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"Do not listen to him, Jakob!" Theodore snapped towards the Constable "A creature of the abyss does not uphold it's bargains when it has the upper hand in negotiations."
Jakob's face went pale when the demon mentioned his son. Flashbacks to his son's dying words crossed his mind for a moment, and his hand twitched as the demon suggested the deal. But instead of responding, he slowly climbed from the carriage and approached the demon. Eventually, he stood right next to Sazak, the muzzle of the revolver pressed against the demon's forehead. "Mention my son again, and I swear to the divine that I'll blow your damn brains out." Jakob's voice had shifted from the sweet, calm tone to a more rough and angry sound.
"...I touched a nerve." responded Sazak, her eyes crossing as she looked to the gun barrel touching her forehead. She slowly reached up and took Jakob's hand, lowering it down. Her touch was like ice, honestly. It matched the paleness of her skin as well as her gaze. "...I apologize. I'll also forgive you for your transgression against me as well...do try to refrain from touching me in the future." she said, as the gun barrel soon pointed towards the ground. The remark about touching her seemed to bear a nasty tinge of hatred as it flowed forth.
When Sazak had defused the situation by herself, Erwin reached out and pulled Jakob back by his collar.

"We're not here to resurrect anyone, devil." He said as he stepped between Jakob and Sazak.
"We want the information you have about that trueblood and the ilk she works for. Whats your price?". Erwins voice was bore a similar angryness towards the demon, but not quite as personally hostile.
"Hmm..." Sazak looked upon Erwin for a moment, eyeing his face where the collar ended. She slowly started to reach up towards where his collar was, interested to see the face beneath it as a smile creeped across her face. She finally paused. "...Show me your face, and I'll give you a little more information." she said, finally. The request seemed genuine, really.
Camille sat on her horse and observed the conversation from a fair distance before Jakob's outburst, prompting a roll of her eyes before she stepped down from her steed. Walking slowly and calmly she put a hand to Jakob's back, touching him so lightly that it can feel like she's not even there. "A demon, mmnh? We have been here but a week or so and things only grow in intensity with each passing day. Ah, it is refreshing." she starts, smirking before looking to Jakob. "I do not know much of demons, other than they are compulsive liars and to never make deals with them. Do not feel saddened over how it gained your ire, constable, these fickle beings feed off of our misery." the Escarian says, at least phrasing her words in the most comforting way she could manage.

Stepping away from Jakob she drew closer to the center of the group, eyeing the demon with a hand on her hip. "I think any information we get without offering up something like our souls or sanity would either be wholly false or lead us into a trap, if the stories are true. This is not worth our time or energy, even if the thing has ties to Cassandra."
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Erwin eyed Sazak with intense eyes, and then turned to cast some glances at the other party members. He then returned his focus to the demon.

Grabbing the rifle by the barrel to free up his right hand, he slowly removed his hat and his collar. Behind the mask lay the weathered face of a man in his mid 40's. His aged features might have been unremarkable, were it not for the grizzly scar on the left side of his face. It ran from his ear across his cheek down to his chin. Something had definitely been wrong with whatever beast layed the mark upon him, because it was clear that it had not healed correctly.

"Well..." He said through pressed teeth in his deep voice as he gripped his hat. "A deals a deal."
Jakob was ready to shoot the damned creature, but thankfully he was yanked away by Erwin whom stood between Jakob and the demon. The memories of Abraham and his last moments in the world slowly creeped into Jakob's mind, but thankfully the voice of Camille helped to distract him. "I swear if that thing mentions my boy again..." he said, before letting out a frustrated groan. "Thank you, madame", he said, before slowly backing away from the group. As Erwin complied with the request from the demon, he stared at Erwin's scar. What was the story behind such a grizzly wound?
"...Very interesting. I've seen marks like that throughout my time here in the mortal realm. Most were from werebears." said Sazak, studying the scars on Erwin's face. "You shouldn't hide it. Embrace it. Battle scars build character." She motioned to a scar across the left side of her mouth. "Show the world what you really are." This coming from a demon was certainly odd.

She looked to Camille as she spoke up. "Do not refer to me as if I am not here. Also, the information I provide is always truthful. Unlike some other demons, I actually have standards." she stated, before looking back to Erwin. "I can save you some time on your trip in search of Cassandra. She will not be in Tresomin, but she will be attending a party near it. When you reach Tresomin, ask around. You'll find out where. Also, I hope you brought fine clothes to wear, because its a formal affair. You know how vampires are. You should also be aware that there are humans helping Cassandra as well, provided by her employer."
Galina simply scoffed at Sazak's threat. After a while, as the conversation progressed, she lowered her rifle to her hip.

What is Witlock waiting for? We have the numbers and firepower- victory is assured.

Galina listened in silence. She studied Sazak's every feature. Weaknesses. Any opening or advantage that could be used.
Ethraeil audibly chuckled when Sazak mentioned standards. "That's so RICH coming from a demon. Do you pretend to have morals too? Maybe feelings as well while you're at it?"

It seemed as if the very presence of Sazak was making Ethraeil more angry than he needed to be. Frost began to accumulate around his fist as he gripped it even tighter. It took a great deal of willpower to restrain himself.
Sazak looked to Ethraeil, past Erwin and the others. "I've changed over these countless years. I'm sure you have as well." she said, flashing him a smile. Eventually, Valeria spoke up. "Ethraeil, control yourself. Let's not provoke her."

Sazak looked to Valeria for a moment, her smile inching into a grin. "Yes...you should listen to the young inquisitor."
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Ethraeil remained deathly silent for a moment, his cold gaze remaining fixed on Sazak. For a moment he truly considered attacking the demon, but the little bit of rational thinking in his head managed to dissuade him. "I need to take a walk." Ethraeil said bluntly to Valeria as he walked off into the woods to collect his thoughts.
From the moment the encounter began, Mariette remained glued to the conversation, unable to see it taking place from within the curtained carriage but nonetheless listening closely. She had felt a dangerous aura in the area, but things had progressed so quickly that she hadn't been able to predict what would come. And now this "Sazak" was released. Mariette had never seen a demon before, and so now this inquiry had brought her to see another form of supernatural, but she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to see it with her own eyes. But when Sazak mentioned the Romanov werewolf, Mariette's expression shifted; she nearly winced in pain as the creature revealed there was a live source of the blood for ongoing use, but that it was out of reach... if Cassandra was draining just enough to keep the pitiful thing alive, then there wouldn't be enough for Mariette.

She flopped back in the seat, feeling defeated, until her mind came back to reality and she realized there was a much more important question she should be exploring. Again the door to the carriage flung open and was filled by the expanding black surface of her parasol, which announced her appearance with a familiar "fwop!" Her approach was rather cautious and filled with curiosity, rather than outright hatred. When she felt she had approached enough, she asked, peering at Sazak fearfully from under the rim of her parasol, "Madame... Did Cassandra see through my illusion? In other words, does she know we're coming?"
Sazak looked to Mariette as she asked her question before raising her finger. "I can't answer that, unless you propose to make a deal with me. Fair trade, of course...and at the moment, you don't exactly have anything I'm interested in, Countess Vampire. Besides your soul, of course, and that kind of information isn't worth the price of your soul. Is it?" she said, motioning to Mariette. "I can, however, give you some advice. Fear is a mindkiller. I hear your friend Camille here knows that lesson rather well. The problem is...she hasn't known true fear yet."
Mariette took a long, stress-filled breath before turning to the others. "We should probably assume that she knows," she said, painfully, "even if she doesn't. But... it feels too convenient to me that Cassandra would leave a demon chained up in the woods so close to the path she knew we would take. The murders that brought us to Bromwich were bait, and this feels like bait... Mademoiselle Valeria, I believe we are being lured deep into a trap right now."
"Maybe, maybe not. I did answer your questions truthfully, though. If you believe me or not, that is up to you." comments Sazak, before turning around and strolling over to a large rock. She climbs atop it, and promptly sits down. "You should be on your way if you wish to make it to that party on time. Maybe her employer will be there." she says offhandedly as she begins to inspect her fingernails, as if she had just had an Escarian manicure.

Valeria eyed the demon, before looking to the others. "...Sadly the information we already have, and what this demon has told us, is all we have to go on. We need to be as cautious as possible. Prepare for everything we can." she said, looking among each of them. She then cut a look back to the demon, whom was gazing upon her with a smile. Head propped against her fist as her elbow sat on her knee. It was, quite frankly, creepy.

"Jakob, fetch Ethraeil." said Valeria finally, motioning towards Jakob.
As Ethraeil walked through the woods, he could hear whispers in the wind as he trudged in anger. The painful memories of the past were flooding into his vision in full force. At one point he stopped and leaned on a tree, his vision towards the ground. He clutched a hand to his skull as he shook his head, silently begging for it to stop. As he looked up, he found himself in another place, and another time. It was a battlefield lost to the mists of time, and hordes of undead fought legions of abyssal spawn in a bloody stalemate. He could hear it as if he was there, and he ran through it with anger and fear.

He struck his blade, a demon warrior was cut in two. Another he ripped it's soul out of its body and consumed it's very essence in a flash of a second. The battle raged as Ethraeil struggled to determine what was real and what wasn't. He then saw him, fighting in the distance. The Prime Evil, his eternal enemy. He stood and watched as the being towered over everything and subsequently destroyed anything in its path.

Suddenly he snapped back to reality. And he found himself amidst a few felled trees, destroyed by his hand. He then sat on a small stone and sighed in relief that it was over.
Camille scoffed at Sazak's comment, hand still on her hip as she rolled her eyes. "I have known true fear, demon. Frankly I am scared of many things." she defends. "But I know how to use my fear to my advantage." The Escarian huntress soon shook her head from side to side, asking herself why she was even bothering to communicate with the demon. When Witlock spoke up she seemed to say what she had been thinking, there was no point in trying to get information out of this demon.

"Senior Inquisitor. What are we to do with this thing? I'd prefer if we either do away with it or cut out its tongue so it can quit rambling so much."
"For once I agree with Camille." Said Galina, fingers tapping against her rifle.

"It's either something like that or make somekind of deal with her to keep her off our backs. Honestly I don't like either of our options."
"Or we give it something to chew on." Theodore said while twirling something in between his fingers. Closer inspection revealed to be a stick of dynamite. "Escarian cooking is all the rage with the aristocracy, no?"
Jakob was fixated on the demon as it crawled up and sat down on the rock, before being startled by Valeria's sudden orders. "Y-Yes, ma'am!" he said, giving her a quick salute. He took a few steps towards the carriage, before looking quickly back to Valeria. "Oh! Oh! I have a plan, ma'am! Bear with me! I'll tell you when I return!" he said, before quickly walking down the path that Ethraeil had gone. "Bone man!" he shouted, looking about through the trees. "Bone man! Where are you! We gotta go!"

As he made his way through the woods, Jakob could hear distant destruction caused by...something. He drew his sidearm and carefully made his way towards the source. He was surprised to find that it was the lich himself, sitting in the middle of the mess he had just caused. Jakob holstered his weapon, and approached quietly before poking the back of his skull. "Chilling out?" he asked, with a goofy grin on his face.
"Don't worry, I won't get involved. I'll watch from afar. I just want to see how Cassandra dies." she said, rolling her eyes at the suggestions that the others gave. "And sweetheart, you haven't known true fear till you've looked hmgmjesr in the eyes." she added, cutting Camille a glare in particular. The word that Sazak had said irritated all that heard it, registering as gibberish and causing a sharp pain deep inside the skull. There were just some words and languages that man was not meant to hear.
Watching the other inquisitors inch toward a fight like attack dogs straining against leashes deeply worried Mariette. They had been too bold in releasing Sazak, and now they seemed rather bold in challenging her without knowing exactly what she was capable of. She slunk back toward the carriage and even gave the slightest bow toward the demon as if to say "adieu, this is out of my hands, now."
Camille brought a few fingers to her forehead at the utterance of the demon, wincing in discomfort before shaking it off. While she would have preferred not to fight such a lowly creature, she was certainly prepared to do it if things would get to that point. However when it came to the goal of the inquiry she saw this as a terrible waste of time, each passing minute a reminder of the pureblood skulking throughout the region. "Yet I am certain you would be more than happy to have a few fool's souls in your clutches at the same time. You aren't fooling any of us, demon." she spits back.

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