensnare the demon with his iron chains, the weight of the mace at its end beginning to close around its legs to trip it.
Inari lingered in the middle of the advance to avoid the cobwebs which seemed to float by at random. Yucky things. This ultimately proved dismaying as, when they encountered more demons up ahead, she wasn't in a position to take to the battle as the first one. The others were in her way and she clacked her teeth loudly in frustration until she was able to dart forwards. She saw Hudson's chains already flailing about in the air, and she didn't want to get caught up in that mess, so she went towards the demon Senya was fighting to help the swordswoman out. Inari slid forwards, going for a low strike to the demon's legs.
Takato just quickly sighed, as he reshifted his posture back into a keiyiken fighting position. Noting Senya and Inari going for one demon, and Loque and Hudson for the other, he decided to shift into monkey style. He prepared himself to assist against the demon Loque and Hudson were facing, but he was ready to shift to the other demon if need be, moving in.
Anya lunged when the others leaped, but she stopped herself. Instead, she flung herself into the shadows once again and took a more careful position, perhaps waiting to strike until after the enemy had already made its move, if they survived their initial onslaught. In truth, she could feel her conscience slipping away. There was no shame in killing demons, but the wolf had trouble telling apart demons from humans, friends from foes. She wanted to slow down and keep what was left of her thinking side in control.
The Cathedral of Sheol - The Crypt (Lower Levels) - Battle 2 - TURN 1
Staircase Guards (Two Fleshy Demons - Type 1, HP = 5 respectively)
Senya = 5. Does 1 DMG to Guard 1. Guard 1 HP = 4.

Loque = 9. Does 1 DMG to Guard 2. Guard 2 HP = 4.
Hudson attempts to trip the second guard with his flail. D6 used. Chance Roll = 6. Chance successful. Guard 2 trips, and stuns itself for a turn.
Inari = 9. Does 1 DMG to Guard 1. Guard 1 HP = 3.
Takato = 4. Misses Guard 2.
Gödrun = 7. Does 1 DMG to Guard 1. Guard 1 HP = 2.

Riberta = 7. Does 3 DMG (Ruthless Warlord) to Guard 1. Automatic Execution. Guard 1 dead.

The Cathedral of Sheol - The Crypt (Lower Levels) - Battle 2 - TURN 1 (ENEMY)
Guard 2 cannot attack. Stunned.

Members of the group quickly rushed in, picking their targets to engage as the demons moved towards them. Senya struck first, surprisingly quick for a woman wearing plate armor. She sliced across the creature's torso horizontally, carving a gash that quickly began to bleed profusely. These demons were apparently fleshy, unlike the stone one they had fought before. They bled just like humans. Inari struck next, coming in low and arcing her blade at an angle downward. Her sword cleaved through the demon's thigh, slicing a chunk out of it and forcing the demon to yell out in pain. The creature's pain was added onto quite quickly, as Gödrun's flaming blade sliced off one of the creature's arms. And then, the killing blow came from Riberta, as she stepped forward and drove her claymore tip first through the creature's face and down into its torso. She shoved it farther through, before gripping the handle and arcing the blade over her head. The demon went with the blade, flying clear over her, before the blade collided with the stone floor. The momentum forced the demon to continue to the floor, being bisected by the blade inside it.

Meanwhile, Loque and Hudson moved in to engage the second demon. Loque's axe caught the creature across the shoulder, effectively destroying the bones inside and forcing the creature to drop the small buckler shield it was using. Then, Hudson's flail wrapped around the creature's legs, forcing it to trip when it tried to move. The fall to the ground forced Takato to miss his strike as he moved in.
He grit his teeth as the flail wrapped about the demon's legs, causing it to topple over with a quick tug before he made his follow up. With the creature pulled prone, Hudson continued to pull on the chain as he rapidly closed the distance on his target. With a flourish of his sword he made an attempt to plunge his blade right through the demon's neck, taking advantage of its immobilized state.
Loque winds up for another strike, bringing the axe down as hard as she can in the demon one more time. If he’s lucky, it’ll put him down for good this time.
A dark figure zips up in the air and materializes, the click of the sheath was heard, Wesley grabbed his dagger with both of his hands and intends to plunge it to the Demon's heart as he falls back to the ground.
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Takato shifted from monkey style back into swallow style, as the demon's tripping forced him to miss his incoming strike. Moving back in order to prepare his next strike, Hudson, Loque and Wesley all rushed in to finish off the demon. Takato just kept himself at the ready, able to jump in himself, but knowing that if everything went well, he wouldn't need to.
When it was clear the demon Senya sought to attack died in its efforts, the others immediately switched focus on the last one. This time she made a vertical slash against the demon while everyone took part.

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