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Senya heard a voice coming behind, tilting her head to the left. She quickly turned, seeing an angel. It’s a rare sight to find an angel and this one was looking for her with a specific reason. Senya walked a little bit closer to inspect the angel, light eyes, blonde hair, gentle demeanor. When Cassiel offered interesting work, she had to ask from who?

“Usually I’m the one who finds work. But an angel? What’s the offer?” Senya asked.
September 25th, 1880

Above the skies of Eternis, a raven flew overhead inconspicuously to most. It seemed as if it was any normal bird in the sky at these times, though the color was a bit off as was its size. It was a bit too big for a raven. Nonetheless, the people at Eternis who chanced upon seeing it were none the wiser as they went about their day. The raven itself however, was on its way to a very particular location: the cathedral. As it flew closer, it descended closer to the ground to get a better view of the place before finding a place to land overall. Using an open door as an entrance, the raven flew into the cathedral itself much to the annoyance of one of the priests near the entrance.

"Damn it, it will probably take a week to coax it out of here properly." the priest said to a few nearby colleagues, a few of whom were inquisitors. What he didn't expect however was for the raven to begin changing in a swirl of smoke and feathers into a man right before his eyes. Venextos only looked at the man and smiled, which caused the priest to cry out.

"INTRUDER!" he yelled out as the inquisitors nearby immediately sprung into action and surrounded him with blades and guns pointed at the sorcerer.

"Please, there's need for that. I only seek an audience." Venextos said almost cheerfully.
These had been stressful days in Redgorge, as of late, due to the rather hostile encounter with the inquisitors of both Orders. The mayor sent letters whom shared support with the people of Redgorge, but due to some trouble in Clayborne, there wouldn't be any military backup to help the town. Jakob knew what this meant. The king and governor were too scared to do this directly, and would only act if Velin herself did something against the crown. But so far, the Goddess did not show up. Jakon started to believe that he was right, and that the Goddess knew she couldn't actually do anything. Its the will of the people against the will of one petulant little being...a being that could easily kill them all, but regardless. it'd be insane for her to actually do it.

Still the fear of Velin showing up had most of the townsfolk riled up. Constables were patrolling the borders alongside some local Hunter's Guild residents that were on leave from their own duties. Detectives from the agency were also helping in these duties. If the goddess or the inquisition showed up, the militia would be gathered, armed, and ready to fight. Jakob was sitting behind his desk, drinking a shot of whiskey and still waiting for Father Weston's letter regarding any information that he could get on the investigation into Sazak. Eventually, he hid his whiskey in his desk, and walked outside. He needed fresh air, and he was getting tired of the cigar smoke from the other detectives.

Outside, Jakob was simply admiring the new buildings that had been built around his old house over the years. It was impressive how much Redgorge had grown since he had returned from Airedale. But that quiet admiration was suddenly interrupted by a figure landing on the ground a few feet in front of him. Jakob looked at the man for a while, confused, before speaking. "...Can I help you?"
Wesley smile was hidden by his facemask and thought up a very clever plan, "Looks like he hasn't recognize me yet... time to mess with him a little."

The Hunter stood up from his kneeling position and walked over to where Jakob was, he pulled down his cloak more to conceal his vampiric blood eyes, "Are you Jakob Phillomon? If you may, I'd like to ask an inquiry about a person who went missing"
That voice! And that slightly noticable Highland accent! Jakob raised an eyebrow. "Wesley...what the fuck are you doing?" He gave the young vampire a smile, then gave him a friendly hug. "First time meeting each other in three years, and you try to act all mysterious? Boy, you're the only highlander vampire I know. You think I won't recognize your accent? Or your voice? Think again." He then broke the hug, and patted him on the back. "I've been looking for you forever, man. What happened to you? What's with all the dark clothing?" He paused for a moment, before speaking again. "And what are you asking? So far, you, Galina, Rosanna, and Ethraeil have been missing...I know Ethy is in the Abyss, and you're here, so..."
"Well...I should probably inform you of the job first. After all, it is quite dangerous." said Cassiel, glancing towards the massive grand cathedral in the distance. "...My lady Velin is gathering a group of individuals to venture into the Abyss. In an effort to retrieve a trapped inquisitor as well as attempt to retrieve a few ancient artifacts. And potentially slay an Abyssal Icon. I believe you would be perfect for such a task." He looked back to the Warden. "...If you are up for the task, I'm sure the Church can cover whatever you ask for in price."
So the rumors are true, the Hunters are gathering anyone they can find just so they can enter the Abyss themselves. It sounded a bit desperate now that she realized the goal. Senya thought about the job, it wasn't a solo contract but a group effort. That makes it easy, but potentially difficult in the long run.

"I can handle the job. But since you've mentioned a group will be entering the Abyss, I'd like to know who will I be working with. If you can provide that information." Senya asked. She only wanted to know the risks involved with all the available intel they had. Because once a Warden takes on a contract, there was no going back on their word.
Cassiel nodded. "There will be a senior inquisitor leading the mission. A demon hunter by the name of Vincent Beaumont. Assisting him will be a member of the Order of Velin named Hudson. At the moment, there are two others joining the mission. A vampire/werewolf hybrid by the name of Riberta, and a...well, man by the name of Henderson. I'm sure there will likely be other unsavory types joining in the mission, as the risk of death is quite high. But the mission is of importance, and must be undertaken."
Hmm, the names weren't ringing a bell and it wasn't much but it'll have to do. She wasn't surprised they were using hybrids to enter considering the risk. Cassiel mentioned this is a very important job for the Church. She needed to know why. Senya nodded, "You said the mission is important that a group must venture in the Abyss. Would this have to do with all of the recent events in the past few years?"
"Yes. I'm sure you've heard about, or at least heard snippets about, an incident on Grimtham Isle up north?" replied Cassiel. "The Icon of Vainglory has his hands on two artifacts, after using one of the inquisitors to get them. That's why all these long dead races and locales are suddenly reappearing in the present time...one of the artifacts can manipulate time."
“Two artifacts? I suppose that explains the reappearance of the Elves and other races then.” When it came to Cassiel’s explanation about the demons stealing these Divine artifacts it can only grow worse should they get more in the process. Senya nodded, still figuring out what this could mean for everyone.

“It’s not everyday I witness demons stealing divine artifacts to use for their own gain. I now understand why the Hunters are taking this job, but I question how could this all happen with the Church having a large influence among Adonia. Time getting involved will only stretch their resources. I presume that’s why you were searching for me.”
Northern Nivarden

Snowflakes were slowly descending towards the white surface below. Gentle winds guided them past tall pines and down onto the ground where they became a drop in a sea of white. One of the snowflakes however collided with a metallic surface, adding on to a small pile of snow around the camouflaged rifle barrel. A pair of azure eyes blinked from behind the weapon. Nothing more but a hood was visible on the sniper as they watched for prey.

Waiting patiently prey soon arrived. A dozen weathered mercenaries wearing long-coats and fur-cloaks were advancing through the forest. With heavy steps the men, mostly Tsavanian Royal Hunters, approached a lone cabin sitting by itself. The cabin had been carefully masked by a hand-woven camouflage netting and piles of snow. A pillar of smoke rose from the slim metal chimney.

To the sniper this scene was familiar. She had seen it in a vision days ago and had expected the mercenaries for just as long.

Signaling for his troops to halt the lead mercenary stopped and took a knee. As he opened up a part of his coat to retrieve a pair of binoculars the uniform underneath was briefly visible. An inquisitor. The man scoped the cabin silently while his men trained their weapons at it. After a while the binoculars were tucked away and a hand gestured for the mercenaries to move forward. They were getting close now.

Suddenly one of the man stepped on a pressure plate. Three sharpened spikes deployed from underneath the snow and impaled the man through his chest. His screaming broke the silence of the forest and caused birds to flee in fear. At the same time another wire connected to the same pressure plate caused a small bush to move sideways. The mercenaries reacted as anticipated; crouching down before opening fire on the non-existing enemy.

This would prove to be a fatal mistake. A shot rang out from the sniper, killing one of the mercenaries. By the time his comrades noticed his demise another one was thrashing around in the snow as a bullet had pierced his neck. One of the men cursed and started to sprint towards the cabin. His charge was abruptly stopped as he fell down into a pit covered in sharp poles, killing him instantly.

Unlike their mercenary companions the Royal Hunters and the Lone Inquisitor didn't panic. No, they were trying to track down the sniper. Realizing that they were being shot from behind they opened up with automatic fire. One of the men was shot right before the sniper got up to take cover. In the stress of combat it would look like a piece of the snowy ground got up on two legs and sprinted away.

The sniper hoisted her rifle onto her back and pulled out two pistols. Opening fire another two men died. By now most of the mercenaries had died to traps and sniper fire while only two hunters and the inquisitor remained. One of the hunters got into a sprint, trying to flank the sniper. It was a good plan up until the moment he got close to her. Turning her eyes towards him he stopped dead in his tracks. Words were spoken in an ancient tongue. The man widened his eyes and started to breathe faster and faster. He collapsed into a panic as he watched his entire life shatter over and over until his heart gave up.

Calling for his comrade the other hunter laid down covering fire while advancing. Upon seeing his friend slump to the ground he hesitated momentarily, costing his life as the sniper peeked out and shot him twice in the chest.

Standing alone was the Lone Inquisitor. He was taking cover behind a tree. In his hands were a shotgun loaded with golden bullets. "Galina Kholdova!" He called out. "Surrender now and I'll give you a quick death!" There was no response. He cursed and chuckled to himself. "I should have brought more men."

A sudden cold made him turn his head. Before he could react he was on his knees with a hand around his neck. In front of him was the masked sniper staring down at him with her azure eyes. Slowly the sniper removed her hood and mask. It was Galina Kholdova alright, though she had changed. Running alongside her left cheek and down her neck was a marking of some kind. It flashed irregularly, shifting into a ghastly bright blue color.

The inquisitor spat on the ground. "You freak. No wonder the Tsavanians are so eager to burn you from their history. Turn yourself over. Let us end your misery."

Galina shook her head. "No."

Laughing the inquisitor shook his head. "You're dead. They'll keep sending men like me. Know that the next time they'll send two dozen- the Church does not repeat it mistakes."

Galina responded with a chuckle. "You're a blind man."

"I'm a loyal man," replied the inquisitor. Galina nodded. "Yes, yes you are. You are also a dead man."

The man froze up as his heart just stopped. Galina let his neck go, causing him to collapse into the snow. She sighed and looked around her. It was time to move again.

Upon entering her cabin Galina began to collect her belongings. It wasn't much- never was. Enough to fit in a rucksack alongside some food rations and the little ammunition she still had left, not counting the bullets she had scavenged from the now-deceased intruders. Where would she go this time? Farther up north? West? East? She shook her head. South?

She had seen her visions. Sazak. Velin. Death. What could she possibly do? Where could she help? She didn't even know where any of others from the Inquiry were. Were they even alive at this point? Galina didn't know. She had been on the run for so long. Perhaps it was time to stop trying to hide. Perhaps it was time to fight back?

Taking a deep breath Galina nodded. It was time.
Cassiel nodded again. "Indeed, along with others. Velin wishes to conserve church forces for things here." he responded, before glancing in the direction of the trainyard. "Should you be interested, please make your way to the cathedral. Inform the priests there that Cassiel sent you. They will know what to do. I have another matter to attend to." A moment later, he vanished from the Warden's view. Simply disappearing into thin air.

Elsewhere, he would reappear. Just next to an extravagantly dressed woman in a mask who's butler was following close behind. "A demon in Eternis? My...you're a brave one." he said, with a smile. "Come to request assistance getting back to the Abyss? Or simply paying a visit to this beautiful city?" He then glanced to the butler, and the box in his hands. "...Or something a little more sinister?"

The inquisitors and priests gathered around Venextos, refusing to believe that the man had appeared simply for an audience. Then, Velin's voice could be heard over the chaos of their movement and threats. "Magic? Few still use magic in this era of technological marvels. Explain yourself, wizard, or I will smite you where you stand for desecrating this grand cathedral." spat Velin, as she promptly approached from the steps. Her bastard sword gripped tightly in hand.
The angel quickly disappeared out of thin air. Perhaps she could learn more at the large cathedral. But from the way Cassiel explained things and tensions rising between Adonia, the Church's pulling every move just to get things under control. She sighed, heading over to the cathedral. Eventually she joined inside, observing the interior.
"A demon in Eternis? My...you're a brave one."

Oh dear. She’s been made. The one thing she really hoped wouldn’t happen. Even before Cassiel had spoken, she felt something tingling up and down her spine in the seconds he appeared. It’s a feeling she hadn’t felt in a very, very long time, but she recognized it instantly. She immediately freezes and slowly turns around to face Cassiel. Her butler does the same, having noticed something was wrong.

Smoke gently flies out of the holes in her mask as she speaks back to him. “Even braver is an angel daring to show his face to me.” Her voice changed in that brief moment, sounding like a rusted knife being scraped against rounded glass. It was harsh and shrill, as if she conjured the words from the back of a jagged throat. It was harsh enough her butler had to step back and hold his head for a moment, slightly dazed on what he’s hearing. Worryingly, she glances back at him for a second, not meaning to cause him harm.

“Leave us alone.” she says, back in a normal tone. “This is a private affair between the church and I.”
"And it will quickly escalate to a very public affair between you and Velin...the Goddess herself is in that cathedral." he responded. "But I'm not here to fight or argue with you. I do have a proposition for you, though." He smiled. "Who knows, you might have a little fun. It just depends on if you're fine with slaying your Abyssal kin."
"Ah, Lady Velin." Venextos said with a small bow. He would have to choose his next words carefully, as he didn't find it in anyone's best interest to be struck down. Even for the sorcerer it was hard to maintain his composure when facing the power of a god in front of him. "It's an honor. As I tried to explain to your subordinates I seek an audience... for I know of the nature of the mission that is to happen soon. And as such, I offer my help."

"I do apologize if I have transgressed you in any way, it was not my intention to do so."
Velin grunted. How did he know of the Abyssal mission? "...I assume Cassiel told you, or that damned demon Tariun." she responded. "Next time, knock. Its better than suddenly appearing and scaring the hell out of my children. Who are you, sorcerer? Are you of the Raven Court?" She motioned for her inquisitors and the priests to move away, as she stepped up before him. She towered over the man, her sword still tightly clenched in hand. "A secret club of scholars and mages that possess far more knowledge than for their own good. And power they shouldn't have. If I knew where your secret society met, I would have purged it a long time ago."
“Well... you’re in luck, angel. My so-called ‘kin’...” there’s a clear hint of disgust as she utters that word. “...are part of the reason why I am here in the first place.” Loque squints at the cathedral. If Velin herself was in there, then maybe it would be a good idea to wait until she leaves first. “And, if that spiteful bitch really is in there, then I suppose I have all the time in the world to listen to whatever it is you have to offer me.”

“So tell me!” she says, slowly creeping up towards him. “What would such a fine, pure, handsome angel such as yourself could possibly want with a lowly, filthy, and disgraceful member of the Abyss such as myself?”
"Yet, they are powers that can be used for the good of all Lady Velin. Though it is a view I have that many of my colleagues seem to... disagree with. They would much rather hide and protect their knowledge rather than do the right thing with it. As far as I know, I might not even be a member of the Court anymore." he explained with a chuckle before tilting his head slightly. "I am Venextos, madame."
Cassiel eyed the demon for a moment, as she approached. "My lady Velin is putting together a group to venture into the Abyss. The objective being to rescue an inquisitor that has been captured, along with a few artifacts, by the Icon of Vainglory. And if possible, slay the Icon." explained Cassiel. His voice was silky smooth, soothing to listen to. It made one feel almost warm inside, but to the ears, it was simply gibberish. The language of the angels. The demon knew exactly what he said, however.

"Powers that can be used for evil just as much as good. Which is why they are not needed, and should be locked away." responded Velin. She eyed the man for a moment, through the slit in her helmet, before grunting again. "...You can be used, though, for this mission. You may stay here in the cathedral until the time comes for the mission to begin. Cassiel is gathering others to join you."
The ride in the cage to the train depot is long and uncomfortable. The large female orc sits idly by, dried flakes of blood falling off her person with the occasional bump in the road. She was alone now, her kin had either died or fled when the machine guns opened up on the raiding party. She stayed to cover their retreat, the only thing she could do as a warchief was to ensure the survival of her kin. She isn't sure what the other warbands were up to, she overheard stories of camps being built for holding her ilk in one place to prevent their usual raiding behavior. She only knew that her band had to survive this odd turn of events. All of them were scattered and confused when they suddenly came back to this plane of existence. She managed to unite most of her former followers and weed out the others who decided to try and take the mantle of warchief from her.

Eventually after a couple days travel, the imprisoned orc was loaded onto a train. She tried to escape in the loading process by toppling the cage off the lifting device but the people in top hats seemed to know what her capabilities were and built the cage accordingly, she couldn't break the cage's fastenings to open it up by impacting with the ground. Now she sat in the dark of a cargo car with some various non-essential supplies being shipped to wherever. She was confused by this machine and contraption, she knew the humans used it to transport things as her warband had discovered that damaging the rails that the thing trundled along would cause disastrous results for the machinery. She didn't quite grasp guns at first either but after a few captured weapons filtered into her warband's armory, it became apparent that the humans had more or less streamlined killing implements to avoid melee engagements. She kinda wish she made it out with that one that just keep going when she held down the trigger before her capture, that one gave her a thrill like no other. The smell, the sounds, the carnage it caused, a very good weapon.

She's unsure of where she's going but from what she could understand, it was a place simply called Eternis, what a bizarre name, also very ominous. She hoped it wasn't one of those prison camps the carriage driver and his partner were ruminating about, but if it was, she'd find a way to liberate them. The train travelled for what seemed like an eternity, being locked in the dark with only the gaps in the doors giving any indication of when it was day and night made tracking time much harder. Eventually she arrived at her destination, loaded onto another carriage and sent on another ride. They've been nice enough to feed her and give her water so that she didn't starve or dehydrate, but it was nothing like what she used to eat.

Once that ride ended, she found herself being loaded and moved to some sort of human cathedral, this isn't exactly what she expected. She used to burn places like these to the ground back in the old times, she hopes this isn't some vengeful god's doing, making her go to church to atone or something like that. Either way, she's brought inside and moved to the basement and kept there in silence. It smells of must and dust. She remains silent and behaves for the most part, if she's in this place then she has no doubt that the people moving about had the capacity to kill her if she tried to escape.
“Ha! Did you hear that?” she jabs her butler on the arm, awkwardly adjusting herself afterwards when she realized he actually didn’t understand a word Cassiel just said.

She throws her arms out in exaggeration, almost in mockery of Cassiel and to emphasize how ridiculous his proposition sounds. “Fancy that! A little adventure! Right back into the pits I escaped from to save a man who blindly follows a god who wouldn’t hesitate to smite me without a thought!”

She straightens herself up again, taking on a more serious stance.

“Of course, I do love a fancy romp around the world now and then, but what you are asking of me is extremely monumental, quite self-destructive, and nigh inconceivable. This is far larger than what the church just asked of me, and I felt compelled to deliver this to them.” she gestures to the box in the butler’s hands. Something red is dripping from it.

“So I ask you now. What does that tinny little twat have to bribe me with for my participation in this task? It better be something good.
Within the cathedral inquisitorial floor, the sound of metal scraping was audible as it echoed throughout the halls. The source was a whetstone meeting the blade of a bastard sword, propped up against the demon hunter's shoulder as he drew the rock against the edge of his weapon. Hudson sat mostly in contemplation, his eyes half open as he went about the maintenance for one of his primarily tools to dispatch the Abyssal monsters that find their way to Adonia now and again. The man was rather anxious to get this mission underway, though with that he had his doubts that they would be very successful. The only thing he felt he could do now was make sure his skills would not fail him once he and the rest of the team were in that accursed place.

Finished with his upkeep of the sword, he set the whetstone down on the bench he was seated on and retrieved his weapon. Both hands worked their way along the grip, and he pointed it an angle, leveling the tip against a nonexistent horizon as one would do in a combative stance. The chain affixed to the hilt of the sword jangled quietly, the heavy mace-like implement on its end on the floor as the flames encased within it flickered gently. They were in sync with the similarly crafted artifacts on his person, the other two cages dangled off of his heavy coat as he sat there in silence. The blade was forged of pure iron, the seemingly humble practicality perhaps the most effective weapon one could level against demons. Their natural aversion and weakness to the metal meant that strikes from his bastard sword were often fatal.

The morose looking hunter was completely at home in the large room he had taken refuge in. It was a simple rectangular room built of cold and unfeeling stone, the only life and movement within being the dancing lamplight that kept things visible. Those dim rays cast out and revealed all manner of gruesome implement hanging upon the walls, from battle axes to swords of various sizes. Several training swords were also set against a wall, their points and edges forged dull on purpose to avoid grievous injury in spars. While he had spent a good majority of his days training in a room much like this when he first became a hunter, he could not help but notice how numb it made him feel to be here. There was no nostalgia, no comforting memories of past mentors and masters to recount, just simple decisions driven by necessity. The majority of his life felt like some kind of aimless dream, looking back on it, a husk of a man navigating through an unforgiving world. Only recently did he find some semblance of meaning to grasp on to, but it was not meant for him as he was now.

Hudson stood up from his seat and sheathed his sword, grasping the chain of that consecrated artifact to loop it onto a spot on his waist. Quietly he left the training room, skulking through the inquisitorial levels.
Senya inspected every angle of the Church's Cathedral, noticing the art windows crafted by artisans who probably had a deep respect for the Divine Five. The Warden could feel the energy knowing this is where the main force is located. But as she walked in, there was a group of priests and inquisitors leaving two individuals arguing about an important topic. She simply observed the conversation far away, not saying a word.

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